No.69 alias Vanitas: "....You're sure it's okay if they cut it?" He asked while one of Moreau's assistant cut the hair short of Misha.
Misha:"Uh-huh!!" Which means yes."because you know what? I actually hated growing my hair out. Its just if I didn't, mother got mad..."
Misha:"What's your name big brother? I'm Mikhail! You can call me Misha! What is this place? Why they bring me here? Who was that weird man?"
Vanitas got mad."...You don't know anything"
A crying sound came out far away from a laboratory room. It was an other children who was an experiment.
Vanitas:"Your name isn't Mikhail anymore. It's ''No.71'' All we are...are Moreau's experiment rabbits."
Then later got Misha in the laboratory room where he got a syringe in his arm and everything, he cried a lot and screamed.
A assistant:"Doctor...! The subject is too young. He won't last through much more of this!"
Moreau:"Whaaat? If he doesn't, just bring in the next children. I'm almost there..a little more, and I think I'll be able to make it! A human who can link to ''those''..!"
Times past and Misha and Vanitas walked to a laboratory room. Not far away from them, a young girl with long blond hair and blue eyes crossed their way and walked past by them. She looked up and their eyes met. She felt guilty and sad for them. Misha was scared and doesn't want to do the experiments and cried again so the girl stopped to walk and spoke, she decide to help them even she was a vampire.
The girl:"Doctor..!!"
The girl:"...I will do it....I can fulfill your expectations...much better than them. Use me, please. Let me help you achieve your...noble goal. Use me!!"
Vanitas, Misha and Moreau were shocked but Moreau was more like happy and begun to smile brightly.
Moreau:".........BR–BRILLIAAAAAAAAAAANT!!! Did you hear? Did you!? Did you hear that!? Has there ever been a single child or vampire who's participated so willingly in my experiments!? NO THERE HAS NOT!!" He was very happy and hugged her."You certainly may, No.24!! But of course, No.24!!" No.24 was Serenity, a young vampire girl.
Vanitas:"I....i want to do it as well Doctor...." He says with a fake smile.
Moreau:"Of course of course you too" He wants then behind him and the girl and whispers in their ears."Together....let us draw one step nearer to the wisdom of the vampires. The wisdom of this world!!"
Two hours past and Vanitas got back in the room where Misha was and Serenity got in their room since the other rooms went full of other test objects. She lays on her bed and wears as well as Vanitas a bandage around her head. Vanitas lays on the other side and looked to the wall. She felt that he was sad and terrified, so she got up and lays behind him in his bed. He was shocked but says nothing. Misha was sitting on the bed and looked at them.
Misha:"Brother...Sister...thank you..." He smiled."Um..can I sleep with you both tonight?"
Vanitas:"...." He was quiet as well as Serenity. So Misha slides under the sheet and cuddled himself against them.
Misha was happy and smiled brightly."'s so warm" Someone was making loud noises but Noé screaming or something else from a jail."Somebody was just..." He looked outside.
Vanitas:"Probably a researcher"
Misha:"No, it wasn't"
Serenity was already sleeping between Vanitas and Misha.
Vanitas:"Oh...then it must've been No.70" He says while cuddling himself into the blanket he shares with them."Right now...aside from us, 70's the only one who's still alive"
Misha:"I've never seen No.70"
Vanitas:"neither have I or No.24. They're using that guniea pig in another experiment, not in ours"
Misha:"....I hope we get to talk sometime"
Vanitas:"You won't. From what I hear, 70's mute. Maybe something horrible happened before the kid got here...Not even being able to scream...just imagining that it hell. Now be quiet and sleep! Don't be loud or you wake No.24 up!" He says and Misha nods and both went to sleep too.
~~~~1 week later~~~~
Moreau let Vanitas, Misha and Serenity in the other laboratory room. There was a big, huge metallic machine where stands next to it three chairs. Above the chairs are something like a metallic hat because the chairs are connected to the machine in the middle.
Moreau:"TA-DAAAH!!" He was proud."This is the first time I've shown you three this device, isn't it? Finally, the experiment is in its last stage!! Today I will use this..."
A assistant bring a box where two books silver chains , a self opening mechanism and blue stones are on it.
Misha holds on Vanitas arm, he was scared while Serenity was shocked and tries to reassure him.
Vanitas was shocked."....The books....of Vanitas....?"
