3.6 Ancient Alien Artifacts

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The Batwing soared through the skies over Giza. Having received an anonymous tip earlier, the local authorities were told to evacuate the area surrounding the pyramids and to not let any tourists or locals near for the time being. The citizens of the Egyptian city were confused, but given the excuse of potential bomb hazards uncovered from the Second World War.

The large Batwing sailed through the evening sky and touched down on a sand dune close to the pyramids. The three men stepped out of the vehicle and prepared for their mission. Victor retained his metallic appearance, but Batman and Flash were each wearing a desert version of their respective costumes.

The caped crusader wore his traditional black cowl and cape over a light gray bodysuit. His belt was fitted with extra pocket holders and his black gloves now contained wrist straps. A metal chest protector was fitted from the crook of his neck down to the emblem on his chest. A pair of goggles rested atop his head in case of any potential sand storm.

(Credit to original artist)

The Flash was wearing a dark velvet, short sleeve iteration of his iconic jacket. Below that he wore a pair of tan cargo pants and yellow work boots. On his hands, in place of his yellow electrical gloves, he wore a set of tan, fingerless gloves. A pair of knee and elbow pads covered his joints. The only things that remained from his original costume were his goggles and iconic winged helmet.

The three heroes stepped over a large sand dune and overlooked the large pyramids in front of them. Batman reached into one of the pockets on his belt and pulled out a small set of binoculars. Looking through them, he turned on an x-ray scanner. He looked at the largest pyramid, noting a strange metal object located near the center of it. He double checked to make sure no one was around before motioning to the others.

Bruce: Let's go.

The three approached the entrance to the pyramid. As they walked towards the large structure, Victor noticed a tent set up with archeological tools located near a dig site. Small scraps of metal dotted the inside of the hole. He recognized it as the location the pod had been uncovered before being taken to his father.

Y/N looked up at the sandstone pyramid in awe. One of the perks about studying myths was that he also got to study ancient history. Now he was standing before perhaps the greatest icon of unknown human history. Compared to the other two's stern, serious faces, Y/N was clearly having a hard time hiding his excitement.

The group walked through the entrance into the dimly lit halls of the pyramid. Batman checked the sensors on his gauntlet, following the path through. When they finally reached the middle of a narrow passage, he stopped.

Bruce: This is it.

Victor stepped ahead and scanned the whole room. His red eye projected a narrow beam, scanning and going over the floor, walls, and ceiling. He stopped when he reached a certain section of the wall.

Victor: The sandstone fragments here indicate they were laid later than the rest of the temple.

After looking at it for a moment, he brought up his hand. It transformed into an arm cannon and he prepared to blast the door open. Y/N jumped in his way, stopping him.

Y/N: Wait, wait, wait! What are you doing?

Victor: I'm making us an entrance.

Y/N: But this is a centuries old, archeological discovery. You can't just blow a hole through it like a common warehouse!

Victor: What do you suppose I do, then?

Y/N turned and looked back at the wall. He examined it closely, pressing his fingers along the intricate hieroglyphics that lined the ancient sandstone. He stopped when he found something specific.

Victor: What are you searching for?

Y/N pointed to the hieroglyphics that caught his eye. In the center was an oddly drawn eye. Next to it were two pairs of cross-like designs.

Y/N: The Eye of Horus was used to represent knowledge and wisdom, something I bet the Egyptians saw in Brainiac's discoveries. The ankh was used to represent the key to lost secrets. It was later used to represent life and the secrets it holds.

Victor: These carvings match all the others. They're seen all across these walls.

Y/N: But not to this degree. Look at the placement. It's slightly larger and pushed in a bit more than the rest.

The other two looked at it. He was right. The hieroglyphics were pressed further into the wall, almost like lodged buttons. They came to the same conclusion as the speedster.

Bruce: A concealed passage.

Victor: Right. My sensors indicate the thickness of this wall is less than the rest. But the locking mechanism's been stuck for centuries. There's no way to open it from here.

Y/N thought for a moment.

Y/N: Not necessarily.

Y/N brought up both his hands, pressing them against the wall. He then began to vibrate both at a fast speed, his palms appearing as a blur. The wall soon began to shake with him. After a few moments, a loud click could be heard. A door-sized section of the wall opened up, moving to the side. The three stared down the dark, unexplored tunnel before them.

Victor: Nice work.

Y/N: I do it all the time when I forget my key.

The trio made their way down the narrow passage. Batman led the way, holding out a flashlight and walking through the darkness. As they walked, the group began to see metal sheets and cables lining the sandstone walls. Dull, blinking lights hung from the ceiling.

