Chapter Five: Now or Never

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In two weeks was another one of Jake's tests as coach. He had many throughout the last few weeks. First time being in the school, tryouts, first practice. But gameday was a whole other beast and he had to be prepared for anything. Hiccups, lineup changes, drastic decisions. He had to learn to go with the flow and not be stuck in stodgy decisions that he made. Things would crash and burn sometimes and he had to be ready.

As he was telling the team this, he was watching their facial expressions, and even if Nick hadn't touched his arm ever so slightly, Jake already knew he was putting too much pressure on them. He sighed and sat on his bucket outside the dugout on a sunny, cool day. Perfect for baseball.

"Guys, I don't need to tell you the importance of this to me. See, this is sort of like a tryout for me. Same as you guys went through a few weeks ago. But you don't need to know that. The only thing you need to focus on is us"

He got a few cocked heads as he went on.

"When I was your age and up until I was 18 before I went to college, the start of a new baseball season always screamed new beginnings to me. It was a chance to start over. A 0-0 record. No mistakes, no ties, nothing. It made me feel... Cleansed of bad past memories almost. And I'll let Coach Nick throw in his two cents, but I'm pretty sure he feels the same way"

Jake saw Nick nod out of the corner of his eye.

"So in two weeks when we play Central, the only thing I want on everyone's mind is the new beginning. The start of us as a team. You, I, and Coach Nick. Leave all that crap about Rick Lane behind. Coach Nick and I can show you the ropes"

The kids smiled as Jake nodded and looked at them.

"I feel something good coming on, okay? Alright, enough talk. Let's get going. Go stretch and warm-up. Parker! Take my bucket. Oh, wait. No. I need to talk to you and Kevin. Collin can take it."

Parker and Kevin exchanged inquisitive looks between them as they walked over to Jake, Nick standing beside him.

"Guys, the reason we wanted to talk to you is because we need team leaders. Our eyes and ears when Coach Jake and myself aren't here or can't come to aide immediately, that sort of thing," Nick started out.

"Kevin, Parker. We want you guys to be team captains," Jake finished.

The kids were incredulous and it warmed Jake's heart to see them so happy.

You can tell him wrong, but it warmed his heart like a father. And at that moment, he knew he would always protect these kids with his life.

"So, when we're batting and the dugout seems to be in chaos, Jake and I need your leadership in there, okay?" Nick looked between the both of them as they nodded.

"And any other time where you feel like we need to be more united. It's your call," Jake added.

"We won't let you down, coaches," they replied.

"Alright. Glad to know we can count on you. Go 'head and warm up. We'll be out there soon," Jake said, smiling as the two kids jogged out to where the rest of the team was in left field. Nick threw his arm around Jake as Jake flinched, a little caught off guard.

"You alright? Didn't mean to scare you," Nick asked.

"Sorry. Just a little jumpy, I guess. Gotta be honest, I do hope they win their first game. I don't know if I could stand their faces screwed up in disappointment if they lose. Their lives have already been so screwed up already, you know? I just don't want to mess it up even more," Jake said, staring at the kids starting to throw. They already looked so much better and whenever he looked at them, Jake could look proudly that he was the one who was going to help them.

He was the one that was going to make their life better. At least he hoped so.

"They're an amazing group of kids," Nick said, looking at Jake. "We're lucky"

"We sure are," Jake said. He gently adjusted his stance as Nick's arm dropped to his side. "Can I tell you something that may be a little weird?"

"Shoot. Can't be anything super different," Nick said, laughing.

Jake looked out at his team and then back at Nick. "I already feel so attached," he said, scoffing under his breath. He looked out at the field with a completely different perspective- not as a player. A coach. And he realized how long he wanted this and he didn't even know.

"You know me. My life... hasn't always been easy. And, you know, from the moment I met these kids... I saw myself. The kid from high school who loves baseball more than anything in the whole world.  And the guy who loves it even more now.  I thought my life was great and I had even met these kids or my best friend yet," Jake said, shoving Nick gently, who laughed.

"My point is, I'm just so lucky, and I can't help but express it all the time.  I really can't wait for our first game, " Jake said.

"Me either," Nick smiled.

Practice that day flew by and it was like climbing up a very steep hill, but Jake knew it would make them better players. And that's all he could ever ask for.

