Chapter 6: Totsuki Academy's Hell Camp 2

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I do not own the rights to Food Wars. Food Wars belongs to Yuto Tsukuda, Shun Saeki, VIZ media, Shonen Jump, and Toonami. This is a fan parody. Enjoy.

A Few Minutes Later After Chapter 5*

Elizabeth's POV*

We made it back to the hotel and this girl said, "Megumi! Soma! You made it!" and she hugged them.

Megumi said, "Hey Ryoko, hey Yuki... What about the others?".

Ryoko turned and said, "Shin is over there finding out right now.".

I looked over at the guy on the phone.

He turned to us and said, "Looks like everyone from Kyokusei made it through.".

The girls said, "Thank goodness.".

Soma and I looked at the guy on the ground.

Soma asked, "Am I right to assume Zenji made it through?".

Shin said, "Apparently he was running around like a mad man in the mountains.".

Soma said, "Nice. Are group had a similar challenge.".

Ryoko said, "Gosh that was exhausting.".

Megumi said, "I'm so tired I can barely move.".

I popped my neck and said, "I could go another round or two.".

Yuki said, "Whatever y'all are saying is wrong. It's time for us to enjoy our luxury suites.". 

We entered the hotel and her hopes were dashed when Hitoshi Sekimori introduced a bunch of guys were standing there with him.

He said, "Sorry to dash all of your dreams, but you'll have some free time once you're done making dinner for these gentlemen.".

Yuki asked, "Who the heck are they?".

I said, "I believe they're a bodybuilding club.".

Hitoshi Sekimori said, "Precisely. The football and wrestling clubs will be here soon. Tonight's deal will be a steak dinner. You'll all need to make fifty servings each before you can leave.".

Everyone started complaining and I popped my knuckles and said, "Just like the lunch rush back home.".

Hitoshi Sekimori said, "Also, anyone who does not complete their dishes in an hour will be summarily expelled. Good luck!" and I ran off and into the kitchen and begun preparing everything before the others had time to respond.

I grabbed enough ingredients and by the time everyone got in here, I already had ten plates already outside for the awaiting bodybuilding customers.

I moved like lightning and within 9 minutes I already had fifty plates done.

I wiped some sweat off of my arm and headed out saying, "Good luck everyone.".

While walking I decided I could use a hot bath after today's events.

I grabbed some stuff and headed straight there.

Erina said, "Wait, Elizabeth.".

I stopped and turned around to see her running to catch up with me.

She caught up to me and we headed to the bathhouse together and we began bathing and talking obviously avoiding the topic of our dinner.

She apparently passed with flying colors just like me.

We also talked about maybe hanging out a little more now.

I was happy to oblige since she asked all so nicely.

I offered her a hand as we stepped out of the bath.

She blushed and looked away from me the entire time.

We got our robes on and began walking out of the bathhouse when Soma rounded the corner knocking into Erina.

I caught Erina and asked, "You okay?".

Her blush worsened to the point where she looked like she was running a fever.

She said, "Yes... I'm fine...".

I looked up at Soma and said, "You know they invented looking both ways for a reason, Soma.".

I helped Erina up and he said, "Yeah... My bad.".

Erina said, "Watch where you're going.".

Soma said, "I'm sorry if I hurt you in some way, Erina.".

Erina said, "I'm fine.".

I said, "So you finished up too Soma. I'm impressed.".

Hisako soon joined us apologizing that it took her so long to find us.

Comedic hijinx insued with the three of them before Hisako, Erina, and I walked off to play a game of cards which Hisako beat both me and Erina in.

I playfully swore vengeance before I headed out and back to my room.

For a moment I swore I saw someone I knew but it turned out to be false.

I headed back to my room and crashed in bed.

The Next Day*

It was 4:00 AM when I woke up.

I did my usual exercises before taking a bath and getting ready.

I walked all the way down to the kitchen thinking again I saw somebody from my past, all be it someone very pale white.

I made breakfast for myself before heading out to my assigned classroom for the 9:00 AM session.

I arrived and found Aunty Katarina waiting for me in a chair.

I said, "So this is why you came along.".

