The Art Of Resistance 4

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Part 4
The mysterious hero (Omar Abo-Laila)

At 9 Am Sunday.
Near the north entrance of Velvet city, where Ar'ell Settlement is located, the zero moments came for young Omar Abo_lilah, he pulled out his knife and stabbed an Israeli soldier, he wasted no time and took the soldier’s gun and shot him, then he shot the other soldiers who lunched at him, then he shot a few settlers who were watching, after accomplishing his mission he stole a nearby car and used it to get away before other soldiers arrive, his mission wasn't over yet.

The more steps he took the more complicated his mission got.
Instead of running away and hiding, he went to a street called (Abir_Alsamra05) which is surrounded by Ari'el Settlement by both sides, he shot a few soldiers around then he turned on the engine to carry on with his mission in Burkan settlement which was close by, when he reached it, he caused similar injuries to the settlers and the soldiers.

For the ones who are familiar with Selvet's terrain, this might be easy to imagine, although what is truly unimaginable is how he got away despite the fact that Selvet is known to be a district with a "high-security program" and is a populated settlement!

In Selvet area there are about an eighteen Palestinian villages and
Residential pools, while there are about 25 Israeli Settlement.

Khalid Alna'ali a journalist described the mission as securely complicated and Said "What made it more complicated is how he got away, Palestinians aren't allowed to walk on foot near the settlement, the workers get special passports and a back exit away from the settlers"


In a house in Alzawya village, south Selvet sets Ghadeer Abo_lilah holding a picture of a 5-year-old boy on his first day of kindergarten.

Who could believe that this cute little boy is the same one who made (Selvet mission) and killed settlers!!!

For the 37 years old mother, these past three nights were the worst, she did nothing other than waiting for her son's "martyrdom news" with prayers. she said " ever since he rushed out of the house I knew something is going to happen"

" If you don't turn him we will get him ourselves by bullets"
Were the words of the Israeli soldiers who broke in her house.

Omer who was about to turn 19 two months later got out of his house on Sunday morning.
"Usually he takes a lot of time to get up, and I have to wake him up myself, but that day he woke up and got dressed quickly I only saw him when he was wearing his shoes. I asked him where was he going, he told me he was going to visit his grandmother, I had a strange feeling since then "
Said his mother, she continued to think so until she heard about Selvet mission, she called him many times and he didn't answer, that was when she connected the dots.

His father kept saying "Omar surprised us... He surprised everyone"
His mother describes him as sensitive and kind " He is a very sensitive guy and he feels for everyone whether it's a relative or a stranger...when I used to give him his allowance when he was a child he would spend it by donating to the mosque, or buying candy for the kids"

His younger sister listened to her mother.
She was said to be the closest to Omar and the dearest to his heart, he used to play and watch TV with her every day, his mother described him as a child who doesn't leave his home much, and is very attached to his sister and whatever bothers her bothers him too.

Yet she said that Omar was brave, from the day he was born till the day of his martyrdom.
She had been flattered by the big attention the people from the village and from Palestine in general gave to her son, they celebrated his mission and called him PUBG Palestine.

"We are proud of his heroic mission, inshallah thousands of others will carry on with his journey and help free Palestine"

According to his mother, all his attention was on his study and on the Aluminum industry business.
" He was a mature person, he does the things he wants because he’s convinced that it's the right thing to do, it seems like he chose martyrdom and Allah cleared the way for him"

His mother said that when he died his secret died with him, she couldn't identify the breaking point that made him leave everything and plane this mission.

The soldiers arrested his father who got surprised when he learned that his son was the one behind Selvet Mission.
He told the detectives that his son wasn’t part of any movement, and he wasn't politically active!
He was shocked! All of a sudden his son become the Rambo!!

His father said that he was a popular person and he was a man of good morals, then he added " He didn't lack love or money, he had his own car, he's an ambitious hard-working colleague student"

Even after they announced the assassination of Omar by the Israeli forces, his family didn't get any call from the soldiers and they didn't call his dad to recognize the body like they usually do!!!!


The owner of the house where the assassination mission took place said that the Israeli special forces surrounded the house and called him out, but he refused to turn himself in, and then the battle began.
He said that the soldiers threw many bombs at the house, blood
Stains covered the house inside and outside, but when the soldiers left and he entered the house he didn't find any murder evidence, considering the number of bombs they threw.
And he also did not see them take the body out of the house!!!

Omer Abo_lilah's mission is a new hack to Israel's security
In the most populated Israeli settlement in Palestine.
It was considered one of the most dangerous Palestinian missions against Israel.

Please pray for Omer Abo_lilah the mysterious hero.
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