Saiki's Distraction

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Saiki walked into class and saw Kaido talking to Hasegawa, overhearing the words "dark reunion." Not wanting to be noticed, Saiki tried to stay away. 'Oh Saiki!! At least he's here today.' Kei smiled at him before adding onto Kaido's conversation.

He expected Hasegawa to corner him, and demand answers about him being psychic , but Hasegawa did nothing. He just carried on as if the whole conversation never happened. "What a weirdo."  Saiki rolled his eyes at Kei's weirdness.

When class started, the students ran to their seats, and the teacher announced a new student.
'Really? A knew student? Hasn't it only been like, two days since school started? And since I transferred?' Saiki shared the same sentiment.

Whispers arose and all the boys hoped it would be a cute girl, and all the girls hoped it would be a cute guy. Saiki knew who it was, and their true intentions. A beautiful girl gracefully made her way to the middle of the class and elegantly introduced herself, "Hello everyone! I'm Teruhashi Kokomi! It's a pleasure to meet you all, please take care of me." She said with a bow. "Oh, wow." Rung out through the class, the boys were falling for Teruhashi's beauty.

'I saw her yesterday though? Must be an excuse for the author to create a scenario.' Hasegawa shrugged.

'What?! Why aren't those two boys saying "oh wow?!" Everyone knows how pretty I am, so how could they reject me?!' Teruhashi still kept a smile as she inwardly cursed the silent boys, Saiki and Hasegawa.
'Self-centered much?' Kei knew how to read a persons emotions. Since nobody wanted to speak to him, he learned how to read people's expressions, body language, things like that.

He could tell Teruhashi wasn't the person she presented herself as. Saiki was impressed Hasegawa could tell, he could only tell what people were thinking because he can read their minds.

"Why does this kid keep getting my attention?! So dumb..." Saiki inwardly cringed.
By the time interval* came around, all the boys had nicknamed Teruhashi, "The Perfect Pretty Girl" or, 'the pp girl' as Hasegawa liked to call her. He never wrote this down or anything, so Saiki was the only one who heard this and he would crack a small smile every time Hasegawa thought this.

'Surprisingly, Saiki smiles a lot more than I thought. It makes him look cute. It suits him well.' Kei munched on a snack as he finished taking some notes.


"Excuse me.. Could you please help me with this?" Teruhashi approached Kei and flashed her big blue eyes at him.
He shook his head, no.
Teruhashi panicked, no one's ever rejected her before, "Oh, uh, p-please? I really don't understand this and you seem like such a smart kid." She begged once again.
Kei scribbled on his notebook, before holding it up for Teruhashi to see. "Please go ask someone else. You have all those guys falling at your feet, so go ask one of your new lap dogs."

Teruhashi was stunned by Hasegawa's bluntness. Saiki never knew he could be that straightforward.

"Dude! Why would you turn down that hottie?!" Kaido grabbed Hasegawa's shoulders and demanded answers. Hasegawa simply held up his notebook that read: "bc i was busy."

"Well you're not busy now right? Wanna hangout with us?" Nendou said, grabbing Kaido and Saiki by their shoulders.

Hasegawa's eyes sparkled, no one had ever invited him to hangout before. Kaido also enthusiastically invited Hasegawa to join them. He smiled brightly and nodded, small tears pricking the corner of his eyes.

'Ugh! Why is Saiki hanging out with those losers?! He should be with me!! And that kid with freckles won't even speak to me! How rude!' Teruhashi began cursing out Hasegawa, Saiki could do nothing.

He didn't want to hangout with her, but now he really didn't want to. While they were walking out the classroom, Kaido bumped into Yumehara Chiyo, a classmate, and Hasegawa caught Kaido before he could fall. He had worry etched into his face, accompanied by his worried thoughts. It was then Kaido realised what a genuinely nice person Hasegawa was.

Kaido only talked to Hasegawa because he knew that the freckled boy couldn't speak. It made Kaido a little guilty, but he pushed that aside as he saw that Hasegawa was actually interested in what he was telling him. "Thanks Hasegawa!!" Kaido smiled.
"Nice catch dude!" Nendou said loudly, gaining everyone's attention.
Hasegawa quickly got out his notebook and scribbled something down. "are you okay?! you're not hurt right?!" It was messy, written quickly, but Kaido got the message.

'Even his messy handwriting is so pretty.' Yumehara thought. She sits beside Hasegawa so she knew his handwriting.
"I'm okay!! And Yumehara! Are you hurt?" She explained how she wasn't hurt and it was no big deal.
'That's strange. I wonder where Saiki went?' Saiki, in the commotion, had slipped away and teleported into a bathroom. When he heard Hasegawa wondering where he went, he knew he was in trouble.
Teruhashi had also approached Kaido and Yumehara, checking for any injuries. However, two boys knew it was all an act.

"Oh wow, it's Teruhashi! I-I'm fine! Y-You don't need to c-check me!" Kaido blabbered out.
"I'm glad. I would've been so sad if two of my classmates got hurt before I got to know them." Teruhashi smiled in relief. She then went to touch Hasegawa's arm when Nendou opened the classroom door. "Yo little buddies, hurry up so we can get some ramen."
'Nendou my saviour!! Thanks for coming back! ...Although I have no idea why you left, but I'm glad you came back!!' Kei moved his arm away from Teruhashi and stood by Nendou's side, excusing himself with a bow.

"Ramen again? Really? Can't we do something different today?" Kaido whined, bidding Yumehara and Teruhashi goodbye.
"What? But ramen's so good!!" Nendou responded.
Hasegawa saw Saiki in the hallway and motioned for him to join them. "we're getting ramen, wanna join?" He held up his notebook, Saiki was going to decline but Hasegawa looked like he was desperate for him to join.


Saiki was confused. He's never been swayed by anyone before, is it because Hasegawa has average luck?* Whatever the reason was, it was completely foreign to him.

"-ki! Saiki! Dude are you alright?! You were totally spaced out!" Kaidou said with his hands on Saiki's shoulders.
        "...Was I really that out of it?" Saiki thought, bewildered at the thought.
"Now answer the question buddy." Nendou chimed in.

Hasegawa saw how confused Saiki was and pulled out his notebook. "the question was who do you like"
      "Nobody." Was Saiki's response, so why did he feel so guilty for saying that? Saiki had pondered the question longer than he should have.


"Oh~ What's this~ Is our little Kusuo down in the dumps because of love~" Kunihara teased seeing how sullen his son was.
Hasegawa's face appeared at the mention of  the word love. "...No. There's no way I'm in l-love!! No, no, no! I-I'm just confused because I haven't h-had a friend before! I'm not in love I just have a friend." The panic in Kusuo was evident.

Kunihara could tell what was going on in his sons mind because of his face. One of the rare times Kusuo would show his emotions, was when he was flustered or too excited. Kunihara knew Kusuo was in love, but in the denial phase. Kurumi and Kunihara secretly cheered him on, Kusuo could obviously hear them, but said nothing about it.

* Interval is a break time eg. lunchtime
* Like Satou in S2 ep11

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