4.6 The Code

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Y/N was sitting down on the floor, his wrists chained to the wall. He was held down by a copy of Snart's cold gun, which was propped up on a stand and connected to a timer. Every six seconds, the gun would fire at Y/N, encasing him in more ice. The fast man screamed in pain, unable to vibrate out due to the extreme cold.

On the other side of the room, Caitlin was placed in a similar position. She was chained to the wall and surrounded by heaters. Anytime the temperature dropped below a certain degree, Mick's heat gun would go off, igniting flames close to the imprisoned girl's feet. Cait was sweating profusely, her hair dripping wet and her shirt soaked from the neck down.

Mardon made his way over to Caitlin, grinning and seeing the chained girl down on the floor.

Mardon: What's the matter, sweety? Can't take the heat? Such a shame. 

Caitlin: You'll regret this.

Mardon: Will I? 

Caitlin: You're monsters, all of you. You're just a thief and murderer who doesn't deserve what they've been given.

Mardon: Maybe, but at least I'm something without my gifts. You said it yourself, I was a murderer even before this. Cops feared me. Now look at you. Not really anybody without your powers, are you? Is that how it works? You go by, live your miserable little life while your other side gets all the excitement? Sounds pretty pathetic if you ask me.

Caitlin eyed him. Her own eyes then turned white and her skin pale. Her hair become ghostly white like the snow.

Frost: Don't ever speak to her like that again.

Mardon simply smirked as the heat gun activated, shooting out flames and forcing Frost to revert back into Caitlin.

Mardon: That's what I thought.

Y/N spoke through gritted teeth and extreme pain.

Y/N: Leave her alone, you son of a bitch.

Mirror Master waltzed over to the Flash. He held a knife in his hand and pointed it towards Y/N's neck.

Scudder: I wouldn't be so quick on the draw, Flash. Maybe you deserve a little lesson in pain, see what it's like to have everything stripped away from you as your body lies there in a cold, frozen tomb.

He brought the knife closer, the tip just touching the side of Y/N's throat. Scudder was stopped by Cold calling out again.

Snart: Enough. I told you, no killing.

Trickster: Oh, Snart. You always have to be such a buzz kill. 

Scudder turned around, eyeing Snart.

Scudder: Damn you and your code, Snart! You told us that if we joined you, we'd eliminate the Flash! Central City would be ours!

Snart: I said we'd slow him down, get him out of the picture. I did not say we would kill him. Besides, this is more than just about my code of honor.

Scudder: Yeah? You afraid every cop in the city will come after ya if they find out you were the one who killed the Flash?

Snart: It's not the cops I'm afraid of. Speedy has friends now, powerful friends. We kill him and it's only a matter of time before one of the big guns comes in to beat us before we even walk out the door. Do you really want to face off against the blue boy scout? How about looking over your shoulder to see the Bat standing there? Killing him would only give us more trouble.

Mick: Well, at the very least, you could let us take that tin cap off of him and see who he is behind those goggles of his. You already know who he is. Why can't we?

Snart: Let's call it an honorable exchange of respect. After all, he did save Central City twice from near destruction. I think we owe him that.

Scudder began to chuckle, shaking his head.

Scudder: This is about Lisa, ain't it? Big man, Leonard Snart, can't bear to see what may have happened to his family when he wasn't around to protect them.

Snart eyed Scudder with a low, dark brow.

Scudder: Let me guess, she was there when the city was attacked. The Flash saved the city and thus saved her. She lived to see another day. Well, look where she is now, Snart.

Cold held up his gun, pointing it at Mirror Master.

Snart: You mention my sister again, and I'll make sure the next thing that comes out of your mouth is an ice cube.

Scudder simply grinned, shaking his head.

Scudder: Look at this, boys. Our dear old leader is actually just a scared little boy who's afraid that the doctors can't fix his broken little sis. If you ask me, I think a little change is in order. You're out of touch, Snart. Anyone willing to follow me may do as I say. Anyone willing to sit on their ass all day and mope may follow the man in blue who's just as stiff as the ice he creates.

