5.3 Team Under Siege

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The team was back at S.T.A.R. Labs. Oliver and Y/N followed Barry-1 into the secret time vault located in the facility. They found the scarlet speedster staring at a projection of a newspaper article. The headline read "Flash Missing Vanishes in Crisis" and was paired with an image of the Flash running. Both L/N and Queen took in the room and its futuristic design and tech.

Barry-1: I didn't think about it, Oliver. I didn't think about the future. I was so focused on the past, I didn't think about it until now. I changed so much.

Oliver: What is this?

Barry-1: This is an article from the future. It's a story about me vanishing.

Y/N looked at the article. The author was labeled as one Julie Greer.

Barry-1: It used to be written by Iris West-Allen. But now, I don't know. Something's changed with Iris. Something's changed with our future. God, what did I do?

Oliver: Barry, this is a weird looking newspaper article. It doesn't mean anything. You need to stop beating yourself up over this.

Barry-1: I'm sorry, but how can you say that? I'm responsible for all of this.

Oliver: Maybe. Maybe not. 

Y/N: Oliver's right. You can't blame yourself for everything. You said it yourself, you were so focused on the past that you didn't think about the future. Trust me, I've been there. It takes you places and it closes you off. Right now, you need to focus on the present, what you can change and do. I know I'm new to this whole time travel thing, but if what you told me is true, then the future is still somewhat flexible. It isn't set in stone. This article may very well change in one day because of the actions you choose to take take now, here in the present. 

Oliver: Barry, you made a choice. You wanted to see your parents alive again. Do you honestly know anyone that, if they were in your shoes, wouldn't do the exact same thing? I would do the exact same thing.

Y/N: I'm sure I would as well.

Oliver: Barry, after the Gambit went down, it was me, my father, and a crewmember on a life raft. Lost at sea. Enough food and water for one person, maybe. My father took a gun, shot the crewmember, told me to survive, and then turned the gun on himself. He shot himself in the head. He sacrificed himself so that I could live. Nothing I could do. No choice. Slade Wilson drove a sword right through my mother's heart, in front of my sister and I. I was there. I was helpless on the ground. I was powerless to stop it. No choice. Do you not think that I wouldn't give anything to go back and to make things different?

Y/N sighed, bringing up painful memories of his own.

Y/N: The night of the car crash that took my parents, I remember seeing a black figure pass the car in a flash of light. My father lost control of the vehicle. The next thing I know, our family car is flipping through the air. My parents and myself were hurled upside down with the vehicle. And I remember, as the car came crashing down, seeing the look on my mother's face as she turned around to reach out to me. To protect me. When I awoke, I found myself hanging upside down, cuts and bruises over my body and waist still strapped in the seatbelt. And there, sticking out of my mother's arm, less than two feet from my face, was a thick shard of glass. If she hadn't put her hand up, I would be dead as well. After that night, I drowned myself in mystery, science, and anomalies, not just to find the one responsible for the incident. I did it because I was scared to face reality. I was scared to accept my parents' deaths. To come to terms with the fact that I would never see them again. The idea that in one moment, less than a minute, my entire world was destroyed. You think I wouldn't do what you did? That I wouldn't go back just to tell my parents one last time how much I loved them if given the chance?

Barry-1 looked at the two of them. Oliver was holding it together better than Y/N whose eyes were starting to turn red. 

Barry-1: You guys never told me that. About exactly what happened.

Oliver: Barry, the world isn't different because you changed the timeline. Change happens. Tragedy happens. People make choices, and those choices affect everyone else. You're not a god, Barry.

Y/N: You're just a man who was given extraordinary gifts and made a choice.

The three all looked at one another, taking it all in. They were suddenly cut out of their conversation by a loud thud followed by the building shaking. Cisco-1 came over the intercom.

Cisco-1: Hey, guys, wherever you are right now, we need you.

Barry-1 turned around and changed the digital projector to show the outside cameras. The trio paused when they saw what was happening. Supergirl and the Legends appeared to be attacking the facility. Firestorm flew by and hurled a fireball at the building. Supergirl flew by, firing her heat vision.

Y/N: What the...

Barry-1: Oh, things just got so much worse.

Exiting out of one of the side doors to the lab, Green Arrow, Vibe, and the two Flashes approached the reckless heroes. The teams grouped up, eyeing each other down.

Barry-1: Guys, can we talk about this?

Speedy brought up her bow and fired an arrow. Barry-1 caught it just before it could hit his chest.

Oliver: Guess not.

