Two days later we turn in our choices for the internships and wait tirelessly through the weekend, after what feels like an eternity Monday rolls around and we all head to School with our hero costumes before heading to the train station together.
Before we got on the trains heading to the cities and towns we would be doing our internships Aizawa told us that we were not allowed to wear our hero outfits in public. After that we started to say our goodbyes
"Hiroshima huh?" Deku asks While I was standing in line with him.
"Yeah, a little far for my liking but i'll manage, I mean I am going to be spending a week with the number 5 hero so I guess it makes up for it." I say smiling.
"Well It's still not bad, Iida is going to Hosu, and I'm off to Yamanashi, so hope this will be a fun week." Deku responds.
"I really do, I'm expecting my week to be jam packed so I am going to take any time I get off and cherish it." I say.
Deku and I end up parting ways for two different trains. I get on board my train and stare out the window as the station slowly leaves me before the train speeds up, taking me with it.
After a few minutes I feel my phone vibrate, I pull it out and in my hand it vibrates four more times. I have texts from Jiro, Mina Momo, and Uraraka all telling me bye and good luck. I get smart and start a group chat between the four people who just sent me a text as well as Deku and Iida and send a message.
Look I am a smart boy, See all of you by the weeks end, and good luck with your internships. I write, I send the text and start looking at reddit on my phone with nothing better to do, texting the rest of the way to Hiroshima.
After about 2 hours I make it to Hiroshima, I get off the train and start walking around having a general idea of where I need to head.
After about an hour of searching I finally find the Mirko hero agency.
I walk inside and am greeted by Mirko herself.
"Y/n, Nice to meet you!" She says.
"Hello, and it's nice to meet you as well." I say calmly.
"Ok go get your hero costume on and we can go on patrol, I can show you the ropes." She says smiling. I go to a restroom and change into my hero costume. When I come out Mirko takes the case it was in and quickly runs with it to her office before coming back.
"Are you ready?" Mirko asks when she comes back out.
"Ready when you are." I respond.
"All right then let's go." She says enthusiastically.
We head outside and we start heading in a direction with nowhere in mind.
"So tell me about yourself, starting with your hero name, I know your real one but I don't think it should be said out loud." Mirko says
"Oh well then, call me Man-beast." I say, smiling even though she can't tell under my mask. We walk around talking and I tell her more about me, and why I'm trying to be a hero.
"Well if you want to be a hero to save people and bring smiles to peoples faces then you need to be ready to help with any situation." Mirko says. "Plus, you can't let personal grudges get in the way of your better judgement, Anyone who does that, one should not call themselves a hero, and two If the feeling of wanting to settle a grudge gets in the way of better judgement, you may as well be a deadman walking. Grudges, if you can tell what i'm getting at, is something no hero can have, it just doesn't work."
"I've always seen grudges as something that just isn't needed in the world, I've had a few, but like haven't we all at some point, I don't know, I know grudges just aren't something you have but I feel like if you watched someone you care for die, and the person gets away, you are bound to have a grudge against them." I say secretly talking about myself.
"If I can hide the fact that i'm talking about myself I may be able to get some advice on how to deal with my own issues, I mean like I did come here for a few reasons other than just the internship." I think to myself.
"This is true, however, you just need to keep on smiling, and know that those who do wrong will come to justice, be the hero you know you can be, not one who holds grudges, but one who can make people smile and smile right alongside them, kinda like All Might." Mirko says smiling.
"HELP PLEASE SOMEONE HELP." I hear someone yell, I turn to Mirko who heard it too and Is now looking at me.
"Ya ready rookie?" She asked.
"Oh bring it on." I say.
We quickly run over to where a woman is crying and still screaming.
We reach her and I ask. "What is wrong ma'am."
"Oh my god Heros thank god, please help, two guys in a white van drove up grabbed my son and drove off." She responded.
"Which direction did they go?" Mirko asks now with slight panic in her voice.
"That way, and then they turned right at what looked like the first intersection." the woman said tears now filling her eyes again.
