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Okay, so here it is. The sequel for A Nerd Story of Love. I don't own any of this. The only thing I do own is the plot to the story and a very cool 'Geekward' mug. I'm planning on keeping the story lighthearted as can be, but there will be angsty moments. I will post warnings in the author's notes at the beginning of the chapters for fair warning.

Thanks for everyone who's faved, reviewed or read my story. I love writing SGB and Nerdella and I'm so happy that you all love them too.

Also, thank you for everyone who gave me funny baby stories. I needed some inspiration for the interaction with Kyra and her parents.

Chapter Eight: Florence


The door slammed in the villa. Kyra started fussing and Francesca passed her to Bella. We shared a look. Did we make a mistake? No, we didn't. I loved my sister. Deeply. She was my advocate when I was too chicken shit to do anything. However, she was not ready to be a godmother. If anything happened to us, Kyra would be going to her godparents. Did I want my sister raising my daughter?

I'm not so sure.

I sighed and got up. "I'm going to check on Younger," I said. Bella frowned and calmed Kyra. The rest of the family headed into the dining room for dinner. I went to their bedroom and heard Alice sobbing. It broke my heart to hear her cry. I blew out a breath and knocked on the door. Jasper threw it open and glared at me.


"I'd like to talk to you and my sister," I said.

"Too damn bad," Jasper snarled. "We've been the closest to you for all or most of your life and this how you repay us?"

"Can we talk?" I snapped. "This isn't about you. Or Alice. It's about what's best for my child."

"Jasper, let me talk to Edward. Go outside and cool down. I don't want any broken bones," Alice mumbled. Jasper shoved past me and went out onto the veranda. "Why, Edward?"

"Ali, it wasn't an easy decision," I said as I sat down in her room. She was curled up on the bed, looking incredibly small. "I love you, Younger. So much. But, it's about Kyra."

"Are you insinuating that I'll be a bad mother?" Alice asked, sneering at me.

"No. Never that. Rose has been Bella's friend forever. She was the logical choice. Yes, she's got a foul mouth and makes questionable decisions, but she loves Bella. She loves Kyra. I could see that when she was holding her this afternoon. You seemed scared."

"I am, Edward. I'm so afraid of fucking up your baby," she wailed. "I was pregnant, Edward."


"I was pregnant and I lost the baby. Right before we flew back out here," she sniffled.

"Ali," I said as I sat next to her. She crawled into my lap and sobbed into my shoulder. "Younger, I'm so sorry."

"This is the second miscarriage that I've had," she cried. "I had one right when Jasper and I started dating. That was a blessing in disguise because we were nowhere near ready to be parents. But now, I want it. My body is refusing to let me get it. And then to be denied..."

"Alice," I murmured as I held her tightly. She gripped my shirt and wailed against my chest. I just held her as she sobbed and cried. I felt for Alice. I truly did. But, I feel that the decision we made was the right one for our daughter.

Alice finally calmed down and pulled away. "I'm sorry for being such a bitch, Edward."

"Alice, you are not a bitch. You are going through something that no woman should have to endure," I said quietly as I wiped her tears from her face. "It's not fair."

"The doctors said that me having a baby is an impossibility. My frame is too small; I don't weigh enough; my rH factor is incompatible..."

"Have you gone to a specialist?" I asked.

"Just my usual gynecologist," Alice shrugged. "Dr. Michelle. She ran every test under the sun after I lost my second baby."

"How far along were you?"

"Eleven weeks," Alice cringed. "Having a D and C sucked."

"Don't know what that is but it sounds awful," I said as I brushed her hair behind her ears. "But seriously, have you gone to an infertility specialist?"

"No. I don't want to get my hopes up," Alice sniffled. "This is second time I lost my soul and it's killing me. Edward, I'm never going to be a mama."

"Alice, you could always adopt. There are surrogates," I suggested. "You'll be a mama. I want a niece or nephew to spoil. Kyra wants a cousin to play with. Ali, you will be a mother. It may not be a conventional pregnancy, birth or welcome to the family, but it will happen. I have a feeling."

"When did you get to be the voice of reason?" Alice joked with a small smile. "I'm always the one who had talk sense into you. Now the roles are reversed."

"I'm invoking my older twin brother wisdom card," I quipped. "But, Alice, it was not personal about the godparent thing."

