[Archer’s POV]
Several weeks passed since we began living in Enzo’s place. It was on top of a mountain which never seemed to face a shortage of snow. I never liked cold temperature to begin with and all the snow obviously wasn’t making my mood any better.
The day we first arrived at his place, Enzo wanted to have a private conversation with me alone. He asked me a few question like ‘How long have I realised my powers?’ and ‘Does anyone follow me and the others?’
I remembered the fact that there were people who kept attacking us. Those mysterious men who never stated what they want explicitly. I don’t know what it is about me, but I can’t bring myself to trust Enzo. Despite the fact that he seems to be an honest person, something seems to hold me back.
Maybe nothing is wrong with him. Maybe it’s me. The weeks that passed have slowly changed me. I feel like a jigsaw puzzle piece that doesn’t seem to go anywhere. I have my own room in Enzo’s place. Whatever is happened to me, it’s not good. I feel the need to distance from my friends. Sometimes, I sit in my room in the dark as I watch the snow lightly fall as the sun sets.
My friends are very well aware of my change. Miles noticed it first. Our conversations aren’t as lengthy or engaging as they used to be. I find it hard to have fun anymore. Sierra worries about me just as much. She sometimes visits me in my room and asks if everything is alright. I just…push her concern to the side.
The nights I had were spent thinking what my true purpose is. I’m not a genius but I know for sure that nobody gets the ability to control forces of nature without having a reason behind it. Then, I began to think. Why me? I’m not the bravest person. I barely made it through school with any friends. I should be grateful that Miles ended up in the same place with me. It also helped that Tyson was one of the better ones of the popular clique. I think it weren’t for him, I would have spent most of my school life with my head in the toilet or being stuck in a locker.
Where was Tyson? His sister, Sylvia, too. I just don’t understand why they just vanished like that. No obvious reason, no note, nothing.
I thought about my parents. I never what came over my father. It was all too sudden. Even now, the emptiness in my heart still feels fresh. My mother worried me more. I shouldn’t have left her. However, I couldn’t stay either. She would have killed me. But all that wasn’t her fault. All the blame should be on me. I left her. My selfishness at being unable to accept the loss of the one girl who I ever felt complete me…
Alexis…I remember her sweet smile, her dark luscious hair, her smooth skin, the times we had. I looked forward to me seeing every time I could. There was one day that’s still in my mind, clear as yesterday. There was nothing really different about that day compared to the other days I spent with her. We had a picnic, nothing special. While I was sitting by a tree, she took out a camera from inside the picnic basket. It was one of those camera which could print out the picture. I remember her smile as she looked at the picture. It was as though nothing else was more important to her than that picture.
“I love this picture so much. We’ve never taken a picture together before, so this is a first! Here, look!” Alexis said as she handed me the picture.
I took from her. I looked at the picture and found myself smiling at the picture of us, by the tree.
“Wait, here. Let me do something.” Alexis said as she took the picture from me. Suddenly, she began tearing the picture in two. She handed me half of the picture which had only her image in it.
“What did you just do?” I asked her.
“Tear it in half, obviously. These pictures represents our hearts. When we’re close, we have the pictures close. That would make our hearts close.” She said with a grin.
“That a bit too sappy for me.”
“Just take it, dummy.” Alexis said rolling her eyes.
Everything came to me then. I was in my unlit room. No Alexis. No picnic. It was all just memories. It was all the past. Then, I remembered something. I pulled out my wallet and took out a folded paper. It was the picture Alexis gave me. It still had her beautiful face on it. A heavy feeling sat in my heart. It was all had to remember her by.
What really happened to her in the fire? I don’t know. What I do know, is that she isn’t by my side anymore. I kept the picture back in my wallet and tried to get some sleep. I needed to get to my part-time job tomorrow. Enzo is a great guy but he insists that we try to pay him with what we can. He isn’t rolling in money that he could pay for the bills.
Time passed by and I began to learn more from my predecessor, Sun Tzu. He taught me to fight but not with physical, brute force. There are more ways than one to win a fight and not all of them involve any bloodshed. He was strict due to his past experience in managing soldiers before but I persevered. I even suspected that he may have started to show some respect for me. He never showed it but I knew he was proud of what I had become while I was under his wing. I knew eventually, he would have taught me everything he knew about being a Shadow Elemental. Then, we would have to part ways.