It was a week till the game and the team had never looked better. Jake and Nick sent the kids off one day after practice and as Jake grabbed his stuff, Nick nudged his shoulder in a "turn around" kind of way. Jake gave him a look but did it anyway.

And he was glad he did.

Riley Tamaquez was standing against the dugout in black leggings and a green oversized sweater, her brown hair billowing down over her shoulders and her dark brown eyes had Jake sweating again. She smiled and walked up to him. She was a few inches shorter than him and it was sort of adorable.

"Hi Coach," she said. "Was wondering if I could treat you to lunch?"

Jake looked at Nick and Nick sort of shot him another look like "I had nothing to do with this" even though Jake knew he definitely did.

"Sure," Jake said, giving her back a smile. "Just let me grab the rest of my stuff"

"Of course"

Jake grabbed Nick's collar gently. When Riley turned around, Jake yanked Nick into the dugout as he put his backpack down and paced.

"I was so not prepared for this. Oh jeez. Why now?" Jake continued to pace, fixing his hair and mumbling nonsensical words to himself. Nick had started to laugh after he rubbed his neck where Jake had grabbed him but when he saw how genuinely upset Jake was, it was his turn to grab him.

"If you treat this as an interview, it will feel like one. Mark my words, it will be. Just be yourself and let your personality shine. I mean, that's why she couldn't take her eyes off you at Dizzy's"

Jake gave him a face. "No way"

"Don't 'no way' me, Jake. I saw you two. Jake, the girl likes you. For you! So stop talking to your best friend under a roof-covered bench because you're hiding from a girl," he scoffed but then smiled. "Go get your girl, man"

"You're right," Jake said and nodded, slinging his backpack on again. "I'll text you later?" he asked, pointing at Nick with his car key fob dangling in his hand.

"Of course. Now, go! I get the feeling you're stalling," Nick said, snickering. Jake didn't answer as he walked out of the dugout and faced Riley again.

"Hi," Jake breathed out nervously.

"Hey," she said smiling. Her sunglasses were falling down on her face so Jake took his hand and gently pushed them up as they locked eyes. Jake had never been a guy to believe in love at first sight. He thought it was complete crap when Nick told him how much he loved Mac.

But now, looking at Riley, Jake was starting to change his mind.

The moment seemed to last forever as Riley's hand touched Jake's, but they quickly pulled away from each other.

"Sorry," Jake said, sure his face was bright red.

"You're good. I say thanks cause I probably would have looked like an idiot if they fell all the way, so... Thanks," Riley said, laughing as she tucked a piece of her chestnut brown hair behind her ear.

The pair started making their way down to the parking lot. Jake could see Riley's keys hanging out of her pocket and he kept tussling with his mind over whether or not he should ask her to go in his car.

"So, uh, you want to go to Dizzy's?"

"That's exactly what I was thinking so yeah," she says, smiling.

"Okay, perfect, great. You want to ride with me, or are you gonna drive yourself there?"

"I was thinking I could drive with you if that's okay?" Riley's eyes lit up when she looked up at Jake and it made Jake's heart melt and he couldn't help but smile.

"Of course. I would... Love that actually. Let me just put this stuff in my trunk and then we can get going"

Riley nodded as Jake went around and unlocked his car, helping Riley into the passenger seat and smiling at her before closing the door. Jake hopped back into the car and pulled out of the lot, making their way to the stoplight. He looked at Riley.

God, she was so cute.

"So...," he said.

"So...," she said.

They both laughed.

"How is baseball going?" she asked, as Jake turned a corner.

"Oh, it's going," Jake said, chuckling. "It's good but some days are harder than others, you know? They've just been through so much and I only just hope I'm living up to everyone's expectations."

Riley looked out the front window and nodded, thinking thoughtfully.

"Yeah, I do get that. I'm sure you're doing a great job though. I've heard some awesome things from Mac through Nick so I'm sure it's going great"

Jake smiled, stopping at another light. "I appreciate it, Riley. Thanks"

They sat in silence for a little until Jake felt Riley move her hand into his. And surprisingly, it didn't feel uncomfortable or unnatural at all. It felt right.

"I'm sorry. I should have asked," she said, noticing Jake's shocked reaction. But it was a good shocked reaction.

