~The One Whom Is Beautiful (8/10)

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"I thought I've never seen a man, who can look the way you can".

-Charlotte, drive


🔹️Realm of Kings 🔹️
City Of Eagles/Village of the Nathingale.


🔸️Kim Ga On 🔸️

Towards late afternoon, I had gone with the boys to decorate the reception rooms and help in the kitchen, as word had spread that a certain princess was coming to visit us tomorrow. The tasks had distracted me greatly, to the extent that I realised I hadn't seen Jagger or the king anywhere so far.
Every now and then I found myself peeking and looking around but no sign of them at all.
-Are you looking for someone?-
Yuri approached me, flanking my pensive figure.
I scowled, bringing my gaze to his, just in time to see a grin appear on his mouth.
-Are you done poking around in my business? -I commented, surprised by the effortless manner in which he would come to interrogate me.
-I saw Jagger go that way- he remarked, pointing to the outer corridor which led to another part of the castle.
I sighed, gazing at Yuri with disbelief.
-Come on, what can I do! It's never happened in all these years to see such an event! I'm just curious- he protested in his own defence.
I rolled my eyes, giving him a friendly nudge, and then moved in the direction he had mentioned.
When I got to the other side, Jagger was just there as Yuri had said, beyond the walls overlooking the courtyard, combing the short hair of the black horse in front of him.

A majestic Friesian.

This reminded me of my father, and how he was in love with horses, his favourite animals, which also became my favourite one.
-Oh, what an honour... What brings you here?-
I had not yet reached his massive figure when Jagger spoke, he must have detected my presence before my arrival.
-I wanted to ask you some things... -
I confessed, stopping to his right.

-Tell me...-

His eyes were brighter than usual, his silver armour was still on, playing with the light of the sun.

-How is Elijah, is it possible to visit her from time to time?-
Jagger turned to me, giving me a small smile.
-Everything is possible, darling, but you have to find the right time-
I tilted my head to the side, grimacing.
-And how do I know when the time is right...-I said to myself, rather than to him.
The spring breeze in my hair, the smell of fresh flowers on the trees.
-You'll know...-he replied, startling me, when his hand coiled around my jaw. I returned my eyes to his purplish ones, feeling the redness rise on my cheeks.
I bit my lips and looked away.

Kang Yo Han's words filled my head again:

"You love his sister, it's true. But another part of you is also interested in this one..."

-Is it true what the king said, are you really...-
I was cut off midway through, but that was fine, as I knew I wouldn't finish.

-If I'm interested in you? Yes -
His answer came confidently, leaving me speechless.

-Although... I don't want to force you to do anything, you don't have to reciprocate- he continued, caressing my cheek.
-I'm fond of you, but I'll let you be- he then concluded, bringing his hand back to his own.
I lifted my attention back to him, reading in it a certain kindness I hadn't noticed before, a sly smile on his rosy lips.
-As much as it pains me to send you away, you would do well to go...- he said, returning to the horse.
I looked at him with a confused expression.
-The king has forbidden me to engage in conversations with you, and if he were to see us, you would also be punished- he explained, responding to my visible confusion.

-Who does he think he is! -I burst out annoyed, making Jagger giggle involuntarily.

-I can't with you...- he said between smiles.
-You have no fear for those stronger than you, you speak when you want and say what you think. You are direct and unpredictable. That's why I like you...- he continued, leaving the comb in a bucket, and then mounting his horse.

-I like you because I can't predict your moves, and since I can't predict you, I can't crush you either...- he said softly, staring down at me, his hands clasped around the reins.

He was handsome under the sun, under that warrior armour, and there was no denying that he was charming.

However, I didn't want to get to know him in that physical way, rather, my mind was beginning to consider that because he was with my sister, he was also a kind of in-law to me.
And maybe I needed to start seeing him as a possible member of my family.
I wanted to be as fearless as he was, like a younger brother looking up to an older brother.

-My my... What are my eyes seeing? Is it perhaps, admiration?-

I snapped out of my thoughts, bringing my attention back to the present, under Jagger's scrutinising eyes, which were digging into my pupils, going from one eye to the other.

-Sorry... I got distracted- I laughed softly. My hands crossed behind my back.

Jagger smiled mischievously, before speaking.
-Don't get too distracted, or I'll end up stealing a kiss without you knowing...-he added, leaving me stunned.
-Jagger! -I scolded him, blushing again.
He then giggled and strode away, disappearing from my sight.


As soon as Jagger left, I found myself pacing towards the king's court, the main hall, a little annoyed that the king had forbidden him to approach me.
I didn't like the fact that he was dictating for me, saying who should be near me or who should be far away, he was no one to command my life, even if he was the king, even if he ruled over us.
My life was mine, and so were those in it. I turned the corner of the corridor, straight into the great archway.

-Your Highness! I don't understand why you forbade Jagger to come near me!-

For a moment I lost all respect, speaking out of place, ready to receive any imminent condemnation for my impertinent tongue, but when I looked up at Kang Yo Han, I was surprised to find him in the state he was in.

A bottle of wine in his left hand, empty, as fatuous as the other two vials of wine resting on the floor, shattered.

Glass scraps on the steps leading up to the throne.

What the hell?

I returned my eyes to the king, bewildered.

-So you're also the type of person who drinks without restraint!- I found myself saying, knowing how much I hated clutter and things lying on the floor.

