3rd Pov
Ash was at Pallet Town when he was defeated by Alain at the Kalos League"Ok Pikachu Let's do a headstart!"Ash said to his Pikachu"Pi Pikachu!"Pikachu said as Ash count"3...2...1...GO!"Ash and his Pikachu ran to his house,Ash was nearly there but then Pikachue use Quick Attack that Pikachue was the winner"Oh not fair Pikachu!You just use Quick Attack to beat me!"Pikachu then hopped on Ash shoulder and said"Pika chu!"as Ash walked inside his house and was surprised to see all of his friends and they gave Ash a disappointed look as Ash said"Umm...What's wrong?"
Ash Pov
"You know what's wrong Ash!"Misty and Brock shouted what"Ash just give up,You made our Life hell!"Max shouted"You cant even win a single Pokemon League"Alright now they started to piss me off"WELL AT LEAST I GIVE IT ALL I GOT!!"I shouted furiosly"Really?!Give it all you got?!You only knocked out Tobias two Pokemon only!!And you were weak and pathetic to battle!!"Dawn yelled"Ash you are just a kid and your Pokemon was nothing!"Iris yelled okay now i am really wanne punch them in the face"You're just too spicy to handle!"Cilen tell i was confused what he said but i know what he mean"Ash everytime i completed my invention and it always blew up because of you!"Clemont yelled..."You are just a waste of time Ash!"Bonnie said...then finnaly it was Serena,My mother and my little sister...Leaf.Although i saw Gary and Paul looking angry at them i think they trying to protect me"Ash i was actually lying to you about i liked you,but i liked Clemont not you stupid!"Serena said now i feel nothing..."What a disappointed child you are Ash,For now on you are no longer welcome in Plallet Town"My Mother said as the world started falling apart"Ash...you were the worst brother i ever had!"As Leaf said that my heart shattered into million piece's that i no longer care for anybody"WHAT THE HELL YOU ALL SAID TO ASH?!HE SAVED US ALOT AND YOU JUST BETRAYED HIM?!?!DELIA,ASH WAS YOUR SON AND YOU JUST BETRAY HIM!!!LEAF!ASH IS YOUR BROTHER,HE WAS VERY KIND TO YOU AND HE EVEN SAVED YOU WHEN YOU WERE ATTACK BY AN HOUNDOOM,DON'T YOU FEEL PROUD THAT YOU HAD THE BEST BROTHER IN THE WORLD?!?!"Gary shouted i start writing a letter and put it in Gary's pocket and i leave without looking back and ran to Professor Oak Lab,No one was here good,I grab Charizard,Spectile,Infernape and Gible Pokaball and i ran outside recalling them back and i decided,i decided to left many of my Pokemon to Gary and Paul"Go Charizard!"I call out Charizard out of his Pokeball and tell him to take us to Mount Sliver"Pikachu...For now on,We will train harder and never come back to Pallet Town okay?"I said to Pikachu and he noded and we hop on Charizard and set off to Mount Sliver and dissapered
Gary Pov
Paul and I were shouting at them,Paul and I never ever going to abandomed Ash because...He is our Friend,he protected us,looking out for us back then i thought Ash was just a normal trainer but...he was Special,He friend Legendarie's and has saved the World,We keep shouting at them but then...I saw a letter from my pocket,I grab the letter and open it,Paul was still shouting at them so i decide to read the note and i was shocked to see what Ash had write
Dear Gary and Paul
I just wanted to say Thank You for standing for me,But it was the best for me to leave and you may wondering'Goddammit Ash!How could you?!?!'Im okay if you two are still angry at me for leaving you two but i made my choice i wanted to say
Gary,You were the best friend i ever had You always been My Best Friend and i could never forget something like that...See you soon Gary!
Paul,I never thought you are standing for me,At first i thought you said that same thing like the other's but...You Changed,You changed into a good person ever since i beat you at the Sinnoh League,You start taking good care of your Pokemon and im happy but i still have to go,i hope you and i meet again someday maybe,Good Luck Paul
Gary and Paul,i left many of my Pokemon to let you guys to take good care of it because i already made my choice to let you two to take care of my Pokemon,The Pokemon i left is at Professor Oak Lab outside they are in their Pokaball and i hope i will meet you two someday...Goodbye you two!
Your Friend
I fall down on my knee's,Paul noticed and was telling me what's wrong,I was crying and i handed him the letter to read.Paul dropped the letter and was about to punch them in the face but i grab his jacket"HOW COULD YOU,HOW COULD YOU!!!!I GOING TO BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF YOU ALL!!!!GARY LET GO OF ME SO I COULD TAKE MY REVENGE!!!!"Paul was begging me to let go of him but i refused"Paul...Stop it,We're leaving to take care Ash's Pokemon Remember?"Paul finnaly stop and look at me with teary eyes"Y-Yeah i-i-i remember..."Paul start walking slowly and open the door and waiting for me to leave,i start walking and i turned to them and said"Just because you all have betrayed Ash for losing to the Pokemon League's multiple times,We will always be his Friend...Shame on you...SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!!"I walked out the House and Paul just slammed the door as both of us walked to Oak's Lab and there it was,Ash's Pokeball on a bag and we grab it and we leave Pallet Town...
(Sorry for the late update because i was too busy to write this chapter for ya,Since that right now im not busy i can make some chapter for ya'll i'll be making Chapter 2 so see ya)
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