Vanitas lost her in the crowd and couldn't see her anywhere, also Ruthven was disappearing. He immediately thought Ruthven kidnapped her or took her somewhere and started to look in every rooms of the castle.'Where are you Serenity!?' He thought worried. Lord Ruthven didn't kidnapped Serenity, he was coming back to his house. He knew someone were there. Vanitas was still searching and then was outside from the castle.
The controlled vampire throw her down in front of a boy with white silver hair, blue eyes, a metallic arm and a metallic dog. It was Misha alias Mikhail.
Misha was proud of him and smiled."Good job!" He kneeled down to her."I'm sorry Serenity but I need the Archiviste and my brother" He said to her and cut with a knife of his metallic arm a bit from her hair and wrote a card which is addressed to Vanitas and Noé.
Meanwhile by Renèe and Noé. The room where there was Renèe's room. Noé looked around and his attention was captured by some photos of a little Renèe with Ruthven. She smiled in the photo and seemed happy.
Renèe:"Don't look at them, they were just lies" She said while was opening the door. Noé followed her without saying something but he felt so sad for her, maybe he shouldn't have consented to see her past. She guided him into Ruthven's office room and started looking for something useful."Look in the cadets" She said and he was searching and in one of the cadets found a photo, a family photo. There were Renèe with Ruthven and a beautiful woman, her mother probably. He stared at it and she noticed it."Did you found something usefu-?" Before she could end the sentence Ruthven opened the door.
Ruthven:"I knew you two were here" He had a scary look on his face and Noé hide the photo in his jacket. He walked towards to Renèe with a serious look on his face.
Noé:"Don't get too close to her!" He placed in front of her but immediately he felt all his muscles rigid and unable to move anymore. Ruthven had the power to control your body if he bite you once and he did it with Noé. He gets close to Renèe and took her face in a hand.
Ruthven:"My beautiful daughter, why are you doing this to me?"
Noé:"Let her go!" He yelled at him, he was angry to see him called her 'mine' after all he did to her.
Renèe:"I hate you father!"
Ruthven:"I gave you all and this is what you give me back?" He grit his teeth angry."Do you know how much I sacrificed for you?!"
Renèe:"You used me for your aim. You did nothing for me" She pulled him away and went near to Noé for bite him in the arm. As her father she has the power to control bodies but she didn't know it yet. She wanted suck away the corrupted blood for let him move and it worked."Let's go" She said and started run away from the room. They were running away from Ruthven until they got in the big lunchroom. Ruthven throw to them one jar but that didn't hit directly them. Just the shards hits Renèe's back and Noé's legs. They don't wanted to fight but at that point were forced to. She pulled out her sword and attacked her father. But he dismissed the attack and suddenly Noé attack him, hitting on his face. He got hit but it wasn't necessary for end him now he was angry. He seemed totally crazy. They keep fighting and fighting trying to beat him but he manage to bite Renèe. She screamed in pain since he didn't want let her go. All her strength were leaving her body but Noé reach to stop him. He kicked him away and took Renèe in his arms.
Her green dress had now red patches as her neck. She felt her eyes heavy and some tears fell out. Ruthven decided to end it there and were about to bite Noé too but Renèe tried to stand up and pull him away."Go away!" She said. Noé can't leave her there. She had tears in her eyes and couldn't stay on her feet. Suddenly Ruthven took her from the behind and before Noé could do something, he disappeared with his daughter. Now the room was quiet. He started looking around calling her name but he had no response. He fell down on his knees and pass his hands throw his hair. He felt guilty for not have been able to protect her and some tears falling down over his cheeks. Not much time passed before Vanitas could reach to the house and seeing him.
Vanitas:"Noé...where is Renèe?..." He asked worried seeing the mess and blood all over the room. When his friend lift up his head and saw the tears in his eyes, he understood.
Noé:"I'm sorry...." He said sobbing. He and Vanitas went back to Paris, saying nothing.
In the meantime a letter with a bit of Serenity's hair in it was laying down on the floor in front of Vanitas and Noé's room in the hotel.
Ruthven had Renèe on his shoulder and went to meet Misha. According to the plan he should've been kidnapped Serenity for him but Renèe got in the way."Misha, sorry for being late but I've got a problem" He lay her on a bed in Misha's cache."Where is Serenity?"