Moreau:"YES!! AN EXCELLENT QUESTION, NO.69!!" He shows them one of the books."You see, these books are said to be the even-more-legendary creations of a legendary being known as the vampire of the blue moon! I acquired at first them through a certain channel. I was dubious at first...BUT UPON EXAMINATION, I SAW THAT THE POSSIBILITY THAT THEY WERE THE GENUINE ARTICLE WAS EXCEEDINGLY HIGH! They're analytical engines in the form of books, powered by a unique type of Astermite, with magic, alchemy, and all manner of other technologies concentrated in ultra-miniature machines..Apparently, if one use these books, it's possible to interfere with the world formula effortlessly!!"
Misha:"...'Apparently' ?"
Moreau turns around to take something." EXACTLY!! I CAN'T GET THEM OPEN!! NO MATTER WHAT I DO!!! FROM WHAT I HEAR, ONLY THE VAMPIRE OF THE BLUE MOON'S KIN CAN OPEN THEM! ISN'T THAT AWFUL!? ISN'T THAT UNFAIR!?" He calms down." –And so! I thought I'd remake you three into 'Pseudo kin' of the vampire of the blue moon!!''
Misha:" ?? "
Moreau:"frustratingly, my attempts at turning humans into vampires and a vampire from red moon making into a blue moon kin haven't yet succeeded. For now...I want to make switches that exist just to open those books. Remember that blue liquid you were injected with all those times? Can you guess what it was?" He grabs into his jacket."OKAY, TIME'S UP! BZZZZZT HEAR AND BE AMAZED!! IT WAAAS...." He takes out a small bottle with a blue liquid in it. "....THE BLOOD OF THE VAMPIRE OF THE BLUE MOON!!!" Vanitas, Misha and Serenity were shocked and doesn't know what to say. "Hm? What's this? I've startled you speechless!? There were a lot of children whose body rejected it and promptly died, and so...little by little, biiiit by teensy bit...we injected the blood of the blue moon into your bodies, along with medicine."
Vanitas was disgusted and felt on his knees. serenity checks up on him if he is alright.
Misha:"BROTHER...!" He was worried.
Moreau:"Didn't you notice your wounds were healing faster than before? AT THIS POINT, YOU'VE STEPPED BEYOND THE BOUNDS OF HUMANITY....NO!! YOU ARE SPECIAL BEINGS WHO HAVE ATTAINED THE HEIGHTS!!" He was proud and happy. Then he clapped his hands as a sign that his assistants takes Misha, Vanitas and Serenity to put them on the chairs next to the big metallic machine. "I was planning to test a variety of things with No.71 first, and then go onto the next child. However, since you volunteered, I felt I should respect your wishes. Besides, there are two books of Vanitas. Perfect, don't you think??" While that the three got linked onto the machine.
Misha:".....!! IT HURTS!!"
Vanitas:" I'LL KILL YOU!!! I'LL KILL ALL OF YOU....I'LL slaughter you!!" He screams, yells at Moreau." How dare you...HOW DARE YOU PUT THAT IN ME!"
Moreau:"Oh! I forgot to tell you! Once I activate that device and the link forms, the shock is probably going to destroy your minds, so I'll express my gratitude now, while I can! THANK YOU, NO. 69! NO. 71! NO. 24! " The machines got activated. "I won't forget long as I live!"
The three had pain and it hurts them a lot. Some minutes later a big lighting hits the machine and it got destroyed and so it exploded. The assistants, Moreau and the children's laying on the ground. Some assistants are dead. Vanitas and Misha saw a person appearing in the laboratory grabbing the two books of Vanitas. The unknown person had very long silver hair, a black skin and wears a long jacket with the hood over her face while holding with her other hand a staff.
??:" I swear. Every so often, there's a human who has a completely worthless idea." Misha and Vanitas staring at the unknown person. "Now then...that should be enough of rampage to do the trick. I'll make myself scarce before the Chasseurs arrive."
Before it wants to leave, Misha yells."WAIT! DON'T GO!! TAKE US WITH YOU!!" The unknown person stops and turns around while Vanitas was shocked. Misha started to cry."Take us...too..."
??:"Dear me...I suppose I was..the root cause of this." She lifts Misha up in her arms."There we go. What cruelty. And wrought upon such young children..."
Vanitas:"MIKHAIL!" He wanted to stand up but looks back when he heard a noise and saw Serenity laying on the floor with a lot injuries and unconscious.'I will come back to you' He thought.
??:"Well? What do you want to do?" Vanitas looks up at her."Will you...come with me too?"
Misha looks at him with tears in his eyes."Brother..." Then Vanitas decides to go with the unknown person and Mikhail.
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