CHAPTER 6 - It Must Be Paris

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CHAPTER 6 - It Must Be Paris

"Where are you headed sir?" The driver asked.

"Paris." Chase replied.

"Excuse me?" The driver said shockingly. "Oh I mean, JFK and fast!" He said as he struggles to find something in his briefcase. "Sir, are you looking for this?" The driver said as he hands him his passport. "Thank you, Thomas!" Chase exclaimed and settled in the back and did some emails on his phone.

When he got to the airport he was transported to the private plane hangars by Thomas. "Thanks again, Thomas!" Chase said and ran towards the private plane that was all set for him. "Good morning, sir." The stewardess greeted him as he entered the plane.

After a few hours he finally arrives in Paris, France. He went straight to Hotel Fouquet's Barriere where he got a suite and rested before he went looking for Isabella.

He called up his private investigator and asked for Isabella's information. "Sir, believe me, it was hard getting this information." His private investigator said. "I owe you big time, John." He said.

Chase leaves the hotel and rents a town car. They head to this private secluded lane just in Paris, France. They drive up to "Paris 16th" and he slowly goes out of the car and rings the doorbell.

"Qui est à la porte? (Who's at the door?)" A man said and it was probably the butler. "Chase Everett of C. Everett Architecture." Chase said as he speaks on the machine. "Attendez une minute. (Hold on a minute.)" The butler said. "Qui cherchez-vous , monsieur ? (Who are you looking for, sir?)" The butler asked. "Je suis à la recherche pour Isabelle Martin. (I'm looking for Isabella Martin.)" Chase replied. "Une minute s'il vous plaît. (One moment please.)" The butler said.

Chase waited for a couple of minutes. "Je suis désolé, monsieur , mais elle n'est pas disponible pour le moment. (I'm sorry sir but she is unavailable at the moment.)" The butler said. "Il doit y avoir un malentendu , Isabelle Martin . La fille d'Olivier Martin. (There must be a misunderstanding, Isabella Martin, the daughter of Olivier Martin.)" Chase exclaimed.

The butler was exclaiming in French and Chase found some other way to enter the house. He climbed over the leaf wall and as he fell, he noticed everyone was looking at him and yes, it was indeed a dinner party. "Uhm, hi everyone?" Chase said awkwardly and then two butlers rushed in and grabbed his arms. "Attendez ! Je sais que ce gars-là. (Hold on! I know that guy.)" Isabella came rushing in and saw Chase. "Comment savez-vous ce voleur , Isabella ? (How do you know this thief, Isabella?)" A man with a deep voice asked Isabella. "He's my friend from New York, dad." Isabella said. "Dad?" Chase asked and shakes off the butler's arms and extends it to Isabella's father but he just looked at it.

"Okay, I'm sorry everyone." Isabella said and grabs Chase to lead him inside the house. "What the hell are you doing?!" Isabella panicked. "I..." He got cut off. "How the hell did you even find my house?" She exclaimed. "I..." He got cut off again. "It doesn't even matter, just get out!" She yelled. "Isabella." A woman was heard. "Yes mom?" She asked. "Hi Mrs. Martin, I'm Chase Everett." Chase said and extends his arm. Isabella's mother just looked at him and sipped her champagne. "Chase, you have to leave now." Isabella said. "But Isabella..." He trailed off and looked at her.

He feels and sees how embarrassed Isabella was with the actions that had just transpired. "I'm sorry and if ever you wanted to see me, I'm staying in a suite at Hotel Fouquet's Barriere." He said and was escorted by the two butlers. He went in the town car and crashed on the bed in his suite. He came all the way from New York to tell her how he really felt but gets a cold shoulder from Isabella and her family.

About two o'clock in the morning as Chase goes in the elevator alone and Isabella runs inside the elevator too. "W-what're you doing here so..." he was cut off. "Shhh." She said and kisses him.

He wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her in the suite. She removes her coat; he unzips her dress and carried her in going to the bed. He kisses her neck then her chest and then her stomach. He met her lips again, and held her hand. They made love and eventually slept in each other's arms. Then morning came, Chase woke up and noticed that Isabella had left a note that said: "Gone to Café Constant, have brunch with me there?" and signed her name on the bottom. Chase smiled and got out of bed then took a shower.