I rarely picked up a weapon when he taught me. He never said what he taught me but I would call it ‘Passive-Offensive’. He taught me how to win a fight without even touching my opponent. Soon, that day came.
“I have taught you everything, my student. It has now come for me to send you off but before you do, I would like to present you with something.” Sun Tzu said as he walked into his house.
He pulled a box from on top of a shelf and wiped off the dust that covered it.
“This has helped me before in confrontations that could not be solved with negotiations. I am an old man now and I do not feel like my young, quick-moving self anymore. I would like you to have what I am giving to you.”
I took the box and opened it. Inside the box wrapped in black cloth, lay twin daggers. I took the daggers out and placed the box on a table nearby. I looked at the daggers with great interest. They were not some plain, old kitchen knife that one would use to cut fruits. These daggers were exotically designed and had magnificent designs running along the blade. It looked like snakes tangled with each other.
“These may look like ordinary daggers but they are not. These are daggers that can only be held by a Shadow Elemental. Look at the words on the side.” Sun Tzu said pointing at the side of the handle.
‘Xin Jsul E’ Zeyrihim Rikluk’
“I…don’t understand what it means.” I said.
Sun Tzu gave a small smile. “It is our language, student. The language of the Dark Lord. Only we can read it. Not even our own shadow people can understand it. This is how knowledge is passed on from one to another for our kind.”
“But I do not understand what it is. Am I not a Shadow Elemental?”
Sun Tzu chuckled and put a hand on my shoulder. “It is a language that you need to learn. It is not something you are born with. In fact, it can easily be understood. The reason why only Shadow Elementals can understand it is because our eyes see beyond the visible reality.”
I looked down at the daggers. The shadows around my around my arm crept around the dagger.
“These daggers are now part of you. They are an extension of your hand and powers. Use them wisely and only when you need to.”
I was still admiring the daggers when Sun Tzu patted me on the back. “I feel a great sadness in you. Do not let it control you.”
“I understand.” I said to him.
“Come, you should return home now.” He said to me. “Before you go however, there is one last thing I would like to say.”
I looked at Sun Tzu with great interest.
“What I’ve taught you…it is only a fraction of what we can really do. The other things…it is not my place.”
“What other things?” I asked him.
Sun Tzu looked sad. “There will be blood.”
Before I could ask him, I felt myself waking up.
“Goodbye, Archer,” a distant, soft voice sounded in my ear.
I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling of the room. That would be the last time I would see Sun Tzu. He taught me everything he could. There were some things he refused to teach. It seemed I would have to find my own way from here on. My bedroom door opened slowly with a creak. Sierra peaked in from the door.
“Hey Archer, are you awake yet? Ah, you are!” she said with a smile.
“You look happy.”
“I heard that the place where you did your part-time job got snowed pretty badly. It’s impossible to get in the building and the electricity is out for that part of town. That means you’re free for the day!”
“Hold on there, Miss Redhead. I need to call my superior to confirm and not go about it based on another person’s point of view.”
I called my boss and sure enough, he told me the place was pretty bad. He told me to take the day off.
“Well, looks like I’ve got a free day. Still, what makes you so happy that I have a day off?”
“Remember that promise you made?” Sierra said pointing at me.
“What promise?”
“Archer, don’t act like you forgot. A few days ago, you promised to take a walk with me through town and the woods.”
Did I make that promise? Seems like something that might be in my memory but I just can’t seem to find.
I shrugged my shoulders anyway. “Alright, we’ll go for a little walk. Is Miles coming?”
Sierra shook her head. “It’s just you and me. I’ll go get dressed. Breakfast is ready. You might want to hurry though. There might not be any left if you’re too slow.”
I breathed out loudly as the door closed. Maybe a walk would do me good. Lately, I’ve been having questions that have been plaguing my mind. I haven’t been able to get any answers from Enzo for some time now. Today, I’m going to get those answers from him, one way or another.
