the gilmore girl way ☕️

the gilmore girl way ☕️

109 1 6

drama unfolds between the gilmore family .…

Married to Mr doctor husband

Married to Mr doctor husband

146,842 6,129 88

the story is about two persons one is Dr ob-gynecologist and his name is dr Neil Khanna and other one is doing her college and her name is avni Mehta let's see how this two love birds will meet and their love story will begin ? r u excited…



390,471 28,457 31

Avantika Aadish RajawatAadi, with his fiery nature, adds intensity and excitement to their relationship, igniting a spark in Avni. Avni, like the calming rain, has a soothing effect on Aadi, balancing the dynamics of their connection. Their love is a powerful force, and any threat to their partner triggers a protective instinct that could lead them to extreme measures. In the world of Aadi and Avni, love is not just a sentiment; it's a fierce commitment, and they navigate the storms and fires of life together, emerging stronger each time.…

avneil secret

avneil secret

551,381 29,978 77

avneil story in which avni and neil are married couple but avni friends doesnt know the truth as she is pursuing her final year of clg and neil is a professor but for a mission…

Sweetness Of Love ✔

Sweetness Of Love ✔

59,155 7,617 62

Everything unfolds with a purpose. There existed a motive behind Neil's departure from Delhi with his children. That motive guided him towards Avni, and it is widely acknowledged that their meeting was also driven by a reason-the enchanting power of love.Life revolves around connections. Irrespective of one's financial status, intellect, or abilities, each of us is involved in relationships.This narrative depicts the voyage of relationships, which ultimately defines the captivating essence of love.It encompasses the allure of romance, heartfelt emotions, the camaraderie of best friends, familial bonds, confident women, attractive men, conflicts, care, support, and love.It is a thrilling expedition that delves into the realms of the past and the present.☆☆☆"Can we promise to turn this building into a home filled with Sweetness Of Love?" I look at Avni then at my kids."I promise." Niam and Navya say instantly as a smile spreads on their lips."I promise." Avni nods as she reaches out to caress their cheeks."I promise," I whisper. ☆☆☆A sequel to Sweetness Of Love - Sweetness Of Life. _______________________________________IMPRESSIVE RANKING :#1 in Avni out of 1.18k stories as of 13 April 2021#2 in Avni out of 1.36k stories as of 12 June 2022…

Her's Mr.Perfect

Her's Mr.Perfect

8,302 933 51

What happens when a two different worlds collides . one is possessive for her Loved one's ,other is protective towards his Loved one's . She is an Intern , Doctor ,He is a famous Indian Star .COMPLETED .…

Untold Love

Untold Love

27,726 4,245 66

Avni lives her life totally in the dark shade. she was tortured and harassed by her family physically and mentally. Even her father and mother hate her because she is a girl child. The one who supports her is her grandma.She needs a friend who will speak with her, spend time with her, comfort her and be with her forever. Neil is a cool and friendly person. He lives a life with his parents and relatives and friends happily. He is a jovial person toward his friends and an honest person toward his relatives. What if they both collide with each other? Will Neil be the friend Avni wished for? or will be more than a friendship??? 🤔🤔🤔peek into the story to know more💟💟💟…

Naamkaran ✔️

Naamkaran ✔️

59,517 4,400 43

Heyy Guys I'm new here.. I love the whole Naamkaran show but I didn't like the ending.. So I am writing what I imagine.. I am not a writer so ignore some mistakes..I am starting with 10 years leap but in my story the leap will be of only 5 yearsI hope you all like.. 🙂…

Unshed Tears

Unshed Tears

202,038 34,358 173

Unshed tears is a story of a girl who had some past which she hid from her family, all thought she was responsible for the incident which took place 4 years ago she is a broken angel and a boy who is a doctor and brother. what will happen when there ways come across? will he be able to heal her wounds?To know that read the story.…

Journey From A Friendship To Love

Journey From A Friendship To Love

87,004 10,165 45

It's a Story Of A girl who came back to her country after 10 years but she came back with a reason and a boy who is smart intelligent his eyesight is perfect but he wears glasses because he reads books a lot he is a book worm so he always wears glasses he has his own story what will happen when they both meets.…

Soul Mates

Soul Mates

381,329 50,358 155

it's a story of a boy Neil khanna who is a sweet loving and caring boy and a girl who is a shy girl don't like to talk to strangers a cute sweet and innocent girl what will happen when Neil fall in love at first sight to the shy avni who don't even look at him.…

Eternal Love

Eternal Love

8,429 1,896 32

The love story of our Avneil💖Still, some people believe in Reincarnation (Rebirth). Will it be interesting if this rebirth happens in Avneil's life? Is it exciting?💓💓Peek into the story to know more......…

Feels Like Love!

Feels Like Love!

