Chapter 5: Totsuki Academy's Hell Camp 1

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I do not own the rights to Food Wars. Food Wars belongs to Yuto Tsukuda, Shun Saeki, VIZ media, Shonen Jump, and Toonami. This is a fan parody. Enjoy.

A Few Hours Later After Chapter 4*

Elizabeth's POV*

I prepared a nice little spot in the mansion for us to eat our dinner.

Aunty Katarina stepped out anyway to go oversee a subdivision matter.

I walked over to Erina's house and didn't even get a chance to knock when she opened up and we shared a smile back and forth.

I offered an arm and she took it.

We began walking and I said, "In honors of our wager being done, I have prepared something special for you.".

Erina asked, "What is it?".

I smiled and said, "The first thing I ever made you when you asked me to be your personal chef.".

Erina's blush formed as we walked into the mansion.

We walked up to the set up I had on the third floor and I sat her down and went to acquire the dishes for us both.

I served us both my dish of just plain old spaghetti with my preferred selected seasonings and my own Italian special blend of olive oil.

I sat down and said, "Just like old times.".

Erina said, "Yeah...".

I asked, "Are we good?".

She looked at me and I asked, "Are we... still... you know...?".

Erina asked, "Friends?".

I nodded and she said, "Of course... It's just I forgot something important when we last spoke.".

I raised an eyebrow and she asked, "Remember when I left you in the hospital, I told you to come back as a friend and not my chef?".

I nodded and she said, "Well I'm sorry for the wager. I shouldn't have done that to you.".

I said, "Don't worry about it.".

I took her hand into mine and said, "You're very precious to me Erina. I could never be mad at you.".

She looked into my eyes and she was happy and she said, "Then could we... you know...".

I asked, "What is it Eri?".

She said, "Could we be closer than just... friends?".

I felt something as my body slowly began moving closer to her.

She slowly began moving closer as well.

Everything was silent for this one moment as we inched ever closer together.

We snapped out of it once we heard a door slammed.

The moment was ruined as I heard Aunty Katarina angrily firing someone over the phone.

She somehow passed right by us and didn't even look at us but still ruined the moment.

Erina and I separated and began eating our dinner.

While eating I asked, "Will you tell me about the first seat of the council of ten?".

Erina said, "I don't know much about his past but his name is Eishi Tsukasa. Among the ten he's known as The White Knight of the Table. From what I've seen thus far he's quite pessimistic and is prone to self-loathing. From what the other members tell me, he's quite nervous about standing in front of people and prefers to work unseen by others. He's expressed his philosophy to me once when we spoke. He said to me in contrast with humans' short lives that cooking is just too deep and vast.".

I said, "Doesn't sound like someone deserving of the first seat if you ask me.".

Erina said, "I know. I'm gonna work to change that sooner or later though.".

I smirked and said, "Not if I get to him first.".

She smirked back and we continued eating.

A Few Weeks Later*

I got a letter about the overnight training.

Aunty Katarina, Rhea, and I were sitting in the living room.

Rhea said, "So it's that time again, huh?".

Aunty Katarina said, "Yep. I guess so.".

I asked, "What? What are we talking about?".

Rhea said, "The training camp from hell. It's a process that reveals the best of the best among the first years. I think a few years back more than half the students were expelled.".

I said, "The best of the best, huh? I'm gonna do it. I want to challenge the best of the best and this is the way to do it.".

Aunty Katarina said, "I've already made arrangements for you. You set out in three days and I'm coming along as well.".

I asked, "What about you Rhea?".

Rhea said, "Your Grandmother Bella needs me in Italy. Apparently, she wants me to help teach little Bella how to cook alongside her.".

I said, "Cool! Another cook in the family! So what do you say Aunty Katarina? Am I gonna beat this camp?!".

She nodded and gave a thumbs up.

I smirked and began packing.

3 Days Later*

I arrived at a Totsuki owned hotel and Aunty Katarina was nowhere to be seen.

I ran over to the Kyokusei group and said, "Hey guys!".

They said hey back and I said, "Here's the deal. If you all survive this training camp. I shall personally make everyone dinner and we'll hold it at my mansion.".

Everyone got pumped up and I said, "Understand this. We're about to enter hell so be ready for anything.".

They nodded and we began walking in.

We all walked in and set our luggage down.

We entered the meeting room and there were one thousand of us gathered here today.

I knew that number was set to drop immensely.

Soma's first response was, "Hey meat meat!".

She turned to us all nervous and said, "U-Um hey Soma.".

One of the Kyokusei girls asked, "Aren't you a little bit nervous, Soma?".

I said, "This practical joker knows no fear. Like me.".

They had a little back and forth about her nickname and I looked around watching everyone around us whisper things about Soma and me.

Ikumi said, "You two be careful.".

Soma asked, "Of what?".

I said, "Apparently everyone around here is gunning for us. I welcome it with open arms.".

I then looked at the stage and Laurent Chapelle said, "Good morning, everyone. I will now quickly go over the details of our training camp. You will be staying here for six days. You'll be split up into groups and for the next few days, you'll tackle various food-related challenges. Any student who falls below the standard set by the instructors will receive a failing grade, and you will be expelled for good. We've invited some guest instructors to act as judges for your challenges. Though they are incredibly busy, they've gathered here for this event, the graduates of Totsuki Academy.".

I instantly realized why Aunty Katarina was here now.

Graduates walked out from behind the curtain and stood before all of us.

Kojirō Shinomiya, The Légumes Magician pointed and said, "You in the ninth row with the cut over his brow.".

I looked over and he was apparently pointing at the guy beside Soma.

The Légumes Magician said, "Yeah you... You're expelled. You can go.".

Everyone besides me and Soma were utterly shocked.

