07 | "holy shit kenzie! it just moved!"

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|| Kenzie ||     || Miles ||

There were sounds of giggles and belly laughters that hadn't been heard in years echoing throughout the stone cold house luring both Lainey and Wesley out of their rooms.

Giving each other confused looks they hesitantly, yet curiously followed the joyous sound that had once been music to their ears.

Lainey and Wesley stood in front of a room where the sound of laughter bellowed through the ajar pearly white door that gave them a glimpse inside the lighted room. Careful not to make a noise they both poked their heads in the room only to be confronted with a sight they'd only dreamed of seeing again.

They found Kenzie sprawled on her back in the middle of her bed clenching her stomach in fits of never-ending giggles. Both Lainey and Wesley eyes grew wide as they absorbed the scene in front of them. They were astonished; they hadn't seen their little sister so carefree and full of life in years. It was like taking a trip down memory lane and seeing the same Kenzie who had always been a ray of sunshine even in the most difficult part of their lives. Kenzie had always been the one to never lose hope, but that changed when their sweet little sister became another victim of the infamous Collins curse.

Both Wesley and Lainey didn't understand how it was possible for the kindest person they had ever met, the kindest person in their entire family to be possessed with a curse she didn't deserve.

It was unfair, but what was even worse was not being able to do anything while Kenzie continued to silently suffer.

As Lainey stood there with tears streaming down her cheeks, Wesley elbowed her and pointed at the phone that Kenzie held against her ear. They both gave each other a puzzled look wondering who could be on the other end but quickly stepped back out of sight as Kenzie began to sit up.

As they began to walk away from the scene that they could only hope to see again; both Wesley and Lainey stopped in their tracks when they heard Kenzie laugh out a Stop Miles you're being ridiculous.

Miles. They both whispered the name at the same time.

Regardless of who this mysterious Miles was, they silently thanked him for bringing their sister back to the joyful little girl she used to be.


"Stop Miles you're being ridiculous." Kenzie couldn't stop laughing.

Kenzie had been talking to Miles for hours playing a game of would rather, only for her to discover that Miles was petrified of spiders. She couldn't stop laughing at the newfound information and the fact that Miles was being tormented by the creature as they spoke.

"I'm not being ridiculous, its huge Kenzie like its bigger than my hand!"

"Now you're just exaggerate—."


"Miles stop wasting time and kill it!."

"HELL NO! What if it's poisonous!"

"I'm pretty sure it's not."

"What are you a spider expert?!"

"No, but--"

"OH MY GOD! No Reubena! Stay back!"

"Miles? Is everything okay?"

"HOLY SHIT! Reubena just ate it!"

The line on the other end went quiet, a little too quiet. Especially for someone who had just been saved from an eight-legged creature by their dog, but when she heard a huge sigh of relief she couldn't help another bubble of laughter erupt from within her.

"Why are you laughing?"

"No reason." Kenzie couldn't help but smile.

"So...uh...where were we?"

Oh, Miles. Kenzie internally squealed, her heart beating faster than ever in her chest. She could only imagine his face turning a bright red as he finished his sentence. He was embarrassed that Kenzie had been apart of his worst fear, but Kenzie couldn't help but feel a bit giddy knowing that Miles had just let a bit of his guard, not that he was holding up one in the first place.

"It was your turn to ask me a question."

"So...Would you rather be able to see 10 minutes into your own future or 10 minutes into the future of anyone but yourself."

"See 10 minutes into the future of anyone but myself."

Kenzie answered in a heartbeat. She knew her answer even before Miles finished his sentence simply because why would she want to see her future when she knew exactly how it would end.

It would end in the same way as it did to all the Collins family members.

What made her any different?

She wasn't special.

She never was.

She never will be.

And even if she was even a tiny bit special her fate would still be the same.

It wouldn't change just for her.

She would still be a Collins.

A cursed Collins.

"Wow, that was fast."


"I thought you'd want to see a glimpse of your own future."

"Why'd you assume that?"

"Because most people would have picked that."


"Yeah, I know—"

"What would you choose?"


"Would you pick seeing 10 minutes of your future or someone else's'?"


"Are you sure? Not even if it was knowing there was a spider in your future." Kenzie couldn't help it. The words were right the tip of her tongue, and they slipped. On purpose.

"Now your just making fun of me, but I don't think I had be able to choose between the two."

"Why is that?"

"Because you can't really assume your life to happen based on what you've planned."

"I'm not sure I follow what you're saying."

"Hm...Well let's say that the future you get to see of yourself was a happy future, but what if that happy future only lasted for like ten minutes or even an hour before something tragic were to happen?"

"If that's the case wouldn't you rather see someone else's future?"

"The same thing applies. What if I decided to see a friend's future and saw him go through something terrible, only for something good to come out of? I don't think I would have the heart to tell him that bad things are to come and have him lose hope in the life he had going for himself."

Kenzie absorbed each and every word as she listened to Miles. She took it into consideration, and even understood where he was coming from but was unsure of whether or not she agreed with what Miles was saying. Kenzie's own future was dependent on a curse passed down from thousands of years ago. How was it possible for her future to change when everyone's life before her had ended tragically?

"You don't agree."

"It's not that I don't agree its just...well..."


"Uhh...Well...What if someone grew up in an environment where there wasn't much opportunity for them to move forward and were stuck in a cycle that they couldn't leave. Wouldn't they know how their future would end up because of the cycle they were stuck in?"

"I still think that person has a way of moving forward and changing they're future."

"How so?"

"Depends on their attitude towards the situation they're in. They could either mope around feeling sorry for themselves because they're stuck in an unfortunate cycle or they could take it as an opportunity to break the cycle once and for all and change their future for the better."

"But, sometimes people get discouraged from everything they been through and just feel that they can't."

"Sometimes all you have to have is hope and blessings. They change your outlook and can move you forward. The future's unpredictable darling."

Kenzie was taken back by what Miles had said. It surprised her. She never was the one to lose hope not even when every family member passed away right in front of her eyes. She always saw the good in every heartbreaking situation, even if it slowly broke her.

"Hey Kenzie, I have to go but I'll talk to you soon."

"Okay. Bye Miles."

Miles words wouldn't stop replaying in Kenzie's head as she went on with the rest of her evening and got ready for bed. Kenzie had always believed that the curse she had been cursed with would give her the same unfortunate ending.

But, maybe just maybe her future was different, different in a way she could never imagine, and even though it was hard to picture a happy ending for herself. There was still a possibility that there could be one, right?

Because, after all the future was unpredictable.

This is one of the longest chapters I've written so far! I hope you all enjoy it! If you did I had really appreciated it if you tap the star and vote on this chapter!

Thank you <3

So... Kenzie's having a change of heart on the future she thought she knew.

Until then, see y'all next Monday



P.S. I can't believe today's the first day of October! OMG!

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