Chapter 4

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Gladiator Studios

Make-up and Wardrobe Trailer

Saturday March, 18

5:47 A.M.

Claire watched in the mirror as Selina, the make-up and wardrobe manager, pulled her blonde-white hair that was just above her shoulders into her ponytail. "I'm Jessica Adams and no one messes with me!" Claire said and read her lines. Selina dusted her lids with gold eyeshadow. Jasmine, the other make-up and wardrobe manager, was doing Massie's hair. she curled her hair into small curls and placed a thick white and purple flower-patterned headband on her head. "I can't believe that they have uniforms in a fictional school, but I've got to admit their a bit cute." Massie admitted. "Stamp, movin', honey!" Jasmine complained as she tried to spray Massie's hair to make it more shiny and full of body.

Suddenly, Alicia and Dylan burst through the trailer door in their West High School uniforms. "Jason and Hadley are here." Alicia said, cooly. "AWSOME!" Claire shouted. "Charlie said we're going through the second scene of the movie in twenty minutes, so move over Kuh-laire it's gonna take exactly fifteen minutes to get the wild mess tamed." Dylan said and pointed to her red bed head. "I'm playing Destiny and I read about her character online and she's absolutely ah-mazing!" Alicia said, over dramatically and hopped into a movie director chair next to Massie. "'O who er Dwlyan and Kresten paying?" Claire asked with her mouth closed as Selina applied some strawberry flavored and scented lipgloss to her lips. "I'm playing Sara and Kristen's playing Kennedy." Dylan exlplained and tried to comb her bead head with a grey wide-tooth comb.

Clumps of red-orange frizz fell to the ground as she combed. "Okay Hun, lemme to your hair." Jasmine said and took the comb away from Dylan. She ducked her head in the black marble sink and applied green apple-scented shampoo. Kristen into the trailer with a plate of crackers and cheese. "Uh, breakfast much?" Claire couldn't help but saying. Kristen rolled her eyes and took a seat in a white swivel chair.

A knock at the door shakes everyone up and a boy in a grey tight shirt and black cargo pants walked in. "Jason has arrived!" The boy snickered as no one seemed to notice them. Massie was impressed on how cool the PC was playing it 'cause if they didn't act cool then they, even her, would want Jason Alvert's autograph so badly. Finally Alicia walked up to him. "You must be Jason, I'm Alicia." She said and shook his hand. He ran he tan fingers through his caramel colored hair. "Nice shoes," Jason chuckled and looked down at Alicia's violet-colored shoes, "I'm gonna call you Violet." He snickered. "And I'm gonna call you Viper 'cause you act all cool." Alicia rolled her eyes and stomped on Jason's foot. "Ahh, make that Viole." He said and hopped all the way to Stage 1. "What a jerk," Alicia grouched, "Who makes a first impression like that?" She mumbled to no one in particular. "I cannot believe you did that to Jason Alvert!" Dylan said.

"He deserved it!" Alicia shouted. "Sit down, sweety, I've got to do your makeup." Selina said to Alicia and patted the back of the swivel pump chair. Alicia sat down in the chair and Selina pumped her up to height. A girl with straight auburn hair with front bangs that faded to a deep redish-purple walked into the trailer and she was dressed like a biker. She had black pumps, black leather pants, a black leather jack with silver studs and shoulder pads, and a plain grey shirt. "When did the Vamps get a girl in their group?" Dylan giggled and so did the rest of the PC. The girl rolled her eyes. "You know that the Vamps don't dress like vampires, right?" She asked. "I don't listen to their music so......yeah!" Dylan stuttered. "I'm Hadley Mason and I'm looking for......," She said and opened a balled up piece of paper, "Kirtsen..........Gorgey?" Hadley questioned as if asking of she got her name right. "I'm 'Kirsten Gorgey'," Kristen giggled, "Actually it's Kristen Gregory." She corrected.

"Anyways, you were assigned to me as my 'tour guide' of West Chester." Hadley explained. "What's 'West Chester', do you mean Westchester?" Massie, Alicia, Dylan, Kristen, and Claire all said at the exact same time. They cracked up. Massie laughed harder and so did Claire because that's the exact same thing Massie said to Claire when ClIre first arrived at the Block Estate. "Apple-C!" Dylan shouted. "Dang it!" Kristen, Alicia, Massie, and Claire said at the same time. "What was that all about?" Hadley asked, confused. "Oh it's just an inside joke." Kristen batted the air like it was nothing. "Shall weh goh!" Kristen said in an Italian accent. "Weh shall!" Hadley lead the way. "She's acting like a total LBR and she better not go all around Westchester acting like that, that's bad publicity." Massie growled.

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