Snart cocked his gun, still pointing at Scudder.

Scudder: You think I'm scared? I know your code, Snart. You don't kill those who benefit you and you don't kill civilians. Guess what? I'm both. Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'd like to see who's under little red running man's mask.

Scudder turned around and started to walk back towards the chained Flash. Suddenly, he stopped as a white flame hit him in the back. He felt something pierce his chest and emerge out of his skin. Looking down, Scudder found a large icicle piercing through his body.

Before he could say anything else, Mirror Master fell to the ground and rolled on his side, dead. Both Y/N and Caitlin had to close their eyes, not wishing to witness the gruesome scene. Snart simply looked at the dead man's body with his gun raised.

Snart: Correction. I don't kill civilians or those I owe a debt to. You are neither. There's no honor among thieves.

The man in the blue coat turned around to the rest of his crew.

Snart: Anyone else have any problems they'd like to state?

The rest of the men just stared at him. After a moment of silence, Trickster began to clap slowly before erupting into his own little encore of cheers.

Trickster: Bravo, Snarty! Quite the show! 

At S.T.A.R. Labs, the three men inside had just watched the entire abduction scene unfold through the camera in Y/N's goggles. They were now pacing around, trying to think of what to do next. Cisco had left the cortex chamber while the other two debated on their next move.

Barry-1: We need to find them. Whatever Snart's planning, it's not good.

Wells: I don't know how it is on your Earth, but here, Snart has a code of honor. He doesn't kill civilians or innocents and anytime he does it's not intentional. As to where Y/N and Caitlin fall into his code, I'm not entirely sure.

Barry-1: I can help.

Wells: Yes. You've battled Snart before. You can give us input into how to stop him and his cronies.

Barry-1: No, I mean more than just a supervisor. I need to be out there. I can help, but I need to be in the fight.

Wells: Allen-

Barry-1: You've seen me! I am just as if not faster than Y/N! And if there's one thing I've learned about the multiverse, if there's one universal truth, it's that all versions of the Flash do what is right by being out there and running.

Wells: Barry, we still don't know if your presence could affect things. Maybe this is how things were supposed to play out regardless of you being here. By inserting you into the situation, we may make things worse for Y/N and his state of mind.

Barry-1: Which is why I have to be out there! From what I've seen, your Flash has just as much courage and strength as any other. And because of that, he'll suffer alone even when others try to help because no one else can truly relate to a speedster like another speedster! You can throw out theories and hypothesis all day and it will not matter to him. I've been through these things before. He shouldn't have to! I can stop them here and now not by altering my universe but by making his better!

Wells: Barry...

Cisco: He's coming.

Cisco walked into the room wearing his Vibe gear. In his hand he held onto Barry-1's Flash suit. In his other hand he held Caitlin's ID tag which she had left behind.

Cisco: I vibed their location. I know where they are.

He tossed Barry his red suit and looked over at Wells.

Cisco: Barry's coming. We need the Flash. Y/N needs him. We're done playing possibilities and speculative futures. We are doing this here and now, together. 

Barry-1 nodded, spinning in circles at high speeds to put on his suit. Harrison watched the two of them as they turned to leave.

Cisco: You ready, Flash?

Barry-1: Let's run, Vibe.

Cisco held out his hand and opened a breach. The two jumped through to rescue their friends. Wells watched in silence as the swirling breach closed.

Y/N sat in his frozen prison while his captures walked around, planning what they would do next to catch the third member of the S.T.A.R. Labs heroes and the crimes they'd commit afterwards. Y/N looked over at Snart who was the closest to him and furthest away from the group. He sighed and looked over at the man in the winter coat.

Y/N: So, that's what this is about. You get rid of us and Central City becomes your uncontested playground. You steal, rob, and burgle all the stores you want.

Snart: Very good, Big Red. You're a fast learner.

Y/N: Your sister, Lisa. Is this what this is really about? 