Heat Wave brought up his gun, firing a jet of flame towards the four heroes. Atom aimed and fired his laser bolts. Sara threw a set of sharp shuriken towards them all. 

Barry-1 grabbed Oliver and Y/N grabbed Cisco. They rushed over and took cover behind a parked van.

Barry-1: What's wrong with them?

Cisco: Uh, I'd take a wild guess and say mind control.

Y/N: I think I'd place all my chips on that bet.

Firestorm threw another large ball of flaming energy towards the group. The truck they were hiding behind exploded, sending the four falling back. Barry-1 and Y/N quickly grabbed their friends and rushed off, taking cover behind a concrete wall.

Oliver: Okay! You really did it this time, Barry!

Barry-1: Seriously?!

Oliver: Yeah, seriously! You come to Star City, you ask for help, and then, inevitably and immediately, we end up the creek!

Barry-1: Yeah, okay, that's fair.

Cisco: Let's not forget that you roped us into this, too!

Suddenly, the group's bickering was cut off by a bright blue laser cutting threw the wall right between them.

Oliver: What's that?

Y/N / Barry-1: Heat vision.

The four decided to jump out from their cover and face their friends. The seven mind controlled heroes grouped up, staring down their enemies.

Cisco: Holy Legion of Doom.

Y/N: Get me with Supergirl.

Oliver: Are you sure?

Y/N: Yeah. I've faced a Kryptonian. I can take her, for a little while, anyway.

Y/N and Barry-1 took off. They raced up the building onto the roof of S.T.A.R. Labs. They were followed by the Atom, Firestorm, and Supergirl. The two speedsters began to spin in circles before extending their arms.

Lightning was flung out from both of them. One bolt hit Atom, another Firestorm, knocking the two back. A third bolt hit Supergirl, but left very little impact. The powered girl fired her heat vision, creating a blast that knocked both men off the roof.

Oliver engaged Digs and Sara. He used his bow as a makeshift sword, blocking their attacks and forcing Diggle down. Sara engaged him, the two matching blows and trading cuts. Digs eventually recovered and joined in beating Green Arrow.

Vibe was having his own fight against Speedy and Heat Wave. He ducked under Thea's bow as she swung it. However, he was pushed back by the bow swinging up and hitting him in the jaw. Thea took out an arrow and fired at him. Vibe opened a breach, sending the sharp arrow away to another location.

Mick jumped in to attack. Preoccupied with Thea, Cisco felt a jet of fire whoosh over his head. He eventually brought up his hand and pushed Speedy down with a sonic blast. He stared down Heat Wave. Mick held up his thrower and fired at Ramon.

Vibe brought up his hands, pushing back the flames with a sonic beam. The fire roared around him as he tried to hold it back. Behind him, Speedy recovered. She brought up her bow and fired again.

Thinking quickly, Cisco continued to hold back the blames with one hand while opening a breach with the other. Thea's arrow traveled through the vortex and emerged out of another one close by. It hit the flamethrower in Mick's hand, knocking it out of his grasp.

Cisco needed a moment to pause and catch his breath. However, he was denied that moment of levity by Thea rushing towards him and hitting him with her bow.

Y/N ran around on the ground, drawing the attention of Supergirl. The Kryptonian fired a beam of heat vision at him, which he dodged. Y/N then rushed up and took his cap off. He banged on it repeatedly, creating a sonic blast that harmed Supergirl's super hearing.

Kara held her head in pain and was forced down. Y/N then decided to try and engage her there. He charged his cap with lightning and tossed it right at her head. Kara was hit by the flying saucer and left disoriented by the following shock of lightning she received from it.

Supercharging his own fists with lightning, Y/N then began to run around Kara, overwhelming her with punches. Supergirl tried to fire her heat vision at him, but he dodged it effortlessly. After a particularly strong punch, he knocked her back and stopped.

Y/N held his fist in pain. It was hard trying to punch through such a strong force. However, it ended up having the opposite outcome he desired. Supergirl picked herself up and glared at him.

Y/N: Oh, shit. I think I just made her mad.

Y/N took off running while Supergirl chased him.

Barry-1 continued to lay on the ground. He looked up to see Firestorm, Diggle, and Atom pointing their weapons at them. Just then, before the Flash could react, a rush of yellow lightning flew onto the scene.

Wally West grabbed all three altered heroes, pushing them down and throwing them to the side. He stood before Barry-1, smiling with pride.

Barry-1: Wally?

Wally: Kid Flash.

