Chapter 3: Runaway

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After that day, Ruby had a lot of questions, and I answered each one to the best of my ability. She asked how old I am, "Sixteen now, Ozpin found me just three years ago," she then asked what was going on with my hands and why they didn't quite look right. I answered, "Well in part because of all of my transformations in a werewolf, but also in part of..."

"... my wolf family made sure I ate, I was fed by our fresh kills, I hadn't had a cooked meal until Ozpin, he showed me how to be human, but the wolves taught me how to survive... come with me, I'll show you where they found me, I'd been there many times, but never found a clue of how my mother died or what happened to my father." I gave a wolf howl, the pack heard this and started gathering around me, "Can you take us to the cabin, she's going to help me discover what really happened."

"Sure, but it's far from here, we'll need many rest stops," they informed me, I nodded, and began to follow on foot, but they allowed Ruby to ride them. After hours of riding, we finally reached some snow and a frozen lake with a snow-covered cabin. It was here that they found me, just a baby starved and alone, they found my mother in the snow... she seemed to have died during childbirth, but there were big footprints, leading inside the cabin, my father maybe. He must have put me in the trapdoor, where no one would find me, or so he thought. The wolves heard the cries of a child, they wanted food but instead saw a half-wolf, half-human, not a Faunus, something better. They raised me as their own, they taught me their ways but knew that one day, I'd be the leader of all wolves.

Ruby looked around, "Is this cat hair?" the wolves must have known it was there, maybe that was why they told me to be wary. "W-why would there be cat hair?"

Meanwhile in Beacon...

"Sir, Y/n, and Ms. Rose are in the cabin, should we engage?" Ozpin sipped his coffee and said, "No, there's not enough there for him to learn the entire truth." He then looked at a picture. "He must never know the truth, I promised her, I promised..."


Hours Later...

"There's nothing left to find here... someone must have cleaned this place out." Ruby and I started to head back, only to find another werewolf in my path, then I saw two wolves on the ground bleeding out. "Y/n now would be a good time to transform!" 

I couldn't "I took my medication today; the beast is sleeping right now," I pulled out my silver sword. We charged at each other; the silver burned the creature on touch. This is the only way to harm them, I looked over and heard a howl of pure pain, it awakened something inside of me. My form changed once again, hair started growing, bones shifted, but this time I was still in control. I gripped onto the handle of my sword and swung it cleaving the creature in two as easy as cutting through butter.

I put the two wolves and Ruby on my back as they rode me back into Beacon. Once getting there I transformed back and started calling for help. "We need someone with a healing semblance!" Someone quickly ran out and asked who needed help. I told them to fix the wolves, but they laughed in my face. "They'll attack me if I get close to them," I grabbed him by the collar. "Heal them! They need help!" I started breaking down. "I... I can't lose any more of them, they're the only family I have left."

After a few minutes of a bright glow, the wounds were gone. They thanked me and went back into the forest. "You're welcome," I said to them. Ruby smiled at me. "See you can control it," but I knew this was probably a one-time thing. Neither of us knew what it was, but something created a bond between me and the beast within. I also now knew that medication, just doesn't work, so I went to see Ozpin. "Hey dad, the medication doesn't work." 

He was shocked but then put his head down, "That's because the medicine doesn't do anything, it was always you." I felt lied to and betrayed, but more than that I felt like I had more control than I realized.

"You're telling me that I could have endangered everyone here, and there's nothing I can do to stop it... I should leave, they'll all be safer that way!" the wolf boy exploded; Ozpin was surprised by this display of selflessness but then nodded. "I once knew someone like you his name is Lawrence Talbot, he lives in a remote forest of Menagerie, but be warned he doesn't take kindly to trespassers... Once you feel safe enough to come back, please do so." 

"Thank you, but what will I tell my team?" he told me exactly what to say.

"I'm leaving for a while, Ozpin's sending me for a mission, I don't know when I'll be back, but I know that I will," that's what I told them before packing my things and leaving. Heading off into the great unknown facing threats such as Grimm and things much worse. All to find Lawrence Talbot. 

The man who can teach me how to control the wolf inside.

(Next parts currently under rewrite)

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