Crabdad's Plan (gamkar)
Gamzee x Karkat(cover is my artwork)ALL CREDIT TO HOMESTUCK GOES TO ANDREW HUSSIE "first off, things you should know about me, i yell, a lot, i will most likely wake up at an unnecessarily early hour, and make a shit ton of noise, if you tell me what to do, you will end up on your ass. Oh and don't touch my movies, if you do, i will break your hand, unless i tell you you can touch 'em." He slowly nods, processing the information. "And NO BRINGING GIRLS HOME." i point at him, my sweater sliding down one shoulder. "GOT IT?" i internally groan remembering my last 'roommate', new girl every night, treating them like trash, he didn't last long. He nods quickly,looking at his hands. "I-i defiantly won't bring any mother fucking girls home." i look at him and groan. "you have GOT to be FUCKING KIDDING ME!" i get up, throwing my hands in the air. "he's trying to set e up AS WELL?" I glower up at him. "did he ask if you were gay?" He nods, eyes wide, startled by my outburst. I turn picking up his bags and heading up the stairs. "Your bedroom is on the left across from mine, and don't come in when its closed." I hear him rush after me and i grumble, kicking to door open and dropping his stuff in the room. The room was purple due to my last 'guest' and i forgot to re paint t, not really expecting a new tenant. "Forgot to ask, whats your fucking name?" i say, looking over my shoulder at him, a permanent frown on my face. "G-Gamzee." I shove my hand out "Karkat, now be a good roommate and set up in your room."…