I washed my face and put on a t-shirt before heading to the dining table. Miles was chomping down on some toast while Enzo was drinking some coffee as he read a newspaper. Enzo was unshaven, as usual. Miles nodded his head at me as I sat down.
“Did you leave anything left for me?” I asked. Miles passed me a cereal box and some milk. I finished three bowls in a several minutes flat. I looked at Enzo who was still reading his newspaper. I looked at Miles who clearing up his plate and began washing it. As soon as he was gone, the questions began.
“Enzo.” I called to him.
“Kid, I already told you. I’m not telling you anything. Trust me it is better this way. You’ll thank me.” he said without looking up.
“Look, Enzo. I just want answers, okay? I need to know what the heck is going with all this elemental nonsense. Why are we elementals? What are we doing here? Why do we exist? There must be a reason, Enzo. Things like these…it doesn’t just happen. Nobody gets superhuman powers and walks off scot-free without any expecting the world to ask for something in return!”
“Listen Archer, I already told you, the answers you want, they’re only going to make things worse for you if you knew. This is going to be the last time I am going to say this.”
“Then let it be the last time. Now, you tell me what I want to know.” I sat back, crossing my arms across my chest.
Enzo threw his newspaper on the table. “Alright, you want to know so badly, follow me.” He led me into the kitchen and out the back door. It was freezing but the need to know answers gave me the strength to ignore the cold.
I spoke up first. “Alright, let’s start with this. My friends and I arrived in the bar with bikers. You were there that very day when we arrived. Something tells that wasn’t a mere coincidence.”
Enzo was a little reluctant to reply. “Ah, screw it,” he muttered. “Yeah, kid. You’re right. It wasn’t a coincidence.”
“Oh, so you were following us this whole time?”
“No, you weren’t being followed. You were being watched. Also, it wasn’t my initial decision to go to the bar. I was ordered.”
“Ordered? By who?” I asked him.
“The craziest bitch of nature.”
“Another elemental?”
Enzo shook his head. “Someone way above us. She has gone by with many names. The humans call her Mother Nature.”
“Mother Nature? I thought that was just a name humans used to blame for natural disasters.”
“The pious ones would say God was angry. Everyone else says Mother Nature. She ain’t the top power in the universe though. I don’t bother with that nonsense, needless to say. I don’t need to learn what I shouldn’t know. Less I know, less likely is something going to come back and bite me in the balls.”
“Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?”
Enzo sighed. “Look, kid. Mother Nature…she cares about the elementals as if they were her own kids. However, the Dark Lord in particular, she ain’t too fond of. Since you’re the Dark Lord, she isn’t going to be fond of you. You don’t even have to do anything. The past Dark Lords and Ladies haven’t exactly had a ‘clean record’.”
“That’s a bit messed up. You can’t judge someone like that!”
“You tell her that.”
“Oh, I will. Where is she?”
“You don’t need to know that. I’ve told you all you need to know. It’s better this way, kid. The truth is, I was assigned to retrieve you and send you back to her but I don’t trust that old hag. In fact, I’m overdue with the delivery but I hold back.”
“Why?” I asked him.
“It’s because I see good in you, kid, but you look like you’re on the verge of either saving the universe or destroying it. Mother Nature will see the good in you too but she’s going to close an eye to that side of you.”
“I’m going to see and put it straight to her in the face. Tell me she is, Enzo, and don’t hide it. I’m done walking around without having any idea what the hell’s going on.”
“New York. The roads are filled with snow down the mountain so you’ll have to wait till it’s cleared up. I’ll give you a ride. You’re less likely to get restrained before you can even speak if you try walking to the front doors of her office.”
[Miles’ POV]
I left Archer and Enzo at the table. I was really happy today. My car was finally retrieved from where we left. It was a long trip back but it was worth it seeing my baby near me again. There was a garage in town and the people in charge finally got back and opened the place again. Now, my car can get fixed again.
I quickly grabbed what I needed and headed to downstairs. I put on a coat and walked out. My car was still unresponsive so it looked like I had to walk to the garage and ask them to tow my car to their place. It was a single-storey building by itself. A man with a large belly sat at the front door of the garage. The smell of car oil met my nose. I loved that smell.
“Are you the man in charge?” I asked the big-bellied man.
