"If Forman can kill them whenever he wants, John, they need to be watched closely. Maybe you should try and find another chip in them." Ryan said quickly.
"I don't think there is another chip, Ryan!" Johnny shot back.
"There has to be!" Ryan fired. "How else would Forman be able to kill them at his leisure?"
"I don't know," Johnny tiredly said.
Ryan was about to speak again, but Mason jumped in shouting, "Nerves! Nerves! It's on the nerves!"
"What's on the nerves?" Asked Ryan.
"The kill switch!" Mason breathlessly shouted. "It's on the nerves! When Dr. Forman put the serums in us a couple of months ago, it had a little black thing in it. He said it would latch onto the nerves and help calm us down when we were scared, but he lied! It could kill us!"
Thinking back, I did remember there being a black thing in the serum that he claimed would calm us down.
"That might be it," Johnny agreed. "But getting it out might be dangerous. If Forman finds out before we can get all of them out, he'll kill you. Plus, if it's attached to your nerves, and I'm not 100% careful, you could suffer from nerve damage."
"Not to mention, you don't even know where it is on the nerves." Ryan pointed out.
"The neck," I said. "He always put the serums in our necks."
"Where in the neck?" Asked Johnny. Hope shines in his eyes. His once racing mind, now was clam and only had two thoughts. He could save us. He cared about us.
"The right side," Emilee piped in.
"Do you guys mind if I take another thing out of your necks?" Asked Johnny. We all shook out heads. "Great. Reagan, you're first."
I nodded and laid faced down on my bed. Johnny shouted for Nurse Amy to bring supplies and asked the kids (and Ryan) to give him some space. Nurse Amy showed up with the supplies and Johnny began disinfecting the right side of my neck.
"Be brave," he said before he sedates me and I fall into a deep sleep.
I woke up an hour late, my neck in pain once more. Johnny saw I was up and smiled. He checked my vitals and he was truly happy.
He thought it was over. Dr. Forman couldn't kill us or find us. We were safe.
"How are you feeling?" He asked.
"Sore, but great," I said.
He smiled again and said when the others woke up, we could go get something to eat. He got up and walked over to his desk. I laid back down and stared at the ceiling. I smiled to myself.
We were finally safe.
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