Alternate Ending #1

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Leave The Light On

It had been 5 years since Lucas walked away from Eliott.
They'd kept tabs on each other for awhile. Lucas had graduated. He had graduated med school and now was an intern at the hospital. He was a shining bright star there.
Had loads of friends. His closest were still his high school best friends. He'd kept them all close to him throughout the years.
Eventually like in life Eliott and he went on with their lives. Both in different relationships. He'd heard Eliott had broken up with his girlfriend and had left Paris to a film school in New York.
Lucas was happy for him.
So happy.
Eventually he stopped asking about him and life went on.
As it does.
He'd been in a serious relationship but it had ended. It wasn't dramatic or even sad really.
It just was.
He wasn't a big believer in love anymore anyway.
Life was about love and loss after all. Things and people came and went and that's just the way it was.
It had been 6 months since his mother died.
Suddenly from a stroke.
They'd never been closer and he felt her loss like a missing arm. He tried not to think about it too much.
It hurt still.
He walked into the locker room. His long 19 hour shift over finally.
Headed to his locker and started to take of his white coat, his stethoscope and pager.
"Hey Luc!"
He turned to see his friend, Samantha walk towards him. Plopping onto the bench in a huff, letting her long curl filled red hair free from its bun.
"What a shift. I swear Mr. Ames was a real treat today. You're so lucky you missed it"
Lucas smiled thinking of the grumpy old man on the 3rd floor. Nothing pleased him. Ever. He and Lucas got along famously.
"So tonight is the night" Samantha's voice cut through his thoughts.
"Are you nervous?"
"Yes and no"
"And this is the old friend you reconnected with at your mothers funeral right?"
Samantha was determined to have Lucas married and settled down by the time he was 25.
Two more years of freedom left.
"Yes" Lucas smiled.
"I'm excited for you!"
"So am I."
He said his goodbyes and walked slowly out of the hospital. He was nervous. Really nervous in fact as he walked towards the parking lot, he had to remind himself to breathe.
It'll be fine.
It was just a coffee date.
The beginning of something new.
A new story to be told.
He walked into the coffee shop seeing him, well the back of his head and took a gulp of air as he approached.
He sat down swiftly in the empty seat, a coffee already waiting for him.
"Sorry I'm late" he says to him with a sheepish smile.
He's greeted by a dazzling one in response.
"I told you once I'd wait for you forever if I had too. I meant it."
5 years is a long time.
A lot can happen.
You can go on about life.
Love someone else.
Lose someone else.
Lose trust and rebuild it.
People will walk out of your life and if you're extremely lucky, on the worst day of your life, in this case his mothers funeral, in the middle of your eulogy, you'll lift your eyes to meet another pair of beautiful ones from the past, and realize they've walked back in...just when you needed them most.
The same eyes but somehow different.
Older, wiser, but the love is still there.
It will always be there.
In every universe.

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