Seriously, Med Bay again?

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Hope groaned as once again she found herself in Ratchet's medical bay, this time with two twin mechs pacing the floors. Finally Ratchet booted them out with the threat of a wrench across their helms. Turning back to the small figure flopped on his med bunk he had to suppress a grin.

"Now Ms. Hope, what about you has those two mechs in such a state?"

A muffled groan was his only response. Quirking an optic brow, he lightly pressed a digit in her side. A snort escaped Hope as she tried evading him but finally she rolled over with a chuckle.

"All I did was yell at them for talking about me as if I wasn't even there."

The second eyebrow joined the first as he considered his prior theory. "Were you listening with your ears?"

"Of course I was..." Hope began thinking back to earlier. Had they been talking out loud or had she just imagined it?

"I'm not sure." She exhaled in frustration.  "How else could I have heard them?" Hope looked up in confusion at Ratchet.

Such a inquisitive beauty, thought Ratchet. She was unlike most humans that he had met. He had to admit a fondness for her. She was much less annoying then Miko for certain. Perhaps she would be a positive addition to the base.

Shaking his helm, he reached out a servo to her. "Come along my dear, I think it's time Optimus and I had a talk with you."

"But what about the twins? Won't they worry about where I've gone?"

In response Ratchet put two digits to his helm and spoke. "Ironhide? I need you to keep Sunstreaker and Sideswipe busy for a they didn't paint my wrenches again! Just keep them out from under foot until Prime and I are done talking with Ms. Hope."

Looking down at Hope, he smiled with dry humor. "Hide will have them running patrols until we're done talking. There's much we need to discuss."

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