8.5 Impulsive Decisions

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Y/N tinkered and toiled away in his lab. He had recovered the dropped device Hunter had wrapped around his palm and was studying it tensely. Behind him, written all over the white board, was a timeline documenting all the major events Zolomon had changed during his prior visit to the past. The young man was sweating, concentrating carefully. He only allowed himself a few sips of water and a snack break before getting back at it.

From the window outside, Caitlin watched Y/N as he was hunched over his desk. She sighed seeing him in such a laser focused manner. His shoulders looked tense and his brow appeared firm, solely focused on his work and concentration.

Caitlin brought her hand up to the snowflake necklace around her neck. She palmed it, running her hand along its jewel studded surface. Her mind went back to that night, the night everything changed. She remembered the piercing blow of Zolomon's vibrating hand plunging through her heart. She remembered the cold feeling of death come upon her.

But death wasn't the worst part. It was when she had awoken. She found nothing but silence in her head. The often nagging but typically sweet voice she'd heard for years could no longer be heard. That was when she had realized her sister was truly gone. Her heart ached after that, but not because it had been ripped apart and patched back together. It felt empty, overcome with sadness. She had lost a part of herself and a part of what made her whole that day.

With Hunter's return, she could understand why Y/N wanted to be alone. She could understand why he didn't want any of them involved. It nearly tore them apart last time. But she couldn't bring herself to fully agree with his tactics. It still felt wrong going after that psychopath alone.

Cait sighed again. She hesitated entering the room and talking to her fiancé, but figured there would be no point. He was as stubborn as she was, which was something she both admired and hated. And when he had his mind made up, it was difficult to get through to him.

Caitlin eventually walked away from the lab and to the cortex chamber to regroup with everyone else. Judy was walking around now, her leg having mostly healed. Barry had joined the group and was helping where he could. Caitlin wanted him there in case Y/N did anything drastic.

Barry was currently helping Judy with a few muscle extensions and while also going over chemical compounds, seeing if she could name them all. He helped take her bandages off and performed a blood test on her injury, searching for tachyons. He sighed, confirming what the others already suspected.

Barry: Judy's healing has already cared for most of the injury. However, its quick patch up has also fossilized some of the reactions that occurred in her body. By looking at the outer layer of her scar tissue, there do seem to be a few traces of tachyon particles that were released during her run.

Cisco: What do they tell you?

Barry: What we already suspected. The polarity of the particles seemed to have flipped mid transport between her and Zoom. Traces of sulfur and nitrogen are present from when it changed from her naturally given purple aura to Hunter's red. The molecules also appear to be generally unstable.

Caitlin: How do you mean?

Barry walked over to the screen and pointed to a diagram. Using data collected during the fight from earlier, a digital display of all three speedsters was able to be presented, showing their energy outputs, vitals, and Speed Force connection.

Barry: Look at the trail left by Hunter compared to Y/N and Judy. Both Y/N and Judy's lightning patterns are smooth, consistent. Judy's a bit more so, most likely due to her natural connection to the Speed Force. Now look at Hunter's. It starts out smooth, but becomes wild, chaotic, untamed, almost like a short circuiting wire. Whatever he's doing is not only stealing a speedster's energy, but corrupting it as well. It's unnatural even for something like the Speed Force.

Judy: What about the break in you and Aunt Patty were investigating? My guess is that was most likely Zoom as well.

Barry: Yes, I think we all can agree on that conclusion. My guess is that he used the components he stole in order to make those extractor devices of his. 

Caitlin: Well, if he used that to steal Judy and Y/N's speed, then maybe we can track the tachyon particles given off. I mean, absorbing that amount of energy in such a small device has to produce some form of residual particles, even if most were absorbed into his body. 

Cisco: We're already on that.

Cisco walked over to the monitor and pulled up the map he and Dr. Wells were looking at earlier.

Cisco: This is a map detailing the presence of negative tachyons in Central City. The line you see present is from Judy's arrival.

