Caitlin turned the corner down the hall and entered one of the small storage rooms. She knew where her boyfriend had gone off too. It was typically his hideout room when he wanted to be left alone. She never knew why until now.
Caitlin entered the dark room. Lab equipment and various storage boxes were stacked up around the room. All the lights were off. However, there was still one source of light coming from the other side of the room. Cait maneuvered past the stacked equipment and spotted Y/N sitting down on a metal beam. Next to him was a small digital projector. It shined a video image onto the wall in front of him. Caitlin sighed upon seeing what he was watching.
The video showed old home recordings of Y/N when he was little. He looked adorable. Any other time she would have awed at the picture of Y/N wearing toddler clothes. But it was who else was in the video that made her stop. Little baby Y/N was jumping around in a mobile bouncer. He looked like he was trying to dance to some music. Next to him was his father who was bouncing along and dancing next to him. The older gentleman smiled down brilliantly, proud of his boy. Cait now knew where Y/N got his own smile.
The video changed to a different moment. This one showed Y/N as a toddler with flour all over him. Holding him up in her arms was his mother. She too was covered in flour. The two obviously had just been baking some cookies and had decided to have some fun with the leftover ingredients.
The next video showed Y/N excitedly standing in front of his family's new home in Central City. The sign on the front lawn labeled it as recently bought. While Y/N waved to the camera, his father came in and tickled him. The two began running around in the front lawn. Y/N was trying to keep up even with his father's slower jog. He never really was athletic when he was young.
The video switched to what looked like the L/N family's first Christmas in their new home. Y/N could be seen underneath the Christmas tree excitedly unwrapping a present. He gleamed with joy and excitement at seeing what it was: a kid's chemistry set.
The next video showed Y/N in a small lab coat that appeared to be a size too big for him. Standing next to him was a kid who looked maybe two years older of whom Caitlin could only guess to be Barry. The two were standing proudly in front of their latest project together. They had constructed a baking soda volcano and were presenting it for the camera.
While the two were distracted, both boys' dad could be seen sneaking up from behind. The two adults smiled and poured some vinegar inside the volcano. The display erupted with white foam spewing out onto the boys. The kids both turned around with smiles of shock. Their fathers were laughing.
The two boys raced towards their fathers. Henry ran off with Barry chasing him throughout the house. Y/N's dad tried to escape, but Y/N cut him off by jumping onto the couch and leaping towards him. He tackled him to the ground. The two laughed and rolled on the ground with one another.
The adult Y/N watching the film lightly chuckled. Caitlin looked over at him. Despite the small crack of a smile, she could see the tear stains on his cheeks. She walked over to him carefully. Y/N noticed her approaching. Instead of moving, he made space and allowed her to sit down next to him.
Caitlin: Hey.
Y/N: Hey.
Y/N turned to look back at the film in front of him.
Y/N: I've kept this in here for a bit now. Anytime I feel like I need a break or something to get me back up, I come in and watch this. Just seeing those faces and hearing those voices again means so much. But right now...
He shook his head and put it down. Caitlin could hear the coarseness in his voice. She placed one hand on his knee and the other on his back.
Caitlin: I know.
Y/N put his hand over hers. He sniffed his nose and turned to her.
Y/N: Since becoming the Flash, I finally found something to do to get me away from that event. I found you, Cisco, Wells. You guys make me feel special, like my life is actually normal despite how impossibly non-normal it is. But coming across Zoom, confronting all that again... And knowing Hunter was the one indirectly responsible for it.
He paused, lowering his head. Caitlin rubbed his back and held him close.
Y/N: I just wish it didn't have to be this way. Why me? Why am I the one who has to live with it?
Caitlin: Maybe because you're strong.
Y/N looked up at her. She gently brought up her hand and caressed his cheek, wiping away a stary tear.
Caitlin: You, Y/N L/N, are strong. You have empathy for people like no one else I have ever seen. You truly care for others and true to find the goodness in everyone. That includes giving them second chances.
Y/N: Because I know what it's like to have the things you love taken away from you.
Caitlin: So do others, but they are not as kind and wonderful as you are.
Caitlin bit her lip a bit and held onto his hand with a tighter grip.
Caitlin: I can't tell you why your parents were taken from you. I don't think anyone can. It's one of the universe's cruelest tricks. But what I can tell you is that you are special not because of the fallout from your experience, but your growth from it. How many of our metahuman gallery have had experiences similar to yours? And yet they use all that pain to lash out and hurt others. You don't. You use it to help people.
Y/N: You're saying my pain makes me strong?
Caitlin: No, I'm saying it makes you kind. And I can tell you, that even though they are gone, your parents would be proud of the family you have become a part of.
