2.1 In a Rush

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Date: December 7, 2015

Y/N: (narrating) People are always in a rush. Whether it's for a late appointment or we're trying to meet up at our cousin's birthday party. Regardless, we are always moving. For me, that's more so than usual. But sometimes, we can be in such a rush that we forget to stop and smell the roses.

Police sirens wailed down the street. The police were in hot pursuit of a getaway driver. In front of the speeding cop cars, a white van careened through the streets. It smashed into other cars, trying to make room for itself. The driver up front was loading his gun while his partner in the back counted the money.

The white car took a hard left, blowing through a red light on its quest to evade the police. It nearly collided with a taxi cab before swerving into the right lane. The cab itself swerved to avoid the speeding vehicle. The driver hit the breaks, but wasn't able to stop in time. In front of the cab, a pedestrian was riding his bike on the sidewalk. The poor man suddenly found himself flung through the air as the the bike below him collided with the breaking taxi cab.

Suddenly, things seemed to slow down. While the pedestrian was in the air, a streak of red and orange light blew down the street. It leaped on top of the taxi cab and grabbed the man. The biker suddenly found himself being carried over to the side of the road. He was placed down gently, in shock at what just transpired. He found himself staring open jawed in front of a man with tinted goggles and a metal hat. He wore a red vest with a lightning bolt emblem streaking across the chest.

Y/N: Are you okay, sir?

The pedestrian was frozen for a moment, recognizing the man in red as the city's fast vigilante. He stuttered while giving his reply.

Pedestrian: Uh... Y... Yeah. Thanks, Flash.

Y/N nodded to him. He then turned to see if the driver of the taxi cab was safe.

Y/N: Are you good, sir?

The old man in the front seat stuck his head out the window, giving the local hero a wave from his smoking car. Y/N nodded to him as well before turning around and speeding back off after getaway car.

The white car continued on its destructive path. The driver suddenly saw several barricades pop up out of nowhere right in front of him. He was forced to turn the vehicle down onto a less busy street. The cops continued to catch up to him, forcing the driver to drive faster.

Just then, the men inside saw a streak of orange light pass by them. Looking to the side, the driver peered through the passenger-side window and was stunned. There, keeping up with the vehicle, was a man in red running at incredible speeds. 

The fast man turned his head and nodded to the driver before jumping to the side. As quick as a blur, he had made his way inside the vehicle and was now sitting in the passenger seat.

Y/N: Hey, fellas! This traffic, am I right? Listen, I was just on my way to go stop this other tough guy, but I was in the neighborhood and saw you driving away and thought to myself, "You know? That kinda looks like fun."

Thug: It's the Flash!

Y/N: That's my name. Don't wear it out. Trust me. You say it too many times and it starts sounding like a nonsense word. Flash, flash, flash...

The driver pulled up his gun at Y/N. Working within the span of less than a second, Y/N disarmed the gun and unloaded all its bullets. The second thug pulled out his own gun. Y/N quickly gave him a right cross to the nose.

As the thug stumbled back from the hit, Y/N quickly grabbed him and the other driver. He dropped them out onto the street, tying them up around a light pole. Y/N then quickly rushed back into the vehicle and applied the brakes. He managed to stop it just before the car hit a red light. The tires screeched and the vehicle lurched on its axles. It stopped and Y/N hopped out of the driver's seat.

The police cars finally caught up. They stopped just in front of the tied up thugs. Men in blue uniforms quickly hopped out to apprehend the two robbers and take them away.

Out of one of the vehicles stepped Dt. Spivot. Patty looked at the tied up men before looking over at the stopped car. She smiled in astonishment at seeing Central City's own superhero. She'd heard the stories, but had never seen him for herself.

Y/N saluted to her, tipping his cap to the men in blue. The Flash then ran off back down the street. Patty turned and continued to smile wildly to herself as the blur of orange lightning passed by, kicking up a gust of wind that blew through her hair.

The alarms were going off outside of an office building in downtown Central City. Outside of one of the glass doors stepped an overly extravagant man. He wore a velvet red fur coat with a flower placed on the lapel. Under the coat he wore a purple suit with orange stripes and a matching orange tie. His lips were a deep purple and his hair a fiery orange. The man cackled to himself while holding a bag of money in one hand and a tommy gun in the other. The barrel of the gun was striped like a candy cane.

Trickster: Oh, I do so love the holidays! And it looks like St. Nick certainly filled my stocking. I told everyone inside I'd let them live if they followed my instructions. But I tricked them! Which is so me. Now to deliver my own early Christmas present.

The Trickster reached into his pocket and pulled out a detonator. He stepped away from the door before pressing the button and covering his ears. He waited. Nothing. His grin dropped into a scowl. Looking at the detonator, he repeatedly pressed it over and over again.

Trickster: What the hell is wrong with this blasted thing?

The overdressed gunman soon got his answer. A flash of red light sped in and stopped a few feet away from him. The Flash held up a disarmed, cartoonish bomb in his hand.

Y/N: Party's over, Jesse.

The Trickster scowled upon seeing the fast man in red.

Trickster: Ah, Swiftie. You always have to ruin the fun. Well, why don't I give the herald angels their own present, same day delivery?!