"And you said a white van?" I ask for confirmation, and all I receive is a head shake yes.
"Ok let's go, '' Mirko says using her quirk like the hulk and jumping to the intersection.
I quickly sprout wings, not knowing what to transform into, I take off following after Mirko. And manage to catch up to her, as she is now just running.
"Y/n You are my eyes in the sky, I can't jump too high, I don't want to arouse suspicion, you should be above the cars line of sight, what do you see?" I hear Mirko yell up to me.
"From where you are, I see... oh god, there are two white vans. What are we going to do about that, we don't even know what the kid looks like." I reply.
"God this will be difficult. What is the traffic light color and how far forward are the vans?"
"The light just turned red, and the first one is one lane to the left three cars up, I can handle the one up by the light." I say heading to the van.
I land in the van's blindspot and immediately the light decides to turn green and almost immediately I hop onto the back of the van as quietly as I can trying not to make it move.
I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket and I pull it out and answer, "Yeah." I say.
"Y/n, that's the van, this one had a family that's just passing through Hiroshima on their way home." I hear Mirko say on the other end of the call.
"Should I engage yet or wait for the next red light?" I ask.
"Engage because we don't know when the next red light will be, but be careful, and remember they have a child onboard. One wrong move and they could kill him." Is her response.
"Got it," I say hanging up. I grab the door handle on the back of the van and pull it softly in hopes that it is unlocked, and to my great surprise it is.
"Guess they just forgot to lock it when they hopped back in." I say to myself quietly.
"So remind me again why we kidnapped the kid?" I hear one of the guys say.
"The boss wanted us to simply go and collect his son from his ex wife, that was all we were told." The other guy said.
"Hey is this the airport shuttle on its way to Tokyo?" I jokingly ask as I open the door.
"A hero!? Quick kill him." What sounds like the driver of the van says.
Two other guys who are in the van as well pull guns on me and I quickly react jumping at one guy hitting him with his own gun knocking him unconscious.
After I did that I can feel the van speed up and I notice that the unconscious boy is flung from the van.
"Get him out of here." The driver demands the last guy in the van, who is blocking me from getting to the kid. I quickly kick the gun out of his hand, sending it through the windshield, startling the driver. With a quick reaction, while the guy is distracted by me kicking his gun through the windshield, I quickly throw him against the wall of the van and shoot webs at him to keep him stuck there, I quickly run and grab the child who looks like he was beaten, and run to the back of the van, when I look out I see Mirko endlessly hopping after us.
"Mirko, take the kid, I can finish up here." I shout loud enough for Mirko to hear.
"Ok buddy, you're going to go to that nice hero right there ok." I say trying to keep the kid calm. I pick him up and toss him to Mirko who catches him.
"Oh no you don't, if I don't bring the boss that kid he will have my head on a platter." I hear the driver say, I turn around and see him, eyes still on the road pistol pointed at me, he takes two shots before having to put his hand back on the wheel. Both shots luckily for me missed, but now I had to think of an idea.
"Hey, I appreciate that you're keeping your eyes on the road, but like, you did kidnap a child so you're going to have to go in for that sooo." I say.
"I have an idea but for it to work my aim needs to be that of a sharpshooter" I think to myself.
I quickly look out the back of the van and see a hanging street sign pass by. I quickly jump out the back and shoot a web at the sign and I look back and shoot another web at the top of the van and pull both webs. I can hear the vans tires screeching to try to get away, before they stop all of a sudden, and the web holding the car becomes loose and I can pull it towards me.
As I make it to the ground I look and see Mirko with the driver of the van lying unconscious on the ground in front of her.
"And that is how it's done." Mirko says as she walks over to me, she raises her hand for a high five and I comply and give her one as well. We stand there making sure no one is hurt, and we wait for the police and the boy's mother to show up.
"Just so that way you are aware ma'am, when I was on the back of the van one of the men said that they kidnapped your son for his father, or your ex husband im going to assume." I tell the women.