Snart looked over at him, a stern but intrigued look on his face.

Y/N: I was wondering why you would partner yourself with a bunch of killers and maniacs. Doesn't really seem your style. My guess was that you were desperate. Now I seem to be correct.

Snart continued to eye the man in red.

Y/N: She's sick, isn't she? You need the money to pay for her expenses, but you can't just rob someplace and sneak away like you used to 'cause we're around. 

Snart: I'd watch where I was treading, fast lane. Unless you want to end up like my former comrade here. 

Snart walked off to chat with Rory. As he walked away, Rival made his way over to Y/N. He gave a cocky smirk and wide stance.

Rival: Guess you aren't as fast as I thought. Catching you was a breeze. Once I'm through with you, I may just have a little fun with your girlfriend over there.

Y/N gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. He stopped, breathed deeply and looked at the man in black before him. He then spoke, trying to hide a grin of his own.

Y/N: You know, it really wasn't you who caught me. I technically beat you in our altercation. Looks like I'm still the fastest man alive.

Rival: Are you calling me slow? You think you can beat me in a real fight? You just got lucky!

Y/N: Doesn't look like it. From where I'm sitting, it looks like you contributed the least. I mean, think about it. Snart and Scudder were the ones to do me in. Mardon put up one hell of a fight. Heck, even the Trickster managed to fence off against Frost! You just received a blind eye and a bonk on the head.

The Rival tightened his fists, strings of red lightning crackling in his palms.

Y/N: Some rival you turned out to be. I mean, a true rival of mine wouldn't need to associate himself with conmen and guys who don't even have powers to begin with. A true rival could get things done on his own. 

Rival: Ha! These guys wouldn't last thirty seconds against you and your friends without me!

Y/N shrugged his shoulders.

Y/N: I dunno. They seem to have done pretty well without you, or did they too just get lucky?

Clariss eyed Y/N before turning around, making his way over to the others. Y/N watched him leave before looking over at Caitlin. She looked tired and continued to sweat from the heaters around her. She dropped her head down, looking over at him as well. The two trapped lovers just stared at one another, Y/N letting her know things would be alright with just a look. More than anything, the two wished to be in each other's arms right now.

Suddenly, all the lights in the building went out. The group of villains all grabbed their respective weapons, looking around them. Trickster held onto a large mallet in his hands.

Suddenly, the foolish clown was flown back by a burst of sonic waves. He hit a metal pipe and laid on his back. At that moment, the lights all came back on. The group looked as they saw Vibe now standing right in front of them.

Mick: There you are you little rat bastard!

Cisco: I've come for my friends. Anyone want to stop me from taking them?

Snart: Sure. 

Mick: Can I burn him?

Snart: Yes, Mick. You can burn him.

Mick: Hell, yeah!

Heat Wave fired his flamethrower towards Vibe. Cisco brought up his hands, firing a sonic beam and pushing the flames away from him. The fire forked and went around Vibe like a dome.

With the group distracted, Barry-1 rushed over to Y/N. Y/N watched in confusion and relief as he saw a trail of orange lightning take apart the propped up cold gun and rush over to him.

Barry-1: You okay?

Y/N: Fine. Just need a Turkish bath and I'll be all set.

Y/N began to vibrate, warming himself up. Barry placed his hands on the ice and began to vibrate as well, cracking and eventually smashing open the frozen prison encasing Y/N. He helped his new friend up and the two ran together.

The two Flashes rushed in and grabbed Cisco, carrying him to another part of the warehouse before rushing back and standing in front of the group of villains. All five men looked on in confusion at seeing not only Y/N freed but a second Flash in a red suit as well.

Trickster: My, my, Snarty. I think I've gone cross eyed! The Flash in two places? Although, I do like the other one's suit. I think it'd look good as a stuffed rug. Oh, but I could so use helmet boy's cap as an ashtray!

Snart gritted his teeth. This other Flash was not accounted for. He turned back to the speedster in black.

