Chapter 2:Pokemon Tournament

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3rd Pov
5 years...It's been 5 years since Ash was betrayed by his so called"Friends and Family"and now there was a person,A person live at Mount Sliver and some of people said that a Trainer from Mt.Sliver was never been defeated by anyone.This Person is called"Red Satoshi",Now Red was never been defeated,Red was Ash Ketchum,A Trainer who has a dream to became a Pokemon Master but then Ash Ketchum dissaper from the World.Public said that Ash Ketchum was dead and the only person's knew that Ash was still alive is Gary,Paul and Professor Oak and now Ash is outside of the Cave was looking at the Sky,Ash wears a red tranier jacket(Guys i litrelly dont know what to type so i will say this,Ash wear's Red's jacket yea)black t-shirt,black pant,red trainer shoes,his Kalos hat and he wear's a black clock with hood so that people will not see his face.

Ash Pov
It's been 5 years huh?5 years since they betrayed me,I am Ash Ketchum but my nickname is called Red Satoshi,i have caught alot of Pokemon,I have catch a Espeon,Articuno,Mew, Suicune, Scizor, Gardevoir,Lucario, Eelektross and Hydreigon,I caught Riolu when it was sensing my Aura then it evolve into a Lucario during his training,I save a Scyther when it was attack by a pack of Ursaring and Scyther tell me to catch him then it evolve into a Scizor when Lucario and Scyther were training,I catch a Kirlia when it was trying to use Psychic and she tell me to train her and so i did and she became my Pokemon,It evolve into a Gardevoir when she master Psychic,I was at Unova looking for Pokemon to catch then i found a Deino and Eelektrik injurted badly and i use my Aura to heal both of them as they open their eyes,I stumble a Exploud charging a Hyper Beam of course I send out Lucario to use Aura Sphere once the Exploud ran away i turn around to see Deino and Eelektrik telling me to capture them,Eelektrik evolve into Eelektross when i gave Eelektrik a Thunder Stone to evolve and Deino evolve into a Zweilous when He and Eelektross were fighting over a snack and learn Dragon Pulse,Then Zweilous evolve into Hydreigon and learn Dragonbreath when Charizard was teaching Zweilous Dragon Pulse and I caught a Eevee when she was falling off the cliff and i send out Charizard to rescue the Eevee then it became my Pokemon,It evolve into Espeon when she and Scizor were training, I caught Suicune,Mew,Acticuno who wishes to join me then my Gible evolve into a Gabite then finally evolve into Garchomp and all my Pokemon were very powerful then i felt a hug and i know who it was"Hey Nathalie"As i turn around looking at the 13 year old girl whining for food"Ash!I'm hungggrry..."She look at me with a cute puppy eyes that made my heart stopped"OK,OK!STOP GIVING ME THE PUPPY EYES!IT'S WEIRD!"I yelled then i went back to the Cave,Now Nathalie is a 13 year old girl has Black Short Hair,Red Eyes,White T-Shirt,Red Hoodie with Pokaball Logo,Black Pants just like mine and she wears a White Sneakers with red Pokaball Logo.As both of us ran back to the Campsite all the Pokamon's were playing like kid's"Ey Guys i'm back!"Charizard then appear in front of me then he just gave me an scary face"WHERE.THE.HECK.WERE.YOU...?"His face was scary,i can hardly imagine Charizard just use Scary Face"I was uhh...At the top at the Mountain..."I said nervously,i think i knew Charizard would just use Flamethrower"Ugh,Fine i will spare you."I was relived then 2 hours later,I was at the top of the Mountain...Again then all the sudden i felt a Pokemon Aura coming,Pikachu cheeks were sparking and it reveal that it was a Pidgeot carrying a letter,The Pidgeot landed on the ground and handed me the letter then it flew off,I open the letter and see that it was fron the Pokemon League it saids:

Dear Red Satoshi

You are invited to the Pokemon Tourement in Unova Region,The Tourement has alot of strong Trainer's and it will start for 1 week,We hope to see you at the Tournament

