Boundaries Pushed

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Okay, so here it is. The sequel for A Nerd Story of Love. I don't own any of this. The only thing I do own is the plot to the story and a very cool 'Geekward' mug. I'm planning on keeping the story lighthearted as can be, but there will be angsty moments. I will post warnings in the author's notes at the beginning of the chapters for fair warning.

Thanks for everyone who's faved, reviewed or read my story. I love writing SGB and Nerdella and I'm so happy that you all love them too.

I want to send out a special shout-out to all of my girls who 'flamed' a plagiarist. Someone tried to pawn off ANSOL as their story. Suffice it to say, the story was reported and subsequently removed. It was all thanks to tropicnebula, Emotion Masen, Li-Li D. Meadows, Wyrmie Fanfiction, Trish Villani, Remmy Kins, Tami Birkes and Chersti who originally alerted me to the plagiarism. I'm not usually one to 'preach' but if it's not yours, don't take it. We don't take kindly to stealers...

Chapter Fourteen: Boundaries Pushed


"Edwina," Jasper grumbled over the phone. "I can't get this bug out of the latest update for our firewall program. Can you take a look at it?"

"Jasmine," I sighed, "you are better at finding bugs than I am."

"Not today. I can't keep my eyes open, man," Jasper said. "Your sister is nearly back to normal, if you know what I mean..."

"Fuck, gross, Jasper!" I spat. "I do not need to know that. That's my sister. SISTER! I do not need to know about your sordid love life, perv!"

"What the fuck ever, Edwina," Jasper snickered. "Look for the bug, please?"

"Fine," I said as I hung up the receiver. I told Eric that I was going to Jasper's office to address some issues. He smiled and continued clacking on his own computer keyboard. I waved at the temp sitting at Jasper's assistant's desk. We had yet to hire a permanent replacement for Lauren. The current temp, Naomi, was actually looking pretty promising. She was conscientious and smart. Plus, she was like in her forties and married. She had been let go from her previous position job and was temping to get extra money. Naomi gave me a pleasant smile and told me to go right into the office. I opened the door and saw Jasper sitting at his computer, tearing at his blonde hair. "Dude, you're going to go bald."

"No, I'm not," he groaned. "I'm ready to chuck it all and move to Lake Titicaca in a modular underwater unit. You can design it and Alice and I will live there permanently."

"Oh, stop being so dramatic, Jasper," I said as I pushed him out of his chair. "It can't be that bad." I looked at the screen and I had no idea what I was looking at. Jasper had fucked up the code beyond all recognition. "What the fuck? Are you trying to confuse our customers and have them read directions in ancient Sanskrit?"

"This is my problem, Edward," Jasper grumbled. "My eyes are fucking crossing I'm so tired. Can't I just go home?"

"If this is the work you're doing, then yes," I said as I ran my hands over his computer keyboard. "You're worthless if you are writing gibberish. Kyra can do better than this, asshat."

"I can really go?" Jasper asked quietly.

"Leave, douche," I said, arching my brow over my reading glasses. "I'll fix this enormous mess. Hopefully by tonight."

"Thank you, Edward," Jasper squealed as he kissed my temple. He moved his lips to my forehead and continued kissing me. "I love you, brother from another mother. My brain and my cock thank you..."

"Stop kissing me," I deadpanned. "I don't want to junk punch you. You're acting too much like Demetri's hubby. It's bad enough I get molested by him. I don't need to another in-law to my do-not-touch list."

"Leave my husband alone," Demetri snickered from the doorway. "He loves his brother-in-law. A little too much, but he loves you."

"Hi, Dem," I smiled as I shoved Jasper away. "You stay on the couch. No kissing your boss."

"I'd rather be whipped, lover," Jasper said with a coy grin. "Come and get me, big boy."

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up," I said, taking off my glasses and rubbing my face. "I swear, my sister fucked out all of his intelligence from his brain."

"Nice," Demetri snorted. "I have this quarter's financial report to go over with you, bossman."

"Don't call me that," I said.

"You are the bossman," Jasper giggled. "Edward Anthony Masen Cullen, CEO of Whitlock Technologies and Founder of The Cullen Children's Foundation. You're the shit, man. The bossman! Bossward! We should make t-shirts."

"Don't make me come over there, Jasmine," I said, arching a brow. "Just...just...I have no words for you. Hold on. Demetri, can we meet in like an hour to discuss the financial report. I have to fix the pig Latin Mandarin that Jasper was trying use for our firewall program."

