"Guess not," Nick said, looking at Jake's messed-up hair under his baseball hat, his sweatshirt, and his bloodshot eyes. "You look like hell. What the heck did you do last night?"
Jake pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Tequila. And lots of it," Jake said as yawned. "Sorry. I'm not awake just yet"
"That's alright. What were you doing chugging tequila?" Nick asked with a slight snicker, taking a sip of his water.
"I was at Parker's house last night," Jake said, exhaustedly. "Nick... he was in a bad way"
Nick was silent now. Jake relayed the whole story from being at the restaurant with Riley to hearing his phone ring to talking with Parker's mom. Everything.
"Nick, I had never seen Parker like that. He... changed his whole attitude when I talked with him. Honestly, it broke my heart a little. Okay, a lot"
The waiter broke up the conversation and Nick ordered Jake a coffee.
"Thank you," Jake nodded. "Anyway, I didn't really sleep last night," Jake winced, rubbing his forehead.
"Tequila will do that to you, buddy," Nick said laughing as Jake nodded his agreement. "So, what exactly was wrong with Parker?" Nick asked, glancing at Jake.
"I honestly don't know. He just seemed so... hurt, Nick. I didn't know what to say so I just related to him"
"That seems like the only thing you could have done, J," Nick said, swirling his water around as he looked into it. "To me, it looks like you did a good job"
Jake sighed as he looked at Nick, shaking his head. "I just... I don't know. I have to stand in front of everyone tomorrow and he's gonna be staring me in the face," Jake held his head in his hands. "Can we just skip to Sunday?"
Nick chuckled. "I agree with you, pal"
Jake lifted his head back up, cocking his head at Nick. "What's up with you?"
"Oh, nothing. I just want to skip tomorrow for you," Nick said, giving him a sympathetic look. The waiter broke up their conversation again as he brought back Jake's coffee. Jake thanked him and then turned back to Nick.
"I might not come to practice today, just so that I'm able to get my testimony ready for tomorrow. I haven't even started it yet," Jake said, shaking his head as he took a sip of the coffee hoping it would wake him up a little bit.
" What time do you have to be at school today?" Nick asked him.
"Eh, by 11. At least that's what I told Adair. I got some emails to answer and then I just want to grab my mail and I'll be out by 1 or 2 at the latest," Jake answered back. Nick nodded.
"How are you gonna, uh, go about writing your speech?"
"I have no idea, Nick. Honestly. I've never been in court before so this is a whole thing for me. I guess I'll just.. Talk about what happened. I did wonder why you didn't get a call either. I mean, you were by my side when it happened," Jake said, chuckling.
"Maybe because I wasn't the one who punched him? Twice?" Nick asked, laughing. Jake shrugged.
"Guess not," he said, smiling. Nick was grateful he could get his friend smiling at least a little amid everything that had happened to him over the past few months, Nick included.
"Honestly, you got this. I know court is scary but you tell the truth, you're golden," Nick said.
"Only you could say that and make it sound casual," Jake snorted.
"It's part of my charm," Nick said, chuckling as Jake's phone dinged with a message. He put his coffee cup down as he looked at it.
"What?" Nick asked.
"Oh nothing, just a reminder I put on there. Speaking of that, I should probably go. Thanks so much for this, Nick. I... ," Jake trailed off.
"You needed it?" Nick asked, giving him a hug.
"You know me too well," Jake said, giving Nick a long smile. "Okay, I'll text you later and let you know about practice. I might come or not. We'll see"
"Alright. Wait, what's the reminder for?"
Jake turned around and nodded grimly at Nick. "Parker is in my office for a meeting at 11:30," he said, pushing the door open with his back and walking to his car.
"Hey, Parker. Come on in buddy. How are you doing?"
"I'm okay," Parker said, sitting down on a chair in front of Jake and smiling slightly at him.
"School going okay?" Jake asked, trying to pry but at the same time, not wanting to push him.
"It's all fine, Coach Jake. I'm alright"
"Parker," Jake said and Parker finally looked up.
"Okay, fine. Guess I'm not okay. I just... keep thinking of what I could have done to prevent it. I get chills whenever I think he could have hurt Collin instead of me. I... don't think I could have stomached that if it happened"
Jake didn't say anything. As of now, he was a listener. Not a talker.
"I know it wasn't my fault but I just think that sometimes you know? And I wish I hadn't pulled you into the mix. Now you have to go to court for me, in a sense and it's..."
"Parker, I didn't get called into court for you. I got called in because of Lane. And I'm going for everyone who has ever been hurt, mentally and physically, because of Rick Lane. So don't think for a second that you orchestrated this whole thing. Actually, the one who should be at fault is... Me," Jake said, playing with his watch on his wrist.
"Why?" Parker asked, immediately more intrigued in the conversation.
"Lane was actually yelling at me before he hit you. I was... Ironically, yelling at him for how he damaged your lives. So, I guess you can blame me," Jake said, trying to hide the guilt in his eyes but failing miserably. Parker just looked at him.
"Why would you blame yourself?" Parker asked, confused.
"Well, I'm responsible for you and everyone else on this team so I guess when you got hurt I just immediately blamed myself. Anyway, I just wanted to check in on you and make sure you were okay"
Parker smiled and got up to leave. He went out the door but then came back. "I'm okay, Coach Jake. Truly. Are you though?"
And Jake wasn't sure he knew the answer to that.
