Chapter Twelve: Blessing In Disguise

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For the next week after the charity game, Jake had never worked harder than he did to get this team into shape. They had ten games left in the season and if they won at least six or seven of them, they would be guaranteed a spot in a championship game. Jake had asked around and he found out that Brennan hadn't had a championship season for five years.

He hoped to get rid of that drought for good.

It was hard for Jake to sit out of most of the stuff they did at practice because of his finger but what Mrs. Fox said echoed in Jake's head and it made him smile profusely at random times. Speaking of Parker, his cuts were healing but his mind was moving along slowly. Nick and Jake were just making sure to keep an eye on him in case things took a turn.

"Glove down, Tulp! This way," Jake said, demonstrating with his hands. He couldn't wear his glove because of the metal splint so gesturing would have to do for now. He didn't regret doing what he did though. He knew it was gonna help so many people.

Hunter nodded as Nick hit him another one and he did it right this time. His smile made Jake's heart happy.

"Okay! One more each then we're gonna play a game," Jake said as they all laughed. Nick went around the field hitting some fly balls, ground balls, and even some harder hit ones. Jake stood next to him, his arms crossed, watching. He tried to critique but there was honestly nothing to judge. They all looked really good.

After they were done, Jake carried out his promise and they all played a home run derby game to see how many hits each player could collect. Jake called them all in after everything had been cleaned up and put away.

"Alright, bring it in! Wow, you guys look hot!" Jake said, high-fiving some of them with his left hand. "Once this thing comes off, I'm gonna high five you all like crazy"

"How did it happen, Coach Jake?" Dain asked, gesturing to the splint. Jake looked at Parker and he nodded, a silent movement that it was okay to talk about it.

That was progress.

"Guys, Rick Lane got into a little accident with Fox during the charity game a week ago. He hit him. As for my finger, uh, that's a story for another time" Jake joked grimly, rubbing Parker's shoulder. The team was silent.

"I'm okay, guys. Really. Actually, if Collin hadn't gone to get Coach Jake, I don't know what I would have done," Parker said, hugging Jake. Jake accepted it graciously.

"This does bring up a serious talk we need to ha-," Jake's voice trailed off as his pocket rang. "Weird. I don't know that number. Anyway, we do need to talk about what to... Oh Christ," Jake started again as his phone rang. "I got to get this, give me a minute"

"Who is it?" Nick asked, curiously.

"I don't know," Jake mouthed as he answered it. "Hello?"

"Is this Jacob Tyler Wolff?"

"Uh, yeah? Why?"

"This is the courthouse. I understand that you and Rick Lane have a relationship with each other?"

"If you mean I punched him a week ago behind a building, yes. Yes, I do have a relationship with him," Jake said, sarcastically.

"We call you to the stand as a witness to the... scene this Saturday"

"Uh, Saturday? I'm sorry I can't," Jake said, shaking his head.

"Mr. Wolff, this is mandatory. No buts," the voice said before they hung up. Jake stammered as he hung up as well.

"Well? Who was it?" Nick asked, looking at Jake.

"It was the courthouse. They want me to testify against Lane," Jake said, looking at the team then back at Nick.

"Hey, are you okay?" Nick asked Jake on their way to the parking lot. After Jake and Nick had ended the practice, Jake still felt like he was in a daze.

"Uh, yeah. I just... Don't know what to do," Jake said.

"About Lane? Well, unfortunately, buddy, I don't think you have the liberty to choose," Nick said.

"What would I even say to him? I'm pretty sure I got everything out of my system a week ago," Jake winced as he thought about what he had done.

"Is that guilt I see?" Nick asked, teasing as Jake's expression went hard.

"No. Never," he said firmly, putting his bucket of balls in the trunk, closing it.

"I'm sorry. I... didn't mean to make you upset," Nick said, feeling bad he had hurt Jake.

"I'm just... Overloaded. That's all. I'm sorry. I've been a trashy friend these past few months. I've just... got a lot of things on my plate these days. I'm not pushing you out of my life, I promise"

"I know that. I really do. Take all the time you need. In fact, go spend some time with Riley tonight. I heard she mentioned a nice dinner a week ago. You should finally take up the offer. Go relax," Nick said, giving Jake a quick hug before walking down the way towards his car.

Jake smiled after him and got in his own car. "Yeah, maybe I will," he thought

"You look really good, wow"

Jake looked at Riley across the dinner table. Her brown hair was curled slightly and she was wearing an off-shoulder navy blue dress with brown wedge heels.