He pressed another key, updating the map.

Cisco: And this the latest map measured after your fight with Zoom.

The group looked at the updated map. There were trace elements of negative tachyons around the streets the three speedsters had been fighting. However, most readings seemed to lead to one location. The group looked at the ap. The specific location was familiar to Cisco, Caitlin, and Harrison.

Caitlin: That can't be right.

Wells: We were thinking the same thing, but...

In his lab, Y/N continued to examine the small device retrieved from Hunter. He brought his head back from the microscope and sighed. He wasn't getting much out of it. Y/N rubbed his eyes and forehead, pushing back a headache.

Y/N looked back at the palm device as a whole. That was when he spotted something. His attention was drawn away from the main metal contraption and towards the white strap that had been used to lace it around Hunter's hand. 

Y/N looked at the strap, touching the fabric with his fingers. It didn't feel like a traditional nylon strap like one would use for goggles or extensions. It felt softer, more like yarn than anything. Small strings of fabric could be seen coming off of it.

Y/N pondered something. He brought the white cloth down under the microscope and examined it. He examined the thread the soft material was made from. It looked like a complex laced fabric used for heat and wind resistance, but not quite as complex as the fibers used for his suit. There was also something odd about the material. Small black specks and singed hairs seemed to suggest that the item has once been lit on fire or at least parts of it had.

Y/N stopped and thought for a moment. He began to put things together. The singed fibers, the complex weaving, the soft material. If he didn't know any better, he'd say this was most likely created from the white scarf that had once been a part of his prototype suit all those years ago. But the last place he saw that was...

Y/N rolled his chair over to the computer and pulled up the map Cisco had on the reverse tachyon readings. He doubled checked their location. He was right. Zolomon must be there.

Seeing the location, Y/N took off. He grabbed his suit and sped out of the building. In the other lab, a blip went off on the team's monitors.

Barry: What is that?

Cisco: It's Y/N. He's gone. 

Caitlin: Gone where? 

The group looked at Y/N's marker on the map. He raced across town to the lower slumps. He ran all the way back to Hunter's location. Back to the old warehouse where it all began. 

Y/N rushed into the warehouse and slid to a stop. He was standing in a familiar location to him. It was the room he had woken up in when he arose from his nine month coma. Some of the old lab equipment was still there. Other new tables filled with stolen equipment and repurposed generators now surrounded the room. Beakers filled with various chemicals were lined up in rows for experimentation. Vials containing a red glowing liquid were placed around the room. And standing there with his back turned to the Flash was Hunter Zolomon.

Hunter: Hello, Y/N.

Y/N: You knew I'd find you.

Hunter: You're smart. It was only a matter of time. 

Y/N: I won't let you hurt anyone else.

Hunter: I've heard that threat before, countless times. 

Hunter seemed to straighten his shoulders a bit.

Hunter: You can't win, Y/N.

Y/N: Why is that?

Hunter: Because you always have to be the hero. And because you always have something to lose. No matter what, there's always a price that will be paid. 

Y/N: If you're going to kill me, go ahead and do it.

Hunter: Well, that's the thing with death, Flash. You can ask for it to come quickly. You can ask for it to be done with. But death is not so kind. I am not so kind. It will take everything away from you, claiming you last. Your world crumbles around you as it continues on its never ending march. 

Y/N: Why do you consider yourself death?

Hunter: Because I am. Because I have cheated it. Because I have brought it to countless worlds. I once feared death, but now I see it for what it really is. My calling. Just as you were called to save and protect, I was called to fear and take.

Y/N shook his head.

Y/N: You're not death. You're still what you've always been.

Hunter: What is that?

Y/N: A scared little man who's afraid karma will eventually catch up to him. 

Hunter: And what about you? What about the people you've put away? You think you're saving people? You're locking them up, putting them away, forcing them into treatments that twist who they truly are. And with your powers, you could do so much more. You can be more than a mere symbol. A hero. But no, you took the lazy path out. I have come to make you pay for your retributions.