Misha:"You won't get her, hihi. I need her for something else of my plan" He smiles."Now let Renèe here and go away. I need to do something and I need her too"
Ruthven:"What are you talking about?! This wasn't in the plan. Give me Serenity and come back to Dr. Moreau stupid kid!"
Misha:"Don't talk to me like that or you don't get Serenity" He grins."Well in few moments there will be a great funny scene to watch, I don't want to miss it. Hihi"
Ruthven wanted to stop him but suddenly he felt so sleepy and fell asleep on the floor.
Noé and Vanitas arrived the hotel and found the letter. Vanitas grab it and opens it so he and Noé can read it. There was written a place in it so they suddenly changes their clothes back their usual clothes and went immediately to that place, it was full of rides and in one side of a big ferris wheel there were Serenity.
Vanitas:"Serenity!" He screamed but she seemed enchanted. In the opposite way there was also Renèe that had the same look on her face.
Noé:"What's happening?"
A little figure with white silver hair and blue eyes appeared. He had a metallic arm and hold a similar book as Vanitas one."I knew you two will coming!" He grins."Hello brother and Archiviste" He smiled proudly."Did you missed me brother?" Next to him was the metallic dog which can also kill peoples easily and it protects Misha.
Noé:"Brother? What does it mean Vanitas?" Noé were confused who he was and what's going on but he was mad so he run towards him to hurt him but he got paralyzed by Misha.
Misha:"Oh we hadn't introduced ourselves yet. You're pretty impatient. I am Mikhail. I inherited only this book from the vampire of the blue moon and I am an average human being." He smiles and holds up his book.
Noé:'A second book of Vanitas!?'
Misha:"...kidding! I was copying my brother!" He laughs."Oh...I didn't mean you, Archiviste. I was talking about my brother, the one you people call'Vanitas'. So...he hasn't told you anything about me? Nothing like'I had a cute little brother' or about'No.71' or anything?"
Noé remembers."So you're....!"
Misha smiles proudly."See, today I came here because I had a favor to ask you. So if anybody hurts me..Renèe won't even hesitate to jump off and even Serenity."
Vanitas clenched his fist and looked straight to Misha."Misha stop with this stupid show and let them both go!"
Misha:"Why should I? I need them for my plan, to reunite our family and to bring back our father since you killed him!"
Vanitas:"We were not, we are not and we will not be a family so now end this!" He was about to attack Misha with Noé but they got stopped.
Misha used his book to paralyze Noé so he can't move."If anybody hurts me...they will jump off. They won't even hesitate."
Noé:"Dammit...move. Move!!" He says to himself while punching the ground to try to move.
Misha:"You don't want that, right? I don't either. Mademoiselle Serenity and Renèe are nice and I don't want to see them hit the ground and splatter. And so..." He kneels down to Noé."...I want you to drink my brother's blood."
Misha:"The thing is, there's something I just have to know, No matter what. Why did my big brother kill father that day?"
Misha:"When I ask him directly, he flatly refuses to tell me. So I would like you to take a peek for me. You're good at that sort of thing, aren't you?"
Noé: 'Father? Vanitas killed him? What's this about?' He thought.
Someone talks to Noé in his mind.''Sink your Fangs...into that pale skin...Noé''
Misha:''Reveal the blood of Vanitas.'' He took his face and holds it between his hands.
Noé was trembling, he doesn't know what to do. Should he drink his blood to save Renèe and Serenity? Or should he attack Misha but the girls will jump down and splatter.... It's a difficult situation. He was kinda nervous.''I don't..know what you mean. By ''Father'' you mean...your own father? You say...Vanitas...killed...him...?''
Misha:''...Huh? What?? Umm. Oh...'' He starts to laugh.''Sorry, I'm sorry! You startled me a bit. Well, well. I was overthinking it, huh? You've been together all this time, and yet...'' He smiles bright at Noé.''...You don't know a thing about my brother, do you, Noé!''
Noé: ''....Still. I See. In that case, being told to drink his blood out of nowhere will only trouble you, won't it?''