"Thank you! I'm just glad I get to see you, finally. I heard you've had a couple of crazy days," Riley said sympathetically gesturing to his finger splint as well.

Jake nodded and took a drink of his tequila.

Tonight was a night for the hard stuff. After the week he had? Totally called for.

"Tell me about it," he said. "And it didn't stop today"

"What do you mean?" Riley asked.

"I got a call from the courthouse today at baseball practice. They want me to testify as a witness against Rick Lane. Court is this Saturday at 4. I know, I know. They said it's mandatory. Doesn't matter if we have a game," Jake said, shaking his head.

"Seems like this job has been a blessing and a curse," Riley said, grabbing his hand, rubbing her fingers over his knuckles. "But I know you can do it. You're a superhero. Not to mention a pretty cute one"

Jake laughed, looking lovingly at her as... his phone went off. He hung his head and sighed.

"And the blows keep coming. Sorry, Ry. I gotta take this"

Riley waved for him to go.

"This is Wolff," he said, putting his left hand in his pocket.

"Jake, this is Mrs. Fox. Would you mind coming over? Somethings up with Parker and he won't talk to me. I was thinking he would talk to you?"

Jake could hear the hesitant fear in her voice.

"I'll be there. Text me the address. I'm coming," Jake said, making his way back to Riley.

"Somethings wrong with Parker," Jake said, trying to hide the seriousness of the situation in his voice even though he didn't know what it was yet.

"The kid who got hit?"

"Yeah," Jake breathed out. "He's seemed to be okay these last few days but that was his mom on the phone and she seemed worried. I am so sorry, Riley"

Riley kissed him and adjusted his tie. "Go. Your kid needs you. I can wait."

Jake smiled and kissed her again. "I love you so much, pretty"

"You too, handsome. Now go!"

Jake raced out of the restaurant and sped to Parker's house.

It was pretty weird for Jake to be at Parker's house, not even knowing his family at all. And nevertheless, in a dress shirt and tie. But he knew he had to get to Parker and nothing was gonna stop him from doing that.

He pulled into the driveway, fixed his hair, and rushed to the front door, knocking.


"Yes. Mrs. Fox?"

"Yes, finally nice to meet you. Oh wow, did I keep you from something?" she asked, seeing Jake's outfit as she opened the door. Parker was a spitting image of his mom; brown hair, blue eyes, and a smile that was warm and welcoming.

"Just dinner with my girlfriend," Jake replied, smiling. "But nothing could keep me from Parker. Where is he?" Jake asked, his voice turning hard again.

"He's up in his room. He came down for dinner but didn't really eat anything. That's when I knew something was up"

"I usually don't eat when I'm upset either," Jake said, wincing. "Not that I'm saying he's upset but.."

"I know he is, Jake. Here, come on in. I'll let you two have a moment alone together"

"Thanks," Jake smiled at Mrs. Fox before he started to ascend the stairs. Parker's room was at the end of the hall. Jake slowly opened the door.

Parker was lying on his bed watching TV, but he wasn't really. Jake could tell.

Jake sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Parker for a moment before saying anything.

"Isn't it funny how when we're hurt so much, we just say "I'm used to it" and move on as if nothing happened?"

Parker didn't say anything, just followed Jake's eyes with his own.

"And trust me, I know"

"How could you?" Parker asked, his voice cold. Jake now knew something was really going on. He had never heard Parker speak in this tone before.

"Parker, me and you are the same. Incredible baseball players but with all due respect, messed up brains. We overthink so much and we end up driving ourselves into the ground because we care so much for other people, we don't pay attention to what we tell ourselves. When I ran out of practice a few weeks ago? I was in a really bad way, 22. I was suffering from," Jake took a moment to let out a breath of air. "Some heavy stuff. My mind was so screwed off my head I couldn't see straight"

"That happens to me sometimes too," Parker finally said, quietly. "I... get really anxious about a lot of stuff and recently, I just feel afraid of everything. I'm sorry... This is stupid. You should go"

"Parker, you don't have to struggle in silence," Jake blurted out as Parker got up from the bed.

Silence had never been quite so loud.

