Chapter 2: Wolf Among Us

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I took my medication for as long as I could remember, but sometimes it worked, and others failed miserably. It's been about a week of living with Team RWBY. In that time, I've only turned that one time, but the beast inside wants more action. It is inevitable Ozpin and I know this, but he doesn't want me to increase doses, and I obey his instructions. Blake is slightly terrified to be around me, but I just want to play with her, like maybe chasing her and then after, having her chase me. Yang well... let's just say she got that fight I promised her, and well I won, much to her dismay. Weiss gave me a new name, "Filthy mutt!" I have no idea what it means but I do like the word filthy. As for Ruby, she seems to grow quiet and warm in my presence, yet I have no idea why.

We all sat together including some new faces, Team RWBY introduced them, "Hey Y/n, this is Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, and Ren." I smiled at the idea that they were making friends. Suddenly, I saw some guy pulling on a girl faunus' rabbit ears. "Atrocious, I can't stand people like him," Pyrrha said witnessing this act of shaming, then Blake said, "He's not the only one," Yang responded with "It must be hard to be a Faunus," I stood up and went over to have a chat they asked me "Where are you going?" I responded with, "I'm going to put an end to this." 

I tapped him on the shoulder, "Hey look man this really upsetting her, so please just let go," he let her go laughing. "Sure why not? Hey, boys, we've got a new plaything, he thinks he's so high and mighty just because he's Ozpin's adopted son, but all I see is a weak, pathetic, puppy," he tried to swing at me, but I caught it and twisted his arm.

I grabbed him by the collar and slammed him against a pillar, "I was being nice before, but let me tell you something nobody calls me a puppy! I am a wolf! Now leave before I really get mad!" He nodded and ran off. Everyone cheered as he ran, I felt the bones in my hands shifting and morphing. So, I quickly ran out too, I tried to get into the forest where no one would see me, but little did I know Ruby followed. She witnessed my transformation, she saw me remove my clothing before they got ripped, making her gasp then blush as she turned around.

I heard her gasp so my attention turned to her, I howled and suddenly some familiar faces, or should I say scents showed up. The last five remaining wolves from my family, Ruby saw the bond, I couldn't really see what was happening, but I sensed something different than anger in the beast I am now. In fact, he seemed almost protective, it had started to rain. Ruby sneezed from the cold, the wolves bowed their head towards you, and I got on all fours and motioned for Ruby to hold on. She wrapped her arms around my fur-covered neck and held on as I ran off at full speed, alongside the wolves. They then led us to their cave, sadly this was a night I wouldn't remember until the next morning.

She got settled in, as I stood guard, she cowered before the howls outside, howls I knew all too well. After all, I'm not the only were-wolf out there, the howls were close. So, I let out a massive roar that would be heard for miles around, then Ruby called you back inside the cave.

Next Morning...

I woke up with no memory of the night before until everything flashed in my mind, during this Ruby started to wake up, she then realized I was naked... "Oh my..." she said quickly closing her eyes and turning a bit red. "O-oh Ruby hey... you're still here I see..." I quickly got dressed. "Soo... about last night..." she interrupted me while still embarrassed, "S-so, y-you're a werewolf?" I nodded awkwardly. "Yeah... y-you weren't scared?" She shook her head "Mm... nope, I think it's kind of cool, so can you control it?" 

I shook my head saying "No, I can't control it, but I can remember everything that happens after I turn back." She got embarrassed. "O-oh... w-what all do you remember?" I remembered something that I'd rather keep to myself for now.

    Just then it struck both of us. "The team!" we both started to run back when two wolves ran out of the cave and gave us a ride. After making it back I thanked the wolf and it said, "No problem, Y/n, just come visit soon." In wolf speak anyway, which I understand. Ruby just watched the conversation. "So, you can talk to wolves? Cool!" I laughed then saw some cookies, but Ruby saw them too. We rushed over and started devouring them, within just seconds they were gone. The team looked at us two, "Those were for everyone!" But we just shrugged and laughed.

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