Hunter turned around, placing something on his chest. Y/N looked at it. It looked like a miniaturized tachyon device. It appeared to be cobbled together using old speaker parts and lab equipment. It only comprised of a small metal ring that fit around the red lightning bolt emblem on Zolomon's chest.

The device hummed to life, giving off a red glow. Red lightning crackled around it and Hunter's body, increasing his speed and energy. Hunter pulled up his cowl and allowed his eyes to glow red. Y/N took a step back, but planted his feet down firmly, ready to fight.

Hunter: So, let's see if karma finally catches up to you.

Y/N gritted his teeth. The rival speedsters charged at one another. They raced around the lab, fighting, clawing and punching one another. Zolomon tried to throw his hand forward and absorb lightning from Y/N's shoulder. Y/N caught him by the wrist and tossed him to the ground.

Hunter hit the ground and immediately stood back up onto his feet. He was met by Y/N plowing into him and shoving him into the wall. With his back pressed against the wall and Y/N pushing on his chest, Hunter brought up his hands with the devices he'd rebuilt and absorbed some of Y/N's lightning.

The Flash was stunned for a moment, feeling the drain. He gnashed his teeth and shoved Zolomon to the side, slamming him into a gurney and bending it. As Zoom got up, Y/N began pummeling his chest. He supercharged his fist with lightning and slammed down into Hunter's chest. The metal tachyon device shattered, breaking into pieces. 

Hunter: No. No!

Zolomon was filled with anger now. He grabbed Y/N and ran with him across the room, slamming him into a brick pillar and cracking it. He then pummeled a series of punches into Y/N's chest. Y/N brought up his hand and caught one of the flying fists only to receive an uppercut from the other one. 

Zoom put his hand on Y/N's chest and absorbed more lightning, sending it into his own system. Y/N shoved him off his body and began running around the room. Hunter sneered and chased him, orange and red lightning zipping about the entire warehouse. 

Back in the lab, the team saw the two fighting on the monitor, looking at the two dots race around one another. Caitlin's fists tightened, her muscles tensing. She was clearly both terrified for Y/N as well as angry.

Caitlin: What does he think he's doing?

Cisco: Trying to end things his way, clearly.

Judy looked at the monitors. 

Cisco: We need visual feed, pronto.

Working as quick as a blur, Judy reinstalled the old warehouse's security access feed and allowed everyone to see the fight going on inside. The group looked at the two blurs of lightning racing around.

Judy looked at the screen, seeing the lab equipment being toppled over and smashed during the fight. She got an idea. The purple speedster took off, racing out of the lab. Her mother turned around, her face etched with concern.

Caitlin: Judy!

Y/N and Hunter continued to chase one another around the warehouse lab. They both tried to throw punches at one another, the other dodging in the nick of time. They traded swings back and forth around the room.

Y/N eventually got the upper hand. He grabbed Zolomon and smashed him through an observation window. The Flash jumped through the window, charging his fists with lightning to try and come down on Zoom.

Hunter rolled and jumped at the last second. Y/N hit the ground, orange lightning exploding out from his fists and cracking the smooth concrete floor. Zoom rushed in and grabbed the Flash. He tossed him into a crate before grabbing him and tossing him into another one. He then grabbed hold of Y/N and slammed him against the wall. Hunter brought his hand up and absorbed more of Y/N's speed. Y/N grunted as he felt the drain on him.

Hunter: I told you once before. You are no hero. You're no legend. You're too weak. You're vulnerable. No parents, no family, still so much to lose. You're just pathetic. 

Y/N's eyes crackled with orange lightning. He supercharged his body and blew it all out of him. A small wave of lightning exploded from Y/N, sending Hunter falling back and toppling to the ground. Y/N grabbed him from the ground and ran up to the ceiling, smashing him through one of the lights on the roof.

