2.1 In a Rush

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three times, he was met by a guard peering through the eye hole.

Guard: Password?

Snart: Dole whip.

Leonard Snart rolled his eyes at the password choice. The guard nodded and opened the door for him. Snart walked inside into the dimly lit warehouse. Only a few overhanging lights were turned on. 

Snart made his way over to the center of the room. Surrounded by stacked boxes, a desk had been set up with a small computer. Behind the desk stood a broad man wearing an army uniform. He had his back turned to Snart.

Snart: Nice place. Real cozy. Although, I guess this is more my type of comfort rather than yours. Huh, General?

General Eiling turned around to face Snart. He had a grizzled, wrinkly face. A slight smirk appeared on his face as he turned around.

Eiling: Leonard Snart. Glad you could make it.

Snart: This is quite the deal you've got here, General, or should I say former general?

Eiling: Don't get snappy with me, Snart. I could turn you in right now if I wanted.

Snart: Others have tried, all have failed. What makes you think I won't bring you down with me? You're a criminal as well, from what I hear. Besides, you called me, remember?

Eiling grinned a bit at the man.

Eiling: Word is you're a professional. Someone who can get into and out of places easily. I need you to hunt someone down for me. Bring them in.

Snart: Then you got the wrong guy. I'm a thief, not a bounty hunter.

Eiling: This subject is one that concerns both of us.

He was silent for a moment before continuing.

Eiling: I want you to take down the Flash.

Snart stopped, peeking his brow up a bit at the mention of the vigilante. Eiling saw his reaction, grinning even more.

Eiling: Now I have your attention. We both know that it's nearly impossible for any criminal such as yourself to rob anything in Central City with the Flash in town-

Snart: Difficult. Not impossible. 

Eiling: The way I see it, we have a mutual enemy. With him gone, you would be free to rule the city as you wish. You bring in the Flash and I'll reward you handsomely. 

Snart: How much we talking?

Eiling sat down in his seat, snapping his fingers. One of his guards walked over with a small chest. Snart watched the guard retrieve the chest from the back. Squinting his eyes, he thought he could make out some other figure, the silhouette of some large creature hiding in the shadows. Eiling opened the chest, revealing jewels and gold coins. It was filled with treasures beyond belief.

Eiling: Recovered from the royal treasury of a wealthy Assyrian prince. It's worth over $500,000 dollars.

Snart eyed the contents inside the box before turning back to Eiling.

Snart: Okay. You've peaked my interest. I'll do it. But I'll need some of your equipment. Nothing major. Trip wires, bombs, maybe some old friends from Vietnam.

Eiling grinned again.

Eiling: I can do you one better.

Eiling sat up from his chair as another guard walked over with a small case. Eiling opened the case, spinning it around the show Snart the weapon inside. It was a large, black and silver gun. A pair of goggles were placed next to it.

Snart looked at the gun. He picked it up, turning it on. A blue light flicked on near the middle chamber.

Eiling: This is one of S.T.A.R. Labs' little toys. Capable of freezing anything in a sheet of ice.

Snart continued to look at the gun, taking in its properties.

Eiling: So, what do you say?

Snart smirked. He pointed the gun at the chest of treasures and pulled the trigger. A white flame shot out and encased the chest in solid ice.

Snart: Give me some real money. 200 million is my lowest offer. If you can procure that, I'll do it for you.

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