8.4 You Can't Lock Up the Darkness

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Y/N glared at the revived Hunter Zolomon. He couldn't believe it. He thought he was done with Zoom and his tricks. Merely seeing him up again and running was enough to shock his system into a paralyzed state. Hunter continued to grin at Y/N, giving his signature shit eating smile. 

Hunter: Don't act all surprised, Flash. You didn't think it'd be that easy to get rid of me, did you? Like I said before, you can't lock up the darkness. 

Y/N's fists tightened as Hunter spoke. Judy looked at the speed demon and froze just like her father. She recognized that face. She and plenty of her friends had seen it in their textbooks. In the grand arsenal of villains from this great age of heroes, none were as prominently despised in Central City as Zoom. An entire section of her book had been dedicated to him and his heinous attack on the city in 2017. Out of all the monsters in the Flash's varied and sometimes forgotten rogues gallery, every household knew the name of Hunter Zolomon. 

Judy: Dad...?

Hunter looked over at Judy and raised his brow.

Hunter: Looks like you brought the little tike along as well. How sweet. Some real quality family time, huh?

Y/N looked back at Judy before redirecting back at Zolomon. His fists were clenched together. Lightning periodically sprang from them. His jaw was firm, his teeth gritted.

Y/N: Leave, Zolomon. Now. Never come back.

Hunter: Afraid I can't do that, Flash. You have something I want. What I've always wanted. And you can't really deny a god his offer.

Judy: You're no god. You're just a monster. 

Hunter: Well, I'm not the one who brought me here, sweetheart.

Both Y/N and Judy's eyes went wide. Y/N looked at his daughter who appeared as equally shocked as he was.

Judy: What?


Eobard Thawne ran down the hall in S.T.A.R. Labs to the cortex chamber. The group of teenage heroes inside heard him coming. They turned and looked at the jogging man in the lab coat. 

Martina: Whoa, slow down there geek streak. You're almost as fast as Judy.

Lucas: What's all the rush, man?

The four noticed his more panicked expression and stopped joking. Judy walked over to Eobard, looking at the worry in his eyes.

Judy: What is it?

Thawne: Something's coming, or rather already has. And it's bad.

The group looked at him in confusion.

Mary: What do you mean?

Thawne explained what had happened at the museum, leaving out the part that it was Hunter Zolomon specifically who had been resurrected. The others gasped in shock. Judy stood there, her eyes wide.

Judy: What threat?! You mean to tell me one of my dad's old nemesis is back?!

Mary: This is bad. This is real bad.

Martina: Relax, everyone. We can handle this. We just need to figure out where they are and ask your dad how he stopped them before. Where were they last heading?

Thawne looked at Judy and gulped.

Thawne: To get your parents.

Judy stepped back in shock. She then grabbed her helmet and prepared to put on her suit.

Thawne: Where are you going?

Judy: You said they're after my folks! I need to save them!

Lucas: I'll come with you.

Thawne: No, you don't understand. It's not them specifically. Not them now. 

The four teens were now more puzzled then ever. Judy stopped and looked over at her friend.

Lucas: What do you mean?

Thawne exhaled and fell back in his seat.

Thawne: They've gone into the past. They're after the past versions of your parents and are going to try and kill them there.

Judy: What year?

Thawne: I'm not sure. 2018, I think.

Mary: But if they kill the Flash then....

Martina: All of this would cease to exist. The new team would never happen. Judy would have never been born. 

Judy gasped, frozen with fear. She may very well never exist if they didn't do something. Lucas saw the panicked expression on her face. He walked over to her and gently rested his hands over her shoulders.

Lucas: It's alright. We'll figure this out. Deep breaths, okay? With me.

Lucas took a few deep breaths, getting Judy to do the same with him. She calmed down and tried to straighten herself up a bit. 

Martina: Alright, so we go after them. Stop them before they destroy the present.

Mary: Oh, yeah, like that's gonna be simple. Let's just build a time machine. It's so easy!

Martina: Hey, you're not helping. Maybe if we merge, we can transmute some matter into a time machine.

Mary: That's not how that works!

Judy: Actually, we may not need to even build one.

The group all stopped talking and looked at her. Judy began to walk around the room, talking about her idea.

Judy: My dad told me that he once was able to open a vortex and travel to the past by running really fast. If I can do the same...

Thawne: You'd have to reach a speed of at least Mach 20 in order to do that.

Lucas: You've never gone that fast before.

Mary: Okay, let's say, theoretically, she could achieve those speeds in the cortex ring. Then we'd just need to inject an unstable lead particle in the opposite direction. The collision between the two of them would be enough to potentially open a time rift.

Judy: Then I can run through and stop this threat before my parents even know about it.

Martina: But her speed is still the issue. How is she able to achieve those goals? You've never even run on water before.

Thawne thought for a moment. He sighed at the idea, knowing what he had to do.

Thawne: You could use this.

