Me: Hello and welcome back! Sorry for the long break! Today we will be looking at, drumroll please...
All: *drumroll*
Me: Zuko Fanart!!!
All but Zuko: Great!
Zuko: 😑😬
Me: Oh come onnn.... It won't be horrible!
Zuko: I guess this isn't that bad.
Sokka: Yeah it captures you perfectly. 😁
Toph: 😆Yeh.
Zuko: I don't always look bored...
Suki: Sureee😏
Katara: 😂.
Aang: Idk what this one is but it's good.
Katara: Yeah, I like it.
Suki: Agreed.
Sokka: Still looks like the same bored look😒😒😒😑😑😑😑😑
Zuko: Sokka...😒
Sokka: JK.
Suki: Ashgjbdhdjdhhdudjdjciiejsbdgdufmbdgh😆😂😆😂😆
Katara: Look at wittle angry zuko🥺🥺🤣🤣
Zuko: 😳😳😑😑
Aang: It's true.
Sokka: Yeh! Yeh! It REALLY is! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Toph: You say it Katara.
Me: I'm sorry, that's it for today but I'll have some soon!!!
So sorry for the late update! Feel free to give recommendations!!
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