Kang Yo Han rested his eyes on me, but he didn't say anything, which was strange, since I had expected something else entirely.
Not his indifference, nor his silence.

I stared into his clear eyes, somehow scornful, almost as if he wanted to punish me, to incinerate me with his gaze, yet I stood up to him, this time trying not to appear intimidated, looking at his solid figure under the dark green tunic he wore, part of his muscular chest in prominence, as he sat on the throne, looking down at me.

Overlooking me like the eagle he was, the devilish bird of prey he was composed of.

And yet...

-Your Highness, are you all right?-

I frowned, acknowledging that he might be drunk, or worse, pissed off. And I don't think standing in front of an angry and drunk Kang Yo Han was a good idea.
However, it was also my first time seeing him in that condition, as the king was always of an impeccable nature, and he wasn't the kind of individual to expose his weaknesses in such a way.

Kang Yo Han dropped the bottle towards the ground, shattering it as well, only to allow himself to slump against the back of the chair, his eyes half-closed and his breath short.

-Damn it! Your Highness! Are you ill? Do you need a doctor? -

I rescued him, moving towards his side, while avoiding to crush the glass under the soles of my shoes.
I pulled up in front of him, instinctively touching his forehead.
-It's hot, your highness- he didn't let me finish, slapping my hand away abruptly.
-I ordered everyone to leave me alone, how come you keep breaking all my rules?- he sternly admonished.

I squinted my eyes, only remembering at that moment that I had heard some guards saying not to disturb his highness, but I didn't think they were referring to this.

And then... All his rules? I didn't feel like I had broken all of them....
Just a few.

-You need to see a doctor, you are definitely sick- I said instead, ignoring his surly remarks.
-Leave me alone, go away- he argued back, looking away, his tone of voice tired and angry.

I paused for a moment, looking at the situation from a different angle.
I examined his figure, noticing some darker pink patches on his neck.
-Are you hurt? -
I narrowed my gaze, slightly brushing my fingers across his neck, only to have my hand trapped in his grip, his hand enclosed around mine.
-Those are hickeys... you dummy-

I widened my eyes, trying to break free from his grip.

-I'm sorry, I thought it was an injury...-
I didn't continue, soaking like a sponge in total embarrassment.

The king let me go, going back to closing his eyes, ignoring me as if I hadn't been in the room.

-Your Highness, you are ill anyway, you should have someone see you... -I insisted, not leaving my position.

-Leave me alone- he repeated without opening his eyes, I nodded my head, moving towards the exit of the great hall, but just as I was about to leave,
I felt it, I smelled the scent of lust in the air.
I turned in surprise to the figure of the king, who had opened his eyes to look at me, also aware that I had perceived it.
And all the effort to which I had induced myself the day before, the bath, the death of my thoughts, the suffocation of my impulses, went to hell.
Straight outside the freaking window...

As everything returned to the speed of light, in a more elevated capacity.
And before I could react, the king descended from his throne, grabbing my face in his hands, so quickly i barely had time to process my next moves.

And then... He lunged at my lips, breaking the flow of my thoughts, splitting up my composure, I gasped against his mouth, taken by great surprise.

A hot kiss, of the kind that came with pain and carried with pleasure as well.

-Your higness! Wait-

His teeth scratched my skin, biting into the surface and fending my lower lip.
I hissed at the slight pain, against the force of his grip on me, trying to push him away, despite my body wanting the exact opposite.
His hand behind the back of my head, strong, decisive, yanking my hip closer to his.

Like a tree with sunken roots, he pulled me deeper and deeper into him, forcing me to open my mouth, his tongue beyond the seam of my lips. Greedy. Powerful.
I groaned, unable to fight him off for long as the pleasure crept between my legs, inside the cracks of my mind.

He propelled me along with him towards the throne, sitting on it, and dragging me down on his laps, giving me no respite, no air to breathe.
His hands, on the edges of my blue shirt, and then underneath, in contact with my flat stomach, cold against my warm skin.
I pushed him out again, but he came straight, right back in, earning another moan from my lips.

-You fucking asked for it!-He asserted against me, tugging at my hair as i barely contained a yelp.
i wilted with pleasure, trembling with shivers, as i was aroused by it but also terrified.

-I did not!- i dared talk back, trying to escape his pleasure trap, as i did not want to comply to it. Not yet.
However nothing seemed to persuade him as his mouth moved beneath my jaw, finding the spot i didn't even know i had until now.

-Your sharp tongue, will be your downfall-
A firm statement, followed by his dark chuckle against my flesh, and when i thought he was done teasing me, he just went all the way in, leaving rough bites on the way. Wet kisses from my jaw to my collarbone.
Yet now that I wanted more and was beginning to give in, he instead decided to stop unexpectedly, leaving me unsatisfied.


He dropped against the back of the throne, as if to say he was through with it. He was done playing with my mind and turning my balance upside down.

I watched him starkly, observing his dimmed gaze, the gleam of dark light in his eyes. The little smile of triumph on his outlined lips.

-You are a big jerk...- i spoke between gasps, my hand on my neck, where he had just put his mouth.
I shook my head, as if to correct myself.
-No, you are the most indecent, arrogant devil i've ever seen!-
I got off from his laps, directly on my legs that felt like jelly, crushed from within with the feelings he awoken, of which he was now wiping his hands off.

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