"Well you're alive yes?" Mina asks.
"No, in fact I'm far from it." I say jokingly, making Mina laugh.
"Well I will let you go, you seem tired." Mina says.
"Hungry more than tired." I reply.
"Ok well go eat, love you bubby." Mina replies.
"Love you too, I say, as Mina hangs up.
I get down from the building and go to look for somewhere to eat, not a clue in the world where I can find good food.
I eventually find a sushi place and before I head inside I look up reviews on it and see nothing but good ones so I decide to head inside and get some food before heading back to Mirko's agency.
I get there and I head inside, as Mirko is leaving, most likely to go home for the night.
"Hey Y/n, watch got there?" Mirko asks.
"Sushi, Why?" I respond.
"Oh nothing in particular, If you want to, if you don't have plans to stay elsewhere there is a couch in my office that you can use this week." she tells me, before giving me directions to her office.
I make it up to her office and take mask and hat off tossing them onto the couch in her office and grabbing the case that once held my hero costume that now holds my phone charger and street clothes and something comfortable to sleep in, thankfully Mirko's office isn't far from a bathroom so I quickly run over there change into my comfy clothes and rush back to the office.
When I get in there I see my phone is on, I walk over and notice I'm getting a call from Momo, so I answer it.
"Hey Momo what's up?" I ask.
"Nothing much, how about you?" She asks in response to my question.
"I'm about to eat sushi, it looks really good." I say
"You have an action filled day and you end it by eating sushi...great now I want sushi." Momo says, and I can hear her laugh on the other end of the phone.
"So I take it you saw what I did?" I ask curiously.
"Yeah, I did, what were you doing though that led up to it?"
"Oh, I forgot to explain this to Mina when she called me earlier, Ok so pretty much, Mirko and I were going on patrol, and we heard a women start screaming for help, so we quickly ran to where she was, She told us these guys kidnapped her son and we had to quickly go and find her." I explain.
"Wow, sounds like you had a day, you must be really tired." Momo says.
"Actually, I'm not that tired, Not as tired as I should be, but enough about me, how was your first day of your internship?" I ask.
"It wasn't the best, I was a part of a commercial for beauty products." she says, "I also saw that you were on tv today weren't you?"
"Wait, so what you're saying is natural beauty advertised beauty products, huh, and yes I was, and I, as bad as it sounds, hated every second of it, I'm not someone who likes to be the center of attention." I say, before shoving a piece of sushi in my mouth.
"Wait, but you were fine being the center of attention at the sports festival, sorry if that sounds bad, I hope you know what I mean, i'm not trying to be mean." Momo says.
"No your fine, I get what you mean, and if I'm being honest, I blocked out everyone but you, honestly, I was looking at you the whole time, I never took my eyes off of you, you were the only thing on my mind." I reply, putting another piece of sushi in my mouth.
"Awww that's sweet, well I will let you get back to eating my love, I will talk to you later." She says.
"Talk to you later," I reply, hanging up the phone and finish my food before I get another phone call this time from Jiro.
"Hey Earphone Jack." I say answering the phone
"Man-beast, how are you today?" Jiro responds.
"Well i'm doing good, how about you?" She responds.
"Well i'm doing fine, how is your internship going so far?" I ask.
"It's going fine, I helped with a hostage situation today." Jiro says, "What about you?"
"Oh my god someone who hasn't heard and, or seen what I have done today.
"I saw you on tv but what else happened?" Jiro asked laughing under her breath.
"Here after this call, apparently It's already a video." I say laughing under my breath.
"Well how's your internship with number five going other than whatever happened?"
"It's going pretty good so far, how about you?" I ask.
"It's going good, other than the hostage situation I told you about though, not much more has happened." Jiro said.
"You sound tired." I say.
"I really am," she says.
"Get some sleep Jiro." I tell her.
"I will, after I see the video you're talking about."
"Ok, well I'll talk to you later, and I'll send you the video if Mina hasn't sent it to you first." I say jokingly.
"Ok, well I will talk to you later, and I can't wait to see whatever you're talking about." She responds.
I hang up and find the video and send her a link to it and get a text back from her
Well you called it, Mina already sent me a link to the video.
I laugh and set my phone down walking over to the window behind Mirkos desk and look out over the street, now empty with whatever buildings lights that were still on being turned off and the owners of the shop leaving.
I lay back down and slowly drift off to sleep, ending my day.
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