In the lab room nearby, Boom ran in. She crouched down, trying not to be seen. She could see the orange and red lightning streaks racing around in the other room. Judy looked around. She spotted a vial of some glowing red chemical on the table. It looked like Zolomon had been working on trying to replicate more of his own speed.

Caitlin watched Judy on the monitors. She bit her lip. Zoom was nearby. Caitlin pulled the microphone near her over and talk to her daughter in a stern voice.

Caitlin: Judy, get out of there, now!

Judy eyed the glowing red vial. She grabbed it and examined it. Suddenly, she heard the fight outside making its way closer. Still holding onto the red vial, Boom sped out of the room and out of the warehouse just in time.

Flash and Zoom came back into the lab, continuing their fight. Zoom was now nearly as fast as Y/N now. He had gotten the upper hand and was throwing him about. A cut was drawn from Y/N's lip and a slash had been torn across his arm, drawing blood and ripping his suit. 

Zoom threw Y/N down onto the ground. The Flash's metal cap fell off his head. He spit up blood and picked it back up. He tossed the winged cap at Zoom. Zolomon brought up his hand, catching it. He slammed his fist into the back of it, producing a sonic sound that harmed Y/N's ears. The Flash had to duck down and put his hands over his ears to prevent them from rupturing.

Zoom looked at the metal winged helmet before tossing it to the ground. He looked down at Y/N. The Flash was hunched over and trying to pull himself up on shaky legs. 

Hunter: Like I said, pathetic. Look at you. You could have had it all. I could have had it all! And what do you do? Lock people up. Make criminals out of gifted individuals. Same story, same sickening moral code, different Flash. Yet if you truly wanted to save this city, you would have given them what they had coming. You could have been death, Y/N.

Y/N: I don't kill. That is the one rule.

Hunter: And yet you broke that rule so you could kill me! I was the exception! The one who made you who you are and you broke everything you stood for to get rid of me! You don't deserve this gift! I do! This was my life's work and you took it away! 

Hunter's body was now pulsing with red lightning. He was overcome with anger and the desire for revenge. Y/N looked at him and around at the lab. All of this was Hunter's work. And it all made Y/N sick. The Flash pulled himself up and glared at Hunter. He thought back to that night, the night he took one of the women he loved. Orange lightning crackled around Y/N's body.

Y/N: You want my power? You can have it.

Y/N tightened his fists. More orange lightning surged around him. It crackled and lit up like an overworked transformer. Y/N's eyes were burning orange underneath his tinted goggles.

Y/N then outstretched his arms and released it all. Lightning soared around him and shot out in all directions. It hit glass vials and beakers, smashing them to pieces. Mechanical devices and complex computers were broken, fried, and eradicated. Burnt metal shot out everywhere. Sparks flew across the room. He was like a burning human Tesla coil.

When Y/N was done, the lightning left his body. Hunter looked around with wide eyes at the destroyed lab. It was all gone. Y/N glared at Zolomon. Working as fast as a blur, he grabbed a lead pipe and slammed it across Zoom's leg. An audible snap could be heard followed by a loud crack. Hunter fell down, screaming in pain. Y/N proceeded to do the same to his other leg before jamming the pipe down and embedding it in Hunter's foot.

Zoom fell to the ground in extreme pain. Y/N looked down at him then around at the destroyed lab. He glared at Zolomon. That was when he felt off. Y/N felt light headed for a moment and backed away. 

When he came to, he looked around at all the destruction he'd caused. It felt... unnatural. Y/N looked down at Hunter, appalled by his own violent actions. Still, he glared down at the man with nothing but vile and anger.

Y/N: You don't deserve what I can give you. You'd be better off dead. Good luck healing those wounds. Looks like karma finally caught up to you.

Y/N picked up his helmet and took off, leaving Zoom alone with his destroyed lab and broken body. Y/N raced across town, his own body feeling off. He stopped and panted. Y/N looked down at his

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