Chapter 11

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We were in Medical one day, talking and joking, when Ryan came in with a suggestion. "Maybe you guys can help around the ship," he said. "Sitting around Medical all day must be getting boring."

We looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders in a 'why not?' way.

Ryan said it would be best if we did something to where our powers would be most useful. Claire, no doubt, was to help in Medical. She was the easiest to place.

Emilee, who could change her appearance at will, was put in Medical as well for some reason. She didn't know why. Medical didn't really go with her power, but she was happy nonetheless.

Mason was put in Engineering because he could spot problems that would be hard to see.

Alexander would be a messenger, due to his speed. He questioned why they would need a messenger if they had communicators. Ryan claimed he would probably be faster than them.

Then there was me. They had trouble putting me in an area like they did with Emilee. Where would I be most helpful with my powers? They finally decided I could help wherever help was needed, which was mainly Engineering.

Ryan dismissed us to our new jobs after he gave us new uniforms. They were black pants with black shirts. He said it would be better if we didn't get shirts to go with our job yet. He notified everyone prior that we would be getting jobs. Mason and I headed down to Engineering, where we were greeted by Simon. When he saw Mason, he smiled, but when he saw me, he was beaming and his heartbeat picked up again. I still didn't understand why that happened. When I read his mind, I got nothing.

"Hey trainees," Simon chirped. "I'm going to show you guys the basics to engineering. It takes years of practice to master it completely." We nodded and he motioned for us to follow. When he was speaking, I noticed the weird sound to his voice again. I had to ask him about it sometime.

Simon walked up to a panel of some sort, and tapped on a screen. An image of the Engineering floor popped up. Some areas had green dots on them. Some had yellow and some had red.

"Green represents that the area is stable. Yellow means is not stable, but it's not critical. Red means it's critical." Simon informed. "The only downside to this is it doesn't show where the problem is in the area or what the problem is. I'm going to show you guys how to fix some small things."

Mason and I nodded. Simon smiled and led us to an area that was 'yellow.' He said areas that were red would be too much.

When we got to the yellow area, I realized that it was an area full of wires. There were all different kinds and colors. Simon said a wire was probably knocked loose and we just had to plug it back in.

Mason and I exchanged glances. There was wires going from the floor to the ceiling for about 100 yards. Finding a wire that needed to be plugged back in would take a while. Or so we thought.

Simon walked over to the left wall about five feet from where we were standing and picked up an unplugged wire. He gave us a smile and plugged the wire back in.

"How did you find that so fast?" Asked Mason, starstruck.

"I've been doing this for a while. I was 16 when I was assigned to the Galaxy. I'm 18 now. I've been doing engineering since I was young also." Simon informed. "My eyes have been trained to spot unplugged wires. Plus, the unplugged wires are usually closer to the ground. People tend to get caught on them without noticing. It happens."

Throughout the day, Simon showed us lots of different ways the ship needed fixing. He also showed us how to fix some of the machines.

We returned back to Medical at the end of the day. Mason ran the whole way back. His vibrations getting fainter the farther he got. He wanted to share with everyone else about his job.

I walked the whole way, Simon by my side.

"You're helping all around the ship, I hear," Simon said.

"Yeah. Wherever people need extra help, I'll be there. Ryan said it'll probably be Engineering that needs the most help." I stated.

"He wasn't lying." Simon agreed.

"Simon," I started. "If you don't mind my asking, but why does your voice sound different than everyone else's?"

He chuckled. "I have an accent."


"I pronounce word differently because of my nationality."

"Oh. What's your nationality?"

"I'm from Australia."

"I'm sorry. I don't know what or where that is."

"That's fine. It's a country on Earth. And before you ask, Earth is a planet where you're originally from. It's the home planet to humans. And a country is a mass of land which has its own government, a organization that organizes the nation."

"Oh. I have a lot to learn."

He chuckled and nodded. We had finally arrived at Medical and Simon looked a little disappointed. He was sad our day was over.

"Well Reagan, it appears out time together has come to an end," he said.

I nodded and was about to go inside, when he grabbed my wrist and put his lips on my cheek. He then smiled and walked off.

I was dumbfounded. What did he just do? I went back inside Medical and walked to my bed.

Whatever Simon did, it slapped a smile on my face I couldn't wipe off.

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