Misha:''...Oh. I know.'' He opens his shirt to free his neck and then went near to him.''In that case. Instead of his...Help yourself to my blood. Okay?''
Noé:''Huh...?'' He was confused. 'What is this? This child...I don't understand. I don't understand.'
Misha:'' I'll use my teach you about my brother first.''
' I feel...sick.' Noé thought.
Misha:'' Come on, be quick. If you don't hurry, we'll catch cold. We three, me and the both girls.''
Noé looked up to Renèe and Serenity with a worried expression. But he was just looking at Renèe and ignores Serenity.''Renèe–! Renèe...what happened to you? Why?...''
Misha:''Come. Noé'' He pulls his head close to his neck, then seconds past and his eyes turned red and he opened his mouth to sink his fangs into the boys neck. Now he was drinking his blood which tickles Misha.
Vanitas:''NOÉ YOU MORON! YOU SHOULDN'T DO IT!!!'' He was mad and yells at him.
~~The Past of Misha/Mikhail~~
??:''So she...erm, he, is the child who survived?''
???:'' Yes. He was found hiding under the bed and the church took him into its custody.''
??:''Well...she seems to have been making her own child turn tricks for her regular customers...''
???:'' It seems safe to conclude that the vampire we just disposed of was responsible for the other six murdered prostitutes.''
Misha looked at a door and went curious, so he stood up and walked towards to the wood door and was about to opened it but he got stopped by someone. It was a guy with blond hair, wore bandages around his one eye and his arms + hands. You all know him: Roland, a paladin from the Chasseurs.
Roland:''You mustn't go there'' He holds him back.'' This basement is a scaaary maze, you see. Once you're in, you can't get out.''
Misha looked up to him.''It's a bandage-man!!''
Roland:''Huh? Ah ha ha! I'm going to eat you! Graaaaah!'' He plays around with him. Then Misha holds his hand after a while.
Misha:"Say, Mister?''
Misha:"When will I get to go home?"
Roland:"'re going to be sent to a new home today. I hear there are lots of children about your age I'm sure you'll make friends."
Misha:"...?? I don't get it"
Roland:"I See..."
Misha:"...Say, Mister?"
Misha:"Why do you suppose those people killed the vampire?"
Roland was shocked about the question and looked down to him."....That vampire killed your mother, you know."
Misha:"Umm...? But...He saved her! Mother was...she was always mad and when she hit me, she really looked scary. I knew, though. When it happened it was because a devil was ''working mischief'' inside her!! Mother was mad the whole time even when the vampire came too. But you know what? Her face went back to the way it was when she was nice. She looked really pretty then!" He smiles brightly."I bet the vampire chased the devil out of her!"
Roland was really shocked to hear it and get tears in his eyes."Oh...dear god..."
Misha:"Mister? What's wrong?"
Roland:"You poor....thing...!" He sobs."The vampires have already led your heart astray....O Lord...please...please, have mercy on this child"
A other Chasseur with black hair called Roland."My Lord..!! ROOOOOOOLAND!!!" He run towards to him."You little–! They said ''absolute bed rest'' !!"
Roland:"Huh!? Wait just a minute. The child–I need to....!"
A other chasseur:"Oh. There you are ! Don't wander off on your own! Come with me." He talks to Misha and walked off. But before Misha could reply, he felt someone behind him, a man with big hands grab him and now he disappears. The other chasseur turned around and was wondering where he went."...Huh?"
~~~~~ By the mysterious man~~~~
???:"Well. I mean you see! The child you procured for me last time broke right away. Remember!? Just as I was wishing I had a replacement, I found this one in the perfect spot!" He talks with his assistants while Misha was laying on the ground."I assure you, you don't need to worry so much! They're all tearing around dealing with the aftermath of the prostitute killings. If one of the children in their care disappears. They'll just think it ran away and that'll be that!" You all know this man, a crazy Doctor. It was Dr. Moreau.
Misha:"....?" He looks up.
Moreau noticed him and was happy."Ah It's awake!" He pulled then an other children, which is a few years older than Misha and had black hair with a ponytail."All right! Looking after this little one will be your job. I'm counting on you!!" He spoke to the boy with the black hair."No.69.!" He says happily and now they both was looking at Misha.
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