"No, no, no. You're fine. I like it actually," Jake said, laughing slightly.

"Okay, good. So do I," Riley said.

They drove to Dizzy's and the entire way, Jake's left hand on the wheel and his right hand in Riley's.

And he had never felt such good comfort from someone other than Nick in his life.

"She, WHAT?"

Jake had to hold his phone away from his ear as Nick screamed into it. He sat down on his couch, adjusting the sweatshirt he was wearing.

"Yeah, at a stoplight, she just held my hand and I don't know, Nick. My first reaction wasn't to let go. It was... To hold on tighter"

"So, how was Dizzy's then?"

"It was great. We had a great time. There was this moment," Jake stopped to snicker before he continued. "Where she put ketchup on her fry, right? But then she threw it up in the air and the ketchup went all in her hair. Nick, it was hysterical"

Jake could hear Nick laughing through his own laughter.

"Hate to tell you this buddy, but I think you're falling," Nick said.

"I am and I do know it. Nick, I really like her," Jake said, probably never smiling more hugely in his life.

"Then you know what you gotta do, man," Nick said.

That night, Jake went to bed with his plan all ready. Nick and Mac were in on it and he fell asleep with a smile on his face.

Oh, he couldn't wait. Could life get much better than this???

Jake and Riley hung out almost every day after that night and they both knew each other like the backs of their hands now; they were closer than ever.

One week later and it was the big day.

Brennan's first game.

And at 8 am, Jake had his head stuck in the toilet, not from sickness( thank god), but of extreme nervousness on two accounts: The game and his surprise plan. After he threw up again for the second time, standing up shakily, his phone rang. It was Nick.

"Please tell me everyone is coming today," Jake all but begged. "I have nothing left in me to throw up. I can't take any more bad news. Or at least my stomach can't," he groaned, his head resting against his bathroom counter.

"Wait... what?" Nick's ears perked up when he processed what Jake had just said.

"Yeah, that nervous vomiting thing I always used to do before games at SJU and then again before the championship and you said I would grow out of it? Yeah, no, I didn't," Jake rambled.

"Oh Jake," Nick laughed.

"This is not funny, Nick Zaminski," Jake barked, using Nick's full name, even adding the ' inski' to his last name for emphasis. Nick rarely used his full name so whenever Jake pulled it out, he hoped it said that he meant business.

"Okay, I know, I know. To answer your question, everyone is coming today. Even Riley," Nick said, stretching out her name.

"Oh, I'm gonna throw up again," Jake said, leaning against the counter.

"Hey. Cheer up, pal. You're asking Riley if she wants to be your girl forever. She'll say yes. No sweat, " Nick said casually as Jake leaned against the counter.

"Now I'm really going to throw up. Just shut up, Zami," Jake said through gritted teeth.

"Okay, in all seriousness, now. Riley sure does like you, Jake. I hope you know that. I heard Mac talking to her and she seemed pretty smitten with you, too. No way she doesn't say yes. Okay? So stop worrying."

"Alright," Jake breathed out. "I think I'm okay now"

"I'm still bringing the SJU bucket," Nick snickered as he hung up.

"Nick," Jake whined and half groaned. That bucket came with Nick every single game and every single game, Jake would get so nervous, he would use it. And he would never live down the humorous rouse it gave his teammates and especially Nick.

When Jake forced himself to pull away from the toilet, he got dressed in his joggers and Brennan coaches gear, complete with his hat. As he adjusted his jacket sleeves, his phone dinged with a message:

Heyyy! It's Riley. Mac gave me your phone number. Hope you don't mind. Just wanted to let you know that Mac and I will be there today cheering you on. Good luck! You got this, Jake Wolff :)- Riley 8:36 am.

Jake's nausea suddenly dissipated and he felt at peace as he typed back a reply.

Hey, Riley! Thanks so much for the support! Feel less nervous now knowing you're gonna be there - Jake 8:36 am

He got a heart back in return and it made his stomach flip- not to throw up this time but in happiness. He checked his watch and seethed through his teeth, nervously. It was almost 9. The game started at 11:30. He told the team to be there at 10:30. He went downstairs and got all his stuff together, walking in circles making sure he didn't forget anything. He slipped his backpack strings over his shoulders, tucked his clipboard under his arm, and adjusted the brim of his hat.

