~The One Whom is Beautiful (7/10)

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Author's Note:
Jeong Seon-a will stay as so, just like in the Devil Judge series, the same love\hate she has for Kang Yo Han.

In this one shot she is know as "The Princess".


🔹️Realm of Kings 🔹️
City Of Eagles/Village of the Nathingale.



The next day came with a hangover, not that I was drunk, but the feeling was similar. A heavy head and a general malaise.
No one had told me that releasing lust, and being in heat meant being sick the next day.
However, I had to admit that last night's bath had worked, as I no longer felt anything, none of the physical cramps that had abused me. Nor the disrupting hormones.
And for being just an ordinary bath, the servants had taken care of everything, I don't know if it was at Kang Yo Han's request, or if it was just their tradition to make sure the guest was okay.

-Oh finally! You're awake! -

I recognized Jason's lively timbre, he entered the room with a tray full of fruits, some pastries and a glass of milk.
Last night, after I finished my bath, I remember sneaking into our dormitory while the other guys were sleeping,
and at a silent pace, I managed to find my bed.
And then from there, I immediately fell into a deep sleep due to the tiredness and adrenaline rush I had released all day.

-What time is it? -

I squinted my eyes, stretching my arms, flooded with sunlight coming from the tall windows on the pearl-colored wall.
-One and a half in the afternoon .. - he swiftly replied.

-What?! -

I jumped immediately to my feet, not allowing him to finish.
-Why didn't you wake me up?-

I was definitely a dead man! I kept defiling rules as nothing...

Contrary to my agitation, Jason smiled in amusement, placing the tray on my bed.

He wore a light blue shirt that day, his straight blond hair loose in light wisps in front of his turquoise eyes.
-Don't fuss, here's your breakfast- he said and then pointed with his finger at some clothes at the end of my bed. I hadn't even noticed them...
-When you're done, you can find the bathroom at the end of the corridor on the right. There is soap and everything you need.... Let me know if...-
I had stopped following what he was saying, as my head was spinning and I felt lost, too confused, so much so that I didn't know where to begin to dispose of the information wandering around in my head.
Jason seemed to notice my mental turmoil, sighing amicably.
-We chose to let you sleep... In your condition you wouldn't do much anyway...-
I frowned, lingering my gaze on him.
-My condition...? - I repeated, perplexed.

-Of course, it's not like we're virgins here, except for you... -

A deeper, more thoughtful tone added to the conversation.
Yuri entered the dormitory, a crooked smile on his mouth.
Jason protested at his lack of finesse, looking at me with a mortified look.
Normally I would have blushed with embarrassment but not at that moment, as I was more caught up in my own state of vegetation than what they were saying.
-So, this is like the aftermath...? -I asked reflectively.

Yuri nodded, crossing his arms. His skin olive, tanned, darker in contrast to his grey eyes. He also was wearing a blue shirt, and the same white trousers Jason was having.
-So Ga On...Tell me a little...- he wiggled his eyebrows in a playful way.

-What's going on with you, the King and Jagger? - Yuri asked, leaving me stunned.

I jerked on the spot, pretending that I hadn't heard anything.

-What do you mean? -
My ears turned red with embarrassment, prevailing over my vegetative state.
-Yuri! You made me promise you wouldn't open your mouth!-
Jason smacked him on the arm, trying to shut him up. Even though it was too late now.
-What are you talking about? -I asked now horrified, embarrassed.

-We saw you in the corridor... In fact, we saw the whole scene between you, the king and Jagger -

I refused to listen to his story, blinking my eyes in disbelief, my mouth hanging open.
Yuri laughed, finding it funny, of good humor.

-We came to find you... We didn't mean to watch...- Jason explained more calmly and gently.

-But we stayed! And you even brought food to entertain us!- Yuri added, accusing poor Jason, who looked already guilty.
He then jolted, trying to hit Yuri again.
-That's not true! I already had the tray of food in my hands! Don't talk nonsense!-
Yuri went on teasing, chuckling through his teeth, somehow infecting me as well.
-Yuri you're so stupid! - Jason deadpanned.
I found myself smiling for the first time in that cold and hostile place.
Moreover, I had slept most of the day and needed to do something other than stay in bed.

-Nothing's going on at all- I exclaimed, taking my clothes and then darting towards the bathroom, under Yuri's sceptical eyes and Jason's curious ones.



I broke her beneath me, pressing myself against her slender body. Her moans like faint gasps in my ears, wilting flowers that passively begged for mercy... Compassion, for the way my thirst was wearing her down, consuming her.

Undisputed protagonist of the self-control they all so insinuated to have-And equally despoiler of human graves; for the delight I found in emptying my victims of all their power, separating them forever from their eternal innocence.
For me seen as love, bold honour.

An unhealthy impetus, which found peace in the evaporation of their certainties.
The cloak with which they clothed themselves in ego and then in lust.

-I love you Yo Han!-

I thrust my pelvis harder into the Princess, spreading her legs apart, holding them steady, pinned to the bed in my room.
Her lips smothered in my mouth, mixed into each other.
And then with ardent furor, I descended on her neck, biting her, arousing spasms of delight from her lips.

Grumpy, if not worse, irritated by the fact that in my mind that inadequate man predominated.

That Nathingale of low inferiority won over my senses, it literally destroyed them.
I wanted to somehow make him disappear from my head but I couldn't.

-I love you so much...!-

Princess Seona gasped with more moans, taking me by surprise, releasing soft words against my mouth.
Words that I used to let slip away pretty steadily, and even now, I wasn't about to listen.
I ran my hands over her delicate wrists, pinning her arms over her head, kissing her again, silencing those false confessions. Statements related to the vanity of the moment, the orgasms, the enjoyments that came with the act of making love.
Futile words that vanished into thin air once the climax was reached.

-My King! Your presence is requested elsewhere! -

I stopped, shifting my eyes to the wooden doors.
The numerous punches given on the outer surface.
K's voice stretched out beyond the thickness of the door. Direct enough to reach our naked, heated figures.

-Do you really have to go, my lord?-

I stood up, grabbing the blue silk robe from the back of the bed. A quick glance in her direction.

-Don't you have a kingdom and lovers to return to, woman?-

She became more irritated, staring at me with a pungent jealously, perhaps because she too had noticed that my attention had not remained consistent, and that I did not need her as much as I once did.
She huffed, then stood up from the mattress, covering her petite figure.

Her long hair a glossy black, matched with her dark eyes accompanied by a few advance wrinkles.
Nevertheless, she bore her years with delight-and senility rested on her like spring on daisies.

Jeong Seona always appeared graceful and persuasive.
A woman who could hardly be seduced and in the eyes of everyone, pleasing her became a burden.
She was known among the eagles as the Princess, and there was nothing that was not subject to her, except me.

-Well... Then I'll see you tomorrow your highness!-
She walked towards me, then rubbed her manicured hands on my chest.

- I had a great time today... But be careful, since I don't like to share what is mine, it is better that I do not find the one who undoes your devotion for me...-she threatened, referring to whoever occupied my mind and broke my thoughts.

I let her say whatever, heedless, as I didn't reciprocate the way she felt about me, but at the same time I needed her to distract me and understand why I was so infatuated with that nonentity of a Kim Ga On...

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