I get back to the house and everyone is gone, presumably getting their stuff. I head into the kitchen to start preparing one of the biggest dinners I've ever made.
"I got it. I'm making tacos with spanish rice. Perfect. I hope no one is allergic to anything in it." I say to myself walking into the kitchen
I work on the food until the doorbell rings.
"MINA, CAN YOU PLEASE GET THAT? I HAVE COOKING OIL OVER A LIT FIRE!" I yell to Mina, who is sitting in the living room.
"ON IT," she calls back, "HEY GUYS!" she practically screams as she opens the door.
"What smells so good?" I hear Momo ask with her voice getting closer.
"Tacos, and I'm getting rice ready as well," I answer, my back turned to them with my mind focused on the shells that are now being made golden in the cooking oil.
"What are tacos?" Momo asks.
"Why, only the greatest food to come out of Mexico, right after tamales and pan dulce, sweet bread," I say, smiling.
"Well it smells good," she responds.
"It really does, Y/n," Uraraka adds.
"Well, thank you," I reply.
I get the rice going, start the meat, and ask Mina if she can prep the tomatoes, onions, cheese and lettuce.
After a while, I start the rice to make sure everything is ready on time, and eventually finish everything up. I plate it all and put it on the table in the dining room, before calling everyone in.
"Wow Y/n this looks just as good as it smells," Deku states.
"Well thank you Deku," I reply, taking a seat in between Momo and Jiro.
"Okay, Momo, so here's what you do," I say, showing Momo how to make and eat tacos.
We eat them and I am given way too many compliments on the food to the point that I start drowning them out.
After dinner and dishes are done, I give an idea.
"Hey y'all, I've got a karaoke machine outback, do you want to do it?"
"YES!" is exclaimed by everyone but Iida.
"That would be most enjoyable," Iida says bluntly.
"Okay then, lets go. Heads up, it might get a little cold," I say, leading everyone out back. When we get out there, I turn on the karaoke machine and hand the mic to Deku.
"Just scroll through and find a song you want to sing," I instruct.
"Okay," he replies a bit nervously, but starts to scroll anyway.
"Got it," he says, stopping on a song.
And just like that, "Moves like Jagger" starts playing.
"Just shoot for the stars if it feels right, and aim for my heart, if you feel like it. Take me away and make it okay. I swear I'll behave," Deku sings, with a squeaky voice, but getting into the song, and soon, starting to kinda dance.
After Deku's song, we all applaud him and he turns to Jiro. Without a word being said, she stands up, takes the mic, and starts to scroll for a song. After a while, she stops on a song: Joan Jett's "Bad Reputation".
"I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation. Living in the past, it's a new generation. A girl can do what she wants to do, and that's what I'm gonna do," Jiro starts after the intro leads her in.
She finishes, we applaud, and she hands me the mic.
I stand up and start scrolling myself.
"Moves Like Jagger, Deku already did that, "Simple" by Florida Georgia line...? No, I can find another... got it," I whisper.
And like that, "Bad", by Michel Jackson starts.
"Your butt is mine, gonna tell you right. Just show your face in broad daylight. I'm telling you,oh how I feel. Gonna hurt your mind, don't shoot to kill. Come on."
I get into the song real quick and it's almost as if the spirit of the king of pop himself has entered my body because I am dancing like him to a tee.
"And the whole world has to answer right now just to tell you once again. Who's bad?" I finish the song and turn to the people who were watching me and take a bow as if I were in a play, taking all of the applause in.
I sit back down next to Momo, "Hey Y/n, I'm getting kinda cold," she says.
"Okay then, I'll be right back." I head inside and upstairs to the linen closet and grab a few blankets. I go back outside, set all of the blankets I grabbed on an unused chair, hand Momo a blanket, and sit back next to her, putting my arm on the couch part behind her.
Apparently Momo takes this as an invitation to curl up and lean up on me, but I say nothing, seeing as how I am fine with it. I look over and see Mina go to grab her phone and I mouth to her, "No picture; I see one you're dead."
She pouts and puts her phone back down before turning her attention to Iida who is now up at the Mic, only God knowing what he would pick, but we learn sooner rather than later. It is a song I put on there so long ago for Mina and just never took off.
"Let's get down to business, to defeat the Huns. Did they send me daughters, when I asked for sons? You're the saddest bunch I ever met, but you can bet before we're through, mister, I'll make a man out of you," Iida starts, but I am locked in a hard core stare at Mina out of the corner of my eye making sure she does not grab her phone when I'm not paying attention, with her staring back, waiting for her opportunity.
He eventually finishes and I applaud like I did for everyone else even though I only paid attention to half of what he actually sang. Mina, Uraraka, and Momo all stand up and start looking for a song they can all do together. After searching for a while, they finally settle on "Baby One More Time".
"Oh baby, baby. Oh baby, baby. Oh baby, baby, how was I supposed to know that something wasn't right here? Oh baby, baby, I shouldn't have let you go, and now you're out of sight, yeah. Show me how you want it to be. Tell me, baby, 'cause I need to know now, oh because." Mina sings leading in the song. With the singing switching between Mina, Momo and Uraraka, it is a little hard to pay attention to anything that's not the chorus, when they all sing together at once.