6,348 899 22

Where the extremely loud & incredibly intimate Neil Khanna find his way to the immensely silent & hugely aloof Avni Mehta! But, can laughter fall in love with tears? Their relationship, for sure gives Avni wings to fly & offers Neil roots to come back. But, will both of them be able to give each other reasons to stay?…

Srdce v sázce

Srdce v sázce

724 61 32

Dvě nejlepší kamarádky.Sedm atraktivních starších bratrů.Stovky nelítostných upírů.Příběh,do kterého se s chutí zakousnete!Jak odoláš polibku upíra?…



717 75 33

Dívka jež byla sirotkem, jejíž pravou rodinu vyvraždily lidé. Když vyrostla v její adoptivní rodině, spolu s jejími adoptivními bratry. Přišel šok, mladší bratr vyvraždil celý její adoptivní klan. Kromě jí a jejího staršího bratra.A tak se opět stala sirotkem, avšak už nebyla úplně sama.Znovu si dokázala najít rodinu v podobě své jednotky, jíž velela. Ale i přesto jí jednoho dne vyvraždila svýma vlastníma rukama, anebo snad ne?Skutečně jsou ona a její bratři poslední přeživší z velkého dračího rodu?…

Avneil story - LOVE YOU FOREVER..

Avneil story - LOVE YOU FOREVER..

13,812 1,611 19

Neil loves Avni and so does Avni..!! ❣️Both are unaware of this love...!! Circumstances forced them to be apart..!! But their love stays..!!🤗After 15 years.. They collided.. Will they be able to recognize each other..? Will the love blossom or they would still be unaware..? 💕Cute story on our own AVNEIL..! ❤Let's peep into the story to know about their story.. 🤗🤗Different story.. Same essence.. It's called love❤❤…

you can do it

you can do it

17 3 3

Melissa Bennett se spolu se svým tátou a bratrem Lucasem přestěhovali do Toronta aby začali znovu po úmrtí její mámy. Její táta dostal funkci trenéra v známém hokejovém týmu Toronto Maple Leafs a pravé proto se rozhodli pro tohle město jako nejlepi pro nový začátek, ale do života Melissi vstoupí jeden člověk-Matteo Kočí- arogantní, namyšlený a take atraktivni ale hlavně kapitán juniorského týmu U20 Toronto Maple Leafs, což mu na egu jen přidává. Co se stane když Mattea a Melissu daji dohromady na doučování?…

Devil's Desires

Devil's Desires

9,933 343 35

Disclaimer ⚡ This book is a dark romance . The story is gonna be very interesting. Stay tuned . Be ready to walk in your frictional world. 👀☠️. This story is of a girl named * Avni * , persuing business studies From University. Once bumped accidentally on * Mr Rhyan Roy Kapoor * , most successful businessman of the country, known for his evilness and cruelty . King of underworld. Also know as evil king. Fell for avni's beautiful eyes 👀 filled with kajl , her simplicity with a mixture of attitude and childish behaviour.Will avni accept rhyan? What will rhyan do to find avni? Will rhyan be able to make avni his? Let's read 📚..Disclaimer 👾Heyy!! I am khushe.. your author... I tried something different in style of presenting my story.... My story is like a conversation between two people which will make you easy to read and understand...used the words differently like we use in our daily life... which will make you enjoy the story more... Thank you!!…

Being With You

Being With You

463,277 31,102 133

Started: December 18, 2017Ended: August 13, 2019Status: Completed Editing: In process Description:Based on Avni and Neil's married life.....this story is a Fan Fiction of Avneil from the show Naamkaran.....this story continues from the point when Dayavanti is captured by the police......This story will be about the ups and downs of avneil through their beautiful journey of marriage....Do check it out if ur a Avneil fan...…

Baby Malhotra's Star ✔️

Baby Malhotra's Star ✔️

303,994 22,085 61

All right reservedCopyright 2021 . -sxssy_dxvxl-. All rights are reserved. publication on this work on another website or forum without author's permission is strictly prohibited. A shout-out from Naughty_Breeze#1 rank in manikmalhotra..23 Feb 2021#1 rank in mananlove...2 march 2021#11 rank in baby doll ...8 april 2021 #2 rank in Nandini murthy...27 may 2021#3 rank in friendship ...14 jun 2021 He didn't know what is going to happen with him. For the very first time he is so scared that he preferred to die than standing at the position and at the same time burning with rage for the betrayal he got from his loved ones. He lost trust on everything. He don't know what to do. He don't know what to expect. All he knows is to never trust anyone again and give himself. But can this be possible? No. His miseries didn't even started when he lost his everything when god sent an angel in his life and made her a blessing to him.Manik Malhotra. India's biggest tycoon lost his business, friends, family everything in a blink. He don't know what to do next. Let's see how he is going to do anything…