"I know," she sighed. "I just wished you would have spoken with us prior to that...that."

"We made a mistake. I am sorry about making such a private matter public. Even though you are not Kyra's godmother, you're still her aunt. Jasper is still her uncle. You both still have the right to love and spoil my daughter unconditionally. And when you do have a child, I will return the loving and spoiling rights on your child."

"I will spoil your daughter. She's m only niece unless Emmett fathered a child somewhere," Alice said. "But, that kid would be like him. The spawn of Satan."

"Ugh, don't mention Emmett," I grumbled. "I think I'm getting an ulcer from worrying about him."

"Jasper is freaking out slightly," Alice said. "I'm still mad you, Older."

"I fully expect you to be, Younger," I said. Alice sat next to me and put her head on my shoulder, lacing her fingers with mine. It was how we sat whenever we consoled each other. Usually my head was on her shoulder because I was the one who needed consoling. "I love you, Alice. You're my sister and my best friend."

"I love you, too, Edward," Alice murmured. "You're my bonehead older brother and resident pain in my ass."

"No. That's Emmett," I snickered.

"He's the thorn in my side," Alice sighed. "Can you tell everyone that we're going to skip dinner? I really want to be alone."

"Okay, Ali," I said as I kissed her forehead. She wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me tightly. I got up from the bed. I kissed Alice on the cheek and darted out of their room. I looked out into the veranda and saw Bella talking to Jasper. He was crying and holding onto my wife like she was going prevent him from dying. I decided that I would talk to him later. I went into the dining room and saw my family eating their food. Rose was holding Kyra, cooing quietly at my principessa.

"Oh, good. This one pooped a hammer and is stinky," Rose snorted.

"You're holding her," I said as I sat down at my spot at the table. "Change your first poopy diaper."

"But..." Rose squeaked. "She's your offspring."

"You're her godmother," I smirked.

Demetri rolled his eyes and got up, taking Kyra from Rose's arms. He disappeared with her. Rose squeaked and ran after him.

"How's Alice?" Esme asked.

"You'll have to ask her," I said with a frown. "It's not place to say. But our announcement was the straw that broke the camels back, as it were. She won't be joining us for dinner."

"I'll send Maria with a tray for Alice and Jasper," Marcus said. He got up and went into the kitchen. I tucked into my plate of lasagna. Dear God in heaven...food. Real food. Not hospital slop. I inhaled my plate of the goodness that is lasagna and begged for another piece. Bella had come back as I was wolfing down my third serving.

"Jesus, Cullen," she snickered. "Miss your home cooked food?"

"Fuck yes," I said as I damn near licked the fucking plate.

"Edward Anthony, watch your mouth," Esme chastised. "You used to be so reserved and polite. Now you're swearing like a truck driver."

"Blame Rose," Bella said. "She's said things that'll make a sailor blush. She's got a potty mouth, that one. Speaking of Rose, where is she?"

"She and Demetri went to change Kyra. About a half hour ago," I said, arching my brow.

"Oh God," Bella grumbled as she shot up from her seat. I was on her heels as we both jogged to the nursery. When we got there, about fifty diapers were on the floor by Demetri's feet. Rose was holding a naked Kyra trying to stop her from crying. The room was filled with the stench of baby crap. Bella went over and swiped Kyra from Rose's arms. Rose apologized profusely and said that she'd never changed a diaper before. Demetri was standing at the changing table in shock. Covered in piss.

That's my girl.

I shoved him away and told him to get us an economy sized pack of diapers. He woodenly nodded and tugged Rose's shirt. They left and I began cleaning up the mess in the room. Bella had changed Kyra and put her in a sleep romper. "Did Auntie Rosie and Uncle Dem make a mess? Yes, they did," she cooed. She picked up Kyra and stared at me. "We're never having a social life again, Edward. If those are our built in baby sitters, we're screwed."

"It was their first diaper change," I said as I tied the garbage bag.

"You only went through two diapers on your first diaper change. Demetri went through a whole damn package," Bella said as she sat down in the rocking chair.

"I'm a genius," I smirked. "I'm going to throw this out and get a candle or something. It smells like shit in here."

"Yes it does. Baby shit," Bella giggled. "And good job for peeing on Uncle Dem, principessa. Next time aim for his mouth."

