It was ridiculous. Couples were acting sappy, and some teenagers (mostly girls), were confessing their love with chocolates.
Teruhashi, being the the pp girl*, was getting boxes and boxes of chocolate. She even got bouquets of roses.
Nendou put some chocolate in Kaido's desk, who freaked out because he thought he got chocolates from a girl. Kaido was heartbroken when Nendou revealed himself as the chocolate giver.
Saiki strongly disliked valentines day, as he could see how much each couple liked each other, and what everyone was thinking. A few breakups could be seen in the near future. Once again, Saiki drifted to Hasegawa's thoughts—he also disliked valentine's day as well. He has never received, or given, chocolates or flowers before. Although, each year his mother would give him candy of some kind, and his dad would give him some clothing or money.
Kei appreciated the gesture, so every year he would give his mother flowers and his dad a little trinket. Gift giving was how Kei expressed his appreciation.
This year was different for Hasegawa. Saiki had followed the ravenette outside when a girl, red faced and clearly nervous, approached him,
"H-Hasegawa... M-May I speak to you p-privately please?" She stammered with a flushed face. Hasegawa nodded, holding back a sigh. He's observed enough people to know that she was going to confess to him.
Silence accompanied the two as Hasegawa stood in front of the girl outside. He waited for the her to speak.
'Come on women! Hurry up already.'
Saiki admired Hasegawa's calm thoughts which contrasted the racing ones the girl had. Seeing as the girl wouldn't say anything, Hasegawa sighed and pulled out his notebook. "I'm sorry but I can't reciprocate your feelings. Although I thank you for liking someone like me, but I don't feel the same. I'm sorry." The girl smiled and rushed off crying, hiding the chocolate shaped hearts she had.
'Valentines sucks.' He sympathised with her. He knew feeling of unrequited love, a little too well. Saiki was about to leave until he heard Hasegawa's next thought; '...At least rejecting girls is better than everyone knowing the truth.' Kei brushed a hand through his hair before returning to class.
Saiki wanted to know more. "The truth?" He wanted—no, he needed to know. Saiki tried to infiltrate Kei's mind further, but he couldn't find anything. An ooc* rush of confidence compelled Saiki to sport a small stuffed bear inside Hasegawa's desk.
When Hasegawa and Saiki got back, the former boys' face sparkled as he saw the teddy bear. It had pale blue eyes, making them match. There was no indication who is from, so he turned around to ask Saiki, (because he was closest, no other reason *wink wonk*). Saiki avoided the question by walking past him, shrugging and pushing his glasses up, wondering why he did such a thing.
Someone spilled that Teruhashi had chocolates for someone, and her class whined bombarding her with questions and demands for them.
'PP girl has a crush?' The confusion was apparent on Hasegawa's face as Kaido teased him, "Oh~ What's this? Does our little Hasegawa have feelings for Teruhashi?" Kaido nudged him. Hasegawa made a face of utter disgust and shook his head, stealing a glance at his classmate.
Teruhashi gasped loudly, earning basically everyone to look her way. She was talking to Yumehara who was blushing and waving her hands around. Yumehara was having problems with her boyfriend. Their classmates turned back around once they found it Yumehara was issue not their angel.
Saiki had planned to assist Yumehara and her boyfriend, since he had nothing else to do. And possibly getting away from Teruhashi, who was pleading fora valentines gift from Saiki or Hasegawa.
Hasegawa could feel eyes on him all day but whenever he turned around, nobody was there. "Don't worry dude, I'll protect you from those ghosts!" Nendou proclaimed after he heard Hasegawa was 'being watched.'
"D-Don't be ridiculous! Y-Y'know there's no such thing as ghosts!" Kaido tried to reason, his voice trembled.
Nendou became Hasegawa's personal body guard, no matter how many times he protested. Teruhashi stopped creeping around Saiki and Hasegawa eventually—but she changed her approach.
After school, while Saiki tried to patch up Yumehara's relationship, Hasegawa followed along. Akemi's favourite flowers at the moment could only be found at a certain shop and he was willing to go the extra mile. He turns the flowers into bookmarks, since she likes to read, and seeing his mom's face brighten at the gift is worth its weight in gold. He also figured he could find something weird and new for his dad too.
Yumehara's likeability meter for her boyfriend steadily went up, with Saiki's assistance, but that all came crashing down when they went to eat at a restaurant. It plummeted straight to zero seeing how poorly is manners were.
Saiki gave up when Yumehara broke up with him. Someone's likeability can change at the drop of a hat. Saiki had a sinking feeling that trouble was brewing. He was so disassociated that he got spotted by Hasegawa. He smiled in acknowledgment, buying him a little glass dolphin.
"Hey Saiki!" Hasegawa tried to get Saiki's attention, he wasn't sure if Saiki knew sign language. Well, only one way to find out.
It was a pointless gift to Saiki because he could probably create something similar, but he softly smiled and accepted it.
'...Holy shit I think I love him.' Hasegawa couldn't resist Saiki's smile, an actual smile. 'I totally love him. He's so cute. Omg.' My boy became red.
Saiki felt something fuzzy in his stomach.
"I'm glad you like it." His freckled stood out amongst his red cheeks which carried the biggest smile ever.
Saiki shook off the thing he was feeling and offered to walk home together, Hasegawa was more than happy to take him up on the offer, it wasn't like Saiki to offer something like that.
There wasn't much communication between them, until Teruhashi approached them and tried to grab onto their arms. Both boys back away, making Teruhashi lose her balance. "Nice to see you boys." She tried signing. Kei could tell she was getting desperate because she was signing too fast and she is clearly a beginner. Hasegawa looked confused and pretended he didn't know what she was saying, Saiki caught on and did the same thing.
It was funny watching Teruhashi try to talk to two guys who didn't want anything to do with her. Kei opened his phone before pulling out his notebook. "Sorry, my mom wants us home." He held up the book and grabbed Saiki's arm before he could protest, which he wouldn't because he was glad to be away from her. 'WHY WON'T THESE BOYS SAY "OH WOW?!" UGH! THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE! How could I, Kokomi Teruhashi, the perfect pretty girl, be refused by anyone?!' Teruhashi got angry and Saiki was glad they left. Kei apologised for pulling him away. "It's fine. It's not like I like her anyway." Saiki was going to erase the mistake he made from Kei's mind when, Kei giggled and said that he didn't like her either. Hasegawa was glad they had something in common.
Saiki placed the glass dolphin on his shelf, protected by one of his abilities. It shines in the sunlight and creates a holographic rainbow pattern. Kusuo never left the dolphin alone without its protective barrier.
*the pp girl refers to the last chapter meaning 'the perfect pretty girl'
*out of character
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