Hereford Base 5:35 AM
Derek POV:
After waking up at the usual time to get my day started something was a bit off, I felt alittle better today, like alot of weight was lifted off my shoulders after I decided to show Ryad my trust and that I'm not like the others, but only if the others would know aswell. I'd rather do it the harder way than the easier way because the only way for them to gain my trust and for me to gain there's, is for time to tell.
You got out of bed and got dressed into more casual clothes but you still donned your balaclava since you never trusted anyone with seeing your face, ever since that day atleast. The only people who have seen my face since that day are my older sis and Ryad.
You end up getting out of your thoughts so you can focus on whast in store for today. You exit your dorm and start walking to the cafeteria to get some breakfast.
Derek: Mumbles to self* So much for getting extra sleep.
You open the doors to the cafeteria and not alot of operators are there.
Derek: Must be here early.
You grab a small plate and sit at a table alone and start to eat your food. As you ate more operators began to show up with some recruits.
Even after two weeks people still gave you occasional glares. You cant even tell anymore if its cause you're a recruit still or because you're an outcast and tend to keep to yourself.
As you finished your food the speakers went on.
Speakers: could operators Sledge, Blitz, Ash, Dokkaebi, Glaz, and Recruit Locust come to the briefing room in 15 minutes.
You stood up and put your tray away and started to walk out of the cafeteria to go get your gear on. You ran back to your dorm and quickly put your gear on and left your dorm. As you approached the briefing room you opened the doors and realized you were last to arrive. But with that out of your mind you saluted to show respect.
Harry: At ease recruit. Anyways now that everyone is here, there is a highschool that is being held hostage by white masks and they arent planning on leaving until they send a message and get what they want. any questions?
Ash: Whats the recruit for.
Harry: Locust is there as backup just incase things go south.
Ash: Mumbling* yea because he'll be so helpful if that happens.
You hear her say that so you shoot her dagger eyes which she sees and smirks.
Harry: with that out of the way, you guys leave in 10.
With that everyone began to disperse in order to go get there stuff. You already had your weapons since you left them in your room instead of the armory. So you just started to walk over to the helipad.
You reached the helipad and as you go to the helicopter you saw the German pilot Jager and he saw you. You couldn't see his eyes because of his visor but you could feel the glare. You just get into the helicopter and sit down, waiting for the rest.
After what felt like forever everyone else arrived and sat in the chopper. Jager started the helicopter up and next thing we knew we were heading to the highschool.
Portland, Oregon; Lincoln HighSchool 11:32 AM
as we apporached the highschool Ash decided to pipe up and begin talking about a plan.
Ash: Remember, we have to be quick if we want to make sure no studetns are harmed. Sledge I want you to breach the front entrance with blitz, I'll be with you guys aswell. Dokkaebi i need you to hack into the cams to give us eyes on where we could find students and routes to get the jump on Masks. Glaz stick back and use the windows to give us eyes on the outside and support if we need you. If we can get everything done smoothly I want you two to come in after we clear a path. Everyone understand the plan?
Everyone except you: Yes Ma'am.
Jager landed the helicopter and ash, sledge, and blitz went up to the front entrance and breached. Glaz found a spot leveled enough to see most windows, but enough to give support. Dokkaebi hacked into comms and the cams and was giving them info on masks and locations. You just sat there near Dokkaebi playing with a knife since you knew you werent gonna see action.
After about 15 minutes Ash went onto comms.
Ash: We're outside of the room where they are holding the remaining students. Dokkaebi start heading over now.
Dokkaebi left and nex thting you heard was sledges hammer breaching the door and everything was silent after that. After 5 minutes of waiting Glaz chimed into the comms.
Glaz: Does anyone copy? what happened.
Mask: Your friends are with us now, recommend if you want to see them again you give us what we want.
Glaz: Blyat.
Derek: Glaz come down here I have an idea.
After a couple minutes Glaz came up.
Derek: Alright I already know, I'm a recruit and you shouldn't listen but i need you to trust me on this.
Glaz: I really dont but i'm listening.
Derek: what Ash forgot to bring up is that theres a skylight in the auditorium, that's where they are. Im gonna go in where they came from but i need you on the roof at that skylight.
Glaz: I'll be there.
Derek: Alright, I'll give the signal when I' in position.
You began to run up to the front entrance and as you did Glaz rapelled up the building to get to the roof.
You ran into where they came from and took out any masks that were trying to fill in the missing roles.
You approached the auditorium and heard commotion.
Mask: They only have 10 minutes before we start taking lives, it'll be ashame though since you two women are too beautiful to be killed. But that's life i guess. Might aswell have some fun before we have to pull the trigger.
Sledge: Don't even get close to them.
Mask: What are you gonna do about it, you're tied up and cant move and even if you did we'd shoot you on sight. *punches sledge*
This discussed you, you got on the comms and started to talk to Glaz.
Derek: Glaz im outside you at the sky light?
Glaz: I've been here for a couple minutes. You ready?
Derek: Yea, once I breach and flash give the one you can see hell. Sinc?
Glaz: Sinc?
Derek: Its an old communication I did with teammates to get them to acknowledge that they understand.
Glaz: Sinc.
You placed the charge and pulled the trigger to detonate it, after that you threw a couple flashbangs in and after they went off you rushed in firing at the masks trying to focus on precise shots. I shot the leader mask in the shoulder and charged him and tackled him.
Mask: Get off me you Rainbow dog.
Derek: Not until after you suffer in the chambers. How does going on a date with a brazilian with a knife sound?
Mask: You think I'm going to be scared?
Derek: you should be.
You knock him out and zip tie his hands together. Glaz comes down from the skylight and starts to help get everyone up.
Derek: *To Ash* you were saying back in the briefing room?
Ash: Don't let your ego get into your head rookie.
Derek: Just saying, Don't doubt someone you don't know.
Ash: What the hell is that supposed to mean.
Derek: Idk, why don't you try to figure it out.
you walked back to the helicopter and didnt even care to look at the rest of the operators so you just closed your eyes and fell asleep and waited to get back to hereford.
End Of Chapter
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