Y/N: The Egyptians built around this?

Victor: No. They built around the center chamber. The pod has expanded its reach throughout the temple over the years.

The three continued on their journey through the passage. They soon emerged into a large, central chamber. They were stunned by what they saw upon entering.

The walls were lined with tens of robotic soldiers and drones standing at attention. Cables hung from the ceiling, many covered in sand and dust. In the center of the room was a large, metal cube. A passageway lined with glass entered it from the side. It was flanked by a set of laser grids. Next to the glass tube was placed a set of panels and dials.

The group looked down the tunnel and saw who they had come for. There, slumped over in a set of metal clamps, was placed the man of steel. A dull red light illuminated the entire room.

Y/N: Oh, my gosh. What's he hooked up to?

Bruce: Red Sun generator. Superman drays his power from the Earth's yellow sun. Red light similar to this generates a solar beam capable of neutralizing him.

The three looked at the Kryptonian hanging in the metal chair. He was clearly weak, having been tortured and examined for nearly a decade. Bruce looked over at the control panel nearby.

Bruce: Can you access that?

Victor: Maybe, but the system may read me as an intruder. It could lock me out.

Y/N: How long before it does that?

Victor: A couple seconds.

Y/N: Plenty of time for me to act.

Victor looked back at him, the man in red nodding. Batman looked around the facility. Pulling out a small scanner, he pressed a few buttons and thought for a moment.

Victor: What are you doing?

Bruce: This place is connected to Brainiac's systems. I could use it to isolate the mainframe, produce a virus to cut off the neurolink.

Victor: Cut the systems off from their master.

Bruce nodded to him. Victor slowly approached the panel, examining it.

Victor: If I activate this thing, the defense systems may kick in. We won't have enough time to get out of here.

Bruce: Leave that to me.

Taking his scanner, Batman hooked it up to a small port on the dash panel. It began scanning through different systems. Bruce then pulled out his grapple gun and pulled himself up onto a ledge with another panel high up.

Hooking the grapple to his belt, Batman hung on the ceiling and pulled out a small, handheld device with a small screen and buttons. He began typing in a code, trying to access the external programs on the device. He'd wait for Victor to access the panel before activating it.

Bruce then reached for a large item placed in the back of his belt. He pulled it out and unfolded it, revealing the item to be a collapsible gun. Loading the gun with sticky bombs, he fired them around the room, attaching a few to the holding docks full of robots.

On the ground, Victor brought his hand up in front of the panel. Small, tendril-like cables extended from his arm and attached to the computer. He then turned to Y/N behind him.

Victor: You'll have two seconds where the generators are down. Get in and get out. Anything beyond that timeframe I cannot give you.

Y/N: Okay.

The Flash got down in a runner's position. Victor looked back at the panel. He began to access the systems. Finally, he gave Y/N his cue.

Victor: Go.

The generators shut down, the room turning dark. The laser grid in front of the entrance went down as well and the clamps holding Superman opened. Y/N took off at a dead sprint. He rushed inside the cell, grabbed the man of steel, and rushed out. He was just in time for the system to kick back on.

Y/N panted from the rush, Superman feeling heavier than expected in his arms. The alarms around the chamber began to blare. The robots and drones around the room began to turn on.

Batman activated the security code. The panel he was next to beeped and an extract from the code began to be downloaded into his scanner. Bruce then pressed a detonator in his hand.

The bombs around the room went off. Before they could even act, the robots were engulfed in hot flames and shattered into millions of pieces. Batman cut the wire he was hanging on and fell. As he descended, he brought out his cape and glided down into the floor.

Landing next to Y/N, Bruce stood up and looked at the weak Kryptonian laying down in his arms. He then turned and looked up to watch the many robots around the room exploding. Looking over to Victor, he nodded. They got what they needed.

The group prepared to leave when Victor suddenly jolted. Something else had awakened. Something none of them had expected.

Victor: Oh, no.

Y/N: What?

Just then, the ground beneath them began to shake. The entire temple was alive, the steel beams and metal walls vibrating with the floor. A large, metal bar collapsed, causing a pile of rubble to block the entrance to the tunnel out. 

Suddenly, something large emerged from the ground. Sand particles were thrown into the air as a large, metal claw emerged. The cubical prison cell in the center of the room fell through a large crevice that split the room in half. From out of the pit emerged a ginormous robotic eye. The item was spherical in shape and contained nearly six, long tentacles with metal clamps on the ends. Small jet thrusters and anti-gravity devices allowed the sphere to levitate in the air. A giant, green eye glared down at everyone. 