She smiled and said, "Of course. Besides Dojima and I go way back.".

Soma arrived and said, "Hey, Elizabeth. Guess you thought getting an early start was the right move too.".

He looked at Aunty Katarina and asked, "Do you two know each other?".

Aunty Katarina said, "We sure do.".

I said, "Soma. May I present my aunt, Katarina Nightingale. The Head of the Japanese Cibo Et Laetitia Branch. She runs everything and works side by side with Totsuki Academy.".

Soma said, "That's so cool. Ever heard of Yukihira Eatery?".

Aunty Katarina said, "That name sounds awfully familiar for some reason. And for some reason I feel angry hearing it.".

Soma said, "Weird, right?".

I said, "I figured you two would somehow get along.".

A Little Later*

Everyone arrived and it was soon time to begin class.

Aunty Katarina said, "Good morning, everyone. I'm Katarina Nightningale. Graduate of Totsuki's 69th Generation. Same as Chef Gin Dojima. In this challenge, you will make a dish of my choosing. You've been given your recipes, yes?".

I looked around and heard people complaining about having Aunty Katarina as our teacher today because she was harsh but I ignored them and looked down at the recipe and it was Aunty Katarina's signature dish, The Cibo Et Laetitia-Style Hayashi Rice Stew.

I glared over at her with a smirk and she wasn't even fazed.

I turned and began walking to the back of the kitchen to prepareto grab the ingredients.

I grabbed a little basket and everything.

Aunty Katarina said, "Though I hail from England. I've lived here in Japan since I was your all's age. And I know if you're after a hearty beef dish with Japanese flavours running through it, my  Cibo Et Laetitia-Style Hayashi Rice Stew recipe will have you covered. Before I enriched its existence, typical Hayashi Rice Stew was a yoshoku dish. I took this Japanese dish of Japan and  heavily influenced it with western cuisine which I made from tender beef and fresh vegetables with a tomato-rich demi glace sauce. I serve this stew as an evening meal, particularly on colder nights when the need for something warm and filling is greater. Your challenge is that you must prepare this dish alone and not in your pairs. You will each make your own dish. While you're cooking, any exchange of tips or information is forbidden. You're free to use any ingredients in the back of the kitchen. Also let me give you some advice: It would be right for you to consider everyone around you as your enemy. You have three hours kids, now begin.".

The moment she said begin I grabbed, two-hundred grams of the finely sliced beef, eight blocks hayashi rice stew roux, one tee-spoon of Worcestershire sauce, five hundred milileters of water, one onion, one carrot, one hundred grams of fresh Asian mushrooms, 2 table spoon of sesame oil, and  eight grams of cooked Japanese rice, and I headed back to my station.

I started cooking the rice and whilst that was cooking, I cut my meat and vegetables into bite sized pieces. 

Next I grabbed a heavy-bottomed pan and began to soften the vegetables in one tablespoon of sesame oil until it was a little sautéed. 

I next added the beef, cooking until it was browned. 

Once the beef was cooked through, I added the water and brought it to boil before letting the mix simmer for the next fifteen minutes on low.

I used medium heat until the vegetables were softened. 

When they were cooked through, I turned off the heat and added the Hayashi Rice Stew Roux. 

I mixed well until the roux had dissolved. 

I added some more water thin it out, and finally turned the heat back on low to let it simmer together for about ten more minutes. 

Last but not least I turned off the heat and added some Worcestershire sauce for added flavour and I was done.

I got the bowl ready and walked over to Aunty Katarina.

I presented the dish to her and said, "As requested.".

She took a bite of it and said, "As usual. Marvelous work. You pass.".

I nodded and headed out.

I made it through another day and had some time to kill.

I headed back and decided to take a hot bath in the hotsprings to pass the times.

When I arrived at the bathhouse I saw Erina unsuspecting.

I smiled to myself and began sneaking up on her all quiet like.

When I was close enough, I said, "Hey, Eri." and got a firm slap to the face.

I got up saying, "I deserve that.". 

I climbed into the bathhouse hotspring and relaxed.

She was all nervous now and asked, "Did you finish your training for today?".