He came all the way over and explained that it was a hair product that caused the kid to be fired out of Totsuki.

Soma not even fazed by what just happened asked, "Who was that?".

I said, "That was Kojirō Shinomiya. He's the only Japanese chef ever to win France's Brousse-Poiret Award.".

I looked at all the chefs which included Aunty Katarina and I said, "All of these chefs are some of the best in Japan.".

I looked over at him.

The Executive Chef of the Totsuki Resort Chain, Gin Dojima.

Dojima said, "Welcome to Totsuki Resort. All the graduates you see here are chef-owners and masters of their domains. For the six days that you're here, we're going to be treating you as if you were employees at our restaurants. Do you know what that means? Anyone who does not perform to our liking will be immediately expelled. As you've seen, your teachers have the power to send you home at a moment's notice. I wish you good luck. Now then, you know your groups... Get moving!".

Everyone split up and I was in the F Group, the same group as Soma and Megumi.

Our teacher was Hinako Inui.

She said, "For this exercise, I'd like you to work in pairs. You'll be in the same pairs from your first lecture, so please head to your labeled stations.".

Someone raised the point about our group of three and miss Hinako said it would be fine.

Soma, Megumi, and I grouped up.

I said, "Back in business again.".

Megumi happily said, "Thank the cosmos I get to work with you two again!".

Soma said, "Yeah, it's gonna be great.".

Soma guy walked up behind Soma and said, "You're Soma Yukihira, right?".

Soma turned to him and said, "Yeah, that's me.".

The guy stepped on Soma's foot and started grinding his foot on Soma's.

A few seconds passed and Soma said, "That's over ten seconds of grinding. I assume this is intentional and you want my attention.".

The guy said, "Yes I do. I've been looking forward to any chance to cross paths with you during our training. I never thought I'd get this close on the very first challenge! I look forward to crushing you! Just like how I crushed your shoe.".

Soma said, "You're gonna beat me. Well I'm happy for you and all. But it's not gonna happen.".

Miss Hinako said, "Okay, everybody. My challenge for you today is to make a dish emphasizing traditional Japanese cooking using nature outside as your ingredients. You have seasonings, oil, and cooking utensils. Feel free to also use fishing equipment. As long as you make a dish that satisfies my palate, you pass. You have two hours, I'll be sitting right here the whole time. If there's anything you don't understand, please ask.".

Everyone made a beeline for the fishing equipment.

I told Soma and Megumi to head out and acquire the ingredients while I got our cooking station ready.

I got everything including possible seasonings but I needed one more ingredient that no one would expect.

I looked over and said, Miss Hinako, eating some rice crackers.

I walked over and asked, "Do you have a spare bag of rice crackers I can use?".

She hummed and handed me one.

I turned and walked back to our cooking station.

Everyone soon came back and that blonde fellow came back with Soma and Megumi.

He said, "Well, well, the theme is Japanese cooking so everyone's using fish. Seems a little narrow-minded if you ask me.".

Soma asked, "What's with the attitude? What are you idiots using?".

The guy pulled out a perfectly skinned duck and said, "We're using duck!".

I hummed thinking we could've done something with duck but I guess I can settle with fish.

This guy again said, "There was all manner of things out there including rabbits as well but I guess you all just decided to stick with fishies. So now you're all stuck making the same thing.".

He walked to his station and said, "Isami.".

His chubby sidekick said, "It's go time." and he sliced the breast and thigh meat with precision rather quickly then the blonde one started cutting perfect lines into it before cooking it and putting it in the oven.

I was impressed.

He soon turned to us and said, "We haven't introduced ourselves. My name is Takumi Aldini.".

I said, "Ah, the Aldini Brothers. Chefs from the Trattoria restaurant in Florence. I've heard good things from my grandmother about them and their uncle's cooking. Seems I didn't have to look far for competition after all. A fellow student like Soma looking to protect their family restaurant, now that sounds like a fun match to see.".

Soma got his headband on and said, "Let's do this!".

Takumi smirked and pulled out a mezzaluna.

I smirked and Soma said, "Elizabeth. Megumi. Let's go to work!".

I said, "Yeah!" and Megumi was all nervous. 

The Aldini Brothers finished rather fast and within an hour but I gave Soma the bag of rice crackers and he had the same idea I did.

Soma headed out to grab some eggs with Megumi following to grab some ingredients as well.

When we were down to just fifteen minutes, Soma and Megumi came back and we got to work.

I crushed the rice crackers while they were in the bag still to use as a breading for the fish.

Megumi started cutting the prunes while Soma separated the eggs out.

I cut the fish into perfect pieces for this challenge.

Soon we had the cut fish covered in the rice crackers and we started deep frying them as was the plan.

And within the last five minutes we were done.

We presented it to Miss Hinako and Soma said, "Chef Hisako, please have some before it gets cold.".

She said, "Thanks. This looks delicious." and she took a bite.

She looked taken aback for a second and was left with a happy look on her face.

She hummed ever so happily at the taste.

Megumi asked, "How did you come up with the idea, Elizabeth?".

I said, "Oh. Back home at the main Cibo Et Laetitia branch, I used to buy potato chips and use this method to make it for the highest tier of customers. It always satisfies.".

Soma said, "I've used it myself back home, and it always satisfies. This dish is called: Yukihira Cibo Et Laetitia-Style O-Kaki No Tane-Age Char.".

Takumi said, "You just thought of that just now, didn't you?".

I said, "Probably.".

Soma said, "We had it all figured out.".

Takumi said, "You just make it up as you go along.".

Miss Hisako interrupted and said, "Elizabeth Remington, Soma Yukihira, Megumi Tadokoro, you pass!".

Soma, Megumi, and I all high fived and said, "You're welcome, ma'am!" before we set out to our next class.

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