File: Am I Even Needed?

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   "I can do something!" Percy replied, eyebrow twitching, "I'm not going to stand by while my friends put their lives on the line!"

   "I said 'NO'!"

  All conversation stopped at that and Percy's eyes widened. That was the first time Tony had yelled at the demigod and it surprisingly hurt. What hurt even worse was when the billionaire turned around without another word, suiting up and taking off into the skies.


   Percy woke up feeling like crap. He was sweating and shivering, a horrible combination, and he felt numb all over. His eyes burned and he had that horrible itch on the side of his nose that wouldn't go away. When he tried to sit up, he broke into a coughing fit, which didn't really help the pounding the headache he had, "JARVIS, where is everyone?"

   "The Avengers and Agent Coulson are in the kitchen awaiting your arrival. Might I suggest that you stay here? You are not quite fit for travel," The A.I. spoke, managing to convey concern in his voice. 

   "Yeah, you do that. I'm going to go take a shower," Percy waved in a random direction, knowing that JARVIS could see him anyway. "Let me know if they need me."

   "As you wish."

   Percy padded over to his dresser, pulling out some baggy black pants and boxers. Entering the bathroom, he took a deep breath, enjoying the smell of his lavender soap. It may have seemed girly but he enjoyed the smell and used it more often when Tony had agreed. He turned the shower on, watching as the water fell from the ceiling into a small pool. he was forced to turn the water to cold when he continued to sweat. He stripped, stepping into the water, and sighed in relief when his headache went away slightly.

   After finally getting rid of the nasty feeling of sweat being everywhere, the demigod stepped out, willing himself to dry. He quickly changed, not bothering with a shirt (it was too hot). He stumbled to the door, missing a couple of times for the knob. He made his way to his closet, grabbing his boots. He put on his socks, which were tucked in the shoes, before placing on the boots.

   Right as he was about to exit his room, a thought hit him, "Wait, did you say Coulson was here?" He nearly stumbled at the thought, flailing his arms to keep balance, "Coulson, as in Phil Coulson?"

   "Yes, sir. He is currently waiting on your, Captain Rogers', Mr. Odinson's, and Dr. Banner's arrival in the kitchen."

   "Okay, cool. Thanks, JARVIS."

   "Anytime, Agent Jackson."


   "Where's Percy?" Tony whined,  leaning his head on the table and poking his blue pancake miserably, "J said that he'd be here!"

   "Maybe he's dead," Clint laughed, only to fall off the counter when he heard the demigod's voice next to him.

   "In your dreams, Bird Brain," Percy snorted, stacking five pancakes on a plate.

   "NINJA!" Clint cried, pointing at the agent with a hand on his chest, "You... Are a freaking ninja.."

   "What?" Percy looked at him with a raised eyebrow, staring at the archer like he was crazy. "I'm not the ninja, Natasha is. She's the one that appears out of no where."

   "No," Natasha looked amused as she pointed her fork at the demigod. "I sneak up on people. You just... Show up."

   "Well," Percy sniffed, turning to dig in the pantry. "Don't appreciate my awesome."

   Tony and Phil were the only ones not talking, only staring at the demigod. Something was up with him (despite the fact that he wasn't wearing a shirt). His face was pale, bags under his eyes. He was shivering but also looked like he ran a marathon.

   "Are you sick?" Tony asked after a moment, getting up and walking towards the agent.

   "What?" Percy popped back out of the pantry, a piece of bread hanging from his mouth and the loaf in his arms.

   "I asked, Are you si- Put the bread down."

   Percy pouted, placing the loaf on the counter," I don't know. Maybe?"

   "Agent Jackson isn't sick," Phil said, walking towards the elevator. "He can't get sick."

   "Well, he has a fever," Tony reported, a hand on the demigod's forehead.

   "What?" Coulson nearly got whiplash he turned his head so fast. "Fever?"

    "What's with everyone saying 'what'?" Clint grumbled, getting up, "Crap, I just said it!"

   "Why are you so nervous?" Tony asked, looking at the agent with suspicion.

   "There's a reason why Agent Jackson is considered the healthiest person in S.H.I.E.L.D." Phil said, slowly inching his way to the elevator, unnoticed by everyone. Or so he thought...

   "Suit is trying to leave," Percy reported, peering at Phil with half-lidded eyes. "JARVIS, stop him."