Y/N: Holy, shit.

Just then, Victor felt something pushing against his code. Something was trying to enter his mind. He saw a pair of green, glowing eyes surrounded by metal before sparks flew from the panel he was connected to. Victor flew back and fell down on his back.

Y/N: Victor!

The giant, robotic creature spotted the cyborg. It brought down two of its claws, trying to grab him. Batman jumped in the way and threw a pair of explosive bombs at the creature. The bombs went off, slightly denting the beast's claws and causing it to fall back in pain. Batman reached into his belt for more bombs, only to find he was all out.

The creature reached again, this time trying to grab the Bat. It was pushed back by a small missile hitting it. Bruce turned around to see Victor having turned his arm into a rocket launcher. Bringing up his other arm, Victor transformed that into an ion canon, firing blasts of blue energy at the beast.

Batman pulled out his gun and began grappling around the room. He tricked the beast into wrapping some of its tentacles around themselves, tying them in knots. Y/N looked on as the entire temple continued shaking. He looked at the roof before sighing.

Y/N: I know I said I wanted to preserve this find, but screw the formalities! We need to make an exit!

Victor nodded at him. He brought up his ion canon and blasted a large hole in the roof. The hole led deep through the temple and to outside. Sunlight poured through it, illuminating the room.

Still carrying the unconscious Superman, Y/N ran on the wall and out the hole. Batman rushed over to the panel from earlier and pulled out his scanner, having finished the download. Victor then grabbed him. Activating a pair of thrusters in his back and legs, Victor flew into the air and out the hole. 

The two flew out and landed a few meters outside the base of the pyramid. They looked on, expecting the mechanical creature to follow. They heard rustling followed by silence. Both looked at one another in confusion.

Suddenly, the sand in front of them exploded, bursting open from the ground. The creature crawled out, having dug its way out of the temple. Victor went back to shooting it while Bruce pulled out any weapons he thought may be affective against it.

Y/N ran all the way back to the Batwing. Turning around, he saw his two colleague fighting off the giant eye. Stepping into the Batwing, Y/N placed Superman down gently. Sunlight was streaming through the front windshield, illuminating the man of steel. Y/N looked at him, still unsure how conscious he currently was.

Y/N: Stay here. I'll be back.

With that, Y/N ran out of the jet and made his way to the others. Victor and Batman were still firing at the beast when the Flash appeared next to them.

Y/N: Go, get to the jet! I'll buy you some time.

The other two nodded. Victor once again grabbed Bruce and flew off towards the jet. Y/N saw the beast before him before looking down at the loose sand. He got an idea. The Flash began to run around the metallic monstrosity, kicking up sand in a large whirlwind. The robot let out a low screech as it was blinded. When he was done, Y/N ran off back towards the jet.

Victor landed near the Batwing, dropping the man in black. Both quickly boarded with Batman fiddling with the controls. Seeing a red blur approaching them, he prepared for takeoff and began closing the boarding ramp.

Y/N rushed onto the boarding ramp as it was closing and took his seat. The three prepared for takeoff. In front of them, the sand storm had died down and the creature was now approaching them. All three looking at it in horror. So distracted by the creature, they failed to notice the absence of their fourth member.

Batman had just got the jet airborne when the creature rushed towards them. It latched its metal tentacles around the jet, holding it back. Batman pressed a button, trying to activate the jet's missiles. However, the metal tentacles were covering the flaps containing the missiles, preventing them from firing.

The three men inside held on for dear life. The robotic creature started to shake and press into the Batwing. The walls began to bend as it tightened its grip. 

Suddenly, all three were surprised by the creature falling back. Its metal claws snapped and it was pushed to the ground. That was when they saw him.

Hovering in front of the cockpit window was a shirtless man in jeans. He had smooth, black hair with a curl down the center. His muscular physique was well defined and showed immense strength.

Superman eyed the creature in front of him. The mechanical beast let out a low roar and threw a metal tentacle at him. Superman caught it and flew into the air. He pulled on the tentacle like a rope, dragging the robot up with him. Spinning around, Superman let go and threw the robot down to the ground.

The creature tried to stand up, but was not quick enough. Superman flew directly towards it, his fist held high. The man of steel crashed through the center of the robot, destroying its glowing eye. The robot then fell down and slumped over, all its lights dimming.

The three men inside the jet continued to look on with gaping jaws at the flying man before them. Kal El turned around and looked at them. He offered a nice, sincere smile. Then, the trio watched as he took to the air and flew away.

Y/N: Um, mission success, I gue

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