5.3 Team Under Siege

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then heard something buzzing behind her. She spun around just in time to see Atom grow before her. He grabbed her weapon, but she spun it around, hitting his visor with the butt of her gun and knocking him back. He tried to fire at her but was met with an energy blast to the side, falling back.

Felicity: Damn. That girl is a badass.

Caitlin-1 looked at her counterpart fighting, amazed by her skills and bravado. She must have done some extensive training with her teammates. Was she capable of the same thing?

Firestorm flew towards Caitlin, trying to fire at her. Before either of them could react, the flaming man was sent flying back by a sonic beam. Caitlin looked to the side to see Cisco pulling himself up. The two grouped up and stood back to back as the three controlled heroes soon regrouped ad starting to close in on them.

Y/N and Barry-1 ran with Supergirl all the way to the salt mines. They stopped inside the old warehouse. Supergirl flew inside and looked around, trying to spot them. 

Y/N and Barry-1 crouched down and whispered to each other. They spotted the alien device. It looked like a red orb placed atop a black pedestal.

Barry-1: Okay. Now what?

Y/N: Remove your gloves.

Barry-1: What?

Y/N: Just do it.

They two men removed their gloves, exposing their hands.

Y/N: Now, think of something, anything, to get you emotional. Let your guard down. Let the memories take over, but make sure to maintain control. Then, when the time is right, throw up your hands.

Barry-1: That's it?

Y/N: That's it.

Suddenly, the two were cut out of their conversation by a fist breaking the wall that was their cover. Supergirl spotted them with her x-ray vision and was ready to fight. The Flashes took off in opposite directions, with Supergirl trying to keep up with both of them.

Y/N ran around, focusing on key memories. He thought of his friends, his family, and what he needed to do. Eventually, lightning began to spark and shoot out from his body, hitting the walls and anything he rushed by.

Barry-1 also began to think. He thought about his past, the lose of his mother and then his father. He thought about Iris and Wally and Cisco and Caitlin. He thought about how much he screwed up.

Lightning began to fly out of Barry as well. He looked down at his hands. Crackling electricity covered his palms. Eventually, he heard Y/N shout the order.

Y/N: Now!

Both Y/N and Barry-1 rushed towards the red device. As they rushed past it, some of their lightning fired out and was absorbed by the orb. They then stopped on either side of it. Supergirl flew in, ready to charge at both men.

At the last minute, both Y/N and Barry-1 held up their hands. Orange bolts of lightning fired out from their bodies, concentrating through their fingertips. The lightning hit the orb, overloading it with energy.

Suddenly, the red orb exploded, sending out a shockwave of red energy and orange lightning. All three people inside the building were knocked back.

Back at the lab, the three heroes closing in on the Earth-62612 inhabitants suddenly stopped. They shook their heads in confusion. The three chasing Oliver stopped as well. They all looked at one another, trying to understand what just happened.

Oliver: Guys, they're back.

Inside the warehouse. Y/N and Barry-1 groaned as they picked themselves up. They looked to the side and noticed Kara picking herself up as well. The two stood on guard, prepared for anything. However, Kara simply seemed to look between the two of them in confusion.

Kara: Barry? Y/N? What happened?

Barry-1 and Y/N smiled. Barry-1 approached Kara with a grin.

Barry-1: You didn't kill us, so our day's looking up.

Kara: I'm sorry.

Y/N: Hey, you're not the first superhero to be mind-controlled. 

The group of heroes soon all reconvened outside the lab. Y/N and Barry-1 rushed in, standing with them. Y/N noticed Caitlin with the gun in her hand. He walked over to her and hugged her.

Y/N: You alright?

Caitlin: Yeah. I'm just glad you're alive.

The two separated with Y/N walking over to Cisco, high fiving him.

Felicity: So, what was it like being all mind-controlled and stuff?

Firestorm pointed over at Mick.

Jackson: I didn't realize he had a mind to be controlled.

Mick rolled his eyes at the comment.

Ray: Barry, about before. Message or no message, we're with you.

Barry-1: Thank you.

Thea: Where's Supergirl?

Y/N: Scanning the city to make sure there aren't any more of the orbs that whammied all of you.

Diggle: Okay, so now what?

Oliver: We call Lyla. Tell her these Dominators aren't here peacefully. 

The group all nodded in agreement. They turned to head inside. Just then, a bright beam of light shot down from the sky and surrounded Sara. The others all looked on in shock and horror as she was pulled up into the air, teleported away.

Oliver: Sara!

More lights beamed down, two more taking Thea and Diggle.

Barry-1: Everybody inside! Go!

The remaining heroes all tried to make a run for it. Barry-1 and Y/N watched on as another beam took Ray. Then Oliver. 

Y/N panicked when he saw another beam shoot down and surround Caitlin. He tried to run towards her and grab her out of its reach. However, he was too late. Just as he was about to touch her, he watched her vanish, taken away. The last thing the two saw of one another was a look of shock and surprise as Caitlin was whisked away. Y/N looked up to the sky. He threw off his helmet and goggles, shouting into the night.

Y/N: Caitlin!

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