When the song ends I clap, stand up, grab the unused blankets and head inside to put them up.
"Y/n," I hear from behind me, followed by a tap on the shoulder. I turn around to see Momo standing there, blanket in hand, "You forgot this one," she finishes, handing me the blanket.
"Thanks," I say, kind of embarrassed that I forgot it. "Hey Momo, can you follow me please?" I ask.
"Sure, whats up?" she responds while following me to the linen closet.
"Give me a sec, I want to talk to you about it in private, I just need an excuse to get away," I say, now walking into my room and grabbing the mask to my hero suit. "Thank god we were allowed to bring these home."
"Yeah," Momo agrees.
"Okay just follow me," I instruct, heading out of my room with my mask in hand down to the garage.
We get out to the garage and I throw my mask onto the workbench, turning it inside out.
"What are you doing?" Momo asks, peering over my shoulder.
"Well, if I'm going to be a pro, I want to be loved by people of all ages, meaning my mask needs to blink when I do as to not scare kids when it looks like I never blink," I reply, starting to work on the inside of the mask.
"That's so cool. So wait, if you know how to do this stuff, then why did you want to go into the hero course, instead of the support course where you could use this awesome skill?" Momo asks.
"Because I've always wanted to be a hero, and I figure I can still use the smarts I have behind tinkering and stuff, like making my own tech."
"How impressive! So, what were you wanting to talk to me about?" she asks.
"Yes, that," I say, putting the tool I have in my hand down and taking a seat on a clean part of the bench. "Momo, remember when we went on our date, what your mom said to me before we left?" I ask.
"Which part?" she replies with visible confusion.
"When she brought up us being in a serious relationship."
"I recall...what are you saying?" she asks, now with nervousness hidden behind her voice.
"I'm saying I want it to be, I want to have the honor of saying 'yeah, my girlfriend is Momo Yaouyarozu'," I say smiling, to which I receive one of the blankest and yet most shocked reactions ever.
"I'm sorry...that was a bit forced, that was just...agh," I manage to mutter, turning back to work on the mask.
Momo puts her hand on mine, making me put the freshly reacquainted tool I'm holding back down, and I look at her and see a smile where the shock once was seconds ago.
"I would love to be your girlfriend, Y/n," she says.
"Thank you," I say, embracing her in a huge hug.
"When do you want to tell everyone?" she asks once we break our embrace.
"After the sports festival. I need to focus on mainly training Mina because, while she's excited to be a part of the festival, I need to crack down on her and help her train more. Between you and I, she has no clue what she's doing. I mean, she's got crazy courage and a strange way of befriending anyone, but there's still a lot she needs to learn," I confess, smiling
"Well, maybe you guys can do it for a bit out back, show us how you have plans on training her," she suggests.
"You know, that's not a bad idea. Just don't let me forget this in here," I say, pointing to the mask.
"I promise," she says as we head out the door and back to everyone else.
"Okay, everyone outside. Mina, go out to the grass part of the yard," I command, heading for the stairs.
"Why?" Mina asks.
"JUST TRUST ME!" I shout from top of the stairs. I head into my room, grab two pairs of boxing gloves that I bought for Mina and I a while back, and head outside.
"What are you doing?" Uraraka asks
"Well, a long while back, I taught myself how to fight, and Mina asked me if I could help train her. Well, what better time than before the sports festival," I reply. "Plus, you guys get to see how I plan to do it and take away what you wish to."
I toss Mina her pair of gloves while I try to get mine on by myself before giving up and asking Deku to help.
"Okay, so what first?" Mina asks, standing across and staring me down.
"Well, first get in a ready stance, like this." I say, showing her how to get in the said stance.
"Hands up, hips squared," I instruct, to which she follows. "When you throw a punch make sure to be quick with it, out, in, out, in, and always keep one hand in front of your face, that's your defense, should your opponent manage to get close. Watch, try to hit me, and if I can hit you back, we can work on where you went wrong," I say, putting my fists up.
She rushes me and throws a punch that I dodge, while throwing the lightest punch I can to her stomach. She turns around, and this time throws a hook while blocking her face. I simply lean back enough to where it does not hit me. She tries to throw another hook. I block it and keep her hand busy and out of the way, startling her, and making her throw a punch with her other arm, This leaves her open, allowing me to strike her in the face causing her to stumble back and trip falling and landing on her rear. I walk over and help her up.
"You left your face exposed, Mina."
"You don't say," she retorts.
"Remember, one hand in front of your face at all times."
"Well, what was I supposed to do? You had one of my hands out of the way, not allowing me to bring it up," she says with irritation.
"You've got legs, a fight is not all quirk and hand to hand combat. You've got legs, so use 'em," I say, now walking back over to Deku for help getting the gloves off. "Deku, would you mind?"
"Y/n, your training method is a strange one. If you don't mind me asking, when did you learn to fight?" Iida asks.
"Like I said, I am self taught. I never really trained anyone before, just trying to help pass on that knowledge."
"Well whatever, that was so cool Y/n," Uraraka says excitedly.
