El Último Año

El Último Año

19,852 2,135 30

Era el último año de Carlos en el equipo, su última temporada juntos, y Charles no se había atrevido a confesar sus sentimientos.Está historia y Odio a Tu Novio están conectadas.…

CIMORELLI : All Powered Up

CIMORELLI : All Powered Up

10,541 420 45

Since the dawn of song covers and YouTube videos, Cimorelli has been a mainstay in the spotlight of the online entertainer world after gaining massive view counts and millions of fans worldwide. The group has since branched out into the mainstream music industry and released multiple original songs as well as traveled the world to visit adoring fans, creating a whole new movement in the cynically saturated music market. Their lives shifted from being six ordinary sisters living in California to international role-models and extremely talented music artists following their dreams and making them come true in Nashville, their new home, with a huge following in the independent music scene. The six sisters have nowhere to go but up from here, and now after the release of their debut album Up at Night, they encounter someone who would cause for their lives to change forever.…



4,623 104 15

"Cupid's dart hit me hard and suddenly, my heart wanted just her." Cimorelli sisters went on concert as its usual. Meeting new faces wasn't anything new for them. However, little did they know that for one of them was this show life-changing. Lauren Cimorelli and Alec Kubitschek. One of them famous singer and other one die-hard fan of her. Seeing her biggest idols live was Alec's biggest dream. What will happen when she finally gets tickets for one of their show? What if Lauren will finally find the girl of her dreams? Will be Alec good enough for her?…

Cimorelli Lyrics

Cimorelli Lyrics

84,004 1,306 189

Here are all the lyrics to the Cimorelli Lyrics that I know (not in order) I update 1 or 2 songs with lyrics weekly (sometimes daily) or just one. I hope you enjoy! Thanks for reading ❤❤❤ Get Up At Night and Alive on iTunes!!!~Lord, Your Name Is Forever~~Please just give it One More Night~~I feel because I'm Alive~~You'll Never Let Me Fall~~I just wanted The Love of a Man~~My God Is Here~~And I will still Hope For It~~Gotta Kick this Habit now~~I know you're doing the same, tryna Find Me, too~~Sing your Love Song Over Me~You're Worth It, Good Enough & Worth The Fight❤-Jillian…

Jason Todd (Red Hood) x Reader Imagines

Jason Todd (Red Hood) x Reader Imagines

632,104 12,446 74

This is a complete book of all of the current Jason Todd x Reader fics on my Tumblr account. Some requests and some of my own ideas. I hope you enjoy! Prompts used comes from @otpprompts on Tumblr…

Amor a primera vista


19,109 84 23

Alexander Harrington siempre estuvo enamorado de su mejor amiga, Brenna Rhodes, jamás se lo dijo por temor a arruinar su amistad. El decidió separarse de Brenna, pero el destino hará que se reencuentren ¿Los sentimientos hacia su mejor amiga han desaparecido? ¿Volverá a sentir la ataraxia que siente siempre que la mira? Lo descubrirá muy pronto ya que ambos sin saberlo serán vecinos. Brenna Rhodes, dejó de hablarse con su mejor amigo Alexander Harrington porque él la dejó en un momento muy difícil de su vida ¿No se supone qué los mejores siempre están contigo en las buenas, en las malas y en las peores? Pues en el caso de Brenna y Alex no fue así. ¿Qué pasará cuando Brenna se enteré de que Alexander será su vecino? Ahora que no lo soporta o eso dice ella. Las cosas entre ellos se pondrán interesantes ahora que son vecinos. Ahora que vuelve a ver a Alexander después de mucho tiempo, se ha vuelto más atractivo. Debido a presiones tendrá que fingir ser novia de él ¿podrá resistirse a las reglas? Sobre todo la número no enamorarse.…

It's YOUR fault-(Cimorelli story)

It's YOUR fault-(Cimorelli story)

38,433 1,068 52

Dani's been acting weird and all her sisters have noticed but only Lauren decides to do something about it. She needs to save her baby sister...But what will happen? Once Lauren interferes with Dani's life will she change? will she get hurt? And then it will be Dani's fault for getting Lauren into this mess. Now she has to save her sister and she knows it's all her fault... Is Dauren going to stay forever broken or can it be fixed? And now Lauren doesn't trust Dani so who can she rely on to help her, will Lisa be able to?READ MORE TO FIND OUT JUST HOW MUCH SISTERS NEED TO BE THERE FOR ONE ANOTHER!///DISCLAIMER;Alright I should've written this long ago but I was young and obviously couldn't write, as you can tell by the first few chapters, a lot of the story is adult themed and may be triggering so please don't read if you're sensitive to that. Again, very sorry I didn't do this earlier.…