I said, "I did. Thank you for asking.".

We relaxed a little more in silence and I nervously asked, "So how've you been?".

She nervously said, "Good. Very good.".

I decided to make my move.

I said, "You know. Times like these really bring people together.".

Erina asked, "Oh yeah?" and she inched closer to me.

I smiled and said, "Yeah." and I inched closer to her.

I said, "Friends. Family..." and I trailed off as I leaned in.

Hisako in all her infinite bad timing arrived and said, "Hi, miss Erina, I...".

She stopped when she saw us.

I backed away and Hisako smugly smirking asked, "What are you two up to?".

Erina said, "Nothing.".

I said, "Yes. Nothing at all.".

Hisako said, "Oh yeah? Well it looked like you were making a move on miss Erina.".

Erina and I were silent.

Hisako said, "I'll be back to take my bath later. You two don't have too much fun now." and she left.

Erina and I were silent.

I sighed and said, "Ruined again.".

Erina let out a little laugh and I started laughing with her.

We soon got to talking and I asked, "Tell me about the other council chair members. I wanna know who's seats I'll be taking in the near distant future.".

Erina scoffed and I said, "But not your tenth seat.".

Erina glared at me before saying, "Well I've already told you about Eishi. Let's start with second seat on the council, Rindō Kobayashi, The Brave Barbarian Chef.".

I said, "Rindō Kobayashi? I've heard that name somewhere on campus before?".

Erina said, "Not surprising. She's more socially outgoing then most of the members of the council. Like you, Rindō is a world-class traveler who sometimes like you specializes in unorthodox, exotic ingredients for her cooking.".

I said, "She sounds like she's a fan of mine.".

Erina said, "She may be. Only time will tell.".

I said, "Tell me about the third seat member.".

Erina said, "His name is Tōsuke Megishima. Known as the Food War hating chef.".

I said, "Ah! Tōsuke Megishima! I've heard his name from Aunty Katarina. He's our main competitor in the Ramen Department. As I understand it he currently leads the Ramen Industry in Japan.".

Erina said, "But still, despite his lack of interest in competing, he's somehow obtained the third seat on the council.".

I said, "Which means he made it there by recommendation or by his skill alone.".

Erina nodded and said, "Now onto fourth seat. Sōmei Saitō. I don't know much about him but what I do know is that he leads the Sushi Industry as a top upcoming itamae.".

I said, "Another food industry competitor of ours. Fascinatingly dull. Tell me about fifth seat.".

Erina said, "Shōko Kaburagi. Hisako and I don't know much about Shōko aside that she's the highest ranked of the ten from the 91st generation.".

I said, "A mystery huh? I can dig that. What about sixth seat?".

Erina said, "Nene Kinokuni. She's Scion to the Kinokuni family, and is well versed in traditional Japanese arts. She a bit deadpan, but from what I've witnessed, she bares a sharp tongue. Nene's also a soba specialist, specializing in handcrafted soba through the methods of the Kinokuni family that has been passed down for generations.".

I hummed and Erina said, "Next up is seventh seats own, Satoshi Isshiki. He's a resident of Kyokusei Dormitory, Satoshi is known for his uncanny cooking skills and sly cunning beneath his benevolent and silly personality as I'm told.".

I hummed again and said, "I'll keep him under close consideration.".

Erina said, "Eighth seat belongs to Julio Shiratsu. Julio is an Italian cuisine specialist who uses his trademark rondo style cooking.".

I said, "Sounds boring and more Takumi Aldini's speed.".

Erina said, "Ninth seat belongs to Etsuya Eizan. Etsuya has garnered himself a notorious reputation as a Yankee.".

I said, "Fancy." and Erina said, "Despite being only a second year, Etsuya is a well-known business consultant, helping many Japanese businesses prosper, garnering him the nickname The Alquimista.". 

I said, "So I'm not gonna lie. Besides Rindō Kobayashi, Satoshi Isshiki, and you of course. None of them sound like council worthy members. I'll take care that soon enough though.".

Erina smiled and I said, "New first seat. That's who I'll become.".

We finished our bath and went to our separate rooms for rest for whatever came next.

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