Thornstail burst into the infirmary, startling a couple of patients.
"Healer Beadlescombe! I need your help! My friend- plant. Plant friend. Yes, my plant friend was brought in here by accident earlier by Groundskeeper Rosie. I need them back. That plant means a lot to me."
Beadlescombe was sitting at her desk, writing up some patient reports. She continued writing. "That was your plant? I gave it to..." Healer Beadlescombe looked up at Thornstail. "Oh Morrigan, Professor you look awful. When was the last time you slept?"
"I got a full fifteen minutes on Saturday night. I'm fine. Please just tell me who you gave my plant to!"
"Professor, it's Wednesday. You lie down right now and get some rest or so help me Merlin I will forcefeed you a sleeping potion."
There were a few things Thornstail feared. Losing his loved ones, the dark, death to some extent. But nothing was scarier than the rage of Healer Beadlescombe.
"I suppose a quick nap wouldn't hurt." Thornstail muttered before collapsing onto the ground.
Healer Beadlescombe rolled her eyes and levitated the Professor to the bed.
"There we are. The perfect place for my newest treasure." Izaleon placed the plant down on an old trunk in his classroom. He stroked the leaves absentmindedly as he admired the shimmering golden ribbons.
And so there Plant Corvus remained for two days, being admired and tended to by Professor Izaleon while Thornstail slept in the infirmary. On the third day of the plantpire staying in Professor Izaleon's classroom, Izaleon was called to cover another class.
"Well I'm not leaving my treasure unattended for thieves to swipe." He muttered as he carried the plant pot to the cover class. It just so happened that the classroom Izaleon had been asked to teach in for the day had a small storage room in it. Izaleon opened the door to the storage room and placed his plant down on top of an old looking crate. "There. Now stay safe while I teach."
Izaleon straightened up one of the ribbons attached to the plant before leaving the storage room.
The storage room had two doors. One door was the door inside the classroom where Izaleon was currently teaching. The other door allowed access to the storage room from the main corridor.
And in through that second door walked Professor Wiggin, humming a cheerful tune.
"There's the Quodpot case! I knew I left it somewhere!" Professor Wiggin picked up the plant and smiled. "Wow. Plantdrew, huh? That's a pretty cool name. The perfect name, in fact, for an assistant coach. C'mon Plantdrew, we've got Quodpot practice to coach."
Being from the American wizarding school Ilvermorny, Professor Wiggin had decided to bright the beloved sport across the pond to Hogwarts. Quodpot was basically Quidditch with a twist, and that twist was that the balls (called Quods) would explode at certain points in the game.
Professor Wiggin set the case down on the Quidditch pitch and put Plant Corvus down next to it.
"Okay teams, listen up! It's time to get serious! The big game is in two weeks! I'm gonna be training you guys even harder than normal! And thanks to my incredible assistant coach Plantdrew, I won't have to do it alone."
Wiggin smiled at the plant, straightening the ribbons before unlocking the Quodpot case. Almost instantly, Wiggin could tell something was wrong.
The balls flew from the case and started whizzing around incredibly fast, causing the Quodpot players to duck to avoid the flying Quods.
"Somebody's been using my Quodpot supplies to practice charms on again! After them!" Wiggin cried out, grabbing the potted plant and his broom.
Professor Wiggin carefully secured the plant to the back of his broom with a scarf and took to the skies.
Wiggin and the Quodpot players all darted after the escaped Quods, trying their best to disenchant them. Wiggin flew left and right in a mad zigzag to try and catch them, but nothing seemed to work.
One of the Quods started flying directly at Wiggin, causing him to do a perfect loop in the air to avoid it.
Unfortunately during this loop, Plant Corvus fell from the back of Wiggin's broom and started to plummet towards the ground.
Professor Grey was walking back to the castle from a walk around the grounds when the plant pot fell into his arms. "Good Lord, where on earth did you come from?" He asked. Professor Wiggin hadn't that noticed his assistant coach had fallen off of his broom. He was too busy chasing the runaway Quods. In all the excitement of the runaway Quods, Plant Corvus had lost their name tag. Plantdrew was a name known no more.
"I've seen a lot of strange things in my day, but never have I seen it begin to rain potted plants. You poor dear, must be terrified after coming down from such a height. Let's get you inside and all cleaned up. Find you a nice windowsill perch, yes?"
Professor Grey carried the plant back up to the castle and into his classroom.
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