"You're ruthless, gorgeous," I laughed as I walked toward the door. Bella grinned wickedly and prepared to breast feed Kyra. I sighed and left the room. Esme was talking to Alice and Jasper in the dining room. I hid and listened to their conversation.

"...I know you're upset, Alice. But, it was Edward and Bella's decision. If you notice, none of your god parents are family members," Esme explained.

"Demetri is our step-brother," Alice whined.

"But he was Edward's friend first. And I think that Edward chose the godmother while Bella decided upon the godfather," Esme explained. "Alice, what you're going through is making the decision a hundred times more delicate. But they didn't know. How were they supposed to know? Edward and Bella have been here in the hospital for the past month. This is going to sound harsh, but the world does not revolve around Alice and Jasper Whitlock."

"Esme," Jasper growled. "I respect their decision but it's the way they handled it. That pissed me off. Edward is supposed to be my best friend. And he blows me off like that?"

"I'm going to say this once," Esme said sternly. "This is not about you. Not about Bella and Edward. It's about that little baby that they just had. What's best for her. If you can't realize that...I feel for you both and I love you. I can't imagine what it's like to have a miscarriage. But you can't expect to replace your lost baby with Kyra. She's not yours."

"I know," Alice cried. "But, I want one. So badly, Mom. It's just not happening."

I shook my head and finished my eavesdropping. I went out into the garage, tossing the bag of diapers into the trash. As I was doing so, Demetri and Rose came back. He had noticeably changed into a t-shirt and jeans, removing the piss-covered shirt from his body. "Here are your diapers, Edward," Demetri said as he tossed me a huge pack of diapers.

"Dem, these are the wrong size," I grimaced.

"They come in sizes?" Rose shrieked.

"Yeah, these are for kids who can crawl. The diaper is as big as my daughter," I laughed. "She's a newborn. She can barely stay awake for more than twenty minutes. Come on, let's head back. I'm going with you." Demetri nodded. I went inside to tell Bella that I was going to Rose and Demetri to get diapers. She smiled and said that she was going to put her down and go to sleep herself.

An hour later, I have more diapers than I know what to do with. Demetri and Rose insist on learning and if it means that they have to use a million diapers, then so be it. I went to my bedroom and ran into Kyra's pack and play. "Son of a bitch," I griped. Kyra started shrilling. "Principessa," I cooed as I picked her up. Bella roused on the bed and turned on the light.

"Sorry, Edward. I couldn't sleep without her in the room. Jasper and Marcus moved her pack and play in here," she said sleepily. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I said as I sat down next to Bella on the bed. "I just stubbed my toe and woke up our angel. Jasper helped?"

"Marcus tried to move it by himself but he struggled. Alex had too much vino at dinner and was passed out on his bed. So, he got Jasper. It looked like he calmed down. Jasper, that is. What's going on? Other than the obvious."

I scooted back on the bed and balanced Kyra on my knees. I made goofy faces at her as lightly tickled her belly. She babbled happily and grasped my pinky with surprising strength. "Alice had a miscarriage," I said as tickled Kyra's toes.

"What?" Bella whispered. "When?"

"Right before they came out here," I answered. I caressed little Kyra's cheek. Like Bella, she pressed into my touch. Her soft golden eyes close and she cooed. "My sweet baby. I love you, Kyra. I can't imagine life without you."

"Alice and Jasper must be heartbroken," Bella murmured. "When I spoke with Jasper, he just started sobbing. I couldn't get any words out of him. He hugged me tightly and cried. It was so sad to see him like that. He's usually so funny and goofy."

"They're pissed, understandably," I sighed, leaning down to kiss Kyra's forehead. "I overheard them talking to Esme and she laid into them for their selfish behavior. She's sympathetic to their problem, but said their reaction was not justified, essentially. It's what's best for Kyra."

"I stick by my decision," Bella said as she put her head on my shoulder. "Though, I'm seriously concerned about our daughter if we ever leave her with Demetri or Rose. She'll have the worst diaper rash."

"I'm giving them diaper changing lessons tomorrow," I deadpanned. Kyra was snoring slightly on my lap. I gently picked her up and placed her in the pack and play. I stripped out of my clothes. Slipping between the crisp sheets, I wrapped my arms around my wife. "I love you, gorgeous."