He wore a gray blazer and slacks, a white buttoned down polo beneath the blazer and black leather shoes. He fixed his hair and brushed it up to the side. As he exits the hotel he takes a cab and heads to Café Constant. He enters and looks for Isabella; he found her snuggling by herself with her coffee in one of the booths. "Hi." Chase says. Isabella slowly looks up and smiles at him. "Hi." She says back then Chase takes a seat in front of her and crosses her legs. "So do you wanna talk about what happened last night or should I?" He said softly. "Excuse me; can I have black coffee please?" Chase said to the waiter. "Tout de suite, monsieur. (Right away, sir.)" The waiter said and left. Isabella sipped her coffee and just fell silent.

"So why did you come over to my suite last night?" He asked with a smile plastered on his face. "The fact that you came all the way from New York to Paris just to find me was flattering." Isabella said softly. "What makes you think that I came all the way from New York to Paris and find you?" He asked seductively. "You climbed a leaf wall and broke into my house while my brother's engagement party was going on." She said.

Chase goes nearer to her face, "But why didn't you introduce me to your family?" He asked and leaned back on his chair. "Were you embarrassed of me?" He asked and got his cup of coffee. "No, I just thought that it wasn't the right time to introduce you to my family. I didn't want to steal the spotlight from my brother." She said. Chase laughs, "Ahhh! I see. Well, I don't roll like that Isabella." Chase said. "You can use me, but to be ashamed of me? Nah, I don't want to be someone's friend. Let alone be your friend." He emphasized 'your' as he said it.

"What does that mean?" She asked. "I wanna be someone more, okay?" He said and then left the café. As he exits, he is swarmed by the paparazzi. He puts on his glasses and waves then disappears into a cab. He gets dropped off at the Eiffel Tower and makes his way to the top. He leans on the railings and takes in the rushing air that bashed through his face. He thought about what had transpired the day before and then his phone rang.

"Is this you trying to play hard to get?" A woman said. "I don't know, is it?" He replied. "What do you want me to do?" The woman's voice now clearer and more real than it sounded on the phone. "Why are you so weird, Chase Everett?" She said as she taps his shoulder. He turns around and sees Isabella. "I just don't want to get hurt again." He said sounding sincere as possible. "You? Getting hurt again?" Isabella joked.

Chase grabs her by the waist and wraps his arms around her, "I don't want to be anybody's secret. I want to be somebody to you." Chase said. "What about Allie?" Isabella said. "What about her?" Chase said. "She's having your baby." She said. "Yeah but that's it nothing more and nothing less." He said.

"Are you sure?" She asked. "She'll always be special to me but it's time for me to move on." He said. "I'm afraid that you might still be in love with her." She whispered. "At this rate, I don't think I am anymore." He replied. "How so?" She asked. "I'm too busy being yours to fall for somebody new or in this case somebody old." He said with a smile.

"I'm serious, Chase." She said. "I am serious, Isabella. I'm serious about us. With Allie, everything seemed to be perfect but I think it's time for me to move on and start a new chapter, I mean she has so why shouldn't I, am I right? It's time for me to be more mature about my choices in life and I know it may sound cheesy but I choose you." He said.

"Look, I may have been so in love with Allie but I'll spend every day trying to prove to you that you are much more important to me now." He continued.

"I'm just gonna say it, are we officially a couple, Isabella?" He asked. Isabella smiled and kissed him. "Yeah, we're definitely a couple now." She teased and he kissed her while smiling.

"This is such a cliché." Isabella said. "What? Falling in love in Paris?" Chase teased. "Yeah." She said while laughing. "Well, prepare for lots of cheesy clichés because I'm a sucker for them." He said and smiled.

Well, things are finally looking up for Chase and Isabella.

Do you think Chase is ready to be with Isabella? Do you think he's really over Allie? What do you think is gonna happen next?

Please don't forget to read my other stories:

- Summers With You

- In Love, With You, With US

- The Decision

- My Life Unnoticed

- For The Love Of Music

- The Divided House

- The Finest Hour

So what do you think so far? Do you like where the story is going? Sound off on the comments below and tell me what you think? :)

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