Joe: For sparing our lives? Hardly seems gratuitous.
Zoom: Not sparing them. Creating them.
They all looked at him in confusion.
Y/N: What do you mean?
Barry: I thought this all was just about Y/N's speed.
Zoom: You are partially right, Mr. Allen. I can see why you're a detective and why that cop woman of yours is drawn to your intellect.
Barry stepped forward a bit at the mention of Patty. Joe put up his arm, holding him back.
Wells: What are you getting at?
Zoom: It is speed that I'm after, yes. Count yourselves lucky that I don't have it sooner. The general and ape were meant to retrieve you for me.
They all looked at Zoom with wide eyes of confusion.
Y/N: What?
Zoom: It appears that when I told them to retrieve you, they heard it as "kill you". And after the abysmal failure of that hot headed runner, I thought it'd be best to see to it the imposter Flash was finished.
Y/N: You keep calling me "the imposter". Why?
Zoom: Because, Y/N L/N, you were never supposed to be the Flash.
Everyone's eyes widened in surprise. Y/N took a step forward in confusion.
Y/N: What?
Zoom brought up his clawed finger and pointed towards someone.
Zoom: He was.
Everyone followed his pointed finger. It was pointing directly at Barry.
Barry: What?
Barry was taken aback. Everything was unraveling around he and Y/N and not in a good way. Everything they thought they knew about their pasts was coming undone.
Zoom: Instead, this world got a pathetic, no good, rotten, abysmal excuse for a hero. Well, Y/N, how does it feel to know that you are not special? You were never supposed to be like this. And all of it because some poor little baby boy lost his parents in a car accident. No murder, no intent, still the same slop. You took everything that was supposed to be Allen's and hoarded it for yourself. You're not special. You're not some tragic hero. You're just a scared kid running away from an event that took away his folks. Probably a good thing as well. Those two probably would have been dumb enough to throw themselves into the intersection themselves if they weren't looking. They'd probably be disappointed, seeing you here, letting me carry on living.
Y/N's fists tightened and his teeth gritted. He was furious. Everything he thought he knew was coming undone.
Y/N: You want to face me? You can.
Y/N walked over to the control panel to the trap. His hand hovered above the release button.
Caitlin: Y/N?
Hunter: Y/N!
Wells: Y/N, don't!
Joe: Don't do this, Y/N.
Joe put his hand down on his gun, ready to draw on Zoom if necessary. Y/N looked at everyone. Anger was evident on his face. He needed to do this. He needed to avenge his parents. He would not stand to hear their names besmirched by this psychopath.
Y/N then looked over at Caitlin. He thought back to what she had said. He looked around at everyone else. Everyone he had built a connection with. If he did this, he risked losing them all.
Y/N took a deep breath. He then brought his hand back and walked away from the machine. He joined everyone else up front in looking in on Zoom.
Zoom: How disappointing. You were almost there, Flash.
Suddenly, Zoom started to vibrate again. He stepped forward and walked right through the force field barrier. Everyone backed up seeing him now standing on the other side, outside with them.
Zoom: You just need a little persuading.
Seeing his friends and family around him and fearing for their lives, Y/N became emotionally charged with energy. He leaped towards Zoom and engaged him in battle. Everyone else backed up, trying to find a hiding spot for cover. Cisco tried to open a breach for everyone to escape. However, Zoom bumped into him. Ramon was sent flying back into the wall where he fell to the ground.
Y/N and Zoom continued to run in circles. They traded blows, punching each other. Y/N was now acting out of fear for his friends and family. He needed to end this now.
Hunter looked around the room for something he could use. He stopped. On the cart he was leaning against was one of the serum darts filled with the anti-speed chemicals. He grabbed it and waited.
Y/N and Zoom punched one another, drawing blood from Y/N's lip. Zoom was now catching up to him, getting faster. Y/N tried to charge up his fist and threw a punch. However, Zoom caught his gloved hand and pushed back. Y/N was knocked back by his own explosive release of energy. He slid across the floor on his side. Zoom stopped and towered over him. He glared down at his prey with black voids for eyes.
Zoom: Looks like you were right. Here is where we end this.
Zoom brought up his hand and started to vibrate it. He prepared to plunge it into Y/N's chest.
Caitlin: Nooo!
Hunter lunged forward. He placed himself between Y/N and Zoom. He brought down his hand containing the vile and jammed it into Zoom's leg. He inserted the serum into him. He actually got him. But it came at a cost.
Y/N: Hunter?
Everyone looked on in horror. A black vibrating hand stuck out of Hunter's chest. Zoom brought his hand out. Weak, Hunter fell to the floor and collapsed. Feeling his speed weakening, Zoom sped off and fled the compound.
Y/N: Hunter? No, no, no.
Y/N crawled over to Hunter. He pulled him up and looked down at him.
Y/N: No, no, no! You idiot! Why did you do that?!
Hunter could only offer a breathy grin. Already mist started to fall over his eyes. His voice was weak, barely clinging on to life.
Hunter: Out of all the Flashes I've had the pleasure of working with, you were by far the best.
Y/N cried while holding onto him.
Y/N: It's okay. It's okay. You're gonna be okay.
Hunter looked up at Y/N with a smile.
Hunter: Just keep running, Y/N. Never stop. Keep on running.
Hunter let out one final breath before falling motionless. His eyes went glossy. Y/N held onto his body. Tears streamed down his cheeks.
Y/N: Hunter? Please, say something. Move! Do...
Y/N broke down into tears and moans. Everyone else looked on in abject horror. They all started to break down as well. Even Wells developed a few tears in his eyes. Everyone all mourned the loss of their new friend and someone they could certainly call a hero.
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