"Now or never. Let's go," he whispered to himself, locking his front door.

When Jake got to the field, it looked even more majestic and well-trimmed than the first day at Brennan and he was amazed at how awesome it looked. He got out of his car and instantly got the wind knocked out of him as Nick bear-hugged him from behind. Jake laughed and hugged him back, fist-bumping him.

"Hey, Coach. Ready to go win a game?" he said. Jake placed a hand on his stomach.

"I'm not that stable yet. Be careful," Jake joked. But not really.

"That's why I have this," Nick said, holding up the handle of his red and black SJU bucket.

"Oh no, you didn't. I thought you were kidding, man. Oh Jesus, Nick. Don't let the kids see that," he whined.

"Oh ho, they're all gonna know after today"

Jake groaned, his head in his hands as he remembered. "Do you have the baseballs?"

"Of course I do. I wouldn't forget them"

"Do you have at least 30?"

"Yes, Jake. I have 40 actually," Nick said proudly and sarcastically.

"Okay. I'm really sorry. I'm just feeling a lot of things right now," he groaned. "Oh jeez, did I bring my Ipad? Oh thank god, I did," Jake mumbles to himself as he reaches into his driver's seat dash and gets the tablet. After he ducked out of the car and shut his door, Nick grabbed his shoulders and shook him a little bit.

"Jake Wolff"

"Nick Zami," Jake said, playing along.

"More smiling, less worrying. More blessed, less stressed"

It was a corny saying, but it's what Jake and maybe even Nick needed to hear right now.

"Okay," Jake smiled, breathing through his nose. "I got this. We got this"

"Yes we do," Nick said.

And the two made their way up to the field to start the best day of both of their lives.

"Jake! Where's the cone!"

"I don't know. Check my bag!" Jake yelled back, exasperated already and the day had barely started.

"I already did. It's not there"

"Oh, Jesus Christ. I can't. On today of all days," Jake said, putting his tablet down and getting off the bench, finally finding the training cone for glove work, and tossed it to Nick over the dugout, pointing his finger at him.

"You better not be doing this to make me more worked up than I already am, Zami," Jake warned, accusingly. Nick threw up his hands, the cone in his right.

"I'm not. I swear. Oh, and Jake?"

"Yes, Nick?"

"Riley's waiting for you. She wants to give you something," Nick said, grinning widely.

"Oh god, I feel nauseous again," Jake said as he walked to the dugout stairs to find Riley. He could hear Nick laughing as he walked back into left field with the team. Jake jogged up the stairs and found Riley standing outside the dugout with a white bag filled with red and black tissue paper.

He saw what she did there.

"Hey, Ry. What's up? Nick said you had something for me?"

"Well, actually for both of us but yeah," she said, laughing. She moved the bag away and showed Jake her shirt. It was black with a Brennan cursive red B in the corner. It seemed like a normal jersey... Until she turned around.

It said Jake's name on the back. With Coach in front of it.

Where was that SJU bucket when you needed it?

"And I have one for you too," Riley said, handing Jake the bag and watching his face as he opened it.
"Riley, I love it. Thank you so much"

"You're welcome, handsome," she said, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek and waving to him as she walked away. Jake stood there in shock. He finally walked back to the dugout after a while with a dopey smile on his face... To chaos. He set the bag out of reach from the team and clapped his hands, the sound reverberating off the walls.

"Guys! You're giving me a headache and I already feel nauseous. What's going on?"

"Coach Nick told us to hang out here and wait for you to tell us what's next," Collin said, the team eyeing Jake after his short outburst.

"Oh," Jake said, somewhat embarrassed. "Uh, grab gloves for me and take your positions"

The team stared at him as Jake suddenly felt stuck. He was being faced with a feeling he was dreading being faced with.


And he honestly had no clue what to do with it.  Thank god for Nick Zaminiski.

"Central has the field right now, Jake. Let's go hit and you take Grammar and Unger to pitch, alright? Give Coach a little forgiveness this morning, team. He's a little nervous," Nick said, rubbing Jake's shoulders, feeling serious little knots in them. The team gave Jake fistbumps and hugs, chorusing positive affirmations.

"I even brought the

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