PS:Ash you jerk!You know how long i have been traking you!Anyways you are invited to the Pokemon Tournament in Unova and you will be staying with Cynthia,The Sinnoh Champion and i also invited the Traitors so you can crush them,Good Luck to you

Your Pal

"A Pokemon Tournament?"I said and not to mention Scott said that he invited the Traitor's that i can finally teach them a lesson for what they did to me"Sooo,What did you think buddy?"Pikachu was excited"Aww Heck Yeah Ash!We can teach them a lesson!"Pikachu tell me excited"Oh well...Let's go tell the others"We went back to the Cave and tell everbody the News.
I was putting my Sleeping Cloth's and went to my Tant and sleep.I wake up at 10:00 A.M and i change my cloth's and start packing,Once it was done i re-called my Pokemon except Charizard and Nathalie also re-calling her Pokemon(Yes Guys Nathalie has Pokemon)and both of us hop on Charizard"Umm Ash?"She said nervouly"Yeah Nat?"I said confused"I-It's been a while since i sat on C-Charizard...Are you SURE this is fine..."Oh i remember that day...

Nathalie was curious that she never fly with a Flying Pokemon so she ask Ash"Hey Ash?Can i fly with Charizard?","Hmm?Oh sure Nat"Nathalie hop on Charizard then weeelll...She was sreaming when Charizard was flying right,left,up and down"Oh Crap..."That's all Ash could say


"Uhhhh...Pfft!Of course!Just hold on to me"And then we fly to Unova

Cynthia Pov
I was on a boat,Looking at the Ocean fill with alot Pokemon"It's been 5 years huh?"I sigh"Yup,sure it it's...You still thinking about Him right?"I blushed"W-W-What?!"I ask nearly shouting"I uhh...Yup i'm still thinking about him..."

5 Years Ago

Cynthia was at her Home alone because his sister was busy with her Champion thing,she was thinking about what happen to Ash until she heard a knock on her door"KNOCK,KNOCK"She thought it was Ash,She was happy if it was Ash but when she open the door it revele it was Gary and Paul looking Cynthia with a sad look"Gary,Paul?What are you doing here?Is Ash okay"That last word made Gary and Paul eyes widen as Cynthia had a bad feeling"Cynthia...?","Y-Yeah"She said as she was going to cry"Ash is...he dissaper"Cynthia then fall on her knee's sobbing"I-I-I'm sorry Cynt,We tried to stand for him because his friends and family told him he was weak and pathetic,I'm sorry..."Cynthia then hugged Gary then sob at his shoulder"ASH WHY!!!"Cynthia shouted then continue to sob and After many hours later,His Sister Carly came back to confont her little sister but...Cynthia just can't stop crying.2 days later,Cynthia mostly look herself in her room never going out,This made Carly very worried same as Gary and Paul and two of the boys were staying at her house.Gary,Paul and Carly were sitting at the Couch"Okay...What happen?"Carly said then Gary and Paul explain everthing to Carly what happen to Ash,Carly was shocked and mostly...Anger.Cynthia heard everthing and she was at the Kitchen trying not to cry but failed,Carly heard her cry and rush to the Kitchen seeing her little sister crying hugging her knee's...This is the first time Carly has seen Cynthia hugging her knee's,When their parent's died Cynthia was sitting on her knee's but... This made Carly nearly crying as she rush toward her sister hugging her"Shhh...I-It's okay Cynthia,I-I'm here...your big sis is here..."Cynthia then stop crying then spoke"Why they have to theart Ash like that...?"Carly then said"I-I don't know...But,I'm sure Ash is safe..."Cynthia then look at her sister"R-Really...?"Then Carly gave Cynthia a smile"Totally...You just have to keep beliving he is alright"

"Heeello???Earth to Cynthia???"I snap out of thought and Lucario was waving at me with her hand(Yes Cynthia Lucario is female kay)"Oh yeah anyways return Lucario"I return Lucario to her Pokaball,i thanked the Captain and stepped out the boat"Well,Here we are...Undella Town" As i was going to my vila

(Guys heres the thing,i dont know anything about Undella Town and i decided to add a store's and restraraut's,This chapter is kinda boring but i was in a rush so yeeea Enjoy!)

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