"First it's ancient Sanskrit and now it's pig Latin Mandarin. Nice," Jasper bellowed.

Demetri rolled his eyes and covered Jasper's mouth with his hand. "Is he high?"

"Onf Falaice's puffy," Jasper said through Demetri's hand.

"Was that English?" Demetri asked.

Jasper nodded and pulled his hand away. "I'm high on Alice's pussy!"

"That's it!" I groaned as I got up, stomping over to Jasper's perch on the couch. "Purple nurple or swirlie?"

"Purple nurple you can do on your own. The swirlie, I'd have to help you," Demetri said with a solemn frown.

We shared a look and then smiled deviously, "Swirlie," we laughed.

"NO!" Jasper squeaked.

We walked over to Jasper and as we were about to put our hands on him, my cell phone rang. I sighed and reached into my pocket. "Saved by the proverbial bell, Whitlock," I said. I answered the phone, "Edward Cullen."

"Edward! It's Charlie."

"Hey, Charlie. What's up?" I asked as I leaned against the desk.

"Are you sitting down?" he asked.

"I'm leaning, Charlie," I said. "What is it? Is Bella okay?"

"She's fine, as far as I know. But, I have some information about a former employee of yours," Charlie said.

"Can you hold on, Charlie? I want to put you on speaker phone. I'm with Jasper and Demetri, our new Chief Financial Officer. If it's about the company, they have a right to know, too," I said.

"Sure, sure," he said quietly. I pulled the phone away and pressed the appropriate button, encouraging Charlie to talk. "Okay, earlier today we received a phone call from one of the architectural boat tours that one of their boat captains saw something floating in the river. I was called in with a recovery team and that something was a woman."

"Who?" Demetri asked.

"Lauren Mallory," Charlie replied.

"How did you identify her?" I asked. "She used a fake social security card to get a job here."

"Finger prints," Charlie answered. "There's more, though."

"What?" Jasper squeaked, nibbling on his thumbnail.

"She was naked and had something carved into the skin of her stomach," Charlie mumbled. "It said, 'I'm back-EMC.'"

"Emmett," I choked out. "Charlie, I need to let you go. I have to call Bella. See if she's alright."

"Of course, Edward. You stay safe, son," he said, worry evident in his voice.

"I will. Thanks, Charlie," I rushed out as I hung up the phone. "I'm going to call from my office." The guys nodded and they already had out their cell phones, calling their husband and wife. I sent a text to Ricky and Johnny, explaining the newest predicament about Emmett. I then dialed Bella's cell phone. It went straight to voicemail.

No...Bella. KYRA. I'll kill him.

"She probably has her phone off. Breathe, Cullen," I chanted to myself, leaning against my desk. I dialed Matthew's cell phone and it too went straight to voicemail. "What the hell?"

I called Ricky and Johnny and asked one of them to try and locate my wife. Johnny mentioned that Bella was going out to lunch with Esme, Rose and Alice, but he wasn't sure where. I tried each of their phones, but they wouldn't answer either. Where they in some sort of cell phone black hole? "Relax, Edward. She has Matthew with her. He's a trained killer. He'll protect my family," I murmured, clutching the cell phone to my chest. My heart was stammering against my ribs. I took a calming breath and dialed Bella's number again. It rang. No voicemail.

But she didn't pick up.

I started pacing in my office, getting very upset. Bella and Kyra were my world. If they were hurt or killed, I don't know what I would do. As I was wearing out my carpet of my office, Demetri came in and had a relieved look on his face. "Were you able to get a hold of Alex?" I squeaked out.

"Yeah. He was at the foundation site in Naperville with Tim," Demetri said with a smile. He looked at me and arched a brow. "You haven't gotten a hold of Bella, have you?"

"No," I wailed as I sank onto the couch, shaking like a leaf. "What if he got her, Dem? He could be murdering my wife..."

"Edward," Demetri said sternly, "You need to calm down. Your heart is racing." Demetri's hand was pressed to my neck. "Bella's fine. Let me try on my phone, okay?"

I nodded, biting my lip to quell the tears that threatened to fall down my cheeks. Demetri dialed Bella's number and held it in his hand as it rang. Again she didn't pick up. I clutched my stomach and whimpered quietly. Demetri put the phone on the table and took my hands in his. "Edward, you're making yourself sick. You need to be strong for your wife and baby. You're letting your imagination run wild."