"I love you, too, angel," she said as she kissed me sweetly. She nestled against my chest and soon was snoring like Kyra. I held her tightly, kissing her fragrant hair before falling into my slumber.

xx TGGTP xx

The next few weeks were pretty low key. Jasper and Alice flew back to the states along with Alex, Tim, Charlie and Sue. Renee, Phil, Rose and Demetri stayed in Italy. Jasper said he needed to train his new assistant that he hired. I asked him what happened to his old assistant. He explained that she up and quit. So he hired this woman, Lauren from Washington. She was moving to Chicago to be closer to her family apparently.

Things between Alice and Jasper were strained at best but we were healing. Alice had mostly forgiven me and Bella. Jasper was okay with Bella but still pretty distant with me. We would have a long way to go to get our relationship back to what it was.

Kyra was growing like a weed. Each day she was getting stronger and more beautiful. I could see the changes in her face and body. It was so amazing to see how this little person was a perfect combination of Bella and me. All of our best traits were in our daughter. She had Bella's curls, nose, face shape and over all delicate stature. Kyra had my eyes, skin and hair color. At each doctor's appointment, the nurses coo at how beautiful our baby is, rambling in Italian that she's an angel sent from heaven.

I couldn't agree more. She is an angel.

Daddy's angel.

The day of Kyra's baptism has been arranged. It was going to be the Sunday before we return to the states in the church where Esme and Marcus got married. Dr. Tufano said that Kyra was perfectly healthy and that Bella's blood pressure had finally normalized. She also explained that if we did have more children, we'd have to monitor Bella's pressure to not have a repeat of what happened with Kyra.

Before I knew it, we were at Kyra's six week check up and Bella's final appointment. She was getting antsy and staring at me like I was a steak again. She was almost down to her pre-baby weight. Bella had a tiny pooch in her belly and her breasts were huge. We got to Dr. Tufano's office. Waiting in reception, Bella took Kyra out of her carrier and adjusted her outfit. "Hopefully this will be our last appointment here in Italy, principessa," Bella crooned our baby. "Then we can go home."

"I can't wait. I love Marcus' villa, but I miss our house," I said as I wrapped my arms around Bella's shoulders. "As weird as it sounds, I miss going to work."

"You've been working, Edward," Bella said as she cradled Kyra in her arms.

"Telecommuting is not fun," I grumbled.

"That's what I'm going to do once we get back," Bella said, arching her brow. "I'm taking another six weeks off in Chicago and then I'm telecommuting four days a week and going into the office one day."

"You want to go back to work?" I asked.

"I do. I love our baby, but I need to do what I went to school for. I'll be home with her four days out of the five work days."

"I'll try to arrange my schedule that the day that you're working, I'll telecommute," I suggested.

"Isabella Cullen?" the nurse called.

"You'd do that?" Bella asked, picking up Kyra. I pushed the stroller into the room.

"Bella, I'd do anything for you and Kyra. You two are my life," I said quietly.

"Okay, Papa...You come with me and we weigh Kyra," the nurse said as she took the baby from Bella's arms. "Mama, you take off your clothes and Dr. Tufano check you out. Okay? This room right here."

I followed the nurse and she took measurements on Kyra. She asked me questions about her eating habits, sleeping habits, and diaper habits. I explain to her that she is perfect in every way. The nurse snorted and rolled her eyes. I shrugged and picked Kyra up from the scale. I pressed my lips to her soft forehead, inhaling her soft baby scent. I followed her to another room, sitting down on a chair and cradling Kyra in my arms.

Bella came in a few moments later rubbing her hip and wearing a grimace. "What's wrong?"

"I forgot how much I hate needles," she grumbled.


"I asked Dr. Tufano to put me back on the shot. I want to have more babies with you, Edward, but not now," she snickered.

"Damn," I pouted. "But, are you okay?"

"All clear," Bella smiled. "But, we'll have to use condoms for a few weeks until the shot takes effect."

"That'll be a challenge. It'll be weird to make love to you and not feel everything," I said as I caressed Kyra's cheek. She gurgled and smiled at me.

"I know, angel. But we can make love," she said with a waggle of her brows. "Tell me you're not incredibly horny."

"Yes, I'm horny and jealous of our daughter. She sees more of your boobies than I do," I said with a pronounced pout.

"Perhaps you'll see them tonight," Bella purred as she nibbled on my ear. I groaned and shifted in seat, adjusting for growing monster in my shorts.

"Hello?" Dr. Tufano said as she breezed in. I gave her a

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