Family Found

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Optimus sat at his desk, a data pad in hand but his thoughts a million miles away. It seemed as if he was focused on work but truthfully his processor was contemplating the appealing mystery of Ms. Hope.  He was brought out of his thoughts by a knock on the door.

Ratchet brought Hope to a large conference area and rapped on the door. When they walked in, she saw Optimus reading a data pad at a large desk.

Her eyes lit up when she saw him. It was odd but she had missed him. Optimus seemed happy to set aside the data pad and greeted them.

"Ratchet. Ms. Hope..." he acknowledged with a nod.

"Optimus.  Hope has a few questions and I believe she should know about our theory."

"A theory?" Hope was a bit disappointed. She had really hoped for an answer not a guess.

Optimus felt a pang of remorse in his spark at her expression. It was becoming more difficult to keep an impersonal outlook around her. Ratchet seemed to be struggling with a similar reaction to her disappointment.

"Well, yes a theory but an intriguing one" Ratchet finally uttered.

"You see Ms. Hope. We have reason to believe that you may have spark bonded with Sunstreaker when you healed him and it then spread to Sideswipe through the twin bond."

Ratchet jumped in as Hope stared at them open mouthed in shock. "That would explain why you're feeling odd emotions for no reason at certain times."

Hope shut her mouth as she contemplated their words. These emotions weren't hers? As Ratchet and Optimus waited quietly for her reaction,  she tentatively reached out with a simple thought.


Instantly, two bolts of surprise shot through her. She almost giggled at the reaction but reigned it in. Instead she sent as much humor as she could towards the surprise and was rewarded with the same.

"Little sister" came the protective response.

Hope felt a surge of happiness fill her. The bond that had been incomplete now formed fully.

Optimus and Ratchet watched as a red and yellow orb floated out in front of her. From her chest came a white ball of light that joined the two orbs in a dance of brightness. The trio of lights spun together before merging and enveloping her in their light.

When she looked back up at them, her eyes were filled with tears. "I think I understand  what you mean by a bond now" she whispered.

In awe by what they had just witnessed,  Optimus knelt down next to Hope and extended his servo. She stepped lightly on and hugged his digits.

"I have a family now" she laughed, wiping the tears away. "Who would've thought that after all this time alone, two alien brothers would adopt me as a sibling", her voice cracking on the last word.

Even grumpy old Ratchet had to smile. The human was definitely a welcome new comer to the base. Perhaps now the twins would calm down their pranks. Maybe he needed to keep Hope close by in the med bay to discourage them from pranking him in particular. 

Optimus shook his helm and smiled. "They'll be very protective of you from now on." he remarked.

Almost as if on cue, there was a racing sound coming down the hallway and the vibration of metal transforming outside the door. There was a hushed silence of waiting before Hope smiled and sent a welcome
thought through the bond.

Instantly the door was flung open and the twins rushed in, seeing her up in Optimus servo, her face still damp with tears. Sunstreaker's eyes flashed red before marching over and holding out his servo in silent demand. Hope waved one last time then stepped onto it.

Sunstreaker drew back from the two senior mechs and backed towards the door, carrying Hope with him. Sideswipe watched them with fierce intent before following his brother out the door.

As the door shut behind them, Ratchet turned to look at Optimus  who continued to watch the door warily in case the twins came back.

"I don't think the word protective is strong enough. Perhaps overprotective would be better suited."

Optimus merely nodded in agreement. 

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