( Dalal Almoghrabi)

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Part 1 ( Dalal Almoghrabi)


I closed the door of the bus, then I adjusted my Gun on my shoulder, I turned around and said to the Israeli passengers
" We don't want to kill you... We are going to keep you as hostages in order to exchange you with our Palestinian brothers who are locked up in your so-called Israel's government jails"

Then I took the Palestinian flag out of my bag and hanged it inside the bus.
I placed my hand on my chest and sang the national Palestinian song" Oh my country... oh, my country, all my love is to you... Oh Palestine the Land of our grandparents someday we will most certainly return"

بلادي بلادي بلادي.... لك حبي وفؤادي
فلسطين يا أرض الجدود إليك لا بد أن نعود.

My name is Dalal Maghrebi and this is my story.

Dalal pov:

I was born in 1958 in a refugee camp in Beirut Lebanon, my family came to Lebanon after the 1948 war.

Ever since I was a child everyone around me could see that I had a rebellious national excitement, I just couldn't help it, it was in my nature, my love for Palestine my beloved country was going through my blood and veins.

When I was still in school I joined the free national Palestinian movement (Fateh) and in 1972 I participated in defending the Palestinian revolution in Lebanon.

I participated in many military programs, and I trained on using many weapons, I also volunteered as a nurse in the red crescent (Alhilal Alahmar) like my father to help the wounded heroes.

At the age of 20, I had been chosen to be the leader of the deir_Yassen squad that holds 12 fighters to execute a new mission planned by the leader Khalil Abo_Jihad.
Our mission was to kidnap an Israeli military bus drive it to Tel Aviv as Israel call it, which is (Yafa originally) to attack the Knesset, to blackmail them, and pressure them into releasing the Palestinian prisoners.

And so on the 11th of March 1978 we sneaked into the Palestinian lands through the sea, we took a steamship who took us to Yafa's Beach, but before we reach the shore we stopped and took small boats to avoid any attention.

I and the other 11 resistants’ sneaked into the main streets and stole many cars, then we took over the bus and drove it to Tel Aviv as planned.

When we reached Tel Aviv the Israeli government ordered a special force to stop the bus and kill the resistant (or terrorists as they like to call us), big squads of airplanes and tanks chased the bus until they cornered us near Hertzelia Settlement.

A fire battle begun between the Israeli forces and the resistance, Dalal fell as a shahida (martyr) as did all of her squad except for one who got captured, while 37 Israeli died, and 80 were injured, but the Israeli government wouldn't reveal how many of the soldiers died.

Before Dalal had left this world she left us a will which says
" My will for you all, the holders of the guns, Brothers, we must begin by freezing the secondary conflicts, and make the most important conflict against the Israeli enemy.
And we should turn all of our guns toward it, the liberty of the Palestinian decision is being protected by the guns of the rebellious resistants’ of all squads, I say to my brothers wherever you are " keep going on the same bath we took"

Dalal was considered a special case in the Palestinian resisting history.
The poet Nizar Qabani said about her " Dalal is the one who established the Palestinian Republic and raised the Palestinian flag... It doesn't matter how long it lasted, what matters is that the Palestinian flag rose in the heart of the occupied lands on a road 95 kilometers long, on the main road in Palestinian "

Even after her martyrdom, Dalal is still bothering the occupation,
The Israeli president Netanyahu in 2016 ordered his Ambassador in the United Nations to report a complaint against the Palestinian government for honoring the memory of Dalal's martyrdom.

Dalal Almoghribi was one of the first female resistants’ and fighters, she holds a special place in every Palestinian heart for encouraging us to fight, and to never fear the enemy, may she rest in peace.
رحم الله الشهيدة دلال المغربي واسكنها فسيح جناته.

The resource of this chapter is Aljazeera. Net

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