   "He won't listen to you," Clint snorted from where he stood. "He only listens to To-"

   "As you wish, Master Jackson," JARVIS cut him off.

   Phil jumped back when the elevator doors slammed shut with a 'clang', "What the- Agent Jackson, what are you doing?"

   "You aren't leaving," The demigod said simply, shrugging.

   "Master Jackson?" Clint gaped, staring at Tony, "You gave him full access to-"

   "Hush," Percy appeared behind the archer, leaning his back on the brunette's. "Just go with it."

   "Stop doing that!" Clint shrieked, placing a hand on his chest.

   "Oh, stop being a girl," Percy rolled his eyes, standing up straight.

   "I swear you just insulted Natashalie," Tony mumbled, edging away from the swordsman.

   Percy looked at Natasha, blank faced with a raised brow. She stared back, mirroring the same expression. It was silent for a moment as the two deadly assassins stared each other down.

   "Hey, what's going... on...?" Steve stopped at the entry of the stairs, looking from Percy to Natasha a couple of times. He backed away a little, facing the billionaire, "If the two assassins decide to have a battle to the death, please, Tony, try and save the furniture."

   A small smile, barely noticeable, made its way on the two agent's face at the same time (which was creepy). Finally, Percy spoke, facing Tony. "She," He pointed at Natasha, who looked amused. "Is not a girl. A crazy, freaky, deadly, woman, yes, but not a girl."

   "There's an army of doom bots in the streets," Bruce said, walking down the stairs. "Just thought you guys should know..."

   "Yes," Phil nodded. "We have intel that Doctor Doom has hidden a bomb in one of the buildings here but we can't locate it. My guess is some place where there's lots of people that'll get a lot of news coverage fast."

   "Like a church," Percy nodded, eating a bread while looking bored.

   "Yeah, but it's Tuesday," Clint pointed out, not bothered that a church was his best friend's first guess.

   "Oh, that's true."

   "Find it," Phil ordered, looking each Avenger in the eye. "Bring Thor if you have to."

   "Right," Percy nodded, turning to go upstairs to his room.


   "What?" Percy turned around to face the genius with a look of disbelief.

   "I said no. You're not going. You're still sick."

   "This isn't a game, Anthony!" Percy nearly shouted, facing him full on. "People's lives are at stake!"

   "And what good are you like this?!" Tony snapped, throwing an arm in the demigod's direction, "You can't even stand up straight!"

   "I can do something!" Percy replied, eyebrow twitching, "I'm not going to stand by while my friends put their lives on the line!"

   "I said 'NO'!"

   All conversation stopped at that and Percy's eyes widened. That was the first time Tony had yelled at the demigod and it surprisingly hurt. What hurt even worse was when the billionaire turned around without another word, suiting up and taking off into the skies.

   "I-" Percy couldn't find his words, choking up on them. "Fine," He turned around, pushing past Bruce to the stairs. "Go. Just don't call me when you need me."

   "Perce, we-"

   "No, Clint," Steve shook his head, pulling the archer back. "Let's just go." He turned to Phil, "Watch him for us?"

   "Uh, sure," Phil nodded, actually looking nervous. He looked at the stairs before watching the others leave.


   "Agent Jackson?"

   "Phil, I swear, if you're here to comfort me, I will stab you," Percy growled as he threw a block of rubble across the room. He had retreated to Hulk's room, throwing all of the building and car parts around in his anger.

   "Right," Phil raised his hands up in a placating manner, taking one step back. "I see you haven't let go of your anger."

   "Nah," Percy rolled his eyes, throwing the bumper of a car over his shoulder and shattering a window.  "I'm totally calm right now. WHAT DO YOU THINK, PHIL?!" He rounded on the agent, throwing what was in his hands on the ground, "I've never been calm! I can't do this!" He shook his head wildly, clutching his hair, "The visions keep coming back and-" He took a shaky breath, looking up at Phil with tears lining his cheeks, "Am I even needed? Do they really need me? Why did Fury really want me here?"

   "He wanted you to be part of the Avengers. To make them an actual team," Phil answered, taking a step forward. "You are needed, Percy. Never doubt that."

   "If I really am needed," Percy turned around, lifting a rather large boulder over his head and throwing it, watching as it shattered a glass door. "Then why did they leave me all alone?"



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