La historia de amor de Luis y Cristin

La historia de amor de Luis y Cristin

307 31 15

Es algo romántico , con muchas más emociones , solo descúbrelo por ti mismo y espero que les guste 🤩❤️…

Izuku Harem  historia  alterna  dimencional   reboot

Izuku Harem historia alterna dimencional reboot

563 11 5

Bueno esta historia tratara de una historia paralela a la anterior de izuku harem, tendrá los mismos eventos y unos nuevos que aclararan algunos hechos ocurridos en la historia original que se exploraran mediante otra perspectiva contada como se dieron ciertos eventos, como la formación de la pandilla de izuku entre otros, lo nuevo va hacer lo siguiente1)Izuku y toga tendrá el magantrix desde el comienzo, tendrán las mismas particularidades de ellos, con la cuestión que rino, y loki y Steel estarán desde el comienzo.2)Izuku conocerá a todos los de la UA, Shiketsu, katsubutsu, Seiai3)Tendremos participación de los hijos Doc./oc más eri de no dirijo un orfanato de izuku será el padre y toga la madre…

Parallel World : KatekyoHitmanReborn

Parallel World : KatekyoHitmanReborn

197,203 8,669 58

A world where everything is not what we knew how it was. Tsunayoshi as a girl, not a Vongola Decimo but Giotto is, raised by a Vindice.Sending their principessa off to Japan to investigate Vongola Decimo, Meeting new people. All she has in mind, is to keep her identity from the others.. and to return back.KHR is not MineCover Art is MineFem27Plot is mine…

Here I Am!

Here I Am!

27,302 720 33

Y/n Cabello. The unknown 22 year old sister of well known singer Camila Cabello. Y/n fells like the outcast of her family. She can't sing like Camila and isn't as innocent and cute as Sofia is. Her life was okay until Camila became famous. What happens when she meets some new people when she finally decides to move? Will she finally be noticed by her family? Note: I have no hate towards Camila and her family. She just seemed like a good fit for this story. I apologize if this offends anyone :(Also Warning: Possibly Slow Updates :( :(…

tu sonrisa borro mis lagrimas

tu sonrisa borro mis lagrimas

34,860 1,638 13

Natsu sera olvidado por su gremio así llevándolo a una depresión muy grande con una soledad que ya no puede soportar ¿que le de para el destino podrá salir de ese estado abra algo que le devuelva el calor que antes tenia?…

The mysterious sky (khr fanfic) (currently being edited)

The mysterious sky (khr fanfic) (currently being edited)

211,942 6,245 85

Tsunayoshi otherwise known as dame-tsuna by his class and tsuna by his friends is just an ordinary boy in namimori middle.He has a older brother named Giotto (who doesn't acknowledge him), his mother nana (who treats him as if he isn't there) and his father lemitsu (who ignores him).But all of this changes after an accident that involved the people he cares about and tsuna becomes cold to everyone except a certain skylark, 2 years later he meets a certain hitman who just happens to be the worlds best hitman, reborn whilst walking through the park, who is there to train his brother for the position of vongola decimo.Once the hitman arrives he learns that tsuna disappears in the middle of the night and is curious as to what the younger does.Will reborn discover what tsuna is up to and confront him or will he be outsmarted by the young aloof boy?Warning abusive family and out of character hibari kyouya and hibari alaude as well as arcobaleno and tsuna's guardians also swear wordsThis is not going to be any romantic 1827 or R27 but may show some Platonic familial 1827 and r27 at some points.Also lemitsu bashing *party time (can't touch this)*I do not own all of the pictures only the drawings which is the first two pictures And I do not own the musicI originally created this planning on having no pairings but then made it a 10027, so apologies at how fast paced the relationship is.…