Y/N nodded. He turned his head back to the projector only to realize the video had changed. It no longer showed clips of him and his parents. It now showed videos of him, Barry, and Joe. Their graduation from high school with Joe holding onto both boys with pride. The three of them on fishing trips or going to a late night movie. One video even showed them all having Christmas together.
Y/N smiled at the video. The more he thought about it, the more he was glad with how his life had turned out. In one of his darkest moments, he was taken in by people who cared and who made him the man he was today. He no longer had his biological family, but he did have something just as great. Caitlin smiled a bit seeing his face light up at the screen.
Caitlin: You're not the only one who's experienced great trauma, but you are the one who has helped others heal from it, including yourself.
Y/N looked at Cait and smiled. He then leaned his head into her shoulder. Caitlin did the same. The two held onto one another, grateful for each other and for how their lives had turned out for the better despite the loss that both had experienced.
A little while later, Y/N and Caitlin walked back into the cortex chamber. Hunter had returned with the other two also remaining where they were. They were somewhat surprised by Y/N walking in with a determined look. Hunter got up and tried to apologize again.
Hunter: Y/N, look-
Y/N put up his hand and told him he didn't need to.
Y/N: It's alright, Hunter.
Both Wells and Hunter looked at the man with surprised expressions.
Y/N: I don't blame you for the death of my family. This is on Zoom and Zoom alone. He stole something from you to hurt all of us. And I also don't care how many Earths you've been to. You were just doing what you thought was best. But here is where it ends. This is where we stop Zoom once and for all. And if we're gonna do that, then we need to be able to trust one another.
Hunter nodded.
Hunter: Okay.
Y/N turned to Harrison who still had a look of thinking on his face.
Y/N: Is that okay?
Wells turned to him and nodded after a moment of thinking.
Wells: Alright.
Cisco: Wait, so we're just going to go through with this? Pretend the last hour never happened? All water under the bridge?
Wells: I wouldn't call it that. More like a momentary pause. We have a bigger fish to catch and... well, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Wells turned to Hunter. He offered out a hand in a truce gesture. Hunter hesitated for a moment before shaking.
Y/N: Alright. Let's get to work. Is the speed trap ready?
Cisco: Just about. And, to add onto our several backup plans that in no way shape or form will fail, I've developed a failsafe precaution.
Cisco held up what looked like a large tranquilizer dart with a body similar to a syringe. Inside of it was a clear liquid.
Y/N: What is that?
Cisco: It's our new tactical weapon against Zoom.
Wells: Ramon and I have been working on this new formula. By reverse engineering the compounds used in Velocity-9 and applying it to Dr. Snow's metahuman serum, we've managed to create essentially an antibody to Velocity-9. It will target any traces of enhanced speed in Zoom's system and flush it out.
Cisco: Yeah. I'm thinking of calling it the Space Vampire and this baby...
Cisco pulled out a large rifle, clearly meant to hold the new serum dart.
Cisco: ...the Mathilda May. Boom!
Y/N: Ha! Nice.
The others all looked at both Y/N and Cisco in confusion. Y/N looked around at everyone else.
Y/N: What? Lifeforce? 1985?
No one else got the obscure movie he was referring to.
Y/N: Man, you guys need to pop in a few cult classics.
Caitlin tried to change the subject back to the serum.
Caitlin: So, does it work?
Wells: Only one way to find out.
Hunter: Then I suggest we get to work.
The group all got to working on what needed to be done. The final calculations were done on the speed trap. Y/N and Cisco finished up the speed extrapolator, hoping they could use it to depower Zoom once he was captured. Barry and Joe were called in to help execute the plan.
Once everything was ready, everyone took their places. Joe and Barry got onto the roof for lookout. Barry was given the Mathilda May and serum dart. He held it up, ready to shoot if he ever saw Zoom. The others down below took positions at their computer stations. They waited patiently seeing if anything would pop up. Y/N took off and did sweeps across the city, trying to draw Zoom out. Joe picked up his radio to the others.
Joe: Remember, before we do anything to him, we need that confession.
After nearly an hour, the group still found nothing. Y/N stopped and looked around. He brought his hand up to his earpiece.
Y/N: Guys, I'm still not seeing him.
The others all looked around and shrugged. It looked like Zoom may never show. Suddenly, Y/N was swept off his feet by a blue blur. He was thrown into the side of a metal truck, denting it. He fell down and pulled himself back up. Standing in front of him was the black racer.
Zoom: Looking for me, Flash?
Y/N picked himself up and glared at Zoom.
Y/N: Guys, I've got him.
Hearing that, Cisco immediately took off for the trap down in the basement. Zoom continued to stand there, mocking the red speedster. Blue lightning crackled all over his body.
Zoom: So, ready for round two?
Y/N: I'm ready to end this.