"It sure was! Do you think you could help train me?" Deku adds.
"Yeah, sure you guys, just make sure to remind me when you want me to help. I'll be more than glad to do so," I reply as Deku helps me get the gloves off.
We head inside and Iida ends up saying he's getting tired so I show him where he, Deku, and I would be sleeping. After that, Momo reminds me about my mask. I thank her and head out to grab it.
I reach the garage and find it to be exactly where I left it. I pick it up, but knock some items over in the process. While reorganizing my desk, something catches my eye. It was a picture of my family. Mina and I both had birthday hats strapped on our heads. Our fifth birthday. Mina was the spitting image of our mother, with her pale pink skin and hair, and the same bubbly personality.
"Why didn't you save us, Y/n?" I can hear my mother plead.
"You heard your mother, why didn't you save us?" I could hear my father add, with a voice sounding so much like my own.
"No! That's not it, I couldn't, I would have, I couldn't!" I'm no longer in the garage. I feel myself falling though I know I'm perfectly still.
"Well, Y/n, why didn't you save them?" a third unknown voice added.
"NO, THIS ISN'T REAL," I shriek and cover my ears, before looking up and seeing my parents standing there.
"MOM, DAD, PLEASE, I...I WANTED TO SAVE YOU!" I scream, falling to my knees before reaching out for the illusion of my parents.
"I don't know Jessica, what do you think?" My father says.
"I don't believe him, Liam..." I hear my mother's voice trail off before the illusion of the two fade away.
"Their death is your fault, Y/n, just remember that," the third voice echoes.
"NO IT'S NOT, THIS ISN'T REAL!" I yell with desperation.
"So you think..." the voice finishes before fading away.
"Y/N, ARE YOU OKAY?!" Mina yells, bursting into the garage. I look up from my spot on the garage floor to see no sign of my parents, but Mina in front of me with everyone behind her.
"Yeah, I'm...I'm fine," I lie, my voice still shaky.
"Then why were you yelling?" Uraraka asks with genuine concern.
"Don't worry about it, I'm fine. Come on, let's get out of here," I say, standing up and unsteadily walking over to everyone. "Go ahead and head back out to the living room you guys, I need to talk to Mina and Jiro.
Everyone leaves except Jiro and Mina and I tell them about what I just experienced.
"I saw mom and dad," I confess.
"What! How? They passed away five years ago!" Mina exclaims.
"I don't know, but they were there, like some kind of illusion. They were here, but not really."
"Did they say anything?" Jiro asks.
"They asked me why I didn't save them, and they blamed me, but that's not all. There was a third voice, and it said that their death was my fault," I say.
"Well it wasn't your fault, Y/n," Mina reassures while embracing me in a hug.
"I know, but sometimes...I think it is. Like the reason we don't have our parents, Ashi, is because of me."
Momo pov: WHAT!? He thinks his parents death is his fault? He also said "Our parents, Ashi." Are Y/n and Mina siblings? I think to myself.
"Okay guys, let's get back to everyone before they question why we aren't back yet," I hear Jiro say, which signals my cue to leave.
Y/n pov: We walk back to where everyone is and I proceed to take Deku and Iida to where we are sleeping, Iida says goodnight and heads to bed with Deku choosing to go to bed as well following close behind him. I say goodnight, head to my room, grab my sweatshirt, and throw it on before heading downstairs where the girls have started a movie.
"Y/n, come watch the movie," Uraraka offers happily.
"I will, give me a couple minutes," I respond, throwing on my hood, heading for the front door and walking outside.
"I know that it's not my fault that they passed, at least, I don't think it is," I mutter to myself.
"Y/n, are you alright?" I hear Momo's voice from behind, which startles me.
"I didn't hear you come out, and yeah, I'm fine," I lie through my teeth.
"I don't think you are, otherwise you would not have come out here on your own."
She saw straight through my lie.
"Does it have to do with why you were yelling in the garage?" Momo asks.
"Yeah...it is..." I start.
"Well, I won't force it out of you, but know I'm here if you want to talk," she offers, smiling.
"Thank you Momo," I say, hugging her.
"Why don't we head inside?" she suggests. I nod my head and we walk inside, our hands brushing against each other.
"What are you guys watching?" I ask, walking into the living room and looking at everyone in sleeping bags.
"The 2018 Halloween," Mina answers.
"Well then, I'm going to go in the other room for a little bit," I say as I head to the kitchen and grab a water, before heading to the dining room, where I turn on some music and start scrolling through Reddit.
After about forty minutes or so, I turn off the music and head into the living room where everyone has passed out with the movie still playing. I grab the remote and turn off the television. I set the remote back down and turn around to head upstairs, before I'm stopped.
"Y/n, is that you?" I hear Uraraka whisper from behind me.
"Yeah, what's up?" I whisper back.
"I just wanted to say thank you again for the phone."
"No problem, goodnight Uraraka." I whisper back, turning around to start heading back up the stairs.
"Good night Y/n," she replies.
I head upstairs and go to my room to grab a pillow before heading down the hall to where Deku and Iida are. I then lie down and fall into an uneasy sleep.
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