Snart: Clariss, what are you waiting for?!

Rival shrugged before putting up his hands.

Rival: Let's see how well you fair without me.

The Rival gave a sinister grin before running off. Snart threw his hand in frustration before turning around.

Mick: We don't need him. Let's fry these Flashers!

Mick fired his gun again at the two heroes in red. Y/N and Barry-1 raced off to engage their foes. Mardon hovered in the air, generating a large windstorm to try and slow them down. Trickster threw a handful of micro bombs into the air, each carried away  by the wind.

Barry-1 rushed through the air and around the hall, catching each bomb and running off to safely dispose of them. Y/N ran in between Cold And Heat Wave. The two partners turned around and fired at him. They then separated, trying to catch their Flash.

Caitlin watched the battle unfold with wide but tired eyes. She was alerted to a new presence when a figure quickly stepped out from behind a crate beside her.

Cisco: It's just me.

Cisco disabled the heaters around Cait. He then unchained her from the wall. Caitlin's arms fell down in a slump. Cisco was about to grab her when he was hit by a large mallet. Vibe fell to the side, looking up to see the Trickster walking towards him.

Trickster: Not so fast, wave rider! I still owe you for that toss earlier.

Trickster swung his mallet, trying to hit Vibe. Cisco ducked and dodged each of his swings. However, Trickster was actually luring him towards the edge of the loading bay. Below stood a large drop. Cisco turned to see the full story drop behind him while Trickster continued forward.

Trickster: There you go, you little rat! Time for me to get the drop on you!

Just then, Caitlin stepped out from behind a crate. She temporarily turned into Frost, her hair and eyes turning white. She brought up her hands and hit a cold blast of air at the foolish villain. 

Trickster went flying back through the warehouse. His head hit a pole, knocking him unconscious. Frost then felt weak and immediately turned back into Caitlin. The brunette put her hands on her knees, breathing deeply.

Y/N continued running about, dodging Snart and Rory's blasts. Barry-1 then rushed in, sweeping both out from under their legs. The Flash of Earth-1 ran other to join his counterpart. The two fist bumped as they looked down at the men they'd just punched down.

Back with Cisco and Caitlin, the two reconvened. Cisco walked over to his friend, seeing she was panting heavily.

Cisco: Are you okay?

Caitlin: I'm not sure.

The two were suddenly alerted to a new presence as a bolt of lightning shot down next to them. They looked up to see Mardon levitating in the air, eying them with a smirk.

Mardon: Where are you two going? The party's only just started.

Caitlin brought up her hands, prepared to turn into Frost again. However, nothing happened. She tried again. Still nothing. She looked at her hands in questioning.

Cisco: What's wrong?

Caitlin: I don't know! She won't come out!

Cisco: Alright, just run! Go!

Caitlin ran off while to find cover Vibe stayed to deal with Weather Wizard. Mardon approached Cisco, firing several lightning bolts towards him. Vibe ran through the warehouse, trying to dodge the bolts. 

Mardon: Give up, you little rat.

Mardon grinned and fired another bolt at Cisco's feet. Cisco was flung into the air and fell on his back. He turned around to Mardon charging up again. Vibe took a deep breath and focused.

Mardon fired another bolt of lightning straight towards the downed Vibe. Cisco brought up his hand and opened a breach. The bolt traveled directly through the blue vortex.

Another vortex opened right next to Mardon. His own lightning bolt emerged from it, hitting him square in the chest and knocking him down to the ground. Cisco let out an exhausted sigh of relief.

Y/N and Barry-1 walked over to the downed Snart.

Y/N: It's over, Snart.

The two were caught off guard when Cold began to chuckle.

Snart: Oh, Flash. Did you think it'd be that simple? Remember, I'm a man of plans. I always have a backup.

Snart quickly grabbed one of the blue vials attached to his vest. He shoved it onto Barry-1's chest where it exploded. Barry-1 fell back as cold ice covered his chest. Y/N grabbed him, stepping back.


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