Trickster held up his tommy gun and opened fire at Y/N. The Flash quickly pulled down his helmet. Bouncing quickly while approaching the gunman, Y/N caught all the bullets inside the metal cap. He soon stopped and stood directly next to the madman robber.

Y/N: Out of ammo, Heat Miser.

Trickster looked down into the helmet, seeing all his bullets emptied inside it. Y/N turned over his helmet, letting the bullets drop out. He then quickly brought up the metal hat and slammed it over Trickster's head.

The gunman fell back dizzy before toppling to the ground. Y/N put his helmet back on and smirked at the downed criminal. He put his hand to his earpiece, speaking into it.

Y/N: Guys, I got Trickster. Tell Iron Heights to prepare his cell for him. Maybe put a little tree in there for him as well.

Behind Y/N, police cars arrived on the scene. The cops stepped out and apprehended the Trickster who was now waking up. Upon realizing what was happening, the crazed criminal grunted as he was dragged away.

Out of one of the cop cars stepped Dt. West. Joe spotted the Flash and walked over to him. He nodded to his men who were carrying away Trickster before turning back to the man in red.

Joe: Thanks again, Flash.

Y/N: Anytime, Detective.

Joe: You've done a lot for this city. I don't know how we can repay you.

Y/N: A warm cup of coffee would be nice.

Joe: Don't you think you've got enough caffeine buzzing around in that quick body of yours?

The two shared a laugh before going back to business.

Joe: Got any plans for the holidays? Family? Friends?

Y/N: A few ideas. It's been hard to rest my feet lately.

Joe: Well, you deserve it just as much as any of us.

Y/N: Thank you, Detective. If anything else pops up, you know where to find me.

The two gave each other a knowing look and grin. Y/N then ran off, disappearing quickly down the street. Joe watched him leave before turning around and walking back to his police car. 

Back at S.T.A.R. Labs, Cisco, Caitlin, and Dr. Wells all stood around the main computer desk in the center of the room. Y/N quickly rushed in and stopped in front of the them. He panted for just a moment before turning to his friends.

Y/N: How'd I do?

Cisco: You, my friend, just scored a triple Yahtzee. Not only did you stop the Trickster, but you also stopped three muggings, four robberies, and one high speed chase all in one evening.

Caitlin: Yeah. At the speeds you're going, you've been able to decrease the city's crime rate by 30%. You are moving at speeds nearly twice as fast as when you first started.

Y/N just shrugged before grabbing a smoothie and one of Cisco's energy bars to help with his metabolism. In the past six months since getting his powers, Y/N has been going non-stop apprehending meta-human threats and other general criminals who wish bad luck upon the city. 

Cisco: I have to say, the way you disarmed the bomb was ingenious.

Y/N: Well, I only knew where it was thanks to your vibe.

The two coworkers came together and clapped hands. For the past few months, Cisco had been practicing using his own powers, what he now called "vibing". He even developed a set of glasses to wear to enhance his visions. However, he was still hesitant about going out into the field.

Wells: I say you've deserved some free time, Mr. L/N. 

Y/N: Can't. Too much to do, so little time, even for a speedster. I'm meeting Barry at work later. We're plan on going over holiday plans and talking over stuff.

Cisco: Sounds nice. Wish my brother was like that.

Y/N: I thought I was like you're brother.

Cisco: You got me there. You're cool, unlike him. Plus, I can still beat your ass in Smash Bros.

Y/N: That was one time, dude.

Wells chuckled at his two colleagues teasing each other. He then turned to Caitlin. The young woman was walking away from the computer towards the side door.

Wells: What about you, Dr. Snow? Any plans for the holidays?

Caitlin was about to reply but froze in her tracks. Her eyes had wondered and landed on something placed inside the room. The team had decorated the lab for Christmas with lights and garland. However, there was one thing that caught Caitlin's eye.

Hanging from the doorway was a small piece of mistletoe. The brunette woman was silent, her mind wandering back to a distant memory. She remembered everything so clearly. The sound of voices cheering at a company held party. The crisp air outside. The beautiful skyline. 

Above them all, there was one specific detail that stuck out. A young man with dark hair. She remembered the way he'd kissed her under the mistletoe. She remembered the scent of his body when he pulled her in close. She even remembered the very specific question that had been asked that evening.

Caitlin slowly drifted back to reality. Y/N's distant voice soon became clear again. She turned to face them.

Y/N: Caitlin, are you alright?

The brunette doctor looked around at all of them. Her eyes were glossy and she looked like she was trying to hold it all in. After a moment, she spoke quietly.

Caitlin: I... I've got to go.

Wells and Cisco nodded at her understandingly. She turned and left the lab. Y/N looked at her go in confusion. When she left, he turned to his other friends.

Y/N: What was that about?

Wells: The holidays can be a... difficult time for Caitlin.

Y/N: How so? Not that I'm trying to dig into any drama or her personal business. I just would like to know so I know which boundaries to not overstep.

Cisco and Wells looked at each other before turning to Y/N.

Cisco: Christmas was when Ronnie proposed to Caitlin.

