The three men rode aboard the Batwing on the journey back to Gotham. Batman sat upfront, having not said a word since they took off. Y/N and Victor were in the back, checking out the nice view.
Victor looked over at Y/N who was eating his Big Belly Burger order. The man in red had already eaten two burgers and was already on his third. Victor just stared at the man as he practically inhaled his food.
Victor: Hungry, huh?
Y/N stopped mid bite, looking over at the cyborg beside him. He sheepishly finished chewing before replying.
Y/N: Yeah, it's a side effect of my powers. My metabolism is drastically increased, so I need to consume a lot of calories to keep from passing out. If you think this is something, you should see the amount of water bottles I go through.
He looked at the metal man and reached into his food bag. Y/N pulled out a small container of fries and offered him a few. Victor simply stared at him. Y/N shrugged and went back to eating his food. After a moment, a thought occurred to him.
Y/N: You know, do you even need sustenance if three quarters of your body is machine?
The team eventually landed back in the Batcave and hopped out of the jet. Alfred was in the middle of cleaning off a set of tools when they walked by. He nodded to both Bruce and Y/N. The old butler had to pause for a minute as a mechanical, half man, half machine person walked by. He eventually shrugged and shook his head.
The group walked over to the computer station. Bruce pulled off his mask and pressed a few keys.
Bruce: So, you said you've been looking into Brainiac. What we've been studying and what little we know about him.
Victor: I know more than that. The code roaming through my head is a part of his system. I not only know what's been documented by humans, but Brainiac himself.
Y/N looked over at him in excitement.
Y/N: Amazing! An entire human mind that is simultaneously independent while also allowing access to a hive mind. The mere concept is spontaneous in and of itself!
Bruce ignored him, looking over at Victor.
Bruce: What all can you tell us?
Victor looked at him before looking over at a crate nearby. The blue light on his forehead then glowed and projected a digital display on top of the crate. The three looked at it as Victor displayed images from throughout history.
Victor: Brainiac is a collector. He sees himself as the superior life form, and all other beings deemed beneath him must be studied. He finds a species, civilization, planet, or even solar system that catches his interest. His one and only goal is to document everything, add them to his own collection.
Y/N: Guy's a hoarder with a hobby, nice.
Victor: If a planet catches his interest, he shrinks it down using his mother ship, keeps it sealed away in his personal collection. If he labels a planet as not yet worth preserving, he sends a scout to stay until it's optimally ready. 5,000 years ago, Brainiac landed on Earth. The people who witnessed his descent worshiped him as "a power from the stars". They brought him gifts and offerings. However, despite the praise he was given, Brainiac showed little interest in the planet. However, he suspected Earth may still hold potential. He kept one of his scouts here to prepare the planet for his return.
Bruce: The pod.
Victor nodded.
Victor: It fell dormant. Over time, it was worshiped as a gift from the heavens. The Egyptians built a monument to keep it safe. Then, it vanished from all records. As time went on, few believed, much less even heard the story about the man from the stars. The pod lay dormant. That was until ten years ago.
Y/N: Superman.
Victor: Humanity was already close to reaching a point of interest for the pod to activate. The appearance of the last son of Krypton accelerated that process. And I'm sure with the rise of meta-humans, Earth has now become Brainiac's prime and most valued prize.
Y/N nodded in understanding.
Victor: The pod eventually reactivated. It emerged to capture the man of steel. Superman managed to lure it back to its home base. The two of them fought a ferocious battle before falling back down to Earth. Neither one was stated as having survived.
The others looked at the image Victor was now projecting. It showed the familiar Kryptonian in his blue and red suit. His face showed both a stern look of defiance as well as a soft look of kindness.
Bruce: I don't believe it for one second.
Y/N: Bruce is right. If the pod survived, then Superman most likely did as well.
Bruce: What else do you know?
Victor: If Superman were to have survived, the pod would have most likely taken him back to its base. It would have kept him until its master returned to collect his prize.
Bruce: And where would that be?
Victor looked at him. The projection turned off.
Victor: I don't know.
Y/N: What do you mean you don't know?
Victor: I mean that information is unavailable to me to access. It's as if I hit the limit to the given information available to me.
Bruce: It's a protective firewall. You're not fully integrated into the system.
Victor looked over at him questioningly.
Bruce: The drones at the lab were made by the same machine that created your body. You didn't turn on us like they did. I believe it's because you are not fully integrated into Brainiac's system, for one reason or another. You can only access the information any soldier may need access to.
Victor: Are you saying I'm an outsider?
Bruce: I'm saying you're an anomaly.
Victor: Great. I'm pushed away by both humans and now machines.
Bruce: Not by us.
Victor: Be honest, if I wasn't of use to you, if I didn't have the information you needed, would I even be here?
Bruce was silent. He kept his stern expression as the two stared each other down.
Victor: That's what I thought.
The robotic man walked off to the side. Y/N looked between the two of them and shook his head.
Y/N: Alright, well we need to find Superman. If he is still alive, then he's been held captive for nearly a decade. I don't want that in my conscience knowing I can help. Besides, with all the world's going through right now, maybe we all could use a symbol of hope.
Bruce: You're right. For as much as I am against the idea, if what we're up against is really as big as we suspect, we could use a heavy hitter like that. The question is, where do we find him?
He turned to look over at Stone who was now sitting down.
Bruce: Victor, any ideas?
Victor: I told you, I'm locked out. I can't access that information.
Bruce: Well there's got to be some way around it.
Y/N shook his head while the two of them argued. He looked around the room at the different monitors and files they had strewn about. The fast man tried to wrap his brain around any possible clue.
His eyes then landed on a magazine placed over the files. He looked at the image on the front. It was then that he realized where they needed to go.
Y/N: Of course! How could I be so stupid?
The others looked over at him, pausing their argument.
Bruce: What?
Y/N: You said the Egyptians built a shrine around the pod, right? Well, if something you saw as a god left behind a gift, you'd naturally want to build a shrine to the heavens, right? Some place for everyone to recognize your deity?
Y/N held up the magazine and pointed to the front cover. The other two looked at it, now understanding what he was getting at. The Great Pyramids of Giza.
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