"Demetri, he fucking bludgeoned my father to death," I spat. "Yes, Carlisle was a douche but he didn't deserve that. I can just imagine what he'd do to Bella. He'd probably carve her up into little pieces after he had his way with her. Fuck, I need to get my wife micro chipped."

"Like a dog?" Demetri asked dryly.

"Sort of," I said. "I'll get a microchip installed into some of her jewelry and I can see where she's at with a program we have her at Whitlock. I'll have it added to her necklace. I'll do the same to mine." I got up and went to the computer, checking to see if I had the microchips at the ready. I did. I dialed Eric and asked him to get two, along with a kit for me to install them to take home. Before I hung up, I asked for a third microchip to put on Kyra. But where? She's a little young for jewelry.

"Try calling her again, Edward," Demetri pressed as he handed me my cell phone.

I nodded and picked up my cell phone, hitting number one on my speed dial. Demetri rubbed my shoulders as I waited for her to pick up, begging with my mind to hear her voice.

"Hey, baby," she cooed.

"Oh, thank GOD!" I breathed as I slumped in my chair. "I've been trying to get a hold of you for the past half hour. I've been sick with worry."

"What's wrong, Edward?" she asked, panic lacing her voice.

I gulped and looked at Demetri who smiled sadly. "Two things, gorgeous. One, Lauren's dead. . She was fished out of the Chicago River earlier today. The police think it was murder. Well, they know it's murder."

"How?" she whimpered.

"It brings me to my second thing," I cried. "It's Emmett. He killed Lauren. Carved in her belly were the words, 'I'm back. EMC.'" I heard a scuffle and the phone drop. "Bella? Bella!"

"Edward, it's mom," Esme said frantically. "Bella just fainted. What happened?"

"Emmett's back," I croaked out. "Where are you?"

"Greek town, at Greek Islands."

"I'm on my way. Don't. Go. Anywhere," I said sternly. "I love you, Mom." I stood up and grabbed my suit coat, throwing it on my body. I also grabbed my overcoat, rushing out of the office. Eric thrust my microchips into my hands as I raced out of the office. Ricky was on my heels while Johnny was already on his way to Greek Islands. I noticed that Jasper's car was already gone. Ricky pushed me to the passenger seat of my Volvo and he sped out of the parking garage of the Hancock building toward Greek Town. Once we got to Greek Islands, Ricky had barely stopped the car before I had the door open, running into the restaurant. I bypassed the hostess and ran toward the back of the restaurant. I found my family in a private room. Bella was sitting on one of the chairs, kissing Kyra's head, tears falling down her cheeks. I reached my wife and daughter and fell to my knees. I wrapped my arms around both of them and held them tightly. "I'll protect you, gorgeous. If I have to kill him, I'll make sure your safe, Bella. I love you. I love our Kyra."

"Edward, I'm so scared," she murmured against my neck. "He's so close. He killed Lauren. He could kill you. I don't know..."

"I'm not going let my asshole brother touch me or touch you," I snarled, looking into her sad brown eyes.

"Miss Bella?" Johnny said quietly. Bella looked over my shoulder at him. "We all took an oath to protect you, Mr. Edward and Miss Kyra. We will not rest until Emmett is in custody or swimming with the fishes. I have connections that can make that happen."

"Is he going to wake up with a horse head in his bed?" Rose snickered.

"That can be arranged, Miss Rosalie," Johnny said with a devious grin. "But he needs to be found, first."

"Mr. Edward, it would probably be in the best interest to add some security to Bella's family as well," Ricky suggested. "I can make the arrangements in Phoenix for Miss Renee and Mr. Phil."

"I'll do it here in Chicago for Mr. Charlie," Matthew said. "Though, he's probably the best protected out of all of us since he's a cop."

"Or the most vulnerable," Esme said. "He knows all of the details of each of the attacks on both Carlisle and this poor girl, Lauren."

"She's not a poor girl," Bella snapped. "She was a she-beast but she didn't deserve to die." Kyra started crying in Bella's arms. She held our principessa and kissed her forehead. "It's okay, little one. Momma's here."

"Let's get you all home," Ricky said sternly. "Matthew, you take Mr. Edward's car with Johnny. I'll drive Miss Bella's car back to the house in Glenview. Do a sweep of the property once you get there, okay?"

"Got it, boss," Johnny said as he left with Matthew. Ricky took Bella's car keys and drove the car to the rear of the restaurant. So did Jasper's bodyguard. Esme was going to ride home with them while Rose was coming with us. The management of the restaurant let us out of the kitchen and we piled into Bella's car. Rose sat in the front seat while I was in the back with Bella and Kyra. I held Bella in my lap as Ricky drove us back to our house in Glenview. I wanted to hold Kyra but we needed to keep her in the car seat.