Jake flipped his pencil again around his finger and then put it down. He gave up. He had as much as he could have. He told the truth. He had all the required information. All he could do was read in court tomorrow and pray to not be questioned more. Now, he just needed to see his kids. He put his windbreaker on and got in his car, driving towards Brennan High as the sun started to set. It was dull gold and orangish in places. It was a thing of beauty.
Jake parked his car in his parking slot and pulled his jacket closer to him as he walked up to the field. He sat in the bleachers in center field and just watched. Nick was hitting fly balls and he had set everyone at the positions Jake would put them in.
Exactly the same positions.
As Jake watched, he took a moment to surely and truly appreciate Nick. When they met at such a young age, Jake would never believe it if someone told them they were still friends in their late 20s. He had honestly underestimated the importance of having a good friend by your side in life. Nick understood where Jake had been, accepted what kind of person he had become but still allowed him room to grow. Nick was like baseball. He didn't judge you. He didn't make you feel like you were wrong if you made a mistake.
Like baseball, Nick calmed Jake down so much. He calmed his heart and even more so, his mind.
Ever since Jake had met Nick, there wasn't a time that Jake's problems weren't also Nick's problems. When Jake was sad, Nick was there being sad with him. If Jake was sick, Nick would care for him and eventually end up getting himself sick in the process but he never showed regret. In fact, whenever Nick spent time with Jake, it seemed like Nick made sure to let Jake know that every time they saw each other was more special than the next. Their friendship didn't need daily conversation even though they did talk to each other every day. They didn't always need that togetherness they always had. All they needed was that peace of heart that the other person really cared, and that was what carried the friendship. Jake could name five thousand different scenarios he was sure he was never gonna get out of and there was Nick.
Jake's final term project in college was to write a 30-page paper in two weeks. Nick took 15 of the pages and they wrote it together. Jake got an A.
When Jake had a little too much fun one night, Nick was there to admonish him but at the same time, make sure he was there for anything that was needed.
Every vacation.
Every situation.
And every moment of life... Nick was by Jake's side. And Jake was incredulous how he was just noticing this now.
Even when Jake punched Lane now a week and a half ago, Nick was by his side. And he didn't hold Jake back. Jake remembers a sort of hovering presence the moments before he did it and he realizes now that it was Nick wanting to hold him back but somehow sensing he was gonna do it. And knowing that he had to do it. Even if it meant he would have to stand in court tomorrow and testify a painful truth.
He wished Nick and the team could be there...
A crack of the bat dragged him out of his reminiscent reverie as Wayne Tricker started backing up against the wall but Jake reached over and caught the ball instead. He grinned at Wayne and tossed it back. Nick waved at him and Jake waved back, walking along the bullpen and to home plate on the field. When he got there, the team greeted him with smiles, including Nick.
"Hey! I thought you were gonna stay home," Nick said, giving him a soft fist bump.
"I was but I missed my guys," Jake said, smiling at Parker. He got one back in return.
"Well, we were just gonna wrap up. Did you want to do anything else?"
"No, no. I knew by the time I would get here that you would be wrapping up. I just needed to see you all," Jake said. Nick gave him a look as if to say, "we'll talk at the car" as he turned back to the team.
"Okay, guys. Game tomorrow. Be here at 3?" Nick questioned Jake.
"Yep. Game starts at 4. I won't be here though, team. So, work hard, stay together, and have fun. But focus just a little. I think you can get a spot for the championship so let's do it"
The team cheered and Jake's heart warmed.
It did every time he laid eyes on these kids. They changed his life.
THAT's what he was going to court for tomorrow- this life.
And you can bet he's gonna fight for it.
Nick shut his car door and gave Jake that same look he gave him that day after Jake was shell shocked after the Rick Lane news.
"What's up?"
"Jake," Nick said, flipping his bat in his hand.
"It's the court case tomorrow. I'm just anxious for it to be over. I promise I'll be over here as soon as I can"
"Jake, take your time with it. Honestly, this is these kids life you're fighting for"
"Way to put the pressure on, Zami," Jake breathed out, chuckling nervously.
"I'm not trying to," Nick said seriously. "Truly. Jake, you haven't had the easiest life these past few months and I know we talk about it all the time but if anything mattered, it's now"
"I know," Jake nodded grimly. Nick went to get in his car as Jake walked away.
Jake turned around, looking at Nick. "Yeah?"
"Sometimes you face difficulties not because you're doing something wrong, but because you're doing something right. And Jake, you've been doing some of the best stuff these past two months. This is just a showing to you that you are right. Go kill it tomorrow"
Jake nodded, smiling.
He was ready. Bring it on.
Jake shook hands with Jim Krank as they both walked into the courtroom the next day at 10 am. Jake had torn through his closet trying to find the suit that would be stated but at the same time, not showy. He just decided on the one he had worn to the dinner with Riley, a black jacket, red shirt, and black pants to match.
He had worn the red shirt on purpose.
"How are you feeling?" Jim asked as he took a seat on the bench behind Jake.
"Like I'm gonna throw up. But I got to do this," Jake said, taking a deep breath.
"For the kids?" Jim asked with a slight grin.
"Always," Jake said with a genuine smile that reached his eyes.
The judge walked into the room and stood at his perch, pounding the gavel.
"May the court come to order," he said, in a big booming voice. Two guards brought in Rick Lane and sat him at a table next to Jake. The two caught eyes and Jake kept his head held high.
There was nothing that was gonna stop him from winning this.
No matter what the verdict was...
He would never stop fighting for the people that changed his life.
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