Zoom: Not yet, Flash.
Y/N: We'll see about that.
Y/N took off towards Zoom. The black speedster darted to the side and stood in front of a car. Y/N continued running and phased his body straight through the parked vehicle. He continued on his path towards Zoom.
Y/N brought up his fist and tried to punch Zoom. However, the speed demon was faster. Much faster. Y/N appeared to be moving slower to him. He turned and grabbed Y/N by the arm, throwing him to the ground.
Y/N fell down and rolled on his side. He looked up at Zoom who gloated in his speed.
Zoom: Not fast enough, Flash.
Y/N pulled himself up and looked back at his enemy.
Hunter: Y/N, remember, trust in the memories. Go back to that night. Go by your instincts.
Y/N closed his eyes. He thought back to that night his parents were killed. He thought about all the pain and agony he had felt. When he reopened his eyes, they were crackling with lightning. Small streaks flew down from his shoulders to his boots.
Zoom: This ends tonight, Flash.
Y/N: You're damn right about that.
The two charged towards one another. Zoom appeared to be moving faster with Y/N moving slower from his point of view. That was until Y/N started to speed up. More and more lightning covered his body. Y/N slammed himself directly into Zoom. The black speedster was sent flying back. He crashed through a jewelry store window into the building. Y/N looked down at his body, seeing lightning crackling from it.
Y/N: Uh, I think I got his attention.
Wells: Good. Now bring him back to the lab, now!
Zoom got up and walked out of the broken window. He and Y/N stared each other down before shooting off. Zoom decided to run after Y/N, chasing him through the streets. On their monitor displays in the lab, the team saw the two running.
Cisco: He's really moving.
Caitlin: Yeah, but Zoom's gaining up on him.
Cisco: Have faith in our homeboy.
Zoom reached out his hand and tried to grab Y/N's shoulder. The red speedster concentrated on his memories and emotions. He was given another burst of speed. This one sent a shockwave of lightning back behind him. Zoom was hit by the lightning and pushed back. He was now clearly angry and chased after Y/N who now had gained some speed ahead of him.
From their post atop the labs Barry and Joe spotted an orange and blue streak race across the city towards them. The two speedster flew past their range, indicating they were now inside the building. Joe pulled up his radio to the others.
Joe: They're in!
Barry: Alright! Let's go!
Y/N and Zoom chased one another through the narrow halls of S.T.A.R. Labs. Y/N lured the black speedster further and further into the complex, making their way downstairs. They finally made it to the large storage room below where the trap was set. Everyone else had already gathered there.
Hunter: Get ready!
Y/N ran in front of the trap and came to a sudden stop. His movement caused Zoom to overshoot. As soon as he did, Cisco pushed the button on the operating machine. A blue force field was brought up around the machine, creating a barrier. Zoom stopped, mere inches away from hitting the other side. He turned around and eyed everyone.
Cisco: It worked. It really worked.
Zoom looked back at the whole group. His black, lifeless eyes scanned everyone like a vulture scouting out its next meal. Barry and Joe rushed down out of the stairwell and joined everyone. Zoom cocked his head to the side. He called out one particular individual.
Zoom: Hunter Zolomon. Another one of your pathetic traps?
Hunter: One that will finally do you in.
Zoom: I should have known it was you. Who else would teach this imposter Flash to catch up to me?
Hunter got close, finally able to talk to Zoom one-on-one.
Hunter: He's the one who's going to help me bring you in for what you've done. Justice will be served.
Zoom: Justice? Is that what you call this? How many sheep have you lead to the slaughter? The way I see it, you are just as much to blame for their deaths as I am.
Y/N: Enough. Now we're the ones who are going to question you.
Zoom: The imposter wants to talk. Go ahead. Convince me of your kind nature. Plead with me to turn to your side. You once tried with the Rival. We saw where that got him.
Y/N shook his head.
Y/N: No. Nothing like that. Where were you on the night of March 19, 2000?
Zoom: Wouldn't you like to know? I'm more interested in you, Flash. Or should I say Y/N?
Y/N took off his helmet and goggles to face Zoom directly.
Zoom: Look at you. You put on a brave face, I'll give you that, but you are still just a scared little boy.
Zoom turned mockingly towards the other younger man.
Zoom: And you, Mr. Allen. Recognize anything?
Zoom started to vibrate back and forth, forming the same image he did back when Barry saw him as a child. The speedster stopped vibrating and looked at everyone.
Y/N: Answer the question.
Zoom: I will give you everything you desire once I am freed from this prison.
Cisco: Not gonna happen. We let you out and you steal Y/N's speed, kill us, and start again somewhere else. Is that your story?
Zoom: You are missing out on some important details.
Barry: Such as?
Zoom: All of your lives. You have me
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