Suddenly, Wally was flung into the air by Supergirl flying past him and dropping him to the ground. He was knocked unconscious and fell on his side. Barry-1 rushed over to him. The other three heroes joined in, Y/N finally having shaken off Supergirl thanks to a lucky breach.

Y/N: Thanks.

Cisco: Anytime.

Barry-1: Guys, Wally's hurt bad, but he's alive.

Oliver: Let's get an ETA on overriding the mind control!

Inside, the other members of the team were busy locating the source of the mind control device. Both Cisco-1 and Felicity located the device and cried out in success.

Felicity: Bingo!

Cisco-1: Yahtzee!

They both looked at one another.

Felicity: You go first. You go first. It's your office.

Cisco-1: There's a weird signal coming from the salt mines.

Felicity: For the record, that is what I was gonna say.

Barry-1: Can you jam it?

Felicity: Uh, no.

Barry-1 looked over at Oliver, pointing to his arrows.

Barry-1: How many of those do you have left?

Oliver: Probably not enough.

Barry-1: Okay, well we need to find some way to destroy that signal.

Y/N thought for a moment. He then realized what they could do.

Y/N: We could overload it.

Barry-1 looked at him with surprise and confusion.

Y/N: If we supercharge the device with lightning, we could create a small EMP that would cause it to overload and combust.

Caitlin got over Y/N's earpiece.

Caitlin: Y/N, it's too risky. The last time you did something like that, you nearly died.

Y/N: True. But this time, we have more than one speedster.

Barry-1 looked at him.

Barry-1: I don't know how to do that, generate that type of lighting.

Y/N: I'll teach you.

Barry-1 thought for a moment. He then nodded in agreement. He turned to Oliver and Cisco.

Barry-1: There's a hallway here that leads to a bunker under the building. Get Wally to safety and hold them off as long as you can.

Cisco: I'll cover you.

Oliver looked at him. Vibe gave a reassuring nod. Queen nodded back, agreeing to it. Y/N and Barry-1 were about to run off when Barry-1 realized something.

Barry-1: Wait! We can't just leave. They'd be exposed to Supergirl.

Y/N: What do you suggest we do, then?

Barry-1 thought for a moment. He then stood up from their cover spot. He waved over to the girl in blue.

Barry-1: Hey, Supergirl! You want us? We're right here!

Y/N: Dude, what are you doing?!

Barry-1: Leading her away.

Supergirl flew down and hovered in the air. She eyed the two Flashes in front of her.

Barry-1: You said you won that race, right?

Y/N: Yeah.

Barry-1: By how much?

Y/N: You don't want to know.

Supergirl charged. The two speedsters turned around and took off. Supergirl chased them threw the city. The red streaks soared up buildings and over parked cars while the girl in blue flew over them.

Vibe and Green Arrow took their chance. Cisco spotted Firestorm, Atom, and Heat Wave approaching them. He jumped out to grab their attention, buying Oliver time.

Cisco: Hey! Hot heads! You want a piece of me?!

Vibe engaged the three controlled heroes. Oliver slung Wally over his shoulder and rushed towards the bunker. He ran down dimly lit halls and concrete pillars.

Soon, he was being chased down by Sara, Thea, and Dig. Oliver turned and fired a firebomb arrow at their feet. The group was pushed back. However, they soon recovered and continued their pursuit. Oliver soon found himself cornered by his altered friends.

Vibe continued his fight outside. Firestorm fired a fireball at him. Cisco opened a breach, causing the fireball to go through it and explode near Mick, knocking him off his feat. Cisco then rushed up and punched Firestorm in the jaw before kicking him back.

However, he was soon grabbed from behind by the Atom growing and grabbing his neck collar. Atom soared into the air and dropped Vibe. As he fell, Cisco opened a breach and fell threw it. He landed on top of a set of crates, crashing through them and groaning in pain. 

From inside, Caitlin watched the whole thing unfold on the screens. She decided to turn around and roll up her sleeves.

Caitlin: That does it.

Felicity: Where are you going?

Caitlin grabbed an energy gun from the back of the lab. She cocked it before rushing outside. She kicked open the door and found the three heroes encroaching upon the downed Cisco.

Caitlin aimed and fired the large gun. A bolt of blue energy soared out and hit Ray, knocking him down. The other two turned around to see her. Cisco lifted his head up, seeing his friend as well. 

Caitlin's eyes went wide. She turned to run as Firestorm took off to chase her. As she ran, Caitlin saw a breach open before her. She leaped through with it closing just before her pursuer could catch her.

Mick looked around, trying to find the brunette woman. Just then, a breach opened behind him. Caitlin fell out of it and kicked him down. She

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