Eobard help up the tachyon device he had carried in with him. Judy stepped forward and looked at the device.

Judy: This is my dad's old device. The one created by him and Victor Stone to travel to another Earth.

Thawne: It works by cycling the speed you emit from your lightning back into your body. You'd essentially be feeding off your own energy.

Lucas: That could create a positive feedback loop and give her the speed she needs.

Thawne: But it's dangerous. I'm not even sure we should do it.

Judy looked at the device. She brought her head up and looked at all her friends around her. All of this would mean nothing if she didn't go back. Nodding her head, Judy brought the device up and clamped it onto her chest. Thawne's eyes went wide.

Thawne: What are you doing?

Judy: If this is the only way to save my parents, then I'm going to do it. I need to. Too much is at stake.

The others decided not to argue with her. She was determined and they all knew there was no point in talking her out of something she was determined to do. Thawne stood up and solemnly nodded.

Thawne: Let's do this, then.

The group prepared themselves. The teens went down to the porthole entrance to the ring while Thawne went into one of the control rooms for the particle injector. He pressed a few buttons and prepared the old machine. Judy took a deep breath and bounced on her feet. Her friends stood beside her, helping her mentally prepare herself.

Lucas: How long will she be gone?

Mary: To us, it'll be just a few seconds. But for her, she'll have all the time she needs to get in there, save her parents, and get back.

Martina pressed a button on the screen next to her and opened the hatch to the cortex ring. Judy took a deep breath in preparation.

Lucas: Hey. You alright?

Judy: Not really. I'll be stepping into a time without you guys, a time before I was even born. 

Lucas: Well, just get this done and save the day. You always do.

Martina: Just try not to run into your parents. We don't want to cause any anomalies to the timeline.

Judy: I'll try.

Lucas put his hand on her shoulder before backing up.

Lucas: Good luck.

Judy blushed a little at the exchange.

Judy: Thanks. See you guys in a flash.

The team all stood back, giving her ample takeoff space. Judy crouched down, prepared to run. The tachyon device around her chest glowed a bright blue. She could feel it already humming on her body and giving her energy.

With that, Judy lowered her tinted mask and took off. She began running around the cortex ring as fast as she could. Purple lightning swirled about the ring in a crazed fashion. Judy went faster and faster, pushing herself with the aid of the tachyon device.

Inside the control room, Thawne looked down at the screen hesitantly. Behind him stood Hunter Zolomon in his new black and red suit. He had a gun pointed to the back of Eobard's spine.

Thawne: You got what you wanted.

Hunter: Andin return, I let them live.

Thawne: You can't win, you know.

Hunter: And why is that?

Thawne: Because you're about to show the Flash something incredible. He's about to learn that he has a daughter. And nothing, not even you, can stop what a father would do for his child.

Hunter: We'll see about that.

Judy continued to run around the cortex ring. Thawne pressed a button and injected the particle. Judy, moving at incredible speeds, collided with it. A vortex opened up. The purple speedster leaped through it and focused on traveling to the past.

As soon as the vortex was opened, Hunter took off. A streak of red lightning raced through the lab. It blew past the kids in the loading port, blowing them back against the wall in shock. The red demon speedster ran towards the vortex and leaped through it just before it closed. He followed the Flash's daughter to the past. 


Judy stood there, shocked. She felt motionless, stuck with guilt. This was her fault. He followed her and was here to kill them all because of her actions. Y/N stared down Zolomon. Behind his tinted goggles, his eyes were crackling with lightning.

Y/N: Leave, Hunter. I will not repeat myself.

Hunter chuckled to himself.

Hunter: Look at you. You're pathetic. Unwilling to accept everything I have done to you. Doesn't it itch you, irritate those gloved hands of yours, to know that everything you know and love is because of what I did? You should be thanking me. Instead, you tricked me into sending myself into a dark, raging pit filled with nothing but red and darkness! Red lights that eternally mocked me, reminding me of the red speedster who betrayed his god! And yet it was that same red lightning that awoke with me. No more! What once I feared, I have become! I am death incarnate and you will feel my pain! You will whimper at my feet as I slaughter everything that is precious to you, just like you did to me! 

As he yelled, rising in anger, the red light in his eyes returned. Red lightning crackled around the black speedster. Y/N stood his ground. Hunter calmed back down. He cocked his head to the side and allowed himself a small grin.

Hunter: Seeing as your precious little offspring is here as well, I guess that means your girl is back as well. How is she, anyway? Did she make a full recovery after what I did?

That did it. Y/N snapped. He hollered and ran towards Zoom. The two speedsters took off through the streets. Judy remained frozen, watching in panic as the Flash and Zoom raced around the surrounding blocks, red and orange lightning crackling against one another. 

Y/N and Hunter ran across rooftops. They each slammed into one another. As soon as one got one punch in, the other would do the same on the other end of the block. Y/N laid an uppercut across Zolomon's jaw. He then ducked under a flying kick Zoom tried to throw at him. He was doing fine until Zoom got the upper hand, swiping his feet out from under him and picking him up.