4,287 8 7

Y de repente no sentí nada, creía que volaba, lagrimas inundaron mis ojos y solo quería gritarle al mundo que yo no valía nada, que no amaba este estilo de vida pero que elegí, pero decidí vivir así para no sufrir pero no estaba en lo correcto ya que sufría aun más, mucho más. Sabía que no vendría ningún príncipe azul y bebería de mis lagrimas hasta calmar mis penas, sabía que esos hombres de las tantas novelas eróticas que amanecía leyendo no existían.Nadie me rescataría y se enamoraría de mí a primera vista, esto era la vida real y en la vida que me toco no estaba el multimillonario de rasgos perfectos, celoso y dominante que me besaría y haría el amor en el capó de su auto. En esta vida me tocaba darle placer a esos hombres que tenían más deudas que fortunas y no dominaban ni su forma de vestir, pero jodian la vida de cualquiera y en este caso la mía.Lo intente millones de veces, trate de amar y ser feliz pero la felicidad es algo temporal y mi felicidad no sé donde se encontrara, ame una vez pero el amor no fue mutuo y lo que no es mutuo es toxico, solo soñaba con un hombre que despertara a mi lado y me diera un beso luego de un TE AMO, pero por soñar se me olvido lo cruel que es la realidad.Mi nombre es Carmen y esta es la historia de mi vida NO AMOROSA.…



3,905 279 15

♡Si permanecéis en mí, y mis palabras permanecen en vosotros, pedid todo lo que queréis, y os será hecho. En esto es glorificado mi Padre, en que llevéis mucho fruto, y seáis así mis discípulos.Juan 15:7-8♡ La intimidad con Dios es lo que Dios ve y lo que te hará grande en el reino de los cielos es tu corazón y actitud cuando nadie te ve.♡Deléitate asimismo en Jehová,Y él te concederá las peticiones de tu corazón.Salmos 37:4Ven y acompañame a estudiar, meditar y sumergirnos en Dios.…

Beauty is pain (a cimorelli story)

Beauty is pain (a cimorelli story)

1,228 40 13

"The voice tells me to run, and I just ask how long"Lily, Youngest sister in her family, with 6 other sisters, AND 5 brothers, known mostly for her bubbly, happy and caring personality. Everyone loves Lily, she's the type of person that you just can't not like. But what's really going on, when she close her door at night? Will her sisters be able to save her from the illness, that secretary and slowly kills her, before it's to late?A cimorelli fanfiction! This is ma first fanfic and English aren't my first language so some things may not be grammatically correct and everything may not make sense and probably a lot of misspelled words lol:) also tw for mention of anorexia, bulimia, panic attacks, self harm, body dysmorphia, self harm, suede thoughts. I will prob forgot to put a tw before each chapter, so if your easy triggered please don't read this story!:) So I don't really know what the story will be about rn, have some ideas but overall I will just see haha.…

The Sadistic Trip to Italy

The Sadistic Trip to Italy

79,974 2,233 16

3 years after the Curse of the Rainbow Arc, our favourite gravity-defying brunette in now in his second year in high school and is still being taught by his oh-so-favourite teacher, Nezu-sensei, who apparently promoted from his junior high school job to a high school job. I don't know how this happened honestly even though I'm the author.But suddenly our favourite spartan tutor came in the class shouting,"Congratulations class 2-A! Your class has been chosen to go to Sicily in Italy for 1 month!"How will this end for our favourite character?Note: There is no yaoi in this story.Disclaimer: I don't own Katekyo Hitman Reborn, but Amano Akira does.Quick update (Mar 2021)- I'm not dead nor am I over this story. I might update after my exams and try to make it more interesting. :) thanks for the support!…

Beloved Child of the Sky (Katekyo Hitman Reborn Fanfiction)

Beloved Child of the Sky (Katekyo Hitman Reborn Fanfiction)

47,243 1,366 35

Sawada Tsunayoshi.Dame Tsuna, Crazy Tsuna, Loony Tsuna. That what Reborn read in the File and the reason because he is 'Crazy'.Reborn the greatest Hitman, Arcobaleno come into Sawada Family. Oh, How surprised his Life turn upside down, not Tsunayoshi who turn Upside down but also Reborn who turn upside down'Iemitsu! I will torture you before I kill you!' Reborn thought savagely Look at Sawada Tsunayoshi Journey into his Fate and his Life. There a Pain and Crying but he is not alone.UPDATE EVERY FRIDAY, SUNDAY, THUESDAY!)…

My BIGGEST mistake...

My BIGGEST mistake...

1,044 78 22

What would you do if your best friend killed themselves? Would you wonder what would have happened if you had stopped them? How would you feel if you could have stopped it? You noticed the signs but didn't do anything? Would you forgive yourself for not helping them? not stopping them? Well would you?Flora, new girl, wants to befriend a girl who is super shy. Little did she know that this girl was going through hell.This is a story about 2 girls friendship and everything they go through.…