“Yeah, you got a car problem? Of course, you do. Nobody comes here to do their grocery shopping.” He looked behind me. “Don’t see your car, though.”
“My car’s not in good condition and I couldn’t get it start at all. Could you tow it here?”
He grunted. The trip back to Enzo’s house to tow my car and back was rather uneventful. All he did was pick his nose and scratch his belly. I must remember not shake his later.
Back at the repair shop, the big-bellied man lifted the hood. Smoke came out of the engine.
“Damn, kid. What did you do? Had a barbeque party under your bonnet?” he said as he swatted away the smoke. “I can’t fix this but I know someone who can.”
He turned around and walked further into the repair shop. I followed him closely behind. “Gabe!” The repair shop was a mess of cables and tools. A few other people were fixing other cars.
“Gabe! Where is that kid?” Finally, we reached a man hunched over the bonnet of a car. “Gabe!”
The man was wearing a white sleeveless shirt and jeans covered in oil. A cloth hung from his back pocket. With his back to us, he slammed down the bonnet of the car he was working on.
“Gabe, I got a problem that need your special attention. Get moving. I ain’t paying you to take your own sweet, precious time.” With that, the big-bellied man walked off.
Gabe turned around and faced me. He had shoulder length hair, a small goatee and dark brown skin. “Alright, where’s the car?”
“Over here.” I showed him the way.
He looked at my engine and nodded. “Sweet specs, Mr…?”
“Oh, Miles Vance.” I said introducing myself.
“Nice car, Mr Vance. It’s been a while since I’ve seen a car that doesn’t look like a toddler slapped together.
Gabe looked at my car from different angles. “I haven’t seen you around here before. Are you new to the town?”
“Well, actually I’m just staying here with a friend, sort of.”
“It’s a pretty small town. I know most people’s names. What does your friend go by?”
“Enzo.” I answered.
“Oh, Enzo!”
“You know him?”
“Yeah, yeah. He’s alright. We hang out once in a while. So, Mr Vance. If you’re not from around here, where are you from?”
“Somewhere east of here.”
“Ah, the warmer parts of the country. Wish I could stay there. This area is freezing. Anyway, I think I can fix your car…”
[Archer’s POV]
“Nice day for a walk, huh?” Sierra said gleefully next to me.
“Yeah, if I was working today, I would have missed it.”
“Archer, can I ask you something?”
I looked at her.
“Why do you always look so sad? You look like you have something on your mind but you aren’t sharing it with anyone. I’ve never seen you talk with Miles about serious stuff and he’s your best friend. I doubt you’ll say anything to me since…I’m not your best friend. Just some street tramp who has no idea where she’s going in life.”
“Well, I do consider you a close friend…” I said to her.
“Aww…” she said as she put her head on my shoulder.
At that moment, something familiar sparked in me. The last time anyone has ever put their head on my shoulder was Alexis and having another girl do that to me felt like I was betraying the only one I’ve ever loved. I slowly walked to the side to keep some distance from Sierra without her noticing. Don’t get me wrong, Sierra was really pretty but Alexis was the only one who ever gave me life.
“Hey, I got an idea. Why don’t we climb some trees?” Sierra said to me.
“Why we do that? Can you even climb a tree?”
“Well, back when I was in Turkmenistan, long before we met, I was dodging idiots who looked like they wanted to try and take advantage of me. They see a young girl by herself and think they can…er…well, let’s just say I’m really lucky compared to their other girls there. I do have my fair share of knowledge of navigating through the streets.”
“But climbing trees?”
Sierra gave a short laugh. “It’ll be snap.”
“Well, I hope you don’t ‘snap’ anything in the process.” I said to her. “I’ve never done anything like this before.”
“Come on, Archer!” I watched as Sierra quickly climbed the tree with ease and began jumping from tree to tree. “Try and keep up!” She was disappeared quickly from view as quickly as she ascended the tree. I was about to follow her when I felt a presence behind me.
“Having fun, Archer?” a masculine voice spoke from behind me. I turned around. It was Father Time.
“Oh, Father. I haven’t seen you for a long time. How are you?” I asked him.
“I’m doing well, my boy.” Father Time was wearing only wearing a suit but he didn’t look like he was
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