"Talk to me, 22. It's me," Jake said, somewhat tearily. "I haven't changed. I'm still here for you. And that will never change. Please... trust me. "

Parker didn't turn around at first but when he heard what Jake had just said, he did. He sat next to Jake and laid his head on Jake's shoulder.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you," Parker said softly. "I just don't feel good. Mentally, that is," he said, sighing slightly. Parker didn't have to elaborate. Jake knew what he meant.

Jake hugged Parker and just sat next to him for as long as he needed. And it felt good for Jake too. It finally gave him a moment to slow down and breathe. Recall these last few months of his life. The memories- the good and the ugly, horrible, terrible ones.

And that's how he knew what to say to Parker Fox.

"Sometimes you just have to remember how much he didn't care about you and how much he hurt you to finally not care, Parker. Because if you know that then... The only person who is hurting you... Is yourself"

Parker looked at Jake and nodded. "You're right, Coach Jake"

"When have I been wrong?" Jake chuckled, smiling at the kid. "Promise me you'll try not to beat yourself up as much anymore? And I'll do it for myself too"

Parker nodded. "Promise"

"Okay, let's go talk to your parents," Jake said, heading downstairs.

"No! I don't... want them to know what Lane did, Coach Jake"

"Why, 22? They're here to help you, just like I am. And I hate to say it, I think your mom knows already."

"I just... don't want them to know just yet, okay?"

Jake could tell that Parker was getting overloaded so he decided to drop the issue.

"Okay, I won't. I promise"

There was silence again until Parker cleared his throat. "Uh, would you like to stay for dinner?"

"I kind of already had dinner with my girlfriend," Jake said.

"Oh," Parker said, playing with the edge of his bed covers.

"But, I could stay if you wanted me to?" Jake asked, with a soft smile. Parker's face lit up and Jake knew instantly that Parker was gonna require some special attention from here on out. It sort of broke Jake's heart how hurt he seemed to be.

"I would love that," Parker said smiling.

Jake smiled back, but with a nagging worry in the back of his head.

He was gonna have to talk to Nick about this.

"Thanks for dinner, Mrs. Fox. Uh, would you mind if I talked to you real quick? Alone?"

Mrs. Fox looked at Parker and Jake shot her a glance as if to say, "Yes. It's about Parker," and she nodded.

"Parker, why don't you go do your homework, okay?"

Parker groaned but trudged up the stairs anyway. Jake walked into the living room and sat down.

"What's up?" Mrs. Fox asked as Jake crossed his hands nervously.

"Uh, if you don't mind me asking, where is... Mr. Fox?"

"He and I are... Um, not on the best of terms right now and we agreed it's better if we spent some time apart," she answered, quietly.

"And... does Parker know about this?" Jake asked, starting to form a theory in his mind. He hoped he wasn't right but it was starting to look that way.

"Not very much, but yes he does. Why do you ask? It's perfectly okay that you did, I just wondered"

"Parker seems to be very shaken up about the whole Rick Lane issue and I don't know if it's because I'm standing before him in court in a few days or if-," Jake's voice trailed off as he blushed slightly. "I'm sorry. This isn't my place to be saying this"

Jake got up off the couch and walked to the door.


"Yeah?" Jake turned around, wearily, looking at Mrs. Fox.

"It's okay. This is... My fault"

"No, it's not," Jake said, closing the front door again. "In any way, it's not. It's Lane's fault. He did this. That... believe me, I feel the same way you do. I have been feeling Parker's pain for the past week," Jake said.

Mrs. Fox nodded tears in her eyes. "I feel so... guilty that I haven't really been here for him. I've been trying to figure out all this stuff with my husband that I've been neglecting Parker and his sister, oh my gosh... I'm so sorry," she said, suddenly hugging Jake. Jake froze, not knowing what to do at first but after a while, he gently hugged her back.

"It's really alright. It's not your fault. Placing blame on any one person isn't gonna help either. I promise you, I will love and protect Parker as a coach as if he was my own kid, Mrs. Fox. I really adore your son," Jake said, smiling at her.

"We adore you, Jake Wolff," she said as Jake started walking down the path towards the driveway. "As corny as it sounds, you really are our knight in shining armor. Our biggest blessing"

"Thank you," Jake said. "But it's just a job. I'm here for these kids. It's what I have to do"

"I think it's more than that. With all due respect, Jake, I think you do this because you want to. Not that you have to. You should keep doing it. You were made for this. And because you mean the world to Parker, you mean the world to me"

Jake went to sleep that night, restlessly, but his mind was more at peace for the first time in a long time.

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