“How did you know?”
“I’m not oblivious, Archer. I don’t stay in my safe little room watching things from a distance. I come down to the field and get things done unlike Mother Nature.”
“Something tells me you two didn’t separate on the best of terms the last time you two met.”
“I wanted to leave past grudges behind but she had to be difficult and all. Nothing got solved then. I doubt it will change anytime soon in the future.”
“Oh, okay.”
“Anyway, I see you are fine, boy. Having fun with the Fire Elemental? A forest isn’t the best place for a Fire Elemental since there’s a risk of her starting a forest fire but I don’t directly intervene unless absolutely necessary.”
I nodded my head. “I think Sierra can handle herself well.”
“Are sure about that, Archer? She’s just as unstable as you are. She didn’t suffer as much as you did but there is a chance she could cause some serious damage if she becomes careless or reckless.”
“She’ll learn what she can do, in time.” I spoke confidently.
“If you say so. However, I’m more concerned about you, my boy. It is a sad fact that your father died all of a sudden, very sad indeed.”
I raised my eyebrow. “How did you know?”
“Not only that, you left your mother to slowly lose her sanity. Such a pity.” Father Time said as he shook his head.
“Worst of all, you have people out there who’s planning to kill you and you’re playing around. What makes you lower guard right now? Are you forgetting that Alessandro is out there, wanting to skin you bit by bit? Are you forgetting that he now has an ally in the form of the Water Elemental? Are you forgetting the fact that mysterious people are following you and your friends around? They aren’t going treat you well, Archer. None of them are. You think running to Mother Nature is going to solve your problems? You’re the bloody Dark Lord, Archer. Unleash your potential. You best stop hiding, Archer. Come out of the shadows and finish them all off…”
I heard a scream coming from the distance. I ran in the direction of the scream, leaving Father Time behind. I had a bad feeling that Sierra might be in trouble. Not too far off, I spotted men holding down Sierra, trying to inject her with something. She wanted to use her fire powers but there was a risk that she could cause a forest fire that was beyond control.
The men saw me and pointed silenced guns at me. I didn’t want to approach them because they might hurt Sierra or shoot me in the chest. I ducked behind a tree as bullets hit the trees ahead of me. I did the only thing I could think of. Something Sun Tzu showed me. Focusing my dark powers, I summoned my shadow wolves right out of the shadows of the trees. Ava was there. Her fur standing on the edge and he teeth were bared as she led the pack towards the men. They didn’t get a shot at my wolves. I quickly helped Sierra up as my wolves chased the men down. They fell one by one as my wolves dragged into the shadows never to be seen again.
One of the men was fast enough to outrun my wolves. Sierra was alright so gave chase with the man. He saw me and turned around, ready to shoot me with his gun when I quickly took out one of the daggers that Sun Tzu gave me and threw it at the man. It hit directly in the throat and pinned him to a tree. He choked as blood seeped out from his neck. I approached him from the front while my wolves circled him.
“Alright, you bastard. Who are you and who are you working for? Tell me what you know.” I said with a menacing tone in my voice.
“Go to hell. We know what you are, elemental. We know where you live, who your family and friends are. You can never hide from us.” He died upon speaking his last words.
I pulled out my dagger. His body dropped to the ground. “Leave him be.” I told my wolves. “I want his colleagues to find his body. A warning to them. Try something like this again and we burn their base down to the ground when we find it.”
I looked up at the sky and glared.
“Get ready, my children. Daddy’s done running and he’s about to collect some debts. The Stygian Days have begun.”
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