Standing on top of a parked car, Zoom tossed the Flash into the air. While up in the air, Y/N spun around. His eyes crackled with lightning and he fell back down towards Hunter, his body surging with electricity. 

Y/N came down and punched down on the roof of the car, caving it in and releasing a shockwave of lightning. Hunter was thrown back and rolled on the ground. He rolled back up on his feet and stood up in a crouched position.

Y/N, overcome with emotions, supercharged his body again and charged at Hunter. He brought up his fist, ready to hit him. However, Zoom brought up his hand quickly and caught Y/N's flying fist. He bent his hand, breaking Y/N's wrist.

Y/N let out a scream of pain. The lightning died down around him. He fell on the ground on his knees. With Y/N down, Hunter brought up both of his hands. That was when Y/N noticed he was wearing some device on either palm. It was small and looked like a socket opening. They were each strapped to his black gloves using a white fabric strap.

Zolomon brought down his hands on the Flash. A small click could be heard from the devices. Suddenly, Y/N gasped as he felt like a force was pulling on him. Orange lightning flickered around his body and traveled up through Hunter's palms, turning red as they snaked around his arms.

Hunter smiled widely. His eyes began to glow a fierce red again. Judy, seeing her father in trouble, was knocked out of her trance.

Judy: Dad!

She sped towards him. Seeing the purple speedster approach, Zoom stopped what he was doing. He kicked Y/N to the side and redirected his focus to the L/N girl. Judy tried to charge at Zoom and throw her own punch. However, she quickly realized that Zolomon was faster.

Judy brought up her fist and forced it forward. Hunter easily dodged, turning his neck and shoulders to the side. He then dodged her next move, a flying kick. He bent down and ducked under it like a game of limbo. 

Zoom then used the claws on his gloves and jabbed down into Judy's leg. Boom screamed and fell down. She rolled on her side, unable to get up or move on her injured leg.

Hunter cackled. He walked over to her and brought his hands down. He proceeded to do the same thing to her that he did to Y/N, channeling her purple lightning into himself and turning it red. Judy winced in pain, feeling light headed from the strain on her power.

Y/N looked up and spotted Judy down. Her face looked scared like she would break out into tears. At that, Y/N snapped. He got up and charged at Zolomon. He rushed the black speedster and slammed his body into him. Zoom went flying back and smashed through a nearby display window. 

Y/N panted and grunted with anger and determination. As quick as a blur, a trail of red lightning zipped towards him. Hunter threw a punch which Y/N dodged. He noticed how Zolomon seemed to be moving faster than earlier. 

In anger, Y/N grabbed his wrist and wrestled with him. He forced off one of the devices Hunter was using, the mechanical item clanking to the ground. Hunter noticed the Flash's more aggressive behavior and sneered.

Hunter: Guess we found what matters most to you.

Y/N sneered back at Zolomon. His body crackled with even more energy. Zoom brought back his fist and supercharged it. He threw it towards the Flash. Angrier than ever, Y/N began moving incredibly fast. Hunter seemed to slow down from his perspective. Y/N grabbed him by the wrist and tossed him across the street.

Zoom went flying through the air and came crash landing down in the middle of an intersection. He looked up, stunned. The Flash was still miles faster than him. Looking around the intersection, Y/N noticed four light posts, all on corners of the street. He began to run between each one, trapping Hunter in a cage of orange lightning.

Y/N continued to run, becoming a bright blur. Lightning shot up and crackled around the lamp posts. He was using them as lightning rods. Y/N finally ended the loop and charged at Hunter. He unleashed all his energy at once, producing a miniature EMP blast that slammed right into Hunter's body. Glass from parked cars and store windows shattered, covering the street in shards of clear crystals. 

Zoom went flying back at least two whole blocks. He smashed on the roofs of cars and bikes as he came back down to the ground. Y/N glared at him from a distance. His attention was then redirected when he heard his downed daughter wincing in pain.

Judy: Gah...

Y/N looked down at her. His expression immediately changed from anger to sympathy and concern. Looking back, he noticed Zolomon running away, most likely needing to recharge and rethink his strategy. 

Y/N decided not to give chase. His focus was solely on Judy. He bent down, seeing the gash on her leg. Y/N carefully picked her up in his arms. Judy winced and held onto his shoulder.

Judy: Dad...

Y/N: It's okay, sweetie. I've got you.

The Flash ran across town back to S.T.A.R. Labs. His mind was racked with several emotions and concerns. He was terrified of Hunter's return and he was concerned for his family's safety. 

Judy sat down on a gurney with stitches in her legs and bandages wrapped around it. Caitlin was holding onto a screen, documenting her injuries. Y/N was sitting down in a chair nearby. He had his thumbs pressed together and his head down, staring off into nothing and lost in thought. 

Caitlin: Your triceps surae was severed. Even with your healing

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