"Miss Rosalie," Ricky said quietly, "Do you have protection?"

"Should I?" she asked, laying her hand on her belly.

"You were an integral part of Emmett's downfall," I said from the backseat. "You should have some sort of protection. Ricky, arrange it for her, please?"

"You don't think that Emmett would hurt me? Or my babies?" she sniffled.

"Rose, let us help you," I said fervently. "You are in a secure condominium but having an extra set of eyes is beneficial."

"I'll speak to the firm and get two bodyguards for Miss Rosalie and Mr. Tim," Ricky said as he captured my eyes in the rearview mirror.

"Thank you," I said as I tightened my hold on my wife.

We got back to the house. Ricky told us to wait until he checked the perimeter. He removed his gun from his holster and spoke into his earpiece. Johnny and Matthew said that the house was clear. I took Kyra out of the car seat and we walked into the kitchen. Bella was comforting a very distraught Rose, who was on the phone with Tim. I carried Kyra into the family room and took her out of the carrier. I quickly changed her and held her to my chest. "Daddy loves you, Kyra," I said against her soft skin. "I'll do everything to make you safe, little one. I promise you. You and Mommy are my world." I hummed quietly and rocked her as she fussed against my body. "I know, little one. Are you hungry?" She let out a loud wail and I chuckled. "Let's get you some food, principessa. No boobies from daddy, but I do have the goods," I snickered. I walked into the kitchen and pulled out a bottle from Bella's diaper bag. I expertly released the lid and placed the nipple to Kyra's lips. She latched on immediately and began suckling.

Bella came downstairs and sat down on one of the stools in the kitchen. "Is Rose okay?" I asked.

"She's very upset. I set her up in the guest bedroom to get some rest," Bella explained. "But she's afraid that Emmett is going to kill her and her babies. I don't blame her. I'm afraid of the same thing. Why can't he just...fucking disappear? You know, 'poof' and he's gone?"

"I wished that all my life," I sighed. "Emmett was always mean spirited. I mean, I was younger than him by four years. He never saw me as a brother, but a nuisance. A thorn in his side. I was his nerdy younger brother who cramped his style. I mean, I was skinny, gangly, blind as a fucking bat and I used multisyllabic words. The epitome of geek. Emmett was the 'big man' on campus. He was on the football team, had a ton of girlfriends, a ton of friends and had it all. But he made everyone's life that was not exactly like him a living hell. I wasn't the only one but I got the brunt of his teasing."

"How can someone be like that? I mean, Esme is a saint," Bella said as she sidled up next to me, staring out daughter. Her eyelids had drooped and was getting heavier in my arms.

"You remember Carlisle? My sperm donor?" I snorted.

"But he eventually saw that he was a douche," she reasoned.

"Too late, though," I sighed. "Some people are just inherently evil. Emmett is the prime example."

"But some people are inherently good," Bella said as she kissed my cheek. "You are the example of that. You are a good man, Edward. I love you, angel."

"I love you more, gorgeous," I said as I put the bottle on the counter.

xx TGGTP xx

After that scare with Emmett, things slowly returned to normal. I telecommuted two days a week. Bella did the same. However, we telecommuted on separate days. I had the microchips installed onto our necklaces. Bella was not happy about that. She said she felt like a golden retriever. I then explained how I felt when I couldn't get a hold of her that day when we found out about Lauren. She quickly changed her tune after I told her about how I nearly lost my shit that Emmett had gotten her and Kyra. I took her to the tech man cave and showed her how to track our microchips. She caught on quickly and kissed me at the brilliance of my plan. I also told her that I had a microchip installed in Kyra's carrier.

Despite my protests, we still went ahead with the benefit for the foundation at our location in Naperville. Alice said that Emmett was a douche but he was not going to ruin our fun. I arched my brow but let it continue. We needed to spread the word about The Cullen Children's Foundation in the western suburbs. This was the best way to do it. We also invited several local performing groups to sing at the benefit. Two local high schools and a small chamber group from the Naperville Chorus were slated to sing. Bella was in contact with them to make the arrangements.

Before I knew it, I was sitting on the floor of my bedroom, playing with my now six month old daughter. Alice was curling Bella's hair for the benefit as I cared for Kyra. She was rolling all over the floor and smiling as she held my attention. "My little roly poly," I

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