Y/N was silent, stepping back for a moment.

Y/N: Oh...

No wonder she seemed on the verge of tears. The holidays had once held one of the happiest memories of her life. But recently thinking that her fiancΓ© was dead and then learning that it was all a ruse... it must've been hard on her. He could only imagine what she was going through. Y/N simply nodded his head and remained silent.

A little while later, Y/N walked into CCPD. Making his way into one of the office labs on the top floor, he knocked on the side door.

Y/N: I have a delivery for a fellow awkward nerd.

Barry Allen turned around in his chair and smiled over at Y/N. Y/N walked in holding a Big Belly Burger bag for the two of them. Barry stood up to join him.

Barry: Oh, dude, thank goodness. I'm starving. 

Y/N: Me, too.

Barry: I bet. I saw you on the news. Joe told me you stopped Jesse.

Y/N: Yeah. Maniac was trying to set off a bomb. Thanks for the papers on his file, by the way. Those really came in handy.

Y/N reached under his arm and produced a file he'd borrowed from Allen earlier. He handed it to him and Barry put it neatly in a drawer nearby. 

Barry: Hey, anything I can do to help the Flash and keep this city safe, I'm all for.

Y/N: And I am super appreciative of the help. Yours and Joe's aid has really come in handy in catching these crooks.

Y/N opened the food bag and handed Barry his meal. The two sat down to enjoy their food together. Barry looked over and noticed that Y/N had double the order of fries and a larger burger than he had.

Barry: You know, sometimes I envy your increased metabolism.

Y/N: It's a pain in the ass. I've had to set reminders for myself to eat one of Cisco's bars less I pass out. Do you know how much money I've spent on food alone?

Joe: It can't be as much as Joe spends on vinyl records.

Y/N: That is true. 

The two shared a mutual grin and continued to eat their food. As they were finishing up, Patty walked into the room. She swayed her hips as she made her way over to Allen's desk.

Patty: Hey, nerd.

Barry: Hey, nerdette. 

Barry stood up in his chair as Patty approached. The two shared a quick kiss as they met. Y/N squirmed in his seat, making an awkward face of disgust.

Y/N: Ew. Do you guys have to do that while I'm here, and while I'm eating?

Patty: Yes.

Y/N shrugged, nodding his head at her simple response. Patty smiled as she turned back to Barry.

Patty: You'll never guess who I saw today.

Barry: Adam West?

Patty: The Flash! He stopped some robbers from crashing their car. He was so cool, running around like a bolt of lightning! Can you imagine the thrill of going that fast?!

Barry: I'm sure it must be exhilarating.

Barry had a wide smile seeing how excited she was getting. Y/N tried to hide his own smile, leaning back in his chair. Patty then turned to her boyfriend, changing the subject.

Patty: Sorry. I'm getting a little over excited.

Barry: It's fine. It's cute.

Patty blushed before continuing.

Patty: So, any word on packing?

Barry: I just talked with Joe. He's fine with it. I can have my things packed by February and ready to move to your place.

Y/N looked over at his foster brother, hearing the unexpected news.

Y/N: You're moving out?

Barry: Yeah. We're moving in together. We've been talking about it for a few months now.

Y/N: Huh. How come this is the first time I'm hearing about it?

Barry: Well, I mean, you aren't home half the time. We were going to tell you, we could just never find the right moment. I'm so sorry I didn't get your input on this.

Barry was starting to get overly apologetic. Y/N just laughed and shook his head. He held up his hand to Barry.

Y/N: It's alright, man. I'm happy for you. Besides, means more pizza for Joe and I.

Barry recovered, smiling now alongside Y/N. He then turned to Patty. He held her close, putting his arms around her back.

Barry: I've also got something else.

He held up a set of concert tickets in his hand. Patty looked at them, her mouth dropping open.

Patty: You didn't.

Barry: The Eagles. Tonight at 6:00.

Patty: Oh, you are wonderful!

She grabbed his head and pulled him in for another kiss. The two smiled at each other, happy to be in each other's arms. Barry then turned to Y/N, holding out a separate set of tickets.

Barry: I've got some for you as well. In case you want to come with a friend or someone.

Patty: Yeah. Why don't you come? I haven't talked with you in some time. We can catch up. It can be a double date.

Y/N: Oh, I'm not seeing anyone right now.

Patty: Oh, come on. There's got to be someone you've got your eye on. If this nerd is any indication then you definitely have someone with their eye on you.

Y/N shrugged, trying to hide a blush on his cheeks. There was someone he had in mind. He then felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He looked at it before sighing. It was a police report about an ongoing robbery.

Y/N: Sorry, guys. Can't make it tonight. I'll see you both at some point, though. We can catch up then.

Patty: Oh. That's cool, then.

Barry: Yeah.

Y/N stood up and grabbed his drink on his way out. He walked out quickly before changing into his Flash gear and running off. Barry watched him leave, sighing to himself.

It was night time when a black car pulled up to an old warehouse. The driver stepped out, straightening his leather jacket. He had a buzzed down hair cut and a jawline sharp enough to cut diamonds. 

The man walked over to the abandoned warehouse. Knocking on the side door

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