"Ok thank you, I will be sure to tell the police when they are talking to me about this situation." She says with a weak smile.
As Mirko and I leave the scene she asks me something.
"So you may not be up to it, but I've got an interview later on a show, do you want to come along?" She asks.
"Sure, I don't see why not, get me even more used to the press than what I've already been through,'' I say smiling.
We walk around for another hour or so until I get a phone call from Mina.
"Hey where is the interview going to be, I can meet you there?" I ask Mirko to which she gives me an address and a time to be there. "Ok thank you, see you then." I say.
"Ok, see you in a while." She replies. I quickly sprout wings and fly to the top of a building and sit with my legs dangling over the edge of the top of the building and I call Mina back.
"Hey Ashi whats up?" I say taking my fedora and mask off and setting it by me.
"A day in Hiroshima and you already made a name for yourself." Mina says
"Let me guess you read or saw something, knowing you, you watched a video because we both know you don't like reading too much." I say jokingly.
"Hey I do too like to read. just on my terms." Mina starts, "And yes I saw a video of you holding a van with one web and a street sign with another."
"Yeah, my arms are actually sore, Hercules holds are no laughing matter, they really hurt." I say chuckling. "Well how is your internship going?"
"It's going fine so far, nothing as exciting as what you just did." Mina says. "Oh I gotta go, I will call you later bubby, love you."
"Love you too Ashi." I say hanging up. I look over Hiroshima's downtown district as it gets darker, I throw my mask and fedora on, and I start heading to the address given to me by Mirko having a bit of fun doing parkour on the roof tops just because, before diving off of a rooftop sprouting wings midway down the fall gliding for a while slowly descending and landing on the ground walking the rest of the way.
I make it to the place where the interview will be held and walk into the building and am immediately swarmed by people with cameras and microphones all asking me questions.
"Man-beast come over here." I hear Mirko say.
"I would, but I'm kinda busy over here." I shout back.
"Ok everyone, let the kid through." Mirko says pushing through the crowd and grabbing me, pulling me out of the horde of people and into an area where the press was not allowed.
"Please tell me they did that to you as well when you walked in." I say jokingly.
"Being honest, none of them were here when I got here, I got here and hid in here when I heard them." She says.
"Well I thought people just recognizing me was bad, Oh my God the press is worse." I say laughing.
"You can take your mask off if it's uncomfortable, no one else is supposed to come in here, not counting the guy who comes in and tells us it's time." she says. I take off my hat and mask as well as the giant trench coat that is a part of my costume and set it down on the arm of the couch in the room until we are told that it's time for the show.
"Hey, if you want to you can come out with me." Mirko tells me as we were walking to the stage.
"No it's fine, this is your moment not mine, I already had mine today." I say smiling.
"Ok then." Is her response.
We make it to the curtains that Mirko will be going through and we can hear the host of the show on the other side of the curtains,
"And don't forget coming up we have a very special guest coming on." the man said.
"So it's like the Jimmy Fallon show in America?" I ask Mirko.
"Yeah kinda like that." Mirko responds.
The show's host walks through the curtain and notices Mirko and then looks at me and stares at me for a few seconds before saying hi.
"Hello, it is a pleasure to meet you Mirko" He says before turning to me, "You as well...?"
His trailing threw me off but I quickly picked up on the fact that he was wanting a name
"Just call me Man-beast." I say to him.
"Ok well then hello Man-beast, I am Chotan Warren at your service." He says with a very friendly tone. "I'm going to take a guess you are Mirko's sidekick, and I'm going to take a guess you are new."
"He is my intern from UA." Mirko responds for me.
"UA huh, you came all the way from Musutafu, well, it's a pleasure to meet you." He says shaking my hand. "Now if you will excuse me I need to go grab something from catering before we go back on the air because I am starving."
"He seems nice." I say to Mirko as Warren walks off.
"He is one of the biggest tv hosts in Hiroshima." Mirko responds
"Oh well he seems like he has a great personality, perfect for tv." I respond.
"WE GO BACK ON IN FIVE..." a stage hand said
"I've got to hurry back." Chotan said running by and out the curtain.
"FOUR, THREE, TWO..." he continued.
"And here with us now from our very own city of Hiroshima, The number five hero Mirko," Warren said as the live audience started to clap, and whistle as Mirko walked out onto the stage, "And her intern who has already made a name for himself, he goes by the name, Man-beast."
"WHY, WHY I DON'T NEED THIS PLEASE." I think to myself as I quietly hype myself up. I am handed a microphone and told to clip it on somewhere and put the box in a pocket if possible, and walk out of the curtain.
I walk over to the couch that Mirko is on and wave a few times before setting my hand down and prepare to slowly die inside.
"I'm not a big person when it comes to these things, I don't like to be the center of attention," I think to myself.
"So shall we get started." Warren says. "First question, Mirko I bet you are asked this alot but why did you become a hero?"
"I wanted to become a hero because I have always seen pros and thought that they were just cool people, but when it comes down to it, I want to give people a reason to smile, it's always nice whenever I save someone and I see a smile on their face, it truly is." Mirko says.
"Lovely, ok so to the audience here with us, we have some people with a microphone, they will be walking around for you to ask questions that you may have." Warren said.
I look out to the audience and notice a couple of people walking around and a whole lot of people with their hands raised.
"Hi, I have a question for Man-beast, so Why did you choose to intern with Mirko?" a woman asked.
"Well, there are a few reasons, one I wanted to tease my sister about it because she absolutely adores Mirko, but not looking at that, my mentor, we shall call her, has amazing philosophies, is one amazing person, an all out amazing hero and has great fighting styles and I hope she can teach me all that she can before my week with her is up." I manage to get out.
"Uh, I have a question for Man-beast as well," a man said. " Why did you make your hero name Man-beast, because we all know that he was one of the best heroes to step foot in Japan, so what exactly makes you, a simple school boy, think he can live up to that name?"
"Uh I think..." Warren starts before I cut him off.
"I may not be able to live up to the name that I have given myself, but I'm going to do everything in my power to try. I won't just sit here and not acknowledge the fact that the Man-beast before me was a great hero, he was, and I'm not saying otherwise, but i'm going to do everything I can to at least attempt to live up to this name, and all the challenges that come with it." I say.
For the next maybe ten minutes or so Mirko and I are asked many different questions and before too long we leave.
"You did really well out there." Mirko says as we walk out the door.
"Really, because I was slowly dying inside, I'm not a center of attention guy, at least if I can help it I like to stay on the sidelines if that makes sense." I reply.
"Yes that makes sense, that makes a lot of sense actually. I used to be the same way, I mean growing up with ears this big you can see why I was someone who would rather sit alone or stay to the side, but you need to learn to just deal with it, because if you become a hero it's going to happen everyday, 7 days a week." She responds.
"You sure like inspirational quotes." I say laughing. "But trust me, I love em, surprisingly more than my sister does."
"Oh yeah, speaking of her, you said in there that she adores me, if you want you can give me a call on her birthday and I can wish her one myself." Miko says.
"You know that would be great, but i'm expecting it on the same day." I say smiling.
"Oh, wait are you two twins?" She asked
"Yes we are." I respond. Smiling, out of nowhere my phone starts to vibrate again and I pull it out and See Mina's name pop up.
"Ok I need to take this, I will head back to your agency when I'm done if that's ok with you? I need to get something to eat anyway, because I haven't had anything to eat today." I ask.
"That's fine." Mirko responds.
I sprout wings and fly to the top of a building so I can take off my mask.
"Hello, Mina, my sister." I say
"Hello Y/n my brother." She responds, playing along.
"What's up?" I ask.
"So I saw what you just did, and I could see you die inside having to be put on blast, I'm going to take a guess that you didn't have any plans on going out there?" Mina asks.
"Well we both know I don't like being the center of attention, So what do you think, I had